Prompt: "I took the love you didn't want and stitched my heart back together."

Status: Broken up

Warnings: Cutting/Suicide, sad

Jack was walking around on a dark and breezy night in Ireland. He needed to go for a walk, just to get away from the online world for even just a few minutes.

The wind slapped against his face stinging slightly. Everyone was telling Jack to check out this other YouTuber named Markiplier. The second Jack saw his channel and face, all of the memories flooded back to him and made his feel the sadness he hadn't felt in years. So many years ago.

Jack walked into the school building with a smile on his face. He waited by the stairs to the second floor exactly opposite from the entrance of the school. Today was Jack's 18th Birthday. He waited for his boyfriend, Mark, to come to the spot Jack was at which was where they met every morning although Mark was here first everyday, Jack was really excited so he came even earlier than usual.

A few minutes later, Jack saw Mark walk into the building with a few girls by his side. Jack suddenly became confused as to why he was holding hands with one of them. Then, he got his answer.

Mark kissed the other girl on the lips and then walked away from her and over to where Jack was standing. He couldn't believe his own eyes, which were now full of tears threatening to fall down his face.

Once Mark looked up to where Jack was he froze in shock. Jack started crying into the sleeves of his sweater.


"Save it..." Jack whispered before he left Mark standing there and went home.

His mom was his only comfort, but soon he was okay, not 100%, but okay. Jack then made sure to avoid Mark for the next few months until graduation. After graduation, Jack and his mom moved back to Ireland and Mark was never seen again in Jack's life.

Until now.

The pain Jack feels just thinking about what happened made him feel better. Jack still wasn't over what had happened so long ago. Jack than stopped walking as he noticed a man on a bench sat beside a lamppost. Jack walked closer.

"Um..excuse me, sir, but are you okay."

The man shook his head. Jack heard him sniffle a bit before looking up at Jack. This movement caused both men to jump back in surprise at seeing who was there.

"Mark?" "Jack?" Jack then questioned Mark. "Why are you in Ireland?"

Mark sighed. "I-I reminds me you, so I come here every year at least once. I didn't know you lived here." He then looked down.

"You don't actually care about me."

Mark looked up at Jack and into his eyes."I do. I realized this the second I saw you in tears. I-I still love you and I always have."

Jack shook his head. "Well, I'm over it. And you should be too. You obviously never cared. If you did, you wouldn't have been with someone else."

Mark was shocked. "Ho-How do you not care anymore?"

"I took the love you didn't want and I stitched my heart back together."

Jack then left Mark on the bench and went on his way back home.

Mark on the other hand, was walking towards the bridge across from him which was at least 50 feet high with a very deep river below him.

As he stood about to jump, his final words were:

"I'm sorry, Jack. I let you down."

A few seconds later, Mark left the earth without anyone knowing where he went.

Jack was sat in his bathroom, holding the sharpest blades he could find. He was sat in a very large pool of his own blood, his vision failing him. Jack's last words were not some many others would think he would say,

I'm sorry, Mark. I love you."

This was followed by a few more slashes to his body until lastly, Jack's life flashed before his eyes before he was just like Mark, no longer on the earth and no one knew.

A few weeks later, Mark's body was found in the river by a young couple walking past who saw his body in the now clear water. He was later identified and his death was labeled as a suicide.

A few days after that, Jack was found by his mother coming to give him a few cookies. She cried as she held him in his arms. Jack's death was also labeled as a suicide.

Their funerals were live streamed so their fans could join in the mourning of their favorite YouTubers. Only Jack's mother knew the truth and why this had happened. Only she knew their love.

Now they were together forever.

Welp sad and depressing...lik ma lyfe...also i have never been to a funeral so I don't know much about them so I couldn't really add much of it...

Wut have I done...
