First Flight Mishap

It was late at night on the island of Berk and all was quiet..except for the crying of a baby from a house overlooking the village. Inside, husband and wife laid together sound asleep. Until a lean young man stood up and covered his naked body in a fur pelt and went to the small cradle in the corner where his faithful dragon Toothless protectively watched over the child. The chief leaned down and picked up his three month old son. He rocked his son soothingly, "Shh, it's okay Eirik. Papa's here."

"Hiccup?" A feminine voice called from from behind him. He turned to his wife's bright blue eyes, lit by the candle. "Everything okay?"

Hiccup smiled and sat on the end of the bed with Eirik in his arms. "Everything's fine Astrid. I think Eirik's just hungry." Hiccup handed Eirik to Astrid and she held their son to her chest to feed.

"Are you sure about taking him flying tomorrow?" Hiccup asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

Astrid stroked Eirik's tuff of light brown hair. "He might as well get a feel for it early, he'll be doing it all the time once he's big enough to do it on his own. And we'll only be just under the clouds and no tricks. I promise."

Eirik let out a yawn and a squeak when he was done. He cuddled into her chest and fell asleep. "Maybe we should wait till I have some free time and we can go together as a family."

Astrid laughed as she stood up and brought Eirik back to his cradle. "Honey, Eirik might be three by the time that happens. You have so much to do. With governing, repairs, civil disputes and with winter coming you have to focus on rationing."

Hiccup sighed and snuggled into her shoulder and marveled at his son as he stroked his head. "Fine, just be careful."

"I will." She kissed his cheek and pushed him back to bed. Toothless circled the cradle and snuggled around it, protecting Eirik before going to sleep. "Now let's try to get in a few hours of sleep before the little monster wakes us up again."

Hiccup laughed and fell onto the bed with Astrid in his arms. "Goodnight m'lady."She let out a laugh before going back to sleep.

The young chief fell asleep with a smile on his face, his wife in his arms and love in his heart. After his father's death and becoming chief, he grew up pretty fast. He married Astrid, had Eirik and made many innovations to Berk, he'd never been happier.


Toothless followed behind Hiccup as he strolled through the village looking over a to-do list for the day. First on the list was check up on Snotlout in the weaponry. Next was looking in on Fishlegs in the new Berk Library. After that was checking the food rations for the month and if they need more. Finally on the list for the day was patrolling Berk with his mother.

They walked into the training arena where Snotlout was testing out a few axes. He now had a big bushy beard and had replaced some of his fat with muscle. Hiccup greeted him with a warm smile as Toothless ran pass him to greet Hookfang with a happy roar. "Morning Snotlout, how's the weapon testing going?"

Snotlout threw a defective axe in a pile with a few others. "Good Fishbone," Hiccup gave him a small glare at his old, now false, nickname. "Getting through a bit faster today. Three more axes and then it's onto the catapults."

"Great, but for the last time Snotlout, don't shoot yourself out of the catapults," Hiccup said. "That's what sheep are for."

Snotlout waved him off and inspected another axe. Hiccup rolled his eyes and headed to the Berk Library. A new building was added right next to the Great Hall and along with the histories of Berk and it's laws, hundreds of new documents of dragon facts and statistics as well. Of course, Fishlegs was the first choice to run it. He kept things in order, wrote new works and withheld legal documents. And he felt right at home.

When Hiccup walked in Fishlegs was sitting at a desk surrounded by books and writing in one. "Hey pal."

Fishlegs looked up for just a second with a smile. "Hi chief."

"Fishlegs, I've told you a hundred times. You can still call me Hiccup."

"Right, sorry." He seemed pretty distracted by the book in front of him.

Hiccup looked over at the book. "What are you up to today?"

"One of the terrible terrors had a litter today. So I'm adjusting the population count in our records"

Hiccup nodded. "Great, keep up the good work." He turned to leave, seeing he was occupied when Fishlegs called him.

"Hey Hiccup?" He turned around. "How's Astrid and Eirik?"

Hiccup smiled. "Great, Astrid's about to take Eirik on his first flight. I'm going to see them off before I go on patrol."

"Good, tell her I said 'hi'." he said never taking his eyes off his work.

"See you later pal." As he left Meatlug waddled over to Fishlegs with a book in her mouth. "Thanks girl."

Their next stop was the new secure food vault where two monstrous nightmares stood guard. Hiccup smiled at them and went into the vault. There were several piles of fish, baskets of grain, cabbages and potatoes. He went through everything and made sure there was enough for the coming winter. When he was done he calculated that they were down a few dozen fish. But thankfully they had enough produce.

Once everything else was checked off the list he went back to his home to meet up with the rest of his family. As he approached his house he saw his mother Valka saddle up Stormfly for Astrid, while Astrid held Eirik close to her to keep him warm. "Hello m'lady." Hiccup kissed Astrid's cheek as Eirik grabbed his finger. "You have everything you need right? And you'll be back no later than sunset remember?"

Astrid shook her head with a smile. "You worry too much. I'll be fine and Eirik will have a blast."

Valka finished strapping up Stormfly. "Stay safe, I want my grandson back in one piece."

Astrid rolled her eyes and held Eirik in one arm as she pulled herself onto Stormfly with the other. "I promise I'll be careful." She smiled at Hiccup and took off.

Hiccup watched her fly away for a minute before sighing and turning back to Toothless. "Are you okay sweetheart?" Valka asked.

Toothless nudged Hiccup's hand and gave a happy growl. "I'll be fine, just...I'm a worrier that's all."

Valka patted his shoulder and gave him a gentle squeeze. "I'm sure they'll be okay; Astrid always is."

With a good hearted laugh Hiccup hopped onto Toothless along with his mother on Cloudjumper. "Race you around the island, one lap."

Valka shook her head. "No, no Hiccup I'm getting too old for stuff like that...try to keep up son!" Cloudjumper took off as fast as he could, leaving Toothless and Hiccup behind her.

Toothless roared and took off after them as fast as he could. They caught up in no time and were neck and neck.

Hiccup smiled from ear to ear as the cold wind pelted against his face. Trees were a blur below him and water from the clouds covered him, trying to penetrate his leather armor. He breathed in the atmosphere and excitement and let it out in a joyful sigh. He couldn't wait for his son to join him.


About a hundred miles off the coast of Berk, Astrid was approaching another land of vast forests. She knew Stormfly deserved a break so they began to descend. Eirik squealed in delight and Astrid secured him into the wrap around her chest.

When they landed Stormfly went off to chase after a few birds for lunch. Astrid stayed with Eirik in a small clearing. She held a small stuffed dragon Hiccup had given to Eirik over him, as Eirik tried to grab it. Once in his grasp Eirik gnawed at the dragon's arm with him gums. "You are just as silly as your dad." Astrid laughed. She stroked his soft cheek as his curious forest green eyes looked at the world around him. He was an explorer alright, she could see it.

She kissed his forehead when suddenly she heard Stormfly let out a roar for help. Astrid jumped to her feet and ran towards the direction of the sound. When she got closer she heard several men yelling and metal clashing. But what she cared about most was the screeching of her deadly nadder. Peering over a few bushes she saw three men in dirty brown clothes circling Stormfly with greedy smiles.

Astrid glared and moved Eirik to her back, securing him tightly as she took out her axe. With a haunting battle cry she leaped over the bushes and hit one bandit with the hilt of her axe, sending him to the ground. Another lunged at her but she swerved out of the way, kicking him in the back. The third came at her with his sword but she blocked him. The first bandit tried to get up when Stormfly threw a barb at him, pinning his pant leg to the ground. Astrid sent the third flying to the ground and raised her axe, ready to strike. But when she took aim, a sudden fourth bandit appeared with a crossbow and shot her in the leg.

She fell to the ground with a scream. From her back Eirik let out a loud cry. Stormfly tried to come to her aid but the other three bandits had found their bearing and backed her away with the tips of their swords. Astrid took a look at her surroundings. Stormfly was cornered, she was injured but most importantly Eirik was now in danger. She had to protect him first and foremost.

"Stormfly, go back for Hiccup and get help!" she ordered. Stormfly whined in protest but turned and flew when a sword was forced in her face. Astrid took Stormfly's escape as a chance to run. She took off into the forest as fast as she could with her injured leg. A trail of blood followed her. She could hear the bandits getting closer. She ducked behind a tree but knew it wouldn't be much help. Eirik continued to cry as Astrid pulled him into her arms. "Shh it's okay, mommy won't let them get you." After a moment of rocking him in her arms he quieted down. She begrudgingly put him into a hole at the base of the tree to hide him. "I'll be back soon." She whispered.

Right as she ran out from behind the tree the bandits spotted her. They chased her for a few feet through a few trees and in her haste she dropped Eirik's toy as she stopped at a cliff side. Astrid turned to face them but knew she had no chance. The fourth bandit raised his crossbow and took aim. She took a deep breath before everything faded to black.


It was hours past sun down and Hiccup still couldn't see a nadder approaching. He sat nervously with Toothless on their roof looking out for Astrid. He knew she wouldn't listen but he didn't think she would be this reckless. When he saw her, he was going to give her a mouthful.

Suddenly in the distance he could make out Stormfly. He let out a sigh of relief, though Toothless seemed a little on edge. The two came down from the roof and waited for her to land. "It's about time you got back." He said when she hit the ground. "Astrid we agreed that you wou-" He stopped when he saw no one was on Stormfly's back. His heart was now in his throat.

"Stormfly," He said as his heart raced. "Where's Astrid and Eirik?"