Double D&D Chapter 7 – Roll Your Love

A/N- Here we are, I hope it's been fun. Thank you again Dshell99 for the encouragement to start this fic, the brain storming sessions and for the use of your OC once again.

Edd entered the cul-de-sac wiping a stray tear of frustration anger and sadness from his check, hearing the reverberation of Kevin's front door slamming shut as he rounded the corner. From that sound, he knew that the red head did not want to see him at the moment and that sent a sharp pain through his heart, for Kevin meant so much to him. Needing someone to talk to about this, and with Ed currently being out of the question, that left him with only one choice. Walking past Kevin's house, he looks up at the window to his room hoping that his friend would look out of it, praying that he still had a chance to apologies to him for hurting him.

Walking to the next house past Kevin's, he gently knocks on the front door asking to speak to Eddy when his mother answered it. Knocking upon the bedroom door as he slowly opened it calling out his friend's name softly, he sees his friend sitting upon the floor in front of his TV playing a video game, "You guys already done playing your dumb game?"

Edd steps in not having the heart right now to defend his choices of pastime activities, "Yeah." He takes a seat beside Eddy, noticing the boy was playing a PVP match in call of duty, knowing he was going to be in for some of Eddy's foul language.

"What's up Double D, you seem down," Eddy's fingers start to fly across the controller as he had encountered a member from the other team, "Mother fucking ass hat," he yells as he dies.

"Um, where do I begin," Edd said looking at his hands as he fidgeted with his fingers.

"Let me guess, you fell for the girl's trick and now you don't know what to think," Eddy's character respawned and was instantly killed by a squatter, "God dammit."

"You knew?"

"Yeah, but it's none of my business if they want to piss you off by meddling," he said as he moved his character out of the respawn point as quickly as possible to avoid death.

"You knew and you didn't say anything," Edd's anger was starting to build up again, "You're just as bad as Ed."

"Guys I got to go," he said into his microphone before closing the game down. Pulling his headset off he turns to his friend, "Ok look, you can be mad at me for not telling you or you can sit here and talk to me, it's your choice. But when I saw how excited and happy you were talking to Kevin, I didn't have the heart to tell you."

"Did I really look that happy?"

"Dude, you only ever look like that when you've discover something new and interesting to learn about, or Ed's done something silly, or something good is happening in your life." Eddy stopped himself because he was getting carried away, "The point is that yes you were very happy getting to know Kevin in ways you hadn't before, who was I to stop that."

"But now I've gone and messed it up," Edd's expression changed back to downtrodden, "He probably doesn't even want to be my friend anymore."

"What happened?"

"I apparently hurt his feelings when I was giving the girls a piece of my mind," Edd began pulling on the threads in the shag carpet he was sitting on.

"What did you say?"

"I just asked them why they kept doing this," he sniffled, "Reminding them that Kevin and I are just friends and are fine with that dynamic."

"Well there it is," Eddy said as he motioned toward Edd, "This little push by the girls was probably enough to make Kevin admit to himself that he wants to be more. And when you shot the idea down, you broke his poor little heart," Eddy softly punches Edd's shoulder, "Your cold man."

Edd was at a loss on how to fix this, does he try and fix their friendship or should he dare for more, "What do I do now?"

"Well how do you feel about him? And be honest, I'll know if you lie to me," Eddy replied crossing his arms with a serious look in his eyes.

"Well," Edd began but Eddy could see that he was struggling with his self-consciousness on how much to say.

"Just close your eyes and think about him, then tell me the first thing you feel or think about."

Edd did what Eddy suggested and closed his eyes, recalling a few memories that he shared with Kevin. The times they spent together developing their characters, or their study sessions, or just hanging out playing video games teasing each other when they beat the other. Opening his mouthing he gave his answer, "I respect him, care about him and."

"No, no, not what you think about him," Eddy said in an irritated tone, "But how you feel.'

Edd tried again delving deeper, remembering Kevin's smile and laughter, "I feel happy when I'm with him, like everything's ok. He makes me feel like I can tell him anything, even though I don't and I feel," he paused and opened his eyes, "Love, like the world isn't right now without him here."

"There, you've got your answer Sock head," he saw Eddy's wide grin when looked to his friend, "Now what are you going to do about it?"

He stammered a few times as he climbed to his feet, "I, I got to go Eddy," rushing out of the bedroom door, he turns back around and pops his head back in, "Thank you Eddy," then he left quickly. Running out of the front door he jogged the short distance to Kevin's front door knocking heavily upon the door until his father answered the door. With permission to enter given he rushed past the man and up the stairs to Kevin's room, stopping short of the door as he wondered how he was going to apologize for his earlier words that he knew now cut the boy deeply.

Walking slowly to the door he raises his hand and knocks softly at the door, hearing Kevin inside the room call out in a sad tone, "Come in." Peeking around the door as he opened it he sees Kevin sitting at his desk reading over something, stepping in, he eases the door shut behind him walking toward his friend, "I'm not hungry mom."

"That's good," Edd said softly and Kevin head snaps around dropping what he was reading, "Because I didn't bring anything to eat."

"What, why?" Kevin stammered, stopping both of the questions that had popped into his head before they could roll off his tongue, for they would seem rude. For even though a part of him wanted to hurt him like he had been hurt, he couldn't bring himself to do it for he cared to much for Edd.

"I," he paused fearful that he might be wrong about Kevin's feelings, but he swallowed his fear and spoke, "I wanted to apologize." Sitting upon Kevin's bed at a fair distance from the boy but close to the door incase things went south, he looked into those green eyes he adored. "I came to realize that in the heat of the moment what I said hurt you, because you care about me."

A knot in Kevin stomach formed as fears that Edd might have figure out his true feelings and was coming over to let him down easy. He needed to deny it quickly so the strain of the truth wouldn't tear their friendship apart, "Edd I.."

"I was hurt to by what I had said, not only because you might never want to see me again," he opens his mouth trying to will the words out, "But because what I said was a lie."

Kevin looks at him with a curious expression, "What are you trying to say Edd?"

"That I care about you too," the ball of nerves in Edd stomach was set ablaze making him feel nervously nauseous, now was the moment of truth. "I think we may have been hiding our true feelings from each other, because we thought the other wanted nothing but friendship. But I could be over thinking it, and you might, or I might of just, I don't know, it's all so confusing."

Kevin stands form his desk chair and comes to sit beside Edd on the bed, taking his hand, "D, you're thinking too much."

"I just know I don't want to lose you Kevin, I think I might," Edd starts.

"I know what you're trying to say," he takes his free hand and caresses Edd's cheek, "And I feel the same way." Taking the plunge and seizing the moment to show Edd his true feelings he inches his lips closer, "Edd, will you go out with me?"

Edd leans in but could not form any words only managing to hum out his acceptance of Kevin's proposal, joining their lips together in a clumsy but passionate kiss, the fire of their feelings for one another being stoked by that kiss. Time seemed to come to a standstill, as the mage that is cupid had cast a slow spell upon them so they could linger in that kiss and savor its sweet taste for a moment longer. Breaking that first kiss, the two dorks looked into one another's eyes as they gave each other Eskimo kisses, smiling deeply with a gentle laugh that expressed the joy that was filling their hearts. Clasping each other's hands, enjoying the feel on how perfectly they fit together, they continued to express their new found love for each other, making plans for their first date.

They informed Kevin's parent to the change in their relationship statues over dinner, and Edd's when Kevin walked him home that evening, saying goodnight with a chaste kiss at Edd's door with promises to see each other tomorrow. Ed came over the next day to apologize to his friend, deciding to give Edd the night to calm down and think about what had happened. Taking note that not only was Kevin over at Edd's with a silly smile upon his face, but on how close the two of them were sitting together at the table. Maybe the girls plan had actually worked this time, but he wasn't going to tell them that, he would let his two friends tell them when they were ready to do so.

The girls enjoyed a week's worth of Antarctic style cold shoulder from the two love birds, this was not necessarily done out of spite, but because they were rediscovering each other in a new light and spending most of their free time together. What was once hidden away like treasure in a troll's cave, was now brought out into the light for the whole world to see, which included the girls. At the end of the week the two boys forgave their friends for their meddling, with a strict reminder that they were never to meddle in their love life again. Making that promise the girls stood by their friends proudly, doing their duty of suggesting things for the two of them to do together, or places to go out on dates, or group events the three couples could do together. So yeah, they kept their promise as best they could anyways, for what is a friend if they don't help you out in such ways, right.

Years passed and they managed the high school sweet heart dream, getting married after they graduated college in a D&D cosplay themed wedding. Ang in a white flowing dress with a wreath of white flowers adorning her head, AJ in her warrior's armor and vampire fangs, Ed in his druid robes. The two grooms dressed as a mage and wizard respectively, and their corny over the top wedding vows as they LARPed the whole procession.

The End.

A/N- LARP is Live Action Role Playing, now wouldn't that wedding be funny to see.