Guess what, I don't own Narnia, who knew right.



An assassin has infiltrated the halls of Cair Paravel and has left the High King poisoned, can the infiltrator be sought out from amidst all attendance to the halls or will the agent of evil succeed in his work?

(Rainquicken tenth, first hour)

Two dark creatures sat atop the crest of a hill overlooking Cair Paravel, one was a harpy and the other a werewolf, they were hidden from sight because of the Harpy's spell, but even they knew that there was One that could still see them. Even though he was invisible, Galum cowered under a gnarled tree, trying to hide from the moon and stars yet still spy on his target.

"Curssse the white faceses." He hissed. "It spieses on usss for the Cat." The Harpy's companion Amorok was now used to his friends talking to himself and ignored it.

"What do you plan to do?" He asked. "Your swarm is dead and my pack nearly destroyed, only Geri and Freki remain."

"The tree-man that killed massster, he will fall."

"But how?"

"The delegation isss on it'sss way to the palace, our agent will attack from the inssside, nothing can ssstop him."

"What shall we do in the meantime?"

"To the cavesss of Stormnessss Passs we will goses. Hidden we will become." Amorok growled and two smaller werewolves came forward from behind a rock, one was slobbering and was half crazed, his gray coat was matted and covered in brambles and burrs. The other was stronger and beta to Amorok's pack, the only one strong enough for the position, his coat was gray like his litter-mates but much, much cleaner.

"We go to Stormness Pass, scout on ahead and make sure we do not come across anyone whatsoever, and remember, no howling."

"Yes alpha." Geri the older of the two and beta of the pack said. The two turned and headed in the direction of the mountains, and after a quick look back on Cair Paravel the other two left.

So I was originally going to wait a bit before I wrote this one since I just finished Proud to serve, but I had so many ideas and I knew I'd forget them so I just went on with it. Hope you enjoyed this much and leave a review.