Last night was a really draining one. I thought things would be okay, where my best friend and I would hash out our emotions after much stress recently. And…it seemed like we did, planning a fantastic summer! Going to beaches, exploring more dimensions, and not worrying about dumb tests; it was going to be a great time. But she vanished…right before my very eyes. It was heartbreaking, as she confessed her feelings for me. My mind has been at a state of conflicting emotions.

Why did she leave like that? I'm positive she could have explained things before or at least left a dang letter. But Star didn't. Like everything, she ran away from her problems.

Regardless of my conflicting emotions and fears of the future, I lightly slap my face. I need to find her. Getting out of my bed, I turn to the mirror and notice my worn-out body.

"Ugh…look gross." Tossing on my trademark red hoodie and black skinny jeans, I slowly walk downstairs, spotting my mom and dad making pancakes.

"Hey guys…sorry for not helping clean up the mess from last night."

"It's okay Mio. You was having too much fun with Jackie." Dad answers.

"I'm so happy my little boy found a girlfriend. And to think you had such problems talking to girls." Mom gives me a warm smile, but I feel something is off.

"What are you talking about?" I sit down, rubbing my neck. "I'm friends with a magical princess. I can talk to girls." I slug down water next to my plate, but notice my parents giving me a strange look. "Is something on my face? What's wrong guys?"

"Magical Princess?" My mom asks in a confused tone.

"…Um. STAR! You know, the girl that just left like that last night?" I snap my fingers for greater effect. But both of my parents just give me an even more confused look.

"Is something wrong?" My dad asks, putting his arm on my shoulder. "Maybe you have a fever or feel sick from the pizza nuggets." Before I say anything, I think. Maybe…when Star vanished, something took away EVERYTHING about her from Earth. Including her memories she formed with people around her. So why do I still remember her? Not going to talk about her anymore; don't want to be sent to the crazy house.

"No. Nothing." I take a bite out of my pancakes. "Just had an odd dream last night. Too much cartoons can rot the brain." I tap my head to empathize the point. My dad gives hearty chuckle and my mom just smiles. "Would it be okay if I head out later? Going to hang out with Jackie and Janna."

"Sure thing sweetie." My mom responds, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Just be careful."

"I'm the Safe Kid for a reason Mom." I laugh and continue eating my food, as my mom and dad continue their business. One thought danced across my mind on rapid fire: I need to get off Earth fast.

"Marco?" Janna asks confused. "What are you doing here?" I raced toward her house, hoping she would remember Star. Maybe she casted some anti-amnesia pact or something? She is into witchy things...

"I have a question…do you remember Star Butterfly?" I ask, hoping she remembers. Janna taps her head, trying to recall something. But I spot her give a simple shrug. "Blond girl with blue eyes? Used magic? Destroyed the school a few times?"

"I don't know who that is Diaz. She sounds fun though; did you have a wet dream or something?"

"NO!" I shout, annoyed with her teasing. "Just…nothing. I'm going to be gone for a few weeks, so just wanted to say hello. Have a great summer!" As I run off, Janna grabs my arm. "Where are you going?"

"To a place where someone needs my help." I respond with confidence. She lets me go and I race toward Jackie's house, preparing to do something I likely will regret. My legs felt tired after running so fast, but I soon find myself in front of the Thomas household. Knocking on the tall wooden door, Jackie comes out, smiling.

"Hello Diaz! What's up?" So surreal knowing how Jackie Lyn Thomas is dating me of all people, but I'm are here for a reason.

"Hi. I just wanted to stop by saying I'm going to travel for a few weeks this summer. I know we had plans set up…but something important came up." I look down, not bothering asking her about Star.

"Something about your family?" Jackie asks with sad tone, her face forming a frown.

"Yeah. One of my relatives got really sick and my mom is sending me over to take care of them for a few weeks. I'm really sorry."

"That's okay. Glad you told me." Jackie kissed my cheek, making my face feel warm. "Just keep in touch."

"I will. And Jackie…I'm sorry for being a bad boyfriend lately." I rub my arms, wanting to share my honest feelings. "My mind has been so focused on other things, that I didn't get to know the real you more. And I promised you that I would. I'm hopeful when I get back, we will still be friends. Regardless of whatever happens." Jackie looked at me with confusion…I know she doesn't remember Star, but I wanted to be truthful; she deserves that much.

"Um, okay dude. But you aren't a bad boyfriend." She gave me a beaming smile, making my heart melt slightly. "Come here Safe Kid." We give one another a tight hug, feeling the bond between us. Even if my heart loves Star, I will always care deeply for Jackie. She is very important to me. After letting go I wave goodbye and begin running back home.

I spot my mom and dad, watching a movie on the couch. "Hello guys." They turn toward me, spotting my smiling face. I have a clear plan to set in motion…

"Back home early dear. Your friends are busy?" My mom asks earnestly.

"Yep. They had plans today, so going to read up on some stuff in my room."

"Okay Mio." My dad looked away from me and resumed watching the TV with mom.

This is good; they are busy. I run up my room and open my closet. "It has to be here still…" I take out my dagger and leather gloves, things I had during the trails in Heckapoo's dimension. Tossing a brown belt on my waste over my black jeans and placing the dagger in a holster, I spot my leather jacket. "This brings back memories." I throw it over my red hoodie, making it fit snug over my back.

Spotting my backpack, I toss pudding and other snacks I have laying around my house in addition to spare fanny pack and red hoodie. "Almost done…but need one more thing." I open my draws and pray that they are still there…yes!

"My dimensional scissors…glad these didn't vanish yet." Holding them tight, I feel the weight of bricks as I make a portal to Mewni. A bright blue vortex appears before me and I smile. My way to my best friend…right before my very eyes. Holding my backpack tightly, I leap into the portal leaving Earth behind…only for it to vanish.

"WHAT!?" I scream loudly. My hands starts shaking, with me violently stabbing the air again and again to open a portal…but nothing happens. "This is bad, this is bad, this is…wait." As if a light-bulb goes off in my head, I race through my closet hoping this is still inside it.

"The bell and hammer…surprised these didn't vanish." I hit the bell, making a loud noise. Winged demons are lifting a carriage in the air, with a door opening up. "Time to go." I jump inside it, hoping it will take me to Tom. The ride was long and warm…almost too warm. My hoodie was starting to burn up a bit. But I tap the little flame away and get out of the carriage, finding myself in front of what dub Tom's Man Cave.

"Wow…didn't expect you to come so soon." Tom walks up slowly, having a sour face. "Here to find Star, right?"

"You knew she left Earth?" I asked surprised. News travels fast across dimensions…

"Yep. But I have one question." Tom cracks his knuckles and decks me square in the face. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME STAR LIKED YOU MAN?"

"Calm down man! I just found out the other day. Can…we talk without you burning me into ash?!" I was getting fed up and my face hurt from the punch; had no time to deal with Tom acting petty. My demon friend took a deep breath and relaxed.

"Okay…sorry dude. Just, surprised by that Song Day thing." Tom rubs his neck, clearly upset with how that lovely little song played out. "Come with me, I can help you." I follow Tom into his cave, with him telling me to sit on the couch. "Can you explain what happened?"

"So…I have a party and we all are having a good time, but things are awkward between Star and myself due to that dumb song. I knew there was truth to it, even if Star didn't help write that." I face palmed hard as I said this. "Long story short, she was gone most of the night and by the time she got back, we hashed things out. It was great…until she ran downstairs minutes later telling me she's leaving Earth forever and telling everyone, including my girlfriend, she has a crush on me. I tried to go after her, but her room vanished like that." I snap my fingers for greater effect. "So I tried to calm down the next day, before everyone on Earth forgot about Star, as if her memories are gone. I fully remember Star and I didn't want to start forgetting. So I planned on leaving Earth to chase after her."

"But the dimensional rifts aren't working anymore." Tom sighs. He takes out a pair of his own scissors, having a red handle on them and making a cutting motion. "They can make the portals, but they are far from stable. It's a good thing you didn't jump through yours before they vanished; could have been sent to space or something."

"Great…sixteen years were wasted for nothing." I feel full of anger, tossing the useless blades on the floor.

"The trials suck man." Tom rubs his neck, having a somber look on his face. "Took me ten years to earn mine. But we have other means to get into Mewni." He snaps his fingers and it opens a flaming portal. "I'm not sure how close this will take you to the Mewni castle, but its close enough to start your journey."

"Thanks man!" Overjoyed at a chance to find Star, I give Tom a hug. He pushed me away, clearly annoyed by the gesture. "Sorry…must have gotten that from Star."

"That's fine Marco…never do that again or I will burn you into ash." Tom folds his arms, giving me an angered expression. "Now, you still remember your skills from the trails?"

"Yeah. The memories largely came back a month ago; large part thanks to your training" That was some tough stuff I went through across those sixteen years…I still miss my hot bod. "I can use my skills still. Thanks for training me."

"You will need them, and no problem." Tom's voice sounded deadly serious. "Dark forces are in Mewni…you better be careful if you want to find Star." His face looked horrified, as if he saw a ghost. "…If it's not too late already."

"Tom…you NEVER get this scared." My body felt tense, ready for another sixteen year adventure. "Guess I better be ready for anything." I race toward the fire portal, looking back on my friend. "I will make this up to you." The portal closes, but I make out a faint smile from Tom, as if he wished me luck finding his starship.

I soon crash land head-first into some cave, rubbing my head from minor numbing pain. "…I'm not in the Butterfly Castle that's for sure. I wonder where I am." My arms on my sides, looking around inside a glowing cave. Crystals are shining a bright blue, radiating across the cave. I knock on the crystals and they feel really rough, but sturdy.

"Mmm…" Rubbing my chin, thinking of how I can use these. I focus my thoughts and take out my dagger. "This happened in Heckapoo's dimension…so maybe." The blade grows a few feet, forming a proper sword. "There we go!" Reading the blade, I make a few slashes on the crystal and it shatters a few pieces. One of the pieces is quite large, so I pick it up.

A large ogre starts walking near me, giving me a stern glare. "What are you doing here, Earth punk?" Looking behind me, I spot the large brute.

"Oh, I'm just here to find Princess Butterfly. You know where she might be? I'm lost in this cave." The ogre studies me, eyeing my face and mole.

"So you are this prince character we monsters have heard so much about…come with me boy." The ogre begins walking and notice me leaving the crystal shard behind. "You can take that. Was going to smash that up anyway." Sighing in relief. I pick up the shard, tossing it in my backpack. Following the ogre, I realize what this place really is; a mining shaft. Other ogres are picking crystals with worn-out pick axes and looking quite tired. We stop near a wooden table, with him tossing me a chair to sit on.

"Thanks." Sitting down, I relax. The ogre gives me a warm smile, chuckling.

"So, you want to find the princess boy? I know you two are a thing, but didn't expect royalty to craw its way to the mines."

"I just kind of got here. Are these the pixie mines?"

"Oh no! We mine for the royal family." The ogre smiles proudly. "My name is Bill and I lead the team here."

"Marco Diaz." I hold out my hand, which the monster grabs to shake. "You seem like a really cool dude. Can you tell me how to get out of here?"

"Just follow the red crystals down that way." Bill points toward the edge of the cave. "Once you find a bright light, you will find yourself near the Boggy Swamp. The castle is still a ways away but you can make it."

"Thanks! Is there anything I can help with?" Might as well offer help, considering I know where to go now. "I'm good at fighting and could maybe help with the mining operation here for a bit."

The ogre grins and beings laughing hard. "A prince wanting to help us monsters?! Good one boy." My face remains blank, which he picks up on soon. "You are serious…"

"Why would I joke like that? You were cool to me, so I be cool to you." I scratch my neck in confusion.

"Huh…okay boy. We are dealing with a problem." Bill gets up and guides me to follow him. "You see, we have been dealing with a supply shortage. My men need water but the only place that has it, is guarded by some giant creature. Could you take it out?"

"I could try." How bad could fighting a monster be? I fought plenty of them!

"Good! Just keep walking straight and you will find it." I nod and get my belongings before heading to find this creature. This part of the cave felt moist, as if the cave itself was alive. Every footstep I took made a squashing sound, making my skin crawl. Must be closer… I keep walking and soon enough, the creature is right in front of me. Standing tall in front of a small pond, its slimy green vines are draining the water.

"So, who are you?" I ask, with the creature just making growling sounds. "Okay…so you want a rumble? Let's fight!" Leaping forward, I slash the vines with my blade. The creature makes an audible scream, echoing across the cave. Dropping my blade, the monster slams a vine into my chest. The next strike I leap in the air, landing a chopping kick.

Spotting my blade, I spring forward before sliding on the ground with my knees to avoid another strike. Grabbing the blade, I leap in the air and make a slash. Two vines come off, causing the creature to begin crying in pain. Stopping my assault, the creature moans softly, awaiting a quick death.

"I'm sorry…but you are really harming the people here." I pat the creatures back. "What can I do?" The creature stays still, as if the life was drained from it. "Sorry it ended this way…" Getting up, I pick up my blade. As I walk away, flowers started blooming. I turn around and my jaw dropped. The creature was giving birth to special monster plants, each one slowly walking out of the lake. They come up to me, and latch on to my leg.

"Stop that! It tickles!" I laugh like an idiot before falling on the floor. They begin moving around me and release a calming aroma. "Wow…this smells really nice." My eyes begin to close, passing out.

"Marco! Are you okay?" I hear the faint voice of Bill shout.

"I…I'm okay. What happened?"

"You took out the creature and its children left the cave. Water supply is now open!" The entire mining crew shouts with joy. Getting off the floor, I smile, overjoyed that these monsters feel a bit better. "Want to sleep with us tonight? It"s too late now for travel."

"Sounds great! Thanks for the hospitality Bill." I punch his arm lightly.

"Follow my young boy John, he will get your room set up." I follow his son, a slightly shorter version of Bill, leading me to the cabin I will be sleeping in.

"Thank you John. Sorry about you guys working all the time." I rub my neck, feeling bad they spend their lives working in the mines.

"It's okay Marco." The young boy smiles. "Just get some rest. My dad really looks up to the royal family."

"You don't hate them?" I ask, knowing the whole history behind Mewdependence Day.

"Well…not really." John looks directly at me. "Some monsters get treated better than others sadly. But due to us working within the royal family, we get treated a bit better. So while we don't like them much, we do respect them. Besides…" John leans closer to me. "You are a hero of the monsters."

"Wait what?" I feel really confused at this point.

"We got word from Buff Frog you and the princess are kind to monsters. You know how rare that is?"

This hits me like a bag of bricks; monster are treated badly…this isn't right. "Star and I respect monsters enough not to hurt them badly. And…you guys are cool. I have to head out tomorrow, but please let me know if you need any help John."

"I will Marco. Get some sleep hero." John gets out of the cabin and heads outside. Looking outside the window, I feel strange. Monsters are people…and they get treated badly. Mewni isn't that different from Earth after all. I close my eyes and head to sleep, my first day on Mewni being quite eventful.