Daichi: I've seen things were Ib returns to the Gallery, and I figured I'd put my own spin on it. Forgotten Portrait ending, she has her memories and associated traumas, and she's there with far too many people to keep track of and they don't really like her, plus… well… something else. What could go wrong?
BlackGatomon: Besides everything?
Verity: We don't own anything but… a handful of characters. For a certain definition of handful… we only stopped making them because we ran out of colors. When we say it's a rainbow, we mean it, and a bit more.
When she was nine, Ib obtained a lighter. Her parents didn't know this, for a variety of reasons, foremost of which being that she was afraid they'd get rid of it. The lighter was important to her, too important to risk losing.
She still remembered the moment when she discovered it in her pocket, and the memories that came rushing back to her at that moment. She remembered using those memories, and the emotions that came with them, to paint a self-portrait. Herself, holding the lighter and a red rose.
She titled it 'Regrets' and tucked it away where nobody would ever see it.
Lavender was a quiet girl with dark hair and eyes hidden behind glasses, and a predisposition for the color purple. Ever since she was eight, she had loved art and painting immensely, and her parents did their best to nurture her budding talent.
She couldn't remember having a single friend, although when she was eleven, flashes of two girls about her age ran through her mind. Using those flashes she painted two pictures that she called the Faded Girls, pouring as much of her inspiration as she could onto the canvasses.
She hung them up on her wall, next to a landscape she called 'Gateway', and forgot about them.
With brown scruffy hair and gray eyes, very few would ever have thought Miguel would have an interest in art. His parents were part of the reason for that. They viewed the art world as a total waste of time, and any assignments their son would bring home from art class, they would throw away.
Well, there was one that they hadn't. A painting he had created in his spare time when he was thirteen, 'Puppet Self'. As the title suggests, it was a doll that looked like himself connected to several thin strings. It was the only piece he had made because he wanted to, rather than having it assigned, and he wanted to keep it safe.
He hid it under his bed, wrapped up in a way that would preserve it, even if nobody else would ever see it.
The fair haired and blue eyed David listened to his parents in all that mattered. They were a superstitious sort, and although he didn't buy into a lot of what they did, he listened to them, and perhaps he allowed their opinions to color his own somewhat.
They insisted that those with red eyes were demonic, so he bullied the red-eyed girl in his class. Nobody ever called him out on it, instead telling her to ignore him, and maybe he'd go away. He wasn't normally mean-spirited, but a target like that was impossible to resist.
Sure, he felt bad about it, sometimes, but she left little impression on him, and it never really sunk in that what he was doing was wrong, until…
Well, until he signed up for a certain art class in high school, and something happened that would change that forever.
Hannah and her twin brother Christopher both enjoyed painting and similar, but despite that, they couldn't be that much more different. They both had black hair, but her eyes were blue while his were brown. She was a bully, while he tried to talk her down. She was excelling in her classes, while he was just barely scraping by.
Not that they weren't close. Christopher loved his bratty little sister despite her poor behavior, and Hannah, despite the fuss she put up in public, positively adored her older brother. Teachers also knew that, if the two of them, for any reason, were put in the same class, it would not end well.
Not that this stopped such a thing from happening, by any means. The art class that they chose to take was one of them. All things considered, it could not have ended better, bullying habits involving their classmates notwithstanding.
The redheaded Patricia, better known as Trixie, was well known in school for being energetic. She was neutral to her classmates, at worse, ignoring the quiet ones in favor of those who preferred jumping rope or playing soccer.
Not that she didn't understand culture or anything. When her parents suggested she take an art class, she was all for it. They said it would be good for her to have a basic appreciation, and she didn't mind it.
It was kind of fun, actually, once she got past the amount of time she'd spend washing paint off of her hands. Not something she'd choose to do for a living, but something to do nonetheless.
Fair haired and green eyed, Jade took great pride in her appearance. Since she was young, she had enjoyed dressing herself up for a variety of different roles, and her true passion was for the stage. As her parents didn't approve of this, she simply decided to take an art class so she could at least do something creative.
She'd gone through a rough patch when she was younger, lashing out at others, and she still didn't know how to properly apologize to her former victims. Just her luck that she would end up in class with one of them.
Still, she decided that she'd make it up to her one day. She didn't know how, but she would.
Daniel Adams loved his job. He enjoyed teaching others, and he liked the students that he met. This new group, however… he could see they needed work, and not just in the grades department. Half of them wouldn't even talk to each other, and he normally couldn't get them to shut up.
Perhaps a class trip would help to break the ice a bit. At the very least, it would be fun, right?
The day of her class trip, Ib opened her drawer, and pulled out the lighter she'd hidden there for six years. She knew it was against school policy, but she still slipped it into her bag regardless. "Just in case," she whispered. She hadn't been back since… well… she couldn't avoid it forever, right? "See you soon, Garry."
Tsukaimon: What could go wrong, indeed?
Daichi: If you can somehow guess what color rose everyone will have, bonus points. Note: Ib, Lavender, and Jade don't count.