AN: Well, at least I posted something.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warnings: So much cussing, SI OC, male in female body, violence.
"They keep on picking on you because you always hide your fore-head." Blondie commented, finger up like a nagging mother. "You're cute, so don't be afraid."
Sakura looked at her wide-eyed, it was the first time since she joined the academy that a girl had actually been nice to her. The other girls had picked up on herself consciousness and attacked her like starved dogs, if the blonde girl hadn't saved her then it probably would have led to-
"Thank you." She sent a small smile toward the other girl. "If you weren't there they would have kept on bothering me for sure. "
Blondie grinned and crossed her arms. "No problem." She cocked her head. "Hey want to hang out some time? I can help you with flower arranging if you want."
Sakura clenched her hands on her pants and nodded. "Sure." It would be nice to hang out with a girl her age, her mother kept on asking about it and she hated worrying her.
"Sounds great! See you tomorrow then!"
She waved as the girl walked off, a pleasant smile on her face until she was out of sight.
She halted her hand and let it drop, along with the smile as she finally let go of the pants she had nearly ripped.
Those bitches should be happy that blondie came or I would have beat the shit out of them.
She scoffed and pulled the red bow off of her head to eye it suspiciously. It was silky, and matched her shirt, so it probably looked good. In other words it was super girly and Sakura didn't really care about looking good. The blonde was nice but no way was Sakura going to pick flowers with all the other girls.
"Flower arranging my ass." She muttered, and shoved the gift in her pocket. "Like Hell."
She had much more important things to worry about, like training to be a Ninja.
On March 28th a cute, pink haired girl was gifted to the Haruno family. She was small and loud when brought out into the world, she cried and slept just like any normal baby. She diligently drank her milk, giggled when they made faces and never showed a sign of being troublesome.
When she learned how to walk, well that's when things started to go wrong. Much like a baby bird learning to fly Sakura had taken to everything in front of her like a sponge and soared.
(That was the day that Haruno Mebuki would remember for the rest of her life, when her seemingly perfect princess turned into a ferocious tiger.)
Their child was everywhere, green eyes far more sharp then any child they had ever seen with a curiosity that would surely get her killed. Soon their peaceful lives, and any thought of a normal child, were brought to an end by the hands of their own daughter.
('Some delicate flower she was.' Kizashi Haruno muttered, hands on his knees as he panted. 'We should have named her Tora, she was far too fierce to be named after anything but a wild animal.')
Sakura was indeed spirited, but that had been ingrained in her since she had been eighteen years old. Be motivated, disciplined and ambitious.
But then that had also been when Sakura was a Sergeant in the Infantry. So perhaps her parents were a little overwhelmed by the child they had been gifted. Most civilians never were comfortable around those like her, they tended to be loud and cursed heavier than any sailor in existence.
Ten years in the Military prepared her for a lot of things, she had moved around from base to base so she could adapt rather quickly to any situation. She had also been deployed a fair amount so battle really wasn't a big deal to her, well at least blowing things up wasn't. Honestly she wasn't all that experienced in hand-to-hand combat, she fought with guns and explosives not Kunai and magic shit.
The one thing she couldn't get used to was being a female. That shit was just weird and made her feel like a pervert each time she changed. Sakura easily was able to refer to herself as a girl, since to her it was simply just a word, but she never actually felt like one.
Which was why she refused to wear the fancy red dress her mother offered and instead found a shirt with the same circle. Her mother had insisted since the symbol represented their family even though they weren't that well-known. Family pride and all that she guessed.
There was also the whole ordeal with being dead and all that. Sakura was pretty sure she was blown up, and sometimes at night she could hear the ringing in her ears, but here she was alive and well.
It was much too like reincarnation for her to be comfortable with, so she just settled with being high on drugs. What else would explain the Ninjas and magic they wielded?
Somewhere in her mind it seemed familiar, but Sakura had never been one to watch T.V. very much so she couldn't tell. But maybe her brain had remembered it and stuck her in the odd dream-world while she was doped up. That was the only logical explanation she could come up with.
Infantry members weren't exactly known for their brains after all.
In the very least at least she got to fight, if she had been in a boring dream-world she would have surely gone insane. As it was, she was already downplaying her level of maturity as much as she could handle, real or not she didn't want to be noticed by people. She liked being unseen so she could observe which lead to her acting like a relatively normal person when in the outside world. In an attempt to learn more about the world she was in she had to listen and gain information like she was on a mission, if she asked her parents they'd start to wonder exactly how intelligent she actually was and that was a no-no.
So she would be as patient and soft-spoken as she could when around others, but when alone she'd allow herself to act normally. She was pretty sure most people would be terrified to be around her if she acted like she used to while on the field.
Act normal, like a small girl just learning about the world. Smile when others did, cower when afraid and most importantly don't hit anyone.
The small village they lived in was rather homely and for the most part Sakura could walk home without having to worry about being attacked. It was probably to do with the Ninja that were constantly around but she wasn't quite used to the level of security they had.
But while the Ninja were useful, they couldn't be everywhere.
Though she was rather surprised when they failed, on multiple occasions, to help out the poor blonde orphan. He was loud and very energetic so he wasn't very hard to miss, but neither was the attitude everyone seemed have toward the poor kid.
They really seemed to hate him, and she couldn't figure out why.
She peered at said kid as he ran off laughing from a furious shop owner, atrocious orange clothes acting like a beacon as he ran through the streets. His victim was covered in red paint, and very angry, but Sakura was all too amused to really care.
He was a mischievous brat that was for sure, but also clever underneath it all.
"Make sure you keep your distance from him Sakura."
She turned her head toward her mother, and caught hints of fear but not so much as most villagers and certainly no hate. Good, it seemed her mother seemed to have a level head on her shoulders.
Mebuki pursed her lips, and her gaze flicked toward where the blonde had run off to. "He'd probably drag you into too much trouble, and I don't think your father and I could handle that."
They certainly had enough to handle with their one daughter, Sakura mused silently and nodded like the good child she was.
(It wasn't like just yesterday she was cackling as she finally achieved twenty good push-ups, her mother watching with a hand on her heart and a rather concerned face. How did she raise such an odd and robust child?)
Her mother eyed her for a second, the woman had raised her after all, and then sighed before she continued their journey.
Sakura followed, a small smile on her face as they traveled through the crowd. People passed around them, and she silently watched as they passed taking those that stood out.
Though they could blend rather well she could easily tell which of those Ninja's were simply by the way they walked. Their footsteps were light and picked up no dust as they walked much like cats on while they were hunting.
She watched, and learned, keep your center of balance low, toe and ball of your foot first. She gained a few odd glances but she was a child, it easily played off as some odd game she was entertaining herself with.
There was much to learn in this world, but she'd learn all she could. She'd grow stronger to protect her family, it was what she knew how to do anything else would probably lead to failure.
She was good at abnormal that much was for certain.
Two years ago that she had decided to become a Ninja. There wasn't a heroic reason why, she was restless and bored already and that was not a good sign. As it was she was pretty sure she would be forced to live this life out, so until someone came to kill her she needed to do something.
But she wouldn't allow some weakling to off her. No she would train until only the strongest was able to, though she was jerk to most she wasn't egotistical enough to think she'd be the strongest out of all of them. There would always be someone who trained more, with more experience, more anything that could kill her.
So until that day came she'd train, and wouldn't stop. The world she was in was full of so many possibilities.
They had magic.
Of course she was sure that wasn't what it was called, but she could honestly care less about the name. All she knew was people used to scale buildings without hands, teleport and all that cool shit. She also could tell that she had some inside of her, the little ball of electricity sort of just sat there all day. So she may as well use the thing.
Sakura had no idea how to in the first place, so she listened to the gossip and eventually found what she needed.
There was an Academy that taught children how to become killing machines.
Her poor father had yelped in fright when she arrived home, slammed the door open and shouted that she was going to become a Ninja. And her mother nearly had a heart attack, but they weren't able to talk her out of it.
Whatever this world was, it was fucking awesome.
AN: A short chapter, but there shall be more. Tell me what you think. If you want.