Inspired by Black Raider and their story Poppy and the Grey Troll I decided to do my own rather strange telling of sleeping beauty and maleficent combined with trolls…I have a funny feeling this is going to be different which is always good fun. I don't own anything here, I wrote this because I enjoy writing strange fairy tales I have changed the names of the fairies that's mostly not to infringe on copy right. Warnings of angst, darkness, oh and fluff don't forget the fluff. I have dyslexia so please go easy on the spelling and grammar. I own nothing here.

Sleeping Poppy.

Chapter one:

Once upon a time long ago, their lived a good and kind troll King and Queen who longed for a child with all of their hearts. After many years of waiting and hoping the couple where at last blessed with a child, a daughter who they named Poppy. The happiness of the people at princess's birth however was tinged with sadness as the Queen did not live long after their daughter's birth. Wanting to make sure his people did not always associate princess Poppy's birth with her mother's death King Peppy decided to hold a great christening for his child and declare a national holiday so that all the people of his kingdom could celebrate. As was tradition in his kingdom Peppy invited three good fairies to be Poppies godmothers, there was however one fairy the King did not invite this was Nightshade the dark fairy as King Peppy was afraid that if he did invite the dark fairy to the christening of the princess that Nightshade would curse his daughter rather than bless her.

The day of the princess's christening dawned bright and clear, both noble and important people had come from all over the troll kingdom as well as from counties beyond it to attend this great event. All of the common people of the country where holding great parties of their own to celebrate the christening of their princess. Also in attendance at this christening where two young male trolls of about the same age, prince Creek of the eastern troll clans and prince Branch of the western troll clans. Being long-time friends with both of these prince's father's Peppy was hoping that one of these young trolls would one day make his daughter their wife as were their fathers. Neither one of these princes where aware of the fact that their parents were hoping that one of them would at some point in the future would marry princess Poppy. In fact, neither of the two princes were particularly interested in the baby princess they were instead more interested in looking at all of the people present at the christening.

When the time came prince Creek walked over to the cradle at the side of his father and mother they gave the princess a gift of a diamond necklace. The Creek presented the baby princess with a gift of magnificent silk fabrics and a box of pearls. The it was the turn of prince Branch and his parents, the blue trolls mother and father gave to princess Poppy three gold bracelets. Once his mother and father had given the pink princess their gift Branch stepped forward towards the cradle and as he set eyes on Poppy for the first time the prince felt something deep inside him in him stir. The blue troll shook himself out of this strange feeling, Branch turned his attention back to what he was doing. The blue troll presented his own gift to the princess this gift was a beautiful tiara of white gold decorated with pink diamond and blue sapphire flowers.

Then when this was done the time had come for the fairies to give the baby princess their magical gifts. The first fairy was dressed in white she was called Suki, this fairy blessed the princess with beauty of body and heart. The second dressed in green and called Satin gave Poppy the voice of an angel as her gift, but before the third fairy could cast her spell, dark clouds rolled in outside, lightning flashed and thunder rolled. Suddenly the doors of the hall flew open, they banging back against the wall with the force of the dark magic which was coming through it and the dark magic swirled together forming an inky mist before the area where the princess's cradle was and out of this mist Nightshade appeared. The dark fairy approached the cradle and once Nightshade was at the side of the cradle she leant over the cradle to peer down at the baby. King Peppy rose to his feet his eyes wide with concern but before he could say or do anything the fairy was waving her silver wand over the pink troll and speaking. "On the morning of your sixteenth birthday you will prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die." Her dark magic settled over the helpless baby princess and with an evil cackle the dark fairy vanished in another swirl of dark mist which raced back out of the hall door taking the thunder storm she had caused to appear to disappear with her.

In the horrified silence, which hung over the room after the fairy laid this curse on the princess the King turned to the three fairies his eyes full of hope and fear at the same time. Bravely the third fairy dressed in blue and called Chenille and the twin of Satin stepped forward and addressed the King. "I cannot undo the dark magic which has been cast here, this is because Nightshade is more powerful than me but I can change it." Peppy gave her a nod and gestured the fairy over so that she could do this for his daughter. Quickly the blue fairy went over to the cradle and waved her wand over the tiny princess. "Princess Poppy this is my gift to you, on your sixteenth birthday you shall prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel but you shall not die instead you will sleep until true loves kiss sets you free."

With this done the King had all those who had come to the christening escorted away so that he could converse with the fairies about all that had happened. Peppy and the fairies had a private meeting it was here that between just the three of them it was decided that Poppy would be raised away from the castle in the forest by the fairies disguised as simple peasant women and would not be returned until the night of her sixteenth birthday. It was also decided that in order to protect Poppy they would not tell her that she was in fact the princess of the kingdom until it was time for her to return to the castle and take her place as princess. Although the fairies were unsure that these plans would prevent Nightshades curse from claiming the princess they agreed with Peppy that keeping Poppy away from the castle would hopefully prevent the evil fairy from trying to place any more dark spells on the princess. So, it was that Poppy was taken into the forest to be raised in safety and secrecy by her three fairy godmothers.

The three fairy godmothers had found a house in a nice secluded part of the forest where it would not be easily found by anyone with or without magic. Satin, Suki and Chenille where a little concerned that isolation though good in one way would maybe make Poppy feel lonely but they decided to deal with it when and if it happened. The three fairies did the best they could to raise Poppy well, she was a bright happy troll child who loved to sing and dance. Suki, Satin and Chenille also made sure that their goddaughter was as well protected from any dark magic as they could make her and their home. The fairies loved to hear her beautiful voice, it truly was comparable to that of an angel.

When the pink troll was six she was out walking in the forest one day when purely by chance she met another young troll. This grey male troll looked at her with surprise as Poppy did the same to him. He was clearly a common troll just like herself and never having had a playmate or friend this was because of being raised by her three godmothers so far from any civilisation she was happy to meet another young troll. Despite the fact that Poppy's godmothers told her to be careful around strangers the longing for a friend was so strong that the pink troll couldn't help but say. "I'm Poppy who are you?"

"I'm Branch. Poppy what a lovely name I was exploring the forest do you want to join me?" He offered equally happy to also make a friend.

"I'd love that."

Together they explored the forest and they talked together as they walked. They talked about their families, Poppy discovered like herself he had no parents they had both died when he was young. Unlike her however Branch had been raised by his grandmother until she too had passed away leaving him alone. Poppy felt her heart go out to him, it had to be so hard being so young without any family left at least she had her godmothers. The pink troll discovered he was five years her senior, Branch also had a lot of knowledge about the forest and was glad to teach her what he knew about the forest. As they walked along together the grey troll pointed out various plants and creatures he told Poppy their names and if they were safe to touch or eat.

As the darkness drew in around them Poppy turned to the grey troll and said to him sadly. "I have to get home."

"Yes so do I. Can I see you again tomorrow?" He asked.

"I'd like that, I'll meet you at the tree where we met today."

"Sure!" Branch stood watching Poppy run off home, he looked down at himself then back up, she was the first troll not to judge him for his grey colour or to ask him why he was grey and that to him made his new friend ever more precious than before.

When Poppy arrived home she was bouncing with happiness, her godmothers instantly noticed this and Satin asked her. "Poppy why are you so happy?"

"I met another troll today. A boy troll called Branch it was great to meet him. I know you're going to say I shouldn't talk to strangers but I feel lonely sometimes and I just wanted a friend."

The three fairies shared a smile and then Chenille spoke to her. "Oh, Poppy making a friend is a good thing, we know you've been lonely sometimes and even though you have never complained to us about it we did know. Just be careful that's all we ask."

"I will be. It just feels so good to meet another troll."

"I'm sure it does. What was Branch like?" Satin asked curiously.

"Well he was grey but really nice."

Chenille blinked then looked to her sisters before saying. "Grey?"

"Yes, he was grey not pink like me. Is that a bad thing godmother?" Poppy asked her with concern.

Quickly the blue fairy shook her head. "No dear just different."

"Good I'm glad it's nothing bad. I'm going to go wash up for dinner."

When she left the room the three fairies looked at each other, they knew that trolls hardly ever turned grey. They also knew that for him to be grey which in trolls was a sign of a broken heart then something terrible had to have happened to the young troll Poppy had met and instantly even though they had never met Branch they felt sorry for him. The three fairies did not stop her from meeting her new friend, they were glad to see their goddaughter made so happy just by simply having a friend at last.

It was shortly after this first meeting with Branch that Poppy met another friend but one she kept a secret, she was tall dressed in black with lovely black wings. "Hello." The pink troll greeted.

"Hello little one. Aren't you scared of me?" She asked.

Poppy grinned up at her and answered this question. "No, I'm not scared. You have such pretty wings. Are you my fairy godmother?"

Nightshade decided to answer the question truthfully. "Yes I am."

The smile on the face of the young troll grew. "I knew I had one!" The dark fairy wasn't sure what to make of Poppy's joy over this discovery she was used to people taking one look at her and fleeing in the opposite direction. "I've done terrible things though are you sure you still want me to be your fairy godmother?"

The pink troll took the fairies hand into hers and looked up at her. "Whatever bad you did in the past I forgive you for it. I'm glad I have a fairy godmother it's good to know that my life will change some day in magical way."

"Why don't you like your life?" Nightshade asked curiously.

Poppy shook her head at the fairy. "It's not that I don't like my life, my other godmothers do the best they can but sometimes I feel like something is missing form my life something or someone important and I don't know who or what it is. I always hoped that someday something magical would happen and then at last I would know exactly what that it is."

"I see." Nightshade said and was surprised to feel her heart softening towards the young princess she had cursed she was clearly a hopeful and positive young thing. The dark fairy had never felt this way about anyone she had met before and Nightshade found herself wondering if perhaps cursing Poppy might have been the wrong thing to do. The dark fairy however knew that there was nothing to be done about the curse now all she could do was hope that some troll would fall truly in love with the princess before she turned sixteen.