Prompt: A and B swapping clothes

Status: Best friends to Together

Warnings: None

Dan awoke to the sun in his eyes and tried to cover his face to go back to sleep, before he realized he had promised a video today. He slowly sat up in his bed and stood. Then he went to the restroom before finally walking back into his room. He went to his dresser and opened the drawers to find all of his clothes were gone and replaced with Phil's." He questioned himself. He put on one of Phil's hoodies, which was his favorite, before going into Phil's room to find he had all of Dan's clothes, and was standing there looking as equally as confused as Dan.

"Phil, why have we swapped clothes?"

Phil looked up at Dan. "I'm not sure, but I want to try something."

Phil walked out of his room and motioned for Dan to follow him. They entered Dan's room and Phil walked over to where Dan kept his shirts to find that they were all Phil's. Phil went to grab one, but was thrown back by an invisible force which was followed by a note appearing next to him. Phil grabbed the note which read,You may not wear your own clothes until you both realize. Better get comfortable. ~E

Both boys were confused, what did they have to realize? And who was E? Neither knew the answer, well they knew the answer for the first question, but they didn't want to say it in case it was wrong.

Dan looked at Phil. "Well I guess we just have to wear each others clothes until we find the answer." Phil nodded, a bit happy on the inside. He secretly loved wearing Dan's clothes, but only wore them when he was out of the apartment for a few days or longer. Dan did the same thing, but didn't tell Phil as he was too scared.

Phil left to his room while Dan stayed in his. Dan picked out an outfit from Phil's clothes before remembering he had to make a video. How was he going to make a video wearing Phil's clothes? He didn't know. He decided he was going to anyway, because he didn't want his subscribers to wait any longer.

"Phil! I'm going to record!" Dan yelled into the hallway.

"Okay!" Phil yelled back.

Dan closed his door before setting everything up and finally recording the video.

Phil, on the other hand, was sat at the table in his chair at the dining room table. He was trying to figure out what they needed to realize in order to get their clothes back. Of course Phil didn't mind wearing Dan's clothes as was said before, but he really wanted to know who 'E' was and why they were doing it. Also, how 'E' was making it so they couldn't put on their own clothes and make the note appear. Phil sat there for another hour, thinking of possible answers of what they needed to do. He heard Dan open the door to his bedroom and walk into the room Phil was also in.

Phil looked up at Dan. "Did you finish recording?" Phil blushed a bit from looking at Dan in his clothes. Dan nodded.

"Ya, I just have to edit and upload it. What have you been doing?" Phil looked down at his empty piece of paper. "Thinking of what we might need to realize. I haven't got any though, because we both have to realize the same thing and I can't think of any for the both of us." Dan nodded and sat at his chair at the table. They sat there discussing until they both became tired. Dan left to go finish editing and upload the video he made which left Phil alone in the room once again. Another note appeared next to him. Phil picked it up and read it.

You two are really oblivious. I'm not sure how I can help you guys without giving it

Another note then appeared.

Well...I guess I have no choice...

Suddenly, Phil was in a white room with a teenage girl in front of him sat on a couch. She smiled at him. "Welcome, Phil! How are you today? Wait...I already know that! Yes, I am the one who switched your clothes. Not many individuals get to see me in their lifetime, unless they are OTP and super oblivious, such as you and Dan."

She stood and came in front of him. "Geez you're tall. I'm only five feet." She looked up at him. "Phil, you and Dan love each other. He enjoys being in your clothes just as much as you like his. He also wears them when you are gone just like you. This is what you and Dan needed to realize. Now you need to go and get Dan to realize this as well." Phil nodded and the girl sat back on the couch. "By the way, my name is Emerald." Phil blinked and then he was back in his chair at the table.

"Dan!" Dan came out of his room and over to where Phil was sat.

"Did you need something?"

"I know who did this to us and what we need to realize." Dan looked confused. "How did you figure it out?" "They took me into a room and told me what we needed to realize and also, her name is Emerald." Dan was still a little bit confused, but said, "okay...well what is it? Phil walked over in front of Dan. "This." 'This' was followed by Phil kissing Dan and to his surprise, Dan kissing back. They stayed this way until both needed air. Both boys then hugged each other tightly before opening their eyes to realize that they were back in their own clothes.

They laughed and sat on the couch before cuddling together and soon falling asleep. As Emerald watched the exchange she thought to herself, Another job well done. Who do we have next? Hm...She then went back to her job and Dan and Phil couldn't be anymore thankful for her help.