Family Feud

Hiccup and Merida stared at the fire in silence for what felt like an eternity. Neither moved, too afraid to look at each other. Toothless stood on the other side of the fire staring at them with curious eyes and his head tilt to the side. Merida fidgeted with her hands, shifting her eyes over to Hiccup. "So...I've been raising your son. what do we do?"

"I guess he stays with me." Merida's head snapped towards him with the angriest look ever. "Well we are allies now, you could see him whenever you have time to visit."

Merida's death glare didn't let up. Hiccup turned to Toothless for help but Toothless just shook his head and walked away. Merida stood up and crossed her arms. "You're telling me to leave the boy that I saved, nursed, cared for and loved here with you. You want me to leave MY son, who I taught everything he knows, wiped every tear and was there for every nightmare. He doesn't even know you."

In a blind rage Hiccup shot up, standing a head taller. "Your son? Astrid is his mother, not you. And he's my son. I can't count how many sleepless nights I had, wondering what happened to him. I want my son back. I've missed ten years of his life, I'm not missing anymore."

"He doesn't know that!" Merida got in his face, trying to intimidate him. "He thinks I'm his mother. I never told him he had other parents."

Hiccup seemed passed the point of common sense and into unadulterated rage. "Why didn't you!? You thought it was okay for him to think he's something he's not?"

"Would you have rather me tell him I found his blood mother dead, I have no idea who his father is or where he's from, Happy 5th Birthday?"

"You might not want to tell him but I do." He started towards the door but Merida grabbed his arm.

"You will scar him for life if you just drop that on him."

Hiccup ripped his arm away and stomped out the hut. He passed Toothless without a word and ran into the village. Toothless looked between Merida and Hiccup but decided against his better judgement to go with his best friend and followed close behind. They searched through the village while Hiccup kept yelling, "Eirik!" over and over. With every person he passed they gave him concerned looks till finally he was pulled behind a building by his mother.

"What are you doing? Have you gone completely mad?" Valka asked as Hiccup caught his breath.

Once he had calmed down a bit he said, "I'm looking for my son." He tried to walk away with just that but Valka pulled him back and looked at him with worried eyes.

"Hiccup, have you been drinking or something."

"No, Fergus is Eirik. Merida and I just found out." Valka stood stunned and had to take a moment to take it in. "Where is he? Have you seen him?"

Valka took a long breath and answered. "Yes, but first, what are you going to say?"

"What do you mean 'What am I going to say'? I'm going to tell him I'm his father." He tried to leave again though this time Toothless nudged him back.

"Son, I want you to take a deep breath and calm down. Because you are smarter than this." Hiccup took a deep breath and steadied himself. "Fergus is 10…"

"Eirik," Hiccup snapped.

"He doesn't know that. His whole life he's thought he was a Scottish prince with a single mother. You can't just tell him that everything he knows is wrong. And Merida might not be his real mother. But she has raised him and no one else. She's earned the right to call herself his mother."

Hiccup lowered his head and nodded. "You're right, but what am I supposed to do? Not say anything and just let him go back with her?"

Valka wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "You have your son back. Instead of rushing this change by scaring him, why don't you get to know first? Something I know you have been thinking about for years."

With a smile Hiccup nodded, "Thanks mom, where is he?"

"Last I saw him he was playing in the Great Hall."

Without waiting a second longer Hiccup ran to the Great Hall with Toothless following. He came in slowly and quietly. Fergus was once again playing with the stuffed toy and a terrible terror, running around the empty hall. He stopped when he noticed Hiccup and smiled. "Hi Hiccup." He ran towards Hiccup and Hiccup felt overjoyed until he passed him and hugged Toothless. He had to remind himself that Fergus didn't quite trust him yet.

Hiccup watched as Fergus scratched Toothless' chin. "That's a nice toy you got there." He said pointing to the dragon in Fergus' hand.

Fergus hugged it close to his chest. "My mother gave it to me when I was a baby."

Well that hurt. "It's nice but how about a real one?" Fergus smiled from ear to ear. "Would you like to go for another ride?" Fergus nodded enthusiastically and jumps on Toothless followed by Hiccup. "Ready?" with a nod Toothless ran out the Great Hall and took flight. Hiccup smiled at Fergus' excitement. But bright red from below catches his eye. He looked over Toothless' side and sees Merida in front of the Great Hall shaking her head with a frown. Hiccup tries to brush it off and turns back to steer Toothless.

After a few minutes Hiccup landed on a cliff side and sat on the edge while Fergus and sat on the edge while Fergus and Toothless played. Hiccup smiled and turned towards the never ending sea. He sat calmly till Fergus tried out and fell next to him with a yawn. Toothless laid his head on Fergus and he let out a groan. "He does it to me too."

They sat in silence for a moment before Hiccup spoke. "So Fergus, I was curious. Has your mother ever talked to you about your dad?"

"Mommy always said I was a miracle baby, given to her by the spirits."

"So you've never seen your father? Have you ever wondered who he is?"

Fergus shook his head. "The wisps led mom to me, so she said I was made for her.

I was her fate."


"They're spirits that lead you to your fate. My mother's been led by them before."

Hiccup nodded and decided to change the subject. Telling Fergus the truth wasn't an option. So how would he go about getting close to him when he's practically a stranger. "So...Fergus, I was thinking. Your mom and I are friends so why don't we be friends? What do you say?"

Fergus sat up and tapped his finger on his chin and analyzed Hiccup. "Well you're kind of weird but you do have a dragon so...ok. I'll be your friend."

Hiccup laughed. "Thank you, your majesty." Hiccup said with a mock bow. Toothless licked Fergus happily before Hiccup pulled him off. "Give him a break Toothless." But Fergus surprised both of them and tackled Toothless to the ground, scratching his belly. With a smile Hiccup just looked on in happiness. "Have you ever seen a fire worm before?" Fergus shook his head with a curious smile. "I'll show you where they hide." He jumped up excitedly and the three of them ran into the forest in a fit of laughter. This should be easy.

The three of them landed in front of the hut just before sundown. Merida stood outside the hut with her arms crossed over her chest and a scowl on her face. Hiccup and Fergus hopped off Toothless. Fergus ran up to his mother with a smile while Hiccup stayed back, a bit nervous. "Mom, Hiccup took me for another ride."

"I saw." Merida practically growled and Hiccup felt a shiver go down his spine. "Fergus, go upstairs, I need to talk to Hiccup."

Fergus looked between Merida and Hiccup. "But…"

"Now," she hissed. Never having seen his mom this mad Fergus did as he was told and ran upstairs. Once Merida thought he was far enough away she stomped towards Hiccup till they were only a nose apart. "You didn't tell him."

"No I didn't."

"It wasn't a question. If you had he wouldn't be talking to me. I thought you were though."

Hiccup sighed. "I was but you had a point. It's too much to just put that on a kid."

Merida smiled and seemed to calm down a little and took a step back. "Thank you, I know that must be hard."

She started back towards the hut but Hiccup grabbed her arm. "I do plan to tell him eventually. I just want to get to know my son first."

Merida went back on defense and her glare returned. "And then what?"

"Well, once he's comfortable with me I'll tell him and he can stay here with me."

She shoved him back with a groan. "And take him away from his mother? Neither of us have a choice? It's just whatever you say."

Hiccup put up his hands to try and calm her but also to protect himself from further assault. "Alright, alright you have a point. Here's what I propose. I'll spend time with him when he's comfortable as I had planned. But we let him decide. And no matter what he chooses, we'll still have our alliance. I still promise to help keep your people safe."

Merida nodded and calmed down. "Alright, fair enough." she sighed and held out her hand to Hiccup. "May the best parent win."

He gave her hand a strong shake and said, "To you too."

Suddenly from inside the house they heard Fergus yell. "Mom! Do I need to go to bed too?" he whined.

"Soon Sweetheart," Merida said as she started back inside. But she was shocked when Hiccup rushed right passed her.

"No way kiddo! Have you ever seen an angry monstrous nightmare, cause I have one at the ready." Hiccup turned back to Merida with a cheeky grin before running upstairs to Fergus.

With a huff Merida went inside with Toothless right behind her and slammed the door behind them. "I can't wait for this to be over." She whispered to herself.