These characters and places belong to Lucasfilms and Disney. I'm just playing with the toys.

The cantina was dark, and she preferred it that way. Ahsoka sat in an even darker corner, covered by a hood over her head which covered her montrals, head tails and hid her face. Not that few would even recognize her by sight, as she was probably presumed dead at this point. It still wasn't worth the risk, and those few she had been in contact recently which honestly wasn't many, may have already exposed the possibility she had been alive. She had been in hiding too long, and it had been a great difficulty to even get this meeting. Afraid to expose herself and the efforts of a rebellion that she had been working with prior since it's dawn many years ago and then to come out of hiding, after her personal and important struggles and trying to reconnect to the alliance, was risky for both her and them. She wasn't sure she could even trust this person. It had taken some months, and some interesting channels to get to this point, many of the old channels were long gone, and the bases and cells she had known about had been moved, or relocated, destroyed, or she had no way to contact them, not knowing any of the new codes or password and phrases. Many of her old associates were dead or lost. She knew though, during her time at Malachor, that at least one of her old Jedi masters was still out there, somewhere. She felt him trying to contact her. She felt something else as well, but what that was, she wasn't sure, he being in hiding as well. He came to her in visions sometimes, but she could feel he wasn't dead, not yet, anyway. He was never blatantly descriptive, he never was really when she knew him, his way of talking was seen as odd, but he was very wise, and made you think. He was frail though, and holding on for some reason, some reason important. For what, she did not know. She wasn't sure he really needed her, just that maybe she could be of some help in some way. Reaching out to her as if it was a last resort. Obi-Wan had contacted her as well, but she could tell that he was now part of the living Force. It was strange though that he could personally contact her, but it was fleeting and a small connection. She didn't understand how that was even possible, as she had learned from childhood that all Jedi join the living Force and they become one. Her biggest fear was that HE would find her again, her former master, or more of what he had become, the monster that was a mere shadow of the kind man she once knew. She knew she could not destroy him, she had tried that and failed before, and almost lost her own life doing that. The time at Malachor had been insightful, however, she faced many of her own fears and learned a great deal about herself.

When she first got out of hiding, she sought to find Bail Organa, but was distressed to find that he had perished in the destruction of Alderaan, along with many of it's citizens. There were rumors that his daughter had survived, after being taken captive by the Empire, though there were those who had said that she too had died. She wondered if there was a way to get in contact with Princess Leia, who she had learned had become the face of the rebellion in the aftermath, and started going underground and observed individuals in underground places for possible contacts. It's possible as well that the Empire had resorted to similar tactics and also that bounties had been placed on the heads of many of those connected to the rebellion, that they may to be looking for a way in to get a hefty reward. She herself knew that trusting the Empire with getting a reward was futile unless they were sure you were actively working with them, so just anybody from the dregs of society bringing in a bounty to the Empire would have to do so with some credibility. Many of those that would be coming into this particular cantina had much to fear from the Empire by this point, so there was that on her side. She noticed a Twi'lek entering the room, fitting the description of the person she was meant to meet. She saw her suspiciously ignoring a person sitting at the bar, while that person gave them a sharp look. She assumed that this person was either her lookout, someone after her, or just interested. She wasn't that striking for a Twi'lek, she looked tough as nails and appeared as if she had seen and been through more than her share of scrapes in the past few years. She wandered around, then came to Ahsoka's table and flashed a hand signal. The hand signal was what her contact said she would do when she made contact. Ahsoka said "I've been better." What was agreed upon with their mutual contact.

The Twi'lek threw some credits on the table and said. "Come with me." and then led Ahsoka out to a location behind the cantina and down an alley way.

A speeder pulled up with a Duros driving, and the Twi'lek stranger motioned for Ahsoka to climb in and the Twi'lek followed. Immediately, they were being transported to a docking bay where they got out and they motioned her onto a ship. "Whoa, where are you taking me?" Ahsoka asked.

"I hope you didn't have somewhere else to go today." The Twi'lek replied. "or too much baggage left behind."

"Well, not really, but well, I think I have a right to know where I'm going!" Ahsoka said, now a bit alarmed. She thought she was just going to have a talk with this person, not leave planet.

"Trust me." And the Twi'lek flashed an emblem associated with the rebel alliance. "We have to move fast."

Ahsoka got on the ship, reluctantly, and trusting these strangers with her life. She reached into the Force, trying to get a sense of the mood of the two individuals and the situation, and she didn't feel too much in danger, no more than she had in any way most of her life. She would have to trust her instincts. She looked around the ship, it was basic, clean, and sparse. She had her lightsabers with her, and felt if she needed to, she could always take the ship, these two seemed no match for her, if need be, and tried to relax. She sat in the ship lounge area, but calling it a lounge area was a bit of a stretch, it was some bolted down crates with straps attached. In a short time, the Twi'lek came out to her and asked. "Are you really Ahsoka Tano?"

This startled her. She had never told anyone in her search her actual name, only that she had been an agent and had been in hiding. "How did you know?" She asked.

"It seems you have a friend looking out for you, Tano. And well, among us in intelligence for the alliance, you are a bit of a legend. It's a pleasure to meet you." The Twi'lek offered her hand.

Ahsoka lowered her hood and took her hand, and finally smiled. She had a good feeling about this. They went through hyperspace and little was said. It was a bit unnerving to not know where she was going, having been in control of her own actions for some time, but it brought to mind the time when she was fighting in the Clone Wars as a young teenager, not always knowing the destination. Even while she was fighting with the rebellion, it was usually she who was the one in the know, but right now, she was an outsider. Who knew where they were bringing her and to whom? They made a few jumps in various systems, and as they came out of hyperspace, Ahsoka joined the Duros and the Twi'lek, both of whom never told her their names (Was it a matter of security?) in the cockpit, and looked out to see a small fleet of various ships. She had been brought to the rebel fleet.

"Before you disembark, you may want to raise your hood again." The Twi'lek spoke.

"Thank you, I don't even know your name." Ahsoka replied.

"We like to keep it that way, we may meet again though. I'm afraid we are just dropping you off. Trust me, High Command will take good care of you. We are heading straight back out after we are done here, good luck! It's been an honor." The Twi'lek responded.

She walked down the ramp to the hanger, which had been deserted, save for a lone official and seemingly high ranking officer.

"Ahsoka Tano?" The official looking individual stated.

"Yes, and you would be?" Ahsoka asked, wondering how they knew so much about her.

"I'm General Airen Cracken, head of intelligence. My agents told me you were coming. This isn't usually how we do things, but we were sure it was actually you and brought you straight here once we were sure you were who you said you were. I'm to take you to Mon Mothma directly. It's still classified that you are here." Cracken replied.

General Cracken spoke into a comm and two men arrived as escorts to Ahsoka and the general. "Lady Tano, if you will follow me. It won't be a long walk."

The corridor to the large vessel was deserted and well lit. They came to a door, the general hit a few codes, and directed the escorts to wait outside. Ahsoka and the general entered the room, which appeared to be a large conference room. The only person inside was a red haired woman turned away from them, looking at a monitor of some type. "I will be with you in a moment." She spoke.

Ahsoka and the general stood there quietly. She looked around the room, it was very bright, yet white everywhere, and it felt a bit humid. After a moment or two, the general directed her to sit at a table, and he sat as well. The woman seemed engrossed in whatever she was staring at, as if it was of great importance and that she carried the weight of the galaxy on her shoulders. After some time, she turned around and said. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. You may not believe this, but I was overjoyed to hear from our operatives that you had resurfaced. It has been quite some time since I had seen you last. I trust your trip uneventful?" Mon Mothma asked.

"Senator Mothma?" Ahsoka queried.

"No longer a Senator, I'm afraid. Have you been out of the loop then for some time?"

"It's well, good to see you. Well, I heard the news of Alderaan and Senator Organa. When I resurfaced, I had hoped to reconnect with him. He had always been my contact, a fact by now that I am sure by now you are well aware." Ahsoka replied.

"Ah, yes, our original Fulcrum in the flesh. Senator Organa and I worked close together for many years, and it has brought us here to this moment. I understand you have been seeking us out? We will have a full debriefing on your disappearance at another time. I do understand your need to hide. General Cracken, if you will excuse us, I wish to speak with Ahsoka alone. I will have her escorted to your office shortly." Mon Mothma replied.

"Yes, certainly, Ma'am." and General Cracken departed.

After a few moments. Mon Mothma spoke. "As I said, I can understand the need to hide. I remember you from when I was a young senator. Always with General Kenobi and General Skywalker, I remember as well that you left the Jedi. It's very still dangerous for you, for a variety of reasons, and I am guessing not just because of your work with the rebellion or the fact you are a former Jedi. I don't know how long you have been out of the loop, as I have been told that you have been in deep hiding and only learned of the destruction of Alderaan recently, but were you aware of the Death Star?"

Ahsoka replied. "Only that it had been destroyed after blowing up Alderaan. After I heard about Senator Organa, I hoped to look for Princess Leia, that was what started to my ending up here."

"Yes, questions about the Princess often perk up the ears of our operatives. We like to keep up with bounty hunters searching for members of High Command and the like. I'm afraid that right now, Princess Leia, is well, unavailable at the moment." Mon Mothma replied. "Did you know her?"

"No, I never did meet her, I just became aware that she was an enemy of the Empire and seemed to be the face of the rebellion, that and her connection to her father, I thought that might be a way to find you here. Is she alive?" Ahsoka replied.

"Well, I have hopes that she is. And as for her being a way for us to find you in a way, it did. We did find you, after all. Do you know how the Death Star was blown up?" Mon Mothma asked.

"No, only that it was the rebellion that was responsible." Ahsoka replied.

"Indeed it was, there is more, but another time. Well, I recently became aware that the Empire is building another Death Star. Now, I know you as a former operative will know to keep this confidential between ourselves. I have yet to make this matter public among the entire fleet, as we have operatives and scouting teams on the move currently, and it's still on a need to know basis. I know you are aware of that kind of operation. And don't think because you haven't been a part of the rebellion that I am just sharing this with just anyone. Oh, I have had you watched and tested prior to your being brought here. Usually we have a vetting or a thorough process involved in recruiting new operatives and soldiers, but you aren't new, and as I have said, we have been watching you. I didn't want to cloud my own judgment on being very pleased to have found you again, Lady Tano." Mon Mothma said.

"I understand, Senator, I mean um, ma'am." Ahsoka replied with question.

"I apologize though, you have only just gotten here, and I must have overwhelmed you. Let's get you a room set up and we can talk more later. General Cracken will take care of everything. We are so very glad to have you here with us, Lady Tano." Mon Mothma said.

"I'm very glad to have found you all. I have been in hiding way too long." Ahsoka responded.

"Indeed, and with good reason. We will talk some more after you have rested and gotten more settled." Mon Mothma replied.

She walked her to the door, and motioned for the escorts to take her to Cracken's office. Ahsoka got the feeling that Mon Mothma wanted to say more, but stopped herself from continuing. It was true that Ahsoka had been hiding so deep that keeping up with events had put her at a disadvantage, and she wasn't sure what kind of help she could offer the Alliance. She had even only heard about Alderaan after she resurfaced, though she realized she had felt it when it had happened. When she would hide before, it was often with a different name and living a more anonymous life, but this time, it was alone and in meditation and deep in the outer rim alone, with little contact with the outside world. Shielding herself as much she could, until once in mediation that Obi-Wan had come to her. It was strange, and he came as an old man. She knew that somehow he had to have survived beyond order 66, but she didn't know how. It wasn't why he was in contact with her, in fact, she wasn't even sure about that. Only that she needed to rejoin the alliance, somehow she was needed or wanted. She didn't know why. She was unable to keep contact with him for very long, their connection was never as deep as the one she had with Anakin, and that she had learned to shield permanently, after she knew. How could her master have become that horrible thing? It made no sense to her. She felt after that, she could never show her face anywhere ever again, and once Malachor was free of her, she knew she would have to live in hiding, until Darth Vader had died, but that was before Obi-Wan came to her.

The escorts took her to General Cracken's office, and she took a seat as they departed. General Cracken gave her a good look over and said. "I have heard a great deal about you, Lady Tano, a great deal. Did you know Draven? I spent a good deal of my time before Yavin setting up spy networks and you came up quite a bit. It's really wonderful to finally meet you in the flesh."

"I hope I meet the expectations of my reputation, then." Ahsoka said with some reluctance.

"Actually, I am working on setting you up with quarters and getting you comfortable as we speak, but I do have a pressing assignment for you." Cracken replied.

"Already putting me to work then, General?" Ahsoka said with surprise.

"Oh, don't worry, it shouldn't be too dangerous, nor take too long. That is if you still have your lightsaber. I'm afraid our previous lightsaber wielder has been missing for a few weeks. See, we had a set back on a planet called Hoth. We still keep getting distress calls from ships who were lost, so there is hope, but I'm afraid his ship was one we did not get word from, either from a distress call, nor our search team after the battle." Cracken explained.

"Why, yes, I have two lightsabers. You had a 'lightsaber' wielder?" Ahsoka asked.

"We did. Come, I will show you what we need." Cracken replied.

As they walked down the corridor, she noticed it was incredibly empty save for the two escorts, and immensely quiet. Soon they came to a room, as he opened the door, she noticed that unlike the other rooms, this one was dark. In the center, was a large durasteel box.

"We have tried every macrospanner to try to open this thing. The thing is though, it has to be done delicately. There are high explosives inside. We were able to steal it from the Empire, but we have no way of opening it. We know there are some high tech weaponry inside, and we want to analyze them. The only thing is that the contents are at risk of explosion. Do you think you can handle this? We have had one opened before by, as I said, our commander who is missing, and he was able to break through by going along the edge and he said by 'feeling' what was inside, whatever that means." Cracken replied.

"He used the Force?" Ahsoka asked. "How old is this person?"

"I don't know. Luke is maybe, 22 or 23 I suppose, somewhere in that age range." Cracken said.

Ahsoka wondered who or what this Luke was. She looked around the box, walked around it, reached out to see if she could tell how tight the contents were, and pushed them carefully to one side, trying not to disturb them using the Force. She then took one of her blades, and eased it through gentle along the edge on the side where she had pushed the contents away, slowly and carefully, until it gave way and she then reached out and gently allowed it to land on the steel floor of the room.

"Wow, you did it, and it record time! I don't think Luke could have done that as precise as you could." Cracken said.

"Well, I have been using the Force for a very long time now, Sir." Ahsoka laughed.

"I will have some of my team check these items out. You did good work. Follow me." Cracken said.

Cracken closed the door and they returned back to his office. As they got there, an older man had been inside waiting.

"General Rieekan, I was not expecting you." Cracken replied with surprise.

"Ahsoka Tano?" General Rieekan asked.

"Yes?" Ahsoka said.

"I too fought in the Clone Wars, I remember you. I can't believe it." He offered his hand and laughed. "General Carlist Rieekan. You probably don't remember me. I remember you well, I was just a soldier back in those days."

"Those were some heavy times." Ahsoka said.

"Indeed they were. You were quite something. Just barely a kid back then. Where did you find her, Airen?" General Rieekan said.

"Well, she sort of found us, and we brought her here, and right now, we are keeping it on a need to know basis, you must understand. It's ok, Lady Tano, Carlist is part of High Command, one of the team." General Cracken pointed out. "So, what brings you here, Carlist? It must be important."

"Well, I had a team searching in the Anoat system, for any lost or stray ships, and well, there was an odd signal echoing that was picked up. I was wondering if we could get a check on it?" Rieekan explained and handed him a data pad.

Cracken had a look. "It does seem to be one of our codes. Can't be too sure. I will get it tracked, see what we can find out. I don't imagine the ship is there anymore though. We may be able to keep looking for the same code."

"You do know who uses that code, correct?" Rieekan said.

Cracken replied. "Of course I do, and we must not get our hopes up, but I hope it's good news. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I will get on it right away."

"Thank you, Airen. It is so wonderful to have you here with us, Commander Tano." Rieekan smiled and left.

Ahsoka was shown to quarters by Cracken's escorts and was surprised to find inside the few belongings that she had left behind waiting for her. How long had they been watching her and she didn't even know? Well, at least they seemed to be on her side, she laughed to herself.