A/N: hey guys, I am back with a brand new story...except its Fairy Tail. Now hear me out, this is my first Fairy Tail fanfiction so I'm not entirely sure if the characters are in character, so if they aren't, please tell me. Also please don't give me any rude comments because I am trying to get these characters to act like the way they do in the anime.

Please note that this story is taken place after the Edolas arc so Lisanna and PantherLilly are in Fairy Tail now. However, this is before the Tenrou Island arc and the 7 year gap.

Anyway, if you are new to my profile, check out my other stories or just see what I have for future stories.

I hope you guys enjoy and please tell me of any of the characters are OOC and I will try to fix it!

I own nothing of Fairy Tail

Wendy's P.O.V.

Finally, I made it back! I'm not entirely sure how I was able to run all the way back here without collapsing, but I did. I missed the train back to Fairy Tail, so I had to take the long way. Now, that wouldn't be so bad, if it wasn't for the fact that I have Gray on my back. Our job was to capture a criminal that has been stealing gold from our client. However, things didn't turn out so well, and it involved Gray getting very badly hurt.

I tried using my sky magic to heal him, but it didn't help a lot. His injuries were too severe for me to heal...and the fact that I didn't have too much magic left due to the fight. I mean...my magic worked a little bit on him, but it wasn't enough for him to be at 100%. Porlyusica will have to try and heal Gray since I don't have enough magic to try to do it myself.

As I kept running through town, I notice that no one is out...my guess is that everyone is at the Guild Hall. I don't know if I have enough strength left to try and find Porlyusica, so I'll have to go to the guild. I ran towards the guild, and with one hand still supporting Gray, I threw open the door.

When I did, everyone stopped what they were doing and stare at me. I panted for a few seconds, and then finally collapsed from exhaustion on my knees. At once, everyone shot up from the chairs, with some falling to the floor, and rushed over to me. Right away, everyone overwhelmed me with questions. I knew they were asking if I was ok...but it isn't me they should worry about.

"Wendy!" Carla landed next to me. "Are you alright, child? You look exhausted!"

"It isn't me you have to worry about," I panted. "Gray is hurt pretty badly."

Some people looked over, and then there was so much weight taken off me. I turned around as Elfman and some other guy from the guild gently lay Gray on the ground. Once they did that, I actually remembered how bad his injuries were.

He had a black eye, broken ribs, a fractured leg and arm, and he had blood, cuts, and millions of bruises all over him. His ribs are the most concerning considering he was stabbed there pretty deep. Not only that, but it looked worse than when I left the fight. However, I have healed him a bit...he had more broken bones before I did that. His ribs looked like they're close to infection...I should have tried to focus on his ribs more than any other injury.

Some people gasp when they saw Gray's current condition.

"Someone go get Makarov and Porlyusica now!" Elfman demands.

People didn't hesitate to rush out of the guild hall, and Mirajane, Gajeel, Lisanna, and PantherLilly came rushing up.

"Everyone give him some space!" Elfman shouted, and everyone did what he said as they backed up.

"Oh goodness! His injuries look bad!" Mira exclaims as she feels underneath his neck. "He's still breathing at least."

"Hey Wendy, couldn't you have used your...healing powers or whatever?" Gajeel asked.

I sigh. "I tried, but his injuries are too severe and I didn't have enough magic power. Also I ran from the mission for around a day so I probably don't have enough strength to continue right now."

"I knew going on that mission was a bad idea!" Carla exclaims. "But you and Gray had to go and do it anyway!"

"The mission wasn't supposed to be this bad!" I say, slightly frightened. "Look, I'll explain to all of you later whenever Gray gets some medical attention!"

"Sounds fair," Carla said. "You look like you need some attention as well. You look beat, child."

"I'll be ok, but I'm really concerned about Gray."

"Well hopefully Makarov and Porlyusica will be here soon," PantherLilly said. "If someone is THIS injured, it shouldn't take long for them to come back."

"True," Mirajane said.

"Gray is gonna be ok, isn't he?" Lisanna asked in concern as she was supporting his head on her lab.

We all looked at her, and we know that we can't lie to her.

"I hope so," I sigh. "I haven't had to heal an injury this severe before...actually, I couldn't heal much at all. All I was able to do, is fix a few bones, but they aren't completely heal."

"Oh come on you guys, it's Gray!" Gajeel said. "You know it'll take more than these injuries to kill him."

"Maybe you're right," I say after a few moments. "I'm just-."

"What on earth is going on here?! What happened?!"

We looked at the door, and knew the voice right away...Natsu.

Natsu's P.O.V.

Happy, Erza, and I were hanging out in Lucy's apartment again even though she doesn't know it...like usual. I was looking through Lucy's stuff, and Happy was with me.

"Is it really necessary to be looking through her stuff?" Erza asked rolling her eyes.

I shrug. "We're already in her place, so what's the difference? Besides, we've done this before."

"You know she could-."

"Hey, I think I've discovered another of Lucy's story. Let's read it buddy!"

"Aye sir!" Happy declares.

We were staring at the story and skimmed through it.

"You guys act like immatures!"

I glanced up to see her looking at Lucy's counter and there sat a cake.

She gasps. "Is that a strawberry cake?! I must find a fork!"

She begins rushing around and I roll my eyes.

"And I'M the immature one?!"

"She does have a weakness to cake," Happy siaid. "If we try to stop her, she'll kill us."

"We'll get killed by Lucy too," I tell him.

"That's true, but who's more powerful?"

I'm silent for a moment. "That is true. Come on, lets keep reading."

"Aye sir!"

We began reading, but we didn't really see what it was about, when we heard footsteps walk in.

"Seriously?! Why do you guys always break into my house?!"

We all looked up to see Lucy looking pissed off as always.

"And why is it always my house?!"

"You have a nice place, that's why," Erza said...and she didn't look like she ate the cake yet.

"Still, you can't just come barging in...ugh! You guys and Gray!"

I grunted. "Don't even mention him! I can't believe that he and Wendy got to go on a mission, and left US behind!"

"Well, it was a two person mission, Natsu. Since you guys fight a lot, he wouldn't take you," Happy states.

"Hey, are you on my side or not?!"

Happy just shrugs.

"Besides, they can take care of themselves, so we shouldn't worry about them," Erza says. "Their mission was basically catching a thief who stole some gold."

"Yea...wouldn't you be bored of that mission?" Lucy asked. "Not to mention you get sick on the train."

I gagged at the mention of it, and almost threw up.

"How do you get sick by just thinking about it?!" Lucy exclaims.

"That's Natsu for ya," Happy shrugs.

I growl. "It doesn't matter what their mission is! If they're beating someone up, I'm in on it!"

"It may be a boring fight with no fighting experience," Erza stated. "You'll get bored."

I growl as I walked to the window. "Still! I just hate the thought of those two fighting someone without me!"

"Will you calm down?" Erza says. "Honestly, we can just get a job from the board. Why don't you do that instead of complaining about it?"

"Yea, and how about all of you getting out of my house while you're at it?!"

I roll my eyes, and I was so sure I heard a noise outside. Looking out, I saw a bunch of people running as fast as they could down the street. They had the look of concern and fear on their faces as they ran down the street.

"Hey, what the heck is going on down there?"

This caught everyone's attention as they came over to the window.

"They're all running after something," Lucy said. "But what?"

"Let's go check to see what all this ruckus is about."

We all nodded as we made our way out of the house. People were still running, and I grabbed the first person who ran passed me. The person screamed in surprise as I yanked them back. It was someone I've seen around, but I'm not exactly friends with them.

"Natsu!" she exclaims.

"What's going on?!"

She yanks her arm from my grip and looked terrified.

"I...I think you should see for yourself! But have you seen either Makarov and/or Porlyusica?!"

I flinched at the question...mostly because of the facial expression. She looked terrified and worried about something.

"No I haven't," I say a little slowly. "Please, what in the world is going on?!"

"See for yourself...please! If you see any of them, tell someone right away! They need major help!"

She takes off running before I could say anything else.

"Wait a minute!" I shouted, but she was already gone.

I looked at the others, and their eyes were widen.

"What did she mean by seeing for ourselves?" Lucy asked.

"I don't know...but she said that THEY needed help," I say.

"Who's they exactly?" Happy asked.

"I'm not sure."

I sniffed the air, and right away I smelled blood. My eyes widen, and I looked at the others.

"I can't make out who it is, but somebody is badly injured! Come on, we need to get to the guildhall!"

I take off running before anyone could say anything. It was about a minute before I reached the guildhall, and there were some people gathered around.

"What the?!" I muttered.

I grunted as I pushed my way through the crowd. Some people complained, some people moved. After what seemed like forever, I make it to the front and through the door.

"What on earth is going on here?! What happened?!" I exclaim.

I rush through the door, and the thing I saw made my eyes widen. Carla, Mirajane, Gajeel, PantherLilly, and Lisanna were around an injured Wendy and Gray. Lisanna had Gray's head on her lap...but I was horrified by his injuries.

"Natsu!" Wendy exclaims. "W-what are you doing here?!"

I walked up to her. "I just happen to see everyone looking for Gramps and Porlyusica...but I had to see for myself!"

I turned my back, and walked up to Gray. Before anyone could react, I grabbed ahold of Gray's shirt, and started shaking him.

"Hey! Get up you! Are you seriously down for the count?! Pathetic! Quit playing around and wake up already!"

"Natsu, please...stop!" Wendy practically begged, and I looked to see tears streaming down her face. "He's hurt pretty bad and I couldn't heal him because I didn't have enough magic power! Please, just stop shaking him!"

I roughly let go of Gray's shirt after a moment, and looked at Wendy.

"Who did this to you guys?! I will make them pay!"

"Natsu..." she cries. "Just...please."

"No one messes with a member of Fairy Tail and gets away with it! Who hurt you guys! Tell me right now!"


I turn to everyone else who was at the door. Lucy ran to Lisanna to help with Gray, and Erza and Happy were there staring at me.

"It would be wise if we didn't ask her about the situation right now," Erza said. "She and Gray have obviously been through a lot. Gray seems to be in very bad shape, and it is likely that she carried him all the way here. I think we should give them time to recover before asking questions."

I growl as I clench my fists. "Whoever did this is gonna pay! I'll make sure that happens!"

Suddenly, people come rushing in, and Gramps and Porlyusica are behind them.

"We found them!" one of them announces.

Gramps was the first to get to us, and his eyes widen.

"My children!"

Wendy tried wiping her tears away.

"Wendy, what has happened?"

"I...don't worry about me. Please...just worry about Gray! He's badly hurt and I didn't have enough magic to heal him completely!"

Tears were still streaming down her face as Porlyusica comes up to her.

"Please do not cry, child," she says. "You and your friend will be alright."

"Just...worry about...him..."

And then her face almost hits the ground, but Poryusica catches her.

"Wendy!" I shouted.

"Don't yell so loud!" Poryusica snaps. "She only fainted, nothing more. I will have to get these two to the infirmary at once! Some of you help out with him over there. Don't pick him up roughly because he looks badly injured!"

"I can pick him up myself," Elfman said...when did he get in the room?

"Ugh, just someone get him to the infirmary! I swear, you humans are stubborn idiots!"

"That is not manly!" Elfman said as he began to pick up Gray.

She rolls her eyes. "Come, we must get these two the infirmary at once."

She picks up Wendy. That's when Lucy, Erza, Gajeel, Carla, Happy, PantherLilly, and I followed her to the infirmary. Gramps wasn't far behind.

A/N: so what do you guys think of the first chapter? Please review of what you think:)