Title: Full Moon

Summary: What if by some strange accident the Cullen family lost their Renesmee? And Renesmee lost her memory? And to add to it she has been in a human orphanage. She has no memory since the age of 6, as we all know the Cullen family would never stop looking.


I ran down the cold cement ally, hoping for an escape, but I stopped in my tracks as I realized that they would hurt my Jacob!

"Jacob!" My soprano childish voice yelled out.

The small female lept towards me and grinned a big grin showing her white teeth and her bloodlust in her bright red eyes. I felt my knees go weak in fear and I almost collapsed to the ground, but then the pain started. It was every where and nowhere all at once, I somehow made the connection that I was screaming out in pain, my voice screaming for my protector, who was currently a huge wolf and was fightening off the other three males of the group. I stumbled and ran away from the witches gaze, but she followed me, letting out a laugh that sounded like music. I kept screaming unable to hold it back, til her laughter quieted and she sneered at me.

"Such a disgusting creature, like yourself, should never have existed."

She kicked me, even farther away from her, in the stomach.I knew we were far enough away that my family nor protector could not come to help me, I was going to have to think of a solution on my own. Besides everything is my fault in the first place, they would never have come if it weren't for me. I jumped up into one of the buildings, the one called Jane, followed me at a leisurely pace, not to afraid of some child like me. I quickly scanned the roof for anything that could help me, I caught sight of a broken price of metal that had a sharp end. I got into position and waited for her to make her appearance on the roof of this old building. She jumped up with grace and started walking.

"Come out little one~" She cooed with her own baby like face.

When she was right where I needed her I made my move, running at her being barely a blur. I struck her strait in the back with the metal object, knowing it would be hard for her to get it out, and it went strait through her completely.

"YOU LITTLE-!" She didn't finish as she noticed I had already turned my back about to leave.

But I did not wait, I did not waver, and I did not hesitate.

I ran so fast I had no idea where my feet were taking me, but I didn't stop knowing if I did it would mean certain death. I could hear her running steps behind me, I don't know why she didn't use her gift, she must have been too weak. But I did not think of that as the buildings ended and there was only a harbor and an ocean. I jumped, sending myself flying into the air, and away from the killer behind me. The cold water hit, and though it didn't bugg me like normal humans, it still felt uncomfortable. The thing that was most scary was when the current suddenly slammed my entire body, mainly my head, into the wall of the harbor.Red was the only think I could see.

I rose out of bed panting with my eyes wide, my hair and bed sheets were plastered to my sweating figure. I put a hand to my for head and calmed myself down, I felt like I had a dream but I can't remember anything. This happens every week, I feel like it might be a recurring dream but I don't know since I can never seem to remember what ever the heck it was.

I looked around the room, releaved to see I didn't wake anybody else, I was in a room full of about twelve girls. That was including me, I got up and started to get dressed in the clothes I had accumulated over the years, from some of the other girls.

I would have chores to do so I might as well start on them now, the orphanage it was in was pretty old fashioned, every child had a chore based on their age, it wasn't much but just to keep us from going spoiled. Then again what orphan child spoiled?

I was about sixteen years old, it had been my tenth year in this orphan, adoption was not really a choice for someone like me, all the people who adopt either want a baby or a small child. So I mostly care for the other younger children in here or help them get parents, I have never actually thought of having parents myself, even when I was younger, it just felt unnecessary.

The police found me when I was about six or seven, they decided to go with the younger age, and they handed me over to the orphanage, because I couldn't remember anything and no one came to claim me. So I had been here ever since and I actually enjoyed being here. I knew other people would look at this type of situation pitiful, but I was surrounded by adorable kids younger than me, and they gave us free old fashioned schooling.

It was a quite easy life, they would let you go once you were eighteen, but you didn't have to leave till you were twenty if you were having trouble finding a place to live, or work.

It was almost my time to be let go and when you did officially leave they threw you a small party, consisting of all the orphan kids. Yes this life seemed to suit me well, and I have grown accustom to it over the years. Every year or so we get a few bad apples, the teenagers with the smoking or drinking problem, and then they will give those kids to foster care or to a different orphanage since this one is a really strict old fashioned type. That is because this orphanage was built so people who don't want to get an abortion can put their kids here and know they will be safe.

I didn't think it mean to kick some kids out and not others, it was just life, if you didn't meet the requirements you don't get the good life.

I was almost done moping the hallway when I heard some of the other younger kids getting up, I quickly finished up my chore and went to go get them awake fully. Everyone had to be dressed and ready by seven am, they had thirty minutes to do their chores and then breakfast was at seven thirty. At eight thirty you had to be in your classrooms, schooling went until noon and then we all had lunch, lunch ends at one pm and everybody helps clean up and washes the dishes. At two pm is when we are all released to do what ever we want as long as we notify the person who is over you and your group, their is usually one adult over each room. So each adult has to watch over twelve children. This is the time were most couples or adults come to look and see what child they may or may not want to adopt. There is a infant section in this orphanage, which is where most of them go, then the rest of the children roam freely. Most couples are given a tour of the place and if they notice or become interested in a single child then they have a private meeting with that child and the process goes on from there.

When I was younger I use to have several private meetings, because I am considered very beautiful, I have longer curly brown hair and milk brown eyes, when I smile I have dimples, though I do not like them anymore since they make me look childish. Now that I am a teen I am still pretty thin, but the problem with that is that I am totally flat chested. These private meeting never went well though because I am very blunt in my manner of speaking and never thought nor cared what other people thought, so it made me seem like I was troubled child or a misbehaving one, though that was false in every way. Though the leaders would try and convince the adults I was not a bad child they would just think that they were trying to pass on the problem to them.

The day went just like any other day, but when two pm rolled around I got super excited, it was my favorite part of the day. I always went down to the infant section, the workers there were all very fond of me, and some had even said if they didn't have kids of their own they would have adopted me, but I honestly just liked caring for the younger ones and watching them grow older and finding them a home.

"Ah, Remi, did you want to help again?" Mrs. Kelan asked.

"Of course, may I go watch over Timmy?" I asked.

"Of course, I will tell Mrs. Beatrice." She replied leaving to do just that.

She had called me by the name they had given me when first found, it was a shortened girl version of remember, it was suppose to help me remember my past, but I never did, but even after that they all still call me that name sense it seemed to just stick.

I looked down at Timmy, he was a boy we had gotten about a year ago, and ever since then I have been watching him, he was about one and a half now and I was anxious to get him a home before he turned two, because then he would be moved to the toddle section of the infant area and most people don't like kids two or above since the associate it with the 'terrible twos', but Timmy was just a sweet heart.

I picked him up, out of the high chair that he was still in from snack and went over to the sink and started washing him off, he absolutely loved me. He would sometimes say my name and it was the most adorable thing ever. After I washed him he gave me a huge wet kiss, that engulfed half of my cheek, and giggled about being able to be with me. I took him over to the toys and started playing him, teaching him not to hit was the hardest part, and since I was not a actual worker here I was always able to get a break if I needed it.

"Remi!" I looked up to see Mrs. Beatrice was calling me out, "Please come over here!"

She probably meant with the baby, I picked up Timmy and walked over. Ooooh this would be so great if it was for him, then he could finally have a place to call home!

When I saw who the Mrs. was talking to it was a couple, like always, and it was a gorgeous women with brown wavy curly hair, her eyes were an onyx, as well as the mans, though his seemed a bit lighter, he was also amazing looking though. He had rusty brown hair and the perfect figure as well as the lady, even though it wasn't what society would say as the perfect hour glass figure they still looked like models. Heck! They probably were models and now were looking for a child to adopt that would fit in with them.

"You needed me?" I smiled up at Mrs. Beatrice.

"Yes this couple wanted to speak to you." She said.

Oh they wanted to-! THEY WANTED TO SPEAK TO ME! NO WAY! This hasn't happened in ages! I am a teenage girl probably with a ton of problems! Why me?!

Then as if ignoring what she said I introduced them to the baby in my arms, "This is Timmy, he is about one and five months. He has blond hair and blue eyes." I was on auto as I told them about him, "I know young couples usually look for younger children, I think he would do very nicely." Great now I am talking about him as if he is an item. Stop talking Remi! Stop talking Remi! "He really is a sweetheart, loves to give kisses and loves to cuddle." I'm doomed! "He also-"

"Remi! These nice people wanted to speak to you specifically." Mrs. Beatrice said in a nice but reprimanding tone, she then turned towards the couple, "Please excuse her this has not happened in quite sometime for her."

The women in the group laughed, and it sounded like and angel, I was completely entranced by it until she talked! It was so musical and amazing as it sounded like bells, "It is quite alright, I find her sweet and quite funny. Me and my husband would like to have a private chat with her."

WHAT THE-! NO WAY! Today is just full of surprises, I thought for sure they would think I was slow or an idiot.

"How generous." Mrs. Beatrice complemented also surprised by what they thought of my dumb struck moment, "When do you want to set it up?" She asked casually.

"We would like to do it today." Said the male, dang! His voice was amazing too! What the world might call quite sexy!

Even though both of these people were very attractive I felt no physical attraction to them, even trying to think like that made me have a sick type feeling in my stomach.

"Also if you could get the paper work ready." The wife added.

Mine and Mrs. Beatrice's eyes nearly popped out of our skulls, what is wrong with these people, no one comes in here expecting to actually adopt immediately, especially with a kid my age.

Mrs. Beatrice was actually to shocked to speak for a moment, "Ah, ah, y-yes! Right away. Mrs. Kelan please Take Timmy." She ordered the other women in the room.

Once Timmy was taken from my arms, me and the couple were both led out by Mrs. Beatrice. I kept a safe distant away from them, half of me told my to run for the hills now and the other half told me to trust them completely. I was very torn at the moment and unsure what to do, did anyone else find it odd that this couple barely even saw me and yet now they want to adopt me right off the bat?

As these thoughts were whirling around in my head the male of the couple was watching me very intently.

Soon we arrived in a secluded room, that I had not been in since I was much younger, it had two windows that allowed the natural light to shine on in. There was a table in the middle of the room and I took a chair that was in the sunlight, my skin always had a type of glimmer to it that had made me even more desirable to other people, but I am still here, so even beauty doesn't help.

The couple though even moved one of the two chairs out of the sunlight and purposely sat in a shadowed area. Weird.

"Alright well I will go get the paper work ready." Said Mrs. Beatrice leaving the three of us alone.

I looked at the clock, it was three o'clock, these things weren't allowed to last for more than twenty minutes for the child's safety, so they only have until three twenty and then this whole fiasco can be over.

"We have not formerly introduced ourselves yet, I am Edward Cullen and this is my wife Bella Cullen." The male said gesturing to the women sitting next to him.

For some reason Bella, did not seem like the right name for her, "Her names Bella?" I questioned.

"My full name is Isabella, but I go by Bella." The lady explained.

I nodded my head in understanding, "My name is Remi." I introduced.

It was customary to shake hands, this much I knew, but none of them reached their hand out to be shook. So I sat there awkwardly, unmoving since I didn't feel the need.

"Why don't you tell us about yourself Remi?" The women suggested.

I had wasted a good two minutes in awkward silence, I bet I could waste another five talking about myself, the sooner this gets done with.

"I am sixteen years old, my favorite color is purple, I have never had a boyfriend and I have never had parents." I tried to think of more but that's when I realized I was a completely empty slate.

"Do you have any hobbies?" Edward asked, huh I remembered his name?

"I like to watch the infants in the infant section." I answered on cue.

"Do you have any passions?" Bella asked.

"No." I shook my head, there was no time for passion when you were an orphan like me.

"The women told us you do well in school?" Edward said.

"Yes, all strait A's." I confirmed, were they looking for a smart child?

Bella then leaned over to Edward and whispered in his ear, he nodded to whatever she was saying, I tried to strain my ears to listen but they were done before I could.

"What is your earliest memory?" Bella asked, what was this? An interrogation?

I tried to think of my earliest memory's but I always got a headache if I tried to think before the cops found me, "When I was picked up by the police at age six."

"Age six is pretty old, do they know why you don't remember anything?" Edward asked.

"When they found me I had a concussion, it seems to have triggered the memory loss, I healed quite quickly after that." I explained.

Edward out a hand to his chin in thought, "A concussion? It would have had to be a super strong object." He mumbled to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." He smiled again and looked at me as if that awkward moment hadn't happened.

RED ALERT! Do not trust these people at all cost! Sirens were now going off in my head.

Right at that moment Mrs. Beatrice walked in with all the paper work in her hands and a pen.

"Here you go, did everything go well?" She asked.

"Perfectly." Edward said.

No it did not! It went by too quickly and too perfectly, I just know that these people have something up their sleeves and are about to rain it down on us!

The couple went to the paper work and started filling it out at an amazing speed, NO! SOON THEY WILL TAKE ME FROM HERE AND RUIN MY PERFECT LIFE!

"Is your life really that perfect?" I heard the male mumble.

I froze upon hearing it, did he just-... No he couldn't have...That's impossible...Right?

Mrs. Beatrice just smiled throughout the whole process and didn't seem to hear him, then again I have excellent hearing. She then pulled me out of the room and went to talk to me in the hall.

"Isn't this great, you can finally have a place to call home! I always knew you had it in you!" She cheered with a smile.

"Yes but..." I said warily.

"But what?" She asked, actually concerned.

"Well I don't trust them fully." She looked down at me in disapproval, "Well its just that who comes to an orphanage and already knows who they'll adopt and they do it the same day and everything!"

She scoffed, "It just means you got lucky this time." She then smiled again, "Come on dearie, lets go get your clothes and then you can be ready to leave."

She grabbed my wrist to pull me along, "But-!" I tried to protest.

"No but's don't sabotage this moment, in the future you'll realize that this might have been the happiest day of your life!" She said trying to make me excited.

We went upstairs to the room I shared with everyone and got my few belongings that actually belonged to me, I was given a small sack to put it all in.

"It makes me happy that you will be leaving here but also sad, we won't be able to throw you a good bye party sadly." Mrs. Beatrice said.

I shrugged, "I don't care too much." I was kind of realizing I was being trapped into getting adopted by this couple.

"You've always been independent." She sighed, "Oh well I wish you luck and happiness." She kissed the tip of my nose.

I felt a bit of warmth from that gesture, I had never been kissed in any type of way before, it felt sort of good to have a parent type kiss. I guess I really was deprived from being loved in anyway.

We went back downstairs and into the main area, it was the lobby, were other young couples were waiting and others were filling out paper work. I had only been allowed in here once and it was when I had first come to the orphanage. The couple who wanted to adopt me was waiting by the main counter with the receptionist.

I went up and the women behind the desk started speaking to me, "All you have to do is sign here and then these people will be your parents."

She pointed to the highlighted area and gave me a pen, everyone was expecting me to sign, what orphan kid would actually turn down an offer to have a parent. In this place it never happened, if I turned it down not only would I shame myself, but I would shame everyone that worked here.

With a trembling right hand I took the pen and put it to the paper, I have to go through with this, I wrote my first letter of my name in cursive, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, my second and third letter in my name got written down, besides you would crush this couples heart, and then I finished my signature.

It was done, I just gave this couple next to me all the rights to me, it felt like I was signing away my life.

"Yay! Congratulations!" Mrs. Beatrice said.

"Congrats honey." Said the receptionist in a bored tone, that seemed to mimic my current mood.

Bella smiled at me, as I turned toward my new parents, "It's wonderful to welcome you into our family." She wrapped her arms around me and I mechanically copied her.

Edward was also smiling at me but it seemed more worried than anything else.

"Well, we will be checking up in a month to se if there are any problems, but if you want you can leave her here for a week or take her now." Said Mrs. Beatrice.

"We'll take her home now." Said Bella, "Come on." She said, motioning me to follow her.

I followed them towards the big front doors, it had been forever since I had been out here, we had field trips every once in a while but it had been at least a year since are last one. Edward and Bella put on these big hats and scarfs and had gloves that went up to their sleeves, not a piece of skin was showing or touching the sunlight. Edward then opened the doors and the bright light poured in blinding me.