Lyla believes everything happens for a reason. Even though sometimes those things are shitty and horrific, in the long run, it had to have happen for something. She believes that lives are simply fated. Like she knows when she got knocked up in high school that despite being shitty, it had to of happen. She knows that because of having Piper and working nights at Cherry's nightclub she wouldn't have been noticed by a talent scout.

Of course, she should have realized that this talent scout wasn't looking for America's Next Sweetheart or Girl Next Door. After all, he wouldn't go in a strip joint to find that special girl. So when she had realized exactly what production company he had worked for, she was appalled. Never in a million years had she thought she would do that.

Yet, his business card had haunted her for two weeks. She and Piper were living hand to mouth. Her mom helped when she could and her baby daddy had bailed as soon as the ink dried on the birth certificate.

And she had researched the salaries of adult entertainers. Realized how accommodating the work hours could be. She could actually live and save for Piper to go to college and maybe she could go back to school.

The porn business was always meant to be temporary.

So she had called the scout and it all happened so quickly.

At 22, she had become a household name in the porn business. It was something she wasn't exactly proud of, but she could support herself and Piper and even help her mom out with bills. At 23, she had enrolled in college part time and even took less acting jobs. But then she realized that the porn business was really competitive. The less titles she took her popularity declined along with the paychecks.

And while trying to schmooze some business men in a better contract, she had met Luann Delaney.

It was rare to see a woman own an adult entertainment business and be fierce about it. Sure Luann could be a little quirky, but when it came down to business she knew her shit. Luann had quickly taken her under her wings and once Ima got thrown into the mix, they were a household name together. They were pulling in the majority of Cara Cara's income.

And Lyla was content in her lot in life, but she finds that once men figure out she's a porn star, they expect porn star antics in the household and bedroom. She finds men don't realize that porn is really a fantasy. It's not as easy as it looks.

Lyla had come to terms that it would only be just her and Piper until Opie.

She knows they happened all of a sudden. She didn't expect the relationship to go as it did. They were all aware of Luann's connection to the outlaw motorcycle club in Charming especially after Luann informed them of being their boss as well, or really Jax Teller. And once the porn stars realized they could attend club functions they had a line to all the gossip including the recent tragedies that plagued them like Opie's.

Lyla felt bad for him. When she realized he was the one helping her out with the car, it was impulsive of her to give him her number. After all, he had just lost his wife. And as expected he didn't call until he did when asking for her help with reaching her dealer.

The drugs were something just to help her get through the days. It helped with the occasional depression she feels.

But through the simple act of just recognizing his sorrow – grief – they happened.

She doesn't regret it. She knows she loves him more than any man. She has found a family with him. She's building a family with him, but she also knows they are not a perfect couple.

Despite the engagement, a ghost still lurk inside their house – in their bed.

It's hard some days competing with the ghost of Donna. She knows Opie will never stop thinking or loving Donna. She just wishes he would stop grieving. She knows it's harsh for her to think that, but she knows that they would last until Donna is fully gone. It's scary for her to think that maybe he never will. She'll always be second best.

It makes her second guess the whole engagement. It's not as if she wants to break up with Opie, but just wants him to be sure he is happy with her for her.

It's one of the reasons; she doesn't want to move into a new house. She knows that the only reason he wants to move is to make it easier for him to move on from Donna, as if a new house will just close the grief. She wants him to want a new house because he has learned to be at peace with what has happened.

"Hey, babe."

Lyla jumps slightly at the sound of Opie's voice. She turns to find him throwing his kutte on the dining room table. He hadn't shown up for dinner and the kids were already put to bed. Since the boys got taken to Stockton, Opie has become the acting President of the club. She knows that he wasn't exactly happy about it. It has resulted in a lot of late nights and regretfully more secrets. Despite expressing for him to let her in, he still won't.

It annoys her, but she knows better than to cause more stress for him.

"How was your day?" She asks as she turns to face him.

"Same as usual. What are you doing up so late?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "I was about to make some tea. Couldn't sleep."

He flashes a smile. "Well, I can help with that."

Lyla lets out a yelp as he throws her over his shoulders as he takes her to their bedroom.

Cheyenne gives her brother a tight smile as she slowly sits down on the bench. She's only a couple weeks from giving birth and she feels her stomach seems to be getting bigger by the minute. However, it hasn't dropped yet.

"So can I ask why I am getting a surprise visit and not Jax?" Lip asks as he eyes her swollen belly. He knows his sister didn't get this big with Abel. He also thinks that she shouldn't be driving all the way up to Stockton when she's only a couple weeks giving birth. He doesn't know how to explain to Jax what his sister is doing. But he thinks maybe he'll just keep his lips shut tight on this.

"Mom's been trying to make amends." She tells him.

Lip nods his head as he knows. Isla has mentioned his mom's increasing presence. He was worried, but his daughter seems to be taken with her for some reason. He had told Cheyenne that as long as she was sober and nowhere near her Russian husband; he had no problem with it. He trusted his sister's judgement.

"Something happen?" He asks.

Cheyenne doesn't answer as she begins rubbing her forehead before going down to her stomach. "I just don't…am I doing the right thing by letting her in? After all…that's happened with the drugs…Dad…"

Lip's brow furrows. "Did she do something?"

Cheyenne looks at him and he can see the tears building. "I…I…I don't…I don't want to be like her, Lip."

The tears fall rapidly and Cheyenne does her best to contain her sobs, but she can't. Lip thinks he has never seen his sister cry like this before. He wonders if this is all just heightened because of the pregnancy. What's worse is he can't comfort his sister without getting yelled at. He leans up and grabs her hands as he squeezes them.

"Hey, Chey, listen to me, you're not our mother."

Cheyenne shakes her head. "How do you know that?"

"Where's this coming from?"

She doesn't answer.

"Chey?" He presses.

"It's the hormones."

He doesn't believe her.

"Hey, Little Man," Jax greets as Abel is transferred into his arms. "You being good for Uncle Opie?"

Opie snorts in the backyard. With Cheyenne's due date a week away, Jax had said it was best for her to stay home and rest. She didn't need to make the taxing trip to Stockton. He can admit it was hard saying that considering it would a while before he would see her.

"How's Chey?" Jax asks.

"She was sleeping when we left. Your mom has practically moved into your guys' place though. I expected it to be worse."

"Sucks that I can't be there."

"Well, Lyla has promised to record everything."

Jax cracks a smile. "How's Prez duty?"

"Over it." Opie says bluntly. Jax laughs. "I'm serious man. I'm not envious of Clay or you at all."

"Business is all good?"

"Yeah. Although we haven't got any Vodka yet."

Jax nods his head. "And what about Cheryl?"

"She's always alone. Not even a shadow. I'm thinking all is not well with your in-laws."

"As long as Chey and the kids are safe. What's your take on her?" Jax doesn't really have an opinion on Cheryl. He doesn't really have a high tolerance for junkies, but at the end of the day Cheryl is Cheyenne's mom and the grandmother to his children. If she's clean, he can't block her from wanting to know her family.

"She just wants to get to know her family. I don't think we have anything to worry about with her. How you doing?"

"Can't wait to get the fuck out of here." Jax states. It's hard to believe it's only been about 6 months since he's been inside. He has a whole year and a half before he is released. It's too fucking long. He'll miss another year of holidays and birthdays.

He looks down at Abel, who is playing with his growing beard. He presses a kiss to his head and inhales the scent of lavender and chamomile.

Despite not being able to see Cheyenne, he still got time with his son and his best friend. And it would be the visit that would get him to next week. Jax has started counting down his sentence by visits than days. It's easier.

So he reaches his cell and is surprised to find Lep there. Although judging the look on Lep's face he should have realized something was amiss. He's about to jump to his bunk when he realizes what's wrong as he looks at his wall. A picture is missing. His picture of Cheyenne and Abel from Halloween is gone.

He laughs as Lep cracks after the first punch.

"Want to tell me what in the hell has gotten you all riled up?" Lip hisses as they make their way to chow hall. Jax had been waiting for dinner time as Lep had informed him of who exactly had taken the picture of his family. Jax could tear the prison apart brick by brick as he imagines what the sick bastard probably did.

"Leland took a picture of Chey and Abel." Jax tells him as he eyes the hall. He bypasses the line and heads straight to where Leland is sitting with his Aryan crew.

"You got something of mine?" Jax asks hotly. He can feel Lip's presence behind him and about five tables over he can see Happy and Tig making their way over. He finds Clay sitting with the Italians most likely trying to make friends, but stops mid conversation.

Leland looks over his shoulders before giving him a wide smile. He turns fully as he pulls the photo halfway out of his pocket. "You mean this? I had some fun with it. Beautiful family, man. I was thinking about your lady's mouth and how it would fit –"

Jax doesn't even think of the consequences as he hits Leland square in the face. Chaos soon erupts as Leland's table goes to jump in. However, they don't know how much of a beast Lip can be and with Tig and Happy, it will be bloody mayhem.

He watches as Lip uses a food tray to smash a man across the face. Happy is stabbing the man in their dicks with sporks and it's not surprising the Tig just bit a piece of a man's ear off. However, Jax has his sights on Leland. The little fucker is slimy as he tries to hide under the table and Jax manages to grab him by the ankle to pull him back. Jax hits any part of the body he can. However, as he bounces Leland's head off the floor, he feels a hard yank on his head and as Jax fights the grip, his hair tears from his scalp stinging.

Jax isn't able to retaliate as the guards come in forcing them all on the ground.

Jax gets put in solitary for two weeks. Luckily, he didn't get time added to his sentence, but it's two weeks for him to formulate a plan to kill Leland and also come up with some elaborate apology to Cheyenne. He hopes he hasn't caused her to go into early labor because of the mandate ban of communication from the outside world. That's why he knows his plan can't be too hasty. It's about the big picture. He needs to think long term.

That's why after his two weeks of silence is up, he informs Lip of his plan. They both pool together their contraband fund before heading to the barber.

Black owns the barbershop, but it's known to be a Switzerland for all gangs and affiliation. It's run by an old man that goes by Pops and his apprentice, Book 'Em. Here at Pops, despite being Switerland, you can purchase certain contraband like skin mags, cigars, cigarettes, weed, snacks, and shivs. However, it isn't cheap. It's a hundred bucks in cold hard cash along with the 10 bucks Jax pays for a shave.

After getting his hair pulled and tore out, he knows it's time to shave his long locks that he hasn't cut from pure neglect. With club shit stacking up, maintaining his hair was the last thing on his mind. He's surprised that Cheyenne didn't give him shit for it considering she was supposed to be the pristine doctor. However, he knows she must have liked it especially his beard. He closes his eyes in memory as he remembers how Cheyenne would shiver as his beard would scratch between her inner thighs. Or how her fingers always get tangled in his hair or twirl the edge of his beard.

"Dude, gross."

Jax is snapped out of his daydream, but Lip kicking him in the leg. Jax surmises he must have moaned.

Pops laughs in the background. The old man is spry and kind of reminds him of Piney. "He isn't the first. I hope your woman won't be upset by the haircut."

Lip snorts. "Maybe it will distract him from the verbal ass-whooping he's about to get."

Jax glares at Lip.

"I have a feeling it's probably warranted." Pop says as he begins lining him.

Jax doesn't say anything as he watches his hair fall to the floor. He can admit he is a little sad to see it all falling to the floor. He can't even remember the last time he had gotten a buzz cut.

And when Pops is done and Lip swaps the cash for the shiv with the apprentice, Jax can't help but pick up the stray pieces off the floor.


When Cheyenne gets the letter, her first instinct is to rip to pieces without reading it. After two weeks of silence, the least her could do was make a fucking phone call! As whatever happened had put all the guys in solitary. She is way too pregnant for this shit. She's days away from giving birth and Jax decides to probably get in some stupid fight.

She thinks she could kill Jax if she were to see him right now. She debates on even if she wants to read the letter now, but there isn't anything else for her to do at the moment. So she finds some quiet in the rocking chair that has been moved to the baby's room. In a few days, hopefully, she will be dealing with two babies and she doesn't know exactly how she is going to do it. After all, she has been experiencing Braxton Hicks since last night and her stomach seems to have dropped.

She opens the letter and she isn't prepared for something to fall out. It lands on her swollen belly and as she picks it up and inspects it, she realizes that it's his hair. She furrows her brows as she takes the letter out of the envelope.

I'm sorry, but I hope you love the new look.

Love Jax.

Cheyenne looks back at the hair as she rubs her fingers with it. She can't help the stupid smile on her face until she feels a sharp pinch followed by a flood of liquid. "Oh, God."

"Fuck!" Cheyenne screams as a vicious contraction rips through her. She's sitting up on the side of the bed as laying down only made her agitated. Cheyenne is already over labor. She doesn't think she can do this again. She thinks she should have told Dr. Reed that she wanted a C-Section.

"Here. I got you some chocolate."

"Opie, I don't want any more fucking chocolate." She mutters as she wipes the cold sweat off her forehead.

They have already been at the hospital for five hours and the guys were already crowding the waiting area as they placed bets on the weight and measurement of the kids. They all have decided they the baby was going to be a boy. Cheyenne kind of hopes it will be a girl just so they all can lose the bet.

Opie moves behind her and soon she sighs as he begins massaging her back. "Thanks, Ope."

"No, problem. I should be glad you're not throwing things. Donna like to do that."

Cheyenne smiles at that. Thankfully, Lyla and Gemma had left to go eat taking that godforsaken video camera with them. Now, it was only Opie and Cheyenne.

"Well you didn't do this to me," she tells him with a huff. And for the past five hours, she had been able to keep the tears at bay. But now as she gets closer to be dilated she can't cap her emotions. "I wish he was here." She tells him tearfully.

"I know, Chey." Opie says sadly.

"I'm glad you're here though. Makes it easier. Hopefully, you don't pass out this time."

"Donna told you that!" Opie says surprised.

"Of course, she did," Cheyenne confirms cackling. "Don't worry; you're not the first daddy to pass out at the sight of afterbirth."

"That shit is disgusting. Childbirth is…disgusting."

"Thanks, Opie."

"I'm just saying."

"Well you remember that when you want more kids."

"I don't think Lyla wants kids."

Cheyenne goes quiet as she feels some guilt that Opie doesn't know about Lyla's abortion. She knows Lyla wants them eventually, but Opie isn't ready. "She does. Just you two just got together…enjoy the three kids you have now."

"Yeah…you're right."

"I'm always right." Cheyenne manages to get out before she is hit with another contraction.


Jax is anxious. His mom had reached out to inform him that Cheyenne was in labor. Since then, there hasn't been any update and it's been a day already. He is already going crazy. Lip had tried to assure him that labor wasn't always as quick as it had been with Abel. Sometimes, it could take literally a couple days to give birth. Plus, all of them would be drunk off the excited of the new baby. That didn't help Jax's mood at all that he would simply be forgotten in the excitement of the new baby.

It's mid-afternoon the following day when he is escorted to the private visiting rooms that are reserved for lawyers. Jax furrows his brows, but doesn't say anything as he is pushed into the room. He finds Lowen there.

He's quiet as the guards undo his handcuffs and waits until the door is shut before he speaks. "What's going on?"

"Have a seat, Jax." Lowen says as she begins to open her bag. He doesn't move to sit.

"Is it the baby? Oh god, something happen to the baby! Cheyenne!"

"Jax, please, sit. I assure you everything is okay." Lowen says as she takes out a portable DVD player.

Jax is still confused, but sits as she pops in a disc.

"This is heavily edited, but I think you'll enjoy it either way." She tells him before she presses play.

Jax turns to the small screen that is pitch black. He hears the crying before an image pops up on screen.

"He's so beautiful," he hears and he recognizes it as Lyla's voice. And tears instantly spring to his eyes as he realizes what he is seeing. Lyla zooms down on a small baby with a full stock of black hair that is getting a Reaper cap put on it's head. "Although I think he is hungry."

"I bet." He hears in the background and Lyla turns and he finds Cheyenne prompted up in bed with a smile on her face. She doesn't even look exhausted as she fixes her hair as she ties it in a bun.

"I'm surprised we were able to get everyone out of here," Lyla comments as Cheyenne picks up the small baby and work on getting him to latch onto her breast.

"Yeah, well all I have to do is cry while saying Jax it usually works," she replies cheekily.

"Well I bet Jax is loving this sight right now." Lyla jokes.

Cheyenne chuckles before she turns serious as she runs a finger down their son's face. "So Jax this is your youngest son, Thomas Wayne Teller Junior. I know you mentioned that you wanted to name him after Tommy."

He watches as Thomas makes a satisfied grunt and he smirks at the quick slip of Cheyenne's breasts before she covers up. She places Thomas on the bed as she undoes the blanket he is swaddled in.

"Here is all ten fingers and toes. He's bigger than Abel. 7 pounds and 5 ounces. 20 inches." She informs him as she strips him down to the diaper he is in. "I was in labor for 8 hours. Wasn't fun."

"She did it like a champ, Jax," Lyla says in the background.

Thomas is blinking his eyes and Jax tries to place who he thinks he sees, but Cheyenne speaks up. "Of course, this one looks like you. But he has my hair! And maybe my eyes. There a really light blue, but might turn grey." Cheyenne says. He can hear the disappointment and he knows it something else to tease her about. "But, I have to say you do make beautiful kids Teller."

Lyla zooms in over on Thomas, whose eyes are slowly closing, before a sound makes them snap back open.


There's some movement in the background before a sharp transition shows Abel sitting on the bed next to Cheyenne. "Can you say hi to Daddy?"

Abel smiles brightly as he waves to the camera. "Hi, Dada! Look, Tommy!" Abel says as he points at his youngest. Cheyenne smiles brightly and then the camera cuts again and shows a shot of Cheyenne holding Thomas with Abel sitting on her lap. Cheyenne looks up at the camera, "I love you," she tells him. The video cuts off. And Jax gets up from the chair as she stands in the corner and cries.


It had been four weeks since the birth of his youngest son and Jax was anxiously waiting for his arrival. He had been replaying the video showed constantly on loop in his head. Of course, he was happy that they recorded the experience for him to watch, but it still tugged at his heart that he wasn't there for his family. He wasn't even embarrassed about crying in front of Lowen. Afterwards, she had showed him the pictures that they hastily developed so he could have them until Cheyenne and the baby were good for travel. But importantly, Lowen had broken all types of protocols by allowing Jax and Cheyenne to talk on the phone for five minutes. He thinks the lawyer is really taken by his Old Lady.

Reaching the visiting room, he scans the area and he immediately notices his mom, who was up as soon as she made contact with him, greeting him. His mind, at this point, is too distracted to give his mom a proper greeting. All he wants is too hold his son for the first time; he wanted to give his attention to his Old Lady who he hadn't seen in a month.

Stepping out of his mom's embrace, he makes his way over to Cheyenne. She's standing waiting for him with a hesitant smile. Engulfing her face with his hands, being careful knowing she is probably still somewhat sore after giving birth. He meets her lips in a kiss that starts out soft, but now turns demanding until the soft cry from his little boy breaks them out of their embrace.

Jax turned his attention to the carrier that was on the tabletop that holds his little boy.

"Look at him;" Jax says in awe. "He's perfect."

"I know, got to give it to you Teller, you make some good kids." Cheyenne says as she runs a hand down his face.

"It wasn't all me." Jax counters.

"Here sit," Cheyenne says gently before she reaches over and grabs his little boy. He is wearing a blue onesie covered in motorcycles with his matching Reaper cap. Thomas is wide awake. "Thomas say hello to daddy." Cheyenne coos.

He can't hide the smile as Thomas is placed in his arms. It wasn't hard for him to decide that he wanted this baby to be named after his younger brother. Even with his complicated feelings for his father, the only thing the two could agree on was that Thomas would never suffer this fate. He would never know the life of outlaw bikers. And he wants the same for his sons in ways. Thomas can represent that. His sons represent the future that isn't splattered in blood.

Jax removes the small cap and finds that his son head is covered in black hair and his boy seems to find comfort in his hold as he nestles into him more, or he could be looking for boobs.

"Hey how you doing baby boy," as soon as his voice hit Thomas' ears, his eyes sprung open and he is greeted with the sight of really light blue eyes Jax feels are going to turn grey.

"He knows who his daddy is," Cheyenne speaks up softly next to him and he can tell she is fighting some tears. It is also when he realizes his mom is still there watching them, but she quietly makes her exit before giving him a smile.

Jax turns his attention back to his son, who now has his finger in a tight grip. And despite how much he looks like him, he can see the small things of Cheyenne shining through.

"I wanted to be bring Abel, but he is still adjusting and I know he would've been demanding your attention." Cheyenne tells him.

Jax looks over at Cheyenne; she is in a simple grey tank that flared out below her chest, which emphasized her very large breasts. He isn't sure how he feels about that considering he was here in Stockton and couldn't stake his claim on his old lady, but she is wearing her normal go to pants of black leggings. Her hair is out of her face and into a ponytail. Her face is free from makeup and he swears she has never looked more beautiful.

"How are you adjusting?"

"Sometimes it can get overwhelming especially with Abel having to deal with not being the center of attention anymore, but I mean Thomas is so easy. Different from Abel and is on a tight schedule. It is pretty amazing actually. But Isla has been a great help along with your mom, Neeta, and Lyla. Also Phil, Abel loves him."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there."

Cheyenne gives him a smile and he can see the pain she is trying to hide through it. Her hand leaves Thomas' head and softly caresses his chin. Her fingers trail over his trimmed and already growing beard, "It's okay…I know. Your mom and Lyla were in the room. Lyla recorded everything."

"I'm sorry for that too. I promise I won't miss anything like this again." Cheyenne doesn't say anything, but simply nods her head. Jax leans over slightly and he gives her another kiss before looking down at his son, who now has her eyes closed and seems to be drifting into sleep.

"So I can say I do like the new look. What made you cut – Jax! When did you get that done?"

Jax feels her fingers ghost over his forearm as she looks down at his latest addition of ink. After it was confirmed the names of his newborn son, he had Happy quickly give him new ink for his growing family.

"Happy did it as soon as the name was confirmed officially."

Cheyenne doesn't look amused as she inspects the tattoo. "God, you better hope that doesn't get infected."

"It won't. Happy knows what he is doing. I don't let anyone else do my tats."

"You couldn't wait until you got out of here too do it?"

Jax shakes his head, "I'm fine don't worry about me."

"I wish it was that easy," Cheyenne mutters.

Jax gives her a smile and Cheyenne can't help herself and brings Jax into another kiss as it was taking all her strength to keep her emotions in check at Jax meeting his son.

Jax pulls back from the kiss and he leans his forehead against hers.

"I just want you home, Jax." Cheyenne whispers.

She hears Jax release a strangled breath before his lips press a kiss to her forehead. "I know, I know."


After seeing his son, Jax had put his plan in motion. With it heading into March and considering that there was a large group of Irish. Bobby Elvis was going to put on a show for St. Patrick's Day. Considering Jax had gotten his head buzzed like most men in the place, it was just another white guy.

So with Juice working in the office and having knowledge of the security cameras and knowing blind spots, Jax was going to get his pictures back. He waits until Bobby is in the middle of the performance when the guys are all amped from some live entertainment.

It's easy to lure Leland to the spot. The cocky shit looks for any opportunity to taunt Jax despite having a bar of soap jammed down his throat.

"I want to make a deal for my pictures."

Leland pulls them out of his pocket. "What ya gonna do? Suck my dick?"

Jax throws him his most charming smile. Leland doesn't see it coming as the first puncture wound hits him under his ribs. "It's one thing to fuck with me," Jax says as he holds him close and whispers in his ear. "It's another thing to fuck with my old lady and kids." Jax quickly stabs him a couple more times as he watches the shock and disbelief come across the man's face. Jax then proceeds to jab the man in his dick. "You don't fuck with SAMCRO."

From the corner of his eyes, his sees a man from Leland's crew coming to inspect when Lip flips a table and all chaos breaks loose. Jax grabs his picture.

Jax quickly makes his way back to the massive crowd not before slipping the shiv in one of the pockets of Leland's buddy's before the guard towers ring the alarm and people drop on the floor.