Author Note: so i wasn't entirely sure how this chapter was gonna go, so i just started writing and hoped for the best and it actually turned out alright. So this chapter continues from the bonus chapter and then further as you read, what happened in the last chapter, chapter 3 is explained here.

And someone said they wanted a long chapter so here it is,

Warning: 2 characters POV, mentions of suicide, AU, Rick is a little O.O.C,


Rick Grimes

He pushed himself.

He pushed himself harder than he ever did.

He had to get out of here.

Because he had, he had a family, waiting for him, back at home. He had a family he had to live for.. His, his family who have no idea of the horrors that had just been committed right in front of his very eyes. His little boy, Carl and his" beautiful wife, Lori. He couldn't go out like this, not when he has so much to lose. His family has already suffered... He paid no mind to the fact his body was screaming out in pain. His bullet wound, the aches and the throbbing happening all over his body not to mention the burning tightness happening in his chest, all of it was begging for him to stop, to just take a breather but he knew he couldn't.

He could absolutely not stop, couldn't stop for even a second!

He had to keep going!

He had to push, because every second away from, from her was one second of him having his life. Of one second he had to being closer to them.

To his family.

It was a woman who had broken through the lock on the door, a nurse who scrubs was covered in her patients blood but something was wrong with her. Her face was pale and strangely corpse like and her mouth was covered in some dark like substance as well as certain parts of her uniform where it was drenched in it, there was marks all over her body and she must have injured herself as she walked with a seeable limp.

She looked up at him and he froze as his heart started pumping wildly in his chest,

Her eyes...

She stumbled, reaching out for him and he was paralyzed with fear as she limped closer and closer to him. He couldn't move, not even for the life of him. Her eyes... There was a loud bang as something slammed against the wall, if he was able to, he would have jumped out of his skin from the suddenness of it but the woman eyes… he couldn't look away,

Someone was yelling, as something whooshed past his face. He watch as of all things an arrow appeared and landed bulls eye right in the middle of the nurse's forehead. He wouldn't for the life of him know if he felt relief at the fact that he couldn't see those eyes anymore or feel angst at the murder committed right in front of him. The woman dropped dead to the floor just as a small warm hand grabbed his arm, pulling him back into a warm chest harshly. He stumbled, just as his breath left him as anxiety started to set in at the sight before him.

There was...

Something wasn't right...

Her eyes… their eyes…

All the same.

They say the eyes was the window to the soul so why..

Why did all their eyes looked so dead and why did this install such fear in him?

And she… the girl...

Hers did too.

He couldn't understand. Why? What happened? Nothing was making sense. Why was they locked away in the cafeteria like animals? Why was those words 'DON'T OPEN,DEAD INSIDE' painted on the door? What did that mean? Did she do that? Did she locked them in there but not before attacking them so savagely but she was so small, she couldn't be no bigger than his wife, Lori.

The girl, pushed him back before crudely kicked down someone wearing hospital robes, a sick patient covered in the same dark liquid as the nurse. He could do nothing as a sickening crunch came from the man's torso as the force of the girls kick carved in his chest cavity.

He licked his lips, reaching out to grabbed the girl by the arm hoping to stop her from hurting these innocents anymore when she suddenly ploughed the sharpened end of her bow into the forehead of the already drowned patient. He could do nothing but watching in growing horror as she started shooting arrow after arrow, killing nurses, patients, regular civilians who just came to see their families,

Apparently size didn't matter, because one after the other no matter how bigger they was than her she brought them down to her level and she killed them, killed them all with ease.

She suddenly laughed, he choked as a giggle erupted from her lips as she violently killed again and again. Suddenly he felt something wet splash against his face. With a trembling hand, he slowly wiped it off, feeling nauseated when he realized it was blood. Fearful, he ran and he didn't look back.

His back slammed against the wall as the sound of gunshots echoed throughout the whole hospital, a sense of finality overcoming him. A sob escaped as he personally felt the loss of lives, all killed so savagely. He couldn't help but wonder what she had done to them beforehand. Why did they all look so sick? And the injuries, was so damaging how could they still be moving without any noticeable pain or grimace? He had been shot and still a couple weeks later he found himself having trouble walking as the wound flared with every step he took. He seen more than his fair share of disturbing stuff as a police officer but he never seen anything like this.

So what was this?

He heard footsteps behind him and he tired to pick up the pace, but his injury suddenly flared up and he stumbled against a door hissing out in pain. he closed his eyes as the footsteps stopped in front of him. A minute went past without anything happening, there was no gunshot or another new bullet wound in his body, there was no incoming attack onto his person. Histantly he opened his eyes getting a good look at his would be murderer, but if he played his cards right... She was young, painfully young with wild wavy brown hair tied up in a bun, and dark honey brown eyes. She was wearing a dirty long sleeves shirt and ripped up jeans with combat boots. She had a big blue medic bag slung over her back and a smaller one underneath it, it was very post-apocalyptic . She was staring at him in unconcealed annoyance, unconsciously fingering the gun in her hand, the very same gun that was fired not even 5 minutes ago and ended all those lives. She was probably thinking about killing him and he wanted to look at her dead in the eye, letting her know she wasnt killing him without a fight, injured and all.

He wasn't going to back down.

He didn't know what did it, he didn't know if it was the sheer hatred in his eyes as he glared at her or and this he hoped, maybe she had a change of heart when she started backing away, a fearful look on her face when she looked at him. A blood covered hand flying to grasp at her head, her fingers buried into the dark curly mass, messing up her already messy bun as a pained grunt escaped her. He didn't know what he did to caused this but he saw a chance when she turned and face the wall leaning against it, her eyes closed as she fought her demons. He moved slowly so as to not draw attention to himself he felt along the wall to grasped the knob digging into his back. Quickly he pulled open the door, softly closing it with a gentle click before backing away. He let out a breath before glancing around at his surroundings, looking for a place to hide.

He was hidden in a supply closet, and he bumped into a shelf rocking it dangerously when something grunted behind him. He whirled around and his eyes widen at the scene before him and he swore, jerking backwards tripping over himself and falling headfirst into the shelf causing it and everything on it to fall on top of him burying him with an obscene amount of tissue paper and cleaning products. The large metal frame trapping him underneath it with its bulk as the groaning got worse.

He watched wide eyed as the doctor suddenly lunged towards him with a snarl, the only thing stopping him was the belt tied taut around his neck, hooked up to a metal pipe. The doctor's clothes was filthy, most of it was drenched in blood. His face was sickly grey and his eyes, his eyes was dead just like the others.

He jumped back as far as he can being underneath the shelf when the man lunged towards him again, arms outstretched towards him his face twisted in a ugly snarl. "Wha.." Rick mumbled confused flinching back when the man growled again, making him realize that he had voiced his confusion out loud. The doctor starting lunging towards him again, a glint appearing in the man's eyes and It looked like… hunger?

Just then a loud crack came from the man's neck as the further away the man moved the tighter the belt became, no doubt that loud crack was him breaking his own trachea. "St-op, stop it!" Rick croaked his voice still a little raspy since waking up, he cleared his throat and his voice came out a little stronger. "Yo-Your hurting yourself, stop it!" Rick said realizing that at the rate the man was going he was going to end up strangling himself. How this has happened, he had no clue. He just knew that he had to do something as something started to nag at the back of his head, it felt like he was forgetting something, something important. His neck snapped up at the sound of another crack and he ignored that feeling in order to get this man to stop. "St-op you're making it worse!" he reached out towards him and that for some reason aggravated the man as he went into a frenzy to either get out or to get to him,

But something wasn't making sense. Why was he tied up like this? Did.. did she do this? But this… in front of him...people hanging themselves usually means they're trying to commit suicide but if a person really wanted to kill themselves they be dead and this man, wasn't… so why? If this was forced on him, his hands are free. So why dont he just untie himself? Him lunging and straining himself, pulling further away is causing the belt to become tighter around his neck restricting his air flow. By now he should had long since stopped when he felt he couldn't breath unless he wanted this, but then he should be dead but he's not! And that loud crack coming from his throat, Rick was sure it was his trachea breaking so why wasn't he passed out in pain? Why is he acting like… his looks he doesn't feel it! Doesn't feel the loss of air or the burning pain in his throat. The way he's so frantic in his movements seems so single minded?. Why was he so frenzied?

His head snapped back as someone pulled the closet door opened and the brief feeling of hope he had at it being anybody else that wasn't murderous died tragically as the girl open the door with a perplexed look on her face and he paled.

"What the fuck?! Is that why they left you here?" he wasn't expecting for her voice to be so deep, it through him off".. that says a lot you interloper," at this he startled, what? Left behind? "Other than getting yourself injured, nobody would want to deal with someone who can't accept the facts, THEIR DEAD! THEIR NOT SICK! THEY CAN'T BE SAVED! HIT THE BRAIN OR DONT HIT AT ALL!" she suddenly snapped and he jumped back, feeling baffled. What the hell is she talking about? Dead? Is she talking about the people in the cafeteria? The man before him? She… she thinks their dead? They was.. They was moving, breathing, living and she killed them all because...because she thinks their dead? That don't make any sense! He watched them bang on the door for freedom, watched them stumbled out when they broke through. One of them even reached out for him for help and he felt ashamed. Ashamed and guilty because he did nothing. Regardless of what he may had felt, looking at them, they needed help and he did nothing and he will have to live with that on his conscious. Injured and all he still could had done something and yet he didn't. He did nothing, he stood there and did nothing while this mentally unstable woman killed and maimed innocents for reasons that makes no sense to the averaged person but makes all the sense to her.

"Oh my god!" he breathed as it hit home.

"Your trying to reason with it will do nothing at all, Look! " his head snapped up as she mentioned the man behind him. "Look at him!" she yelled waving the gun in her hand, reluctant he faced the man looking him deep in his eyes, trying to express his remorse through them. This whole time the mans movements have almost doubled and he felt bale rose up and he gagged as belt started to tore through the man's neck, thick clotted blood started to flow from the wound and still the man kept going, arms reached out towards them and a hungry snarled on his sickly face. "Oh my god!"

"He's literally ripping his own head off to get to you and here you are trying to reason with it. What normal human would do that. You and your shitty luck, i should leave your ass and no! I'm going to leave your-" she was cut off as the sound of glass breaking interrupted her. She went to look and he took the chance on trying to free his leg from under the shelf doing everything in him to ignore the sounds coming from the corner. He didn't know what the fuck was going on, but she got one thing right, that wasn't normal, none of this was normal but hell she wasn't normal either! Killing someone who she says was dead when they clearly aren't wasn't all right in the head.

He needed to get the fuck outta here!

"You gotta be shittin me!" he heard her whisper before he heard footfalls rush to the closet door. He look back and he froze at the absolute terror hidden in her eyes. "Fuck!" she cursed before suddenly reaching for him, he recoiled away dogging her attempts at grabbing him "stop it! " he ignored her, and fought against the the sharp pain in his chest. "You wanna die!?" she grunted trying to get a good grip. She grabbed him under his armpits and he reached to slap her hands away when she did something and he suddenly lost feelings in both his arms.

"How the hell-"

"Thank you avatar!" she cheered as she tried to pulled his body out and he yelled out in pain as his stitches pulled. "Shut up" she yelled finally seeing where he was stuck at. "Get off me!" this time it was her who ignored him as she focused on kicking the shelf off him, occasionally kicking him in the leg outright instead of the shelf. "Hey!" "oops?" Finally the shelf gave way and flipped over it self and hit the legs of the doctor in the corner. The man tripped and the belt cut all the way through his neck falling onto the shelf and rolling a couple inches from his feet just as the girl tripped over her own feet falling on to the bag strapped to her back awkwardly letting out a quiet oomph when he fell on top of her. He froze as he stared in front of him in fixated horror.

It was..

The head..

The head was still moving.

The fucking head was still moving!

'Hit the head or dont hit at all!"

'Their dead! Their not sick!"

There was more glass breaking and the familiar sound of the moans made him turn his head and he saw them.

All of them

Unknown for now,

It was a horde.

It was a fucking horde!

How the fuck?!

"Come on! Come on!" she yelled scrambling to her feet, reaching down to haul the guy up who looked like someone just fucked his cat in front of him. She finally got him to his feet slinging one of his dead arms around her shoulders glancing up and feeling the fear plummet to her stomach. Fuck there quick, how the hell? This must have been the whole town. She started backing up dragging the man with her as the words fuck echoed over and over in her head.

How in the hell?

She turned them around darting down the hallway heading back towards the cafeteria as the groans behind them got louder. "come on!" she muttered when the man tripped over himself when he glanced back, she jerked him back around, pulling him back up, "don't look, just run!"

They hit the corner and the man paused at the sight of the bodies in front of him, "they're dead dead now lets go!" she shoved them on grunting at the weight of him and the huge medical bag on her back. Finally by the grace of whoever it is that's up there, he finally got his shit together as he started running on his own. They stepped over the bodies and just passed the cafeteria and up ahead there was a bright red sign glowing.

"There!" the man grunted trying to use his other arm to point out the exit but found he still couldn't move it, he shot her look and she ignored it to snark back. "Yeah no shit!" she yelled pushing him up against the door and using his body to open it.

"Holy fuck!" she yelled at the unexpected darkness that bombarded them as soon as they got through and then at the sudden feeling of weightlessness when the man tripped shoving them both off of something she quickly realized was a flight of stairs. The man let out a muffled scream with they collided with what felt like the banister and when she hit his injury and they rolled and she grasp as an elbow hit her in the ribs and they tumbled down finally crashing hard against the exit door at the every bottom. The force of them sent it flying open and they fumbled out ass over tea kettle and she almost flipped over the railing when the guy grabbed the medic bag just in time and pulled sending them both once again down another flight of stairs.

They laid at the bottom for a minute, chest breathing hard as they fought to catch their breath. Something dripped into her eye and she wiped it to see it was blood. "Holy fuck," she whined, rolling over to her stomach. " it hurts so bad." she whimpered crawling to her feet. She held her stomach ignoring the clumsy ass on the floor when the smell hit her hard. She gagged looking around and seeing a graveyard. The hospital had been using the loading bay at the back to dump bodies. There was hundreds of them all arranged into rows and piles, covered in bed sheets and most drenched in blood. She covered her mouth and nose hoping to fend of the worst of the smell when she heard the loud bangs. Apparently the walkers didn't see the stairs either.

She turn to go when a pained groan came from below her and she remembered, "oh yeah" she muttered bending down and grabbing the closest arm. "Almost forgot, Come on. We gotta go" she said helping the man up to his feet. Together they moved through the bodies when they heard the door bang open behind them."come on," she started picking up the pace struggling a little as the man moved sluggishly, dragging his feet. "Do you want to die? No so move the fuck on!" she yelled as they exited the loading bay. "The car is just up the hill, we just gotta get up the hill." she said to the man who must have hit his head hard as he looked at her with a daze look on his face. Finally they hit the top, and saw her dingy old Honda civic parked a few feet away with luckily only a few stragglers.

She shoved the guy towards the car, sliding the medic bag off her shoulder before swing it hard at a nearby walker, damn near knocking his head off. She attacks another one like this before seeing the guy just leaning against the hood, "why are you just standing the- oh fuck!" she says when she remembers he can't use his arms to open the door. "Fucking fuck." she muttered grabbing him opening the passenger door and shoving him in. She quickly throws the bag in the back seat just as the first of the walkers reach the top of the hill. Running around the back of car she jumps and turn the key she left in the ignition for this exact reason and as soon as the car comes to life she steps on it, hearing the thumps from the walkers hitting the truck.

"..ori?" came from the seat next to her. She looked at him and saw him squinting at her. There was a huge bruise blooming on his forehead and he had a slight cut on his lip, she didn't wanna know what she looked like "Oh yeah" she said looking back at the road before reaching over and hitting certain spots around his arms, giving him full use again. "..l..ori?" the man said again and she raised an eyebrow at him. "Who?"

"My.. wife…. My s...on!" he said with a little more life in him. He moved around in his seat, stretching his arms turning them this way and that as he took a looked around at his surrounds. They was driving by a park when he suddenly yelled out "stop!" she suddenly slammed on the brakes and the car screech to a stop. "What the hell?" she said but he was already climbing out of the car stumbling to a halt as he looked down at something. "hey!" She called climbing out the car and looked across the hood. He was looking at a walker who had her lower half torn apart at the waist. At the sound of a prey nearby she came to life with a groan, turning around and slowly started to crawl towards him at a snail pace, he stumbled back at the sight of her. He covered his mouth and looked back at her, the look on his face was devastating. He looked... so confused. She started getting a bad feeling. "Wha?" he started to ask when suddenly there was a scream.

And surprisingly enough it belonged to a kid,


"Whelp," she muttered, Who loses their kid in a time like this?

Bad parenting i tell you.

Mystery man douche head snapped towards where the scream came from. "CARL!" he all of a suddenly screamed back, the pain of a missing child heard in his voice,

"Huh" she uttered intelligently watching him start to run toward towards the scream. "Wait no," she started, there's no way that was his kid, right? She thought before seeing something pop up in her peripheral.

Alot of somethings.

"Oh come on." she said exasperated, throwing her hands up and letting it flop down as the first of the walkers started to appear from where they had come from.

The horde, they had to move.

"At least get in the car, faster than running idiot." she called out to him sliding into the seat.

End of chapter 4: 'Days gone by"

Ok so we're out of the hospital and on to meeting Morgan and his son Duane, then on our way to Atlanta then camp and finally Daryl which will be interesting. Also want to apologize in advance if Rick is a little OOC, he did just woke up to seeing our OC go on a killing spree. And you can kinda see how our OC is changing things so fun.

I know someone said they wanted Merle to live, have an idea for that. What about Sophia, i know Sophia's death caused a lot of character development for the group and im not sure i wanna change that.

Ehh i see what you guys think.

Sneak peak for chapter 5:

"You wouldn't kill a kid." the man in front of her spoke, gun aimed at the unconscious idiots head. She tilted her head, narrowing her eyes at the dark skin man, making him falter. Something about him seemed familiar to her, which was crazy. She never met the man before in her life, she froze. She never met the man before in this life, she reincarnated remember, she thought to herself,

But that's not possible either.

God she hopes not! She had enough on her plate as is.

"I mean i wouldn't like kill kill," she said after a pause, she waved the gun thoughtlessly hand tightening her hold on the kids arm when he tried to escape, not taking her eyes off the man in front of her, "maybe a flesh wound? A little scrape," she said smirking.

At the fearful look on his kids face, the man cocked the gun and pressed it against the idiots forehead, "you do that and i kill him then i kill you.." he threatened.

She snorted,

"Alright alright." she said rolling her eyes. " you right about one thing though."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"I wouldn't kill a kid." she said firing her gun and shooting a walker coming around the hedge. She rung the dinner bell, reminding everybody about the real threat that's just a few feet away. "But they would." she nodded to the rather large group regrouping just a few streets down. Luckily they haven't seen them but they knew where food was and that's more than enough..

"The balls in your court baldy. Whatcha gonna do?"

End of sneak peak,

Alright guys, thank you see you next chapter.