The Bostonious glide through the night sky. No one aboard it was asleep unlike most of the world below them.

"Are you sure you are alright, Aurora?" Desmond asks checking up on her, she was still in the sitting area.

She sips a bit of warm tea, "Yes."

He adjusts the blanket draped over her shoulders, "I know this has been a long week. But, if I may ask, would you answer some of my questions."

"I shall try." She tells him.

"What happened to the voice of the Azran?"

She keeps an eye on her reflection in the cup, "They disappeared, I think."


"From the time I woke up till everyone's revival, they stayed. Even though I couldn't remember what they have told you, I could feel them guiding me. Something strange happened after that. I was sure that I was going to die. Some how, some way they let me live without consequence.

I still have shards of their remnants inside me. However, I can't feel their discriminating and powerful presence anymore."

"You mean to say that you are your own person." He tells her.

She cocks her head, "My own person?"

"You are in control of your own body without influence."

She repeats her own question.

"Is this what it feels like to be human?" She asks looking into his eyes.

Desmond laid back with his arms crossed, "I suppose you can think that. I thought you felt human when you experienced some of the things on earth."

"I did do human things, didn't I?" She smiled.

"You may be a golem. But, your humanized way of thinking and interacting was far superior from the rest."

She frowns when she heard golem and looks back at her now lukewarm tea cup.

"Aurora, I-I'm far more happy that your body and mind sustained after the death of the voice. Without you here, I wouldn't have what to do without you." He added quickly.

"Desmond." Aurora whispered.


"Please refrain from talking about the Azran. I know I said that I would answer your questions..."

"No, it's fine. You don't have to answer anything that you are not comfortable with."

"I want to tell things," She began.

"But, not to another being, yet."

He thought before he stands up and stepped upstairs for a while. When he came back, he brought a small notebook with him.

"Maybe you should try journaling."

Aurora set her cup down and received the book from him. It was leather and was kept closed by a string. Untied revealed blank parchment paper.

"It is blank."

He grinned, "Of course it is. Journaling is a type of therapy that you write to relieve stress. Only you know what you write. I had many of them over the course of time."

"Your people write in a different language than what I can read. Perhaps you could show me how to write?"

He nods, "You got it."

Her eyes brightened with ideas, "Can you show me everything that there is to be human in this time and age? I particularly like cooking, traveling, and willing to dress how you dress."

"You don't have to dress out of your norm."

"Please, Desmond?" She begs.

He chuckles, "If that's really what you want, then you've got it."

"What does 'you got it mean'?" Aurora inquires.

"How about we sleep before we get into English lessons?"

"Yes. Sleeping would be best." She agrees.