Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

SPN100 Challenge: cloud.

DEW Challenge: Sam from Dean's POV or Dean from Sam's POV. Written for the 'Drabbles Every Weekend' challenge at SPN BigPretzel on LiveJournal. You should come visit, you'll see things from a different point of view!

2 x 100 word drabbles.

If they'd only sit down and actually talk to each other...


Two Brothers


There he goes, staring into space with that dopey grin on his face again. I swear that little brother of mine has got his head permanently in the clouds these days. Every time I come back to the bunker and ask what he's been doing, it's always the same: "Nothing".

The guy's a monk; only cares about his hair. He keeps trying to hide it, but I used all his stupid, froufrou shampoo again! It's got a lovely smell... apples... speaking of which, I think this site's got the perfect pie recipe.

Hopefully, Sammy'll just think I'm looking at porn.



Oh, Dean's off again! I don't know where he keeps going or what's keeping him out for so long. I'm not sure I want to know! It's probably a woman... or pie. Imagine what he'd be like with a woman with pie!

It's just getting more and more difficult to keep sneaking around with Eileen. She's not happy about me hiding her away from the brother who keeps stealing her shampoo, but I just can't face the inevitable teasing.

I better virus scan the laptop later; it can't be research when he gets that twitchy about me seeing the screen!
