AN: I want to apologize if new chapters for this story and my other ones take awhile to update. College is taking a lot of my time, and due to me being in a Math class this session (a subject which I am horrible at) it will probably be longer, so sorry.
It was a cold and dark night, with nothing but the moon to illuminate the sky. Leaves were scattered around the ground, indicating the quick coming approach of Winter.
A man in a dark black overcoat and a black fedora was walking along the path way up to his house ignoring the cool autumn wind that hit his face. He looked to be in his early to mid twenties, with shoulder length black hair, a short broad beard and emerald green eyes.
He continued walking, contemplating what he would do now that he was for all intensive purposes alone. His life was a chaotic mess, his friends hardly talked to him and his family were always too busy to see him. He was tired of them always blowing him off, he was tired of no-one giving him the time of day. He was angry that his own father, a man that promised to always be there for him, was to busy with his stupid jobs to help him deal with his mutation. He understood that his father was working as both a teacher and hero, no matter how foolish he believed it to be.
His friends were a different matter, they always seemed to be doing something when he wanted them all to be together. He was beginning to think they were all trying to avoid him, and he was starting to get angry at the though, as it began to become more and more true to him. They were always fearful of him, his powers were far beyond their own as-well as their ability to control him. They were afraid that they wouldn't be able to handle him, that he was so powerful, that he would undo everything they had done for the world.
His father and his colleagues were no different, he could see through their false smiles and encouragement, he could see that they to feared him.
So lost in his thoughts he didn't see three women appear before him until he was almost face to face with them.
Startled he jumped back and got into a fighting stance, fire and electricity coursing over his arms to his finger tips.
"Who the hell are you broads, what are you doing sneaking up on me like that," he growled, trying to intimidate the women.
The women uninfected by his attempt at intimidation, merely raised their eyebrows simultaneously and asked in unison.
"You have quite the colorful vocabulary Hadrian. We aren't even showing hostility and yet you still threaten us with violence," they said in calm manner, their voices sounding almost ethereal, their words echoing in the wind.
Hadrian merely frowned in return, not sure how he should handle the situation, seeing as how they were indeed not acting threatening, he lowered his hands, the flames and electricity dissipating.
"My apologies, I am not in a good mood at the moment and reacted without thinking," he said berating himself for acting without thinking and assessing the situation. "Oh and you may call me Harry, I know Harry and Hadrian are different, but I like it more than Adrian and it suits me."
Again they merely raised an eyebrow before responding.
"Quite, you are surly in a substandard mood, then again you are being treated horribly, even after all you have done for this world, after everything you have done for us. It is truly a shame our champion is being treated so horribly," they said with a hint of sadness in their tone.
Now Harry was starting to get suspicious, first they knew his name even though he was sure he wouldn't be recognized. Then they talk about how he had been horribly treated by everyone, the icing on the cake was them calling him their 'champion'. He was no-ones champion.
"What the hell are you talking about, how do you know my name? How do you know what is going on in my life? What the fuck do you mean with me being your 'champion'?" He snarled baring his canines at the trio.
"Calm yourself Harry, we mean you no harm. Your question to who we are, we are the Fates, we govern how mortals will live their lives and we plan out their destinies. We know you because we have planned your fate since before you were conceived, and we call you our champion, because you are the prophecy child, you followed our instructions and will to the letter."
"You three are Fate? Well then 'Fate's', I want you to know something, you have no control over me, no one has ever been in control over me. My life is my own and I forge my own path," he snarled again, getting tired of these crazy women bothering him.
"You don't believe us, we shall prove it," they say as their eyes glow and the wind starting to pick up speed.
"You are Hadrian James Potter, born on July 31st at exactly 12:59 A.M to Lily and James Potter. While it is believed James is your father he is only your father through blood adoption, your real father is James Logan Howlett, otherwise know as the Wolverine. Your mother fearful of the repercussions she and you would suffer if discovered, enacted a plan to discreetly blood adopt you to James Potter. However, due to blood adoption being dangerous, if you are blood adopted by only one person their blood will slowly poison you due to the uneven number of parents especially with two of the same gender. It is impossible to have uneven number of parents and if you are to be blood adopted you would need two templates, one of each gender, so that their genes won't constantly override each other. So your mother got another template, a friend of hers from the United States, your other mother Jean Grey."
Now Harry was shocked, they knew things he had never told anyone, not even his closest friends knew. Jean Grey his other mother didn't even know and neither did Logan. He didn't know how to tell them, they would never understand, they didn't even know magic existed.
"We can go on and on, do you need us to provide you with more proof?"
Harry sighed and shook his head in the negative, he could feel the headache he was about to get rise.
'Man I need a smoke or maybe a shot of whiskey,' Harry thought in frustration.
"That is not necessary, what is it you want of me, because I doubt you came all this way to say hello," he said wanting to get this over with so he could go home and sleep, after a few shots of whiskey.
"Straight to the point, very well, we are here to offer you a chance to leave this world to go to others that are in need of your help," that threw him off, he thought they were only here to have him deal with another problem here on Earth, but apparently they want him to leave Earth to go to other worlds to solve their problems.
'Why am I not surprised, of course it isn't something simple, I knew they wanted me to do something ridiculous, but this is to ridiculous.'
Harry rubbed his forehead in irritation and asked.
"Why do you want me to go to these other worlds, don't they have someone to deal with their problems?"
"No, many of the worlds we are sending you to, the people that are meant to solve the crisis are either too weak or not able to accomplish the task we have set out for them. You on the other hand, have the experience and power to handle anything thrown at you. You are immortal, and not just due to the mutation you gained from your father and your skeleton being coated in the Dark Adamantium, but the Deathly hallows as-well. It is said that the owner of all the Hallows would be able to become the 'Master of Death'. However, this is false. You cannot control death, it will come for you eventually, even those who claim to be immortal will one day meet their end, for nothing can escape death."
That confused Harry if nothing can escape death, including immortals, won't he be susceptible to it as-well?
"We see your confusion, you are out of death's reach because of Lady Death herself, you are her chosen champion as-well as our own. You have never feared her and even went to meet her willingly. You have impressed her, and when you united her artifacts she decided to make you her avatar."
Harry was amazed by what they said, he was the Avatar of Death? He was amazed that such a being found him impressive enough to keep around.
"While I am amazed by this and greatly honored, you have yet to tell me why you need me to accomplish these tasks."
The Fates grinned at that, and replied.
"You are the only one capable of doing our will, your immortality, magic and mutant powers, make you far superior to any of the others we have given these tasks to. You can do what they cannot, that is why we ask you, implore you to do this."
Harry was unsure how to respond, he was flattered and amazed they held him in such high esteem. However, he wasn't sure if he should do as they asked or not, while he was angry with everyone, he wasn't sure he could just up and leave.
Coming to the conclusion that he needed time to think, he asked if they would allow him to think it over and get back to them soon. They agreed and gave him a pendant that when he asked for the Fates they would appear to him. As he pocketed the pendant and began to walk home he was stopped by the Fates.
"Remember champion, we require your answer by this time tomorrow, be prepared," with that they vanished.
Sighing he continued on his way to his home hoping to get some sleep.
The Next Morning
Harry just sat in the chair in his study contemplating the Fates request. He wasn't sure if he should accept or not, he wasn't to keen on having to solve other people's problems or having people rely on him. He spent most of his life alone, not needing anyone for anything. When he was summoned back to the Wizarding World after their many failed attempts to bring him back, to first compete in that mockery of a tournament and then deal with their Dark Lord problem.
Then when he went to find his father he had to deal with his loyalty to the X-Men and their idiotic conflict with Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants. He was tired of dealing with all of these problems. He was also not interested in going into a situation blind, that cost him greatly with him having to undergo months of experimentation and the bonding process with the adamantium.
However, he had to admit that he was intrigued by the prospect of visiting new places. He spent a lot of his life traveling the world and he wouldn't mind getting the chance to explore more places. He also came to the conclusion, that with how everyone was treating him, they wouldn't notice if he up and left. He then came to the realization that there was nothing holding him here to this place, he still didn't need anyone here, nor was he wanted or needed.
With that, he decided to take a chance, he would do as they asked and he would have fun while he did it. But first he need to get everything he would need for the journey. He began to pack all of his things, ranging from books, potions ingredients, cloths and other essentials. Now he just needed to prepare for a quick trip to Gringotts to make a withdrawal. He would need some form of income or currency and gold was always valuable.
'I have no place here, I am always on the move, like the wolf I never stay in one place.' Harry though with a grin, 'Time for the wolf to prowl.'
AN: Hope you all enjoyed, and I promise to get the next chapter out soon. I have a huge test for my math class coming up and a Final after that to deal with, so it may take a while for other chapters to come. Anyway some feedback would be nice, I would like to know if there's anything I should fix. See you all in the next chapter.