A/N: Hey! Sorry for the radio silence for almost a year. I got busy working to jobs over the summer then I just never got back into the swing of writing again outside of my creative writing classes. I won't bore you guys with anymore excuses, so here's the 3rd chapter of This Love's Not Possible:

Izaya was finally able to complete some of his work, even if it involved only a laptop or his many cellphones. Shizuo refused to let Izaya get out of his bed, let alone the apartment unless absolutely needed. He even tied Izaya to the bedpost and confiscated all his blades when the information broker tried to leave the apartment for business. Just remembering the couple of days strapped to the bed made Izaya's wrist thob. They still had rope burn on them.

"Make sure not to over exhaust yourself," Shizuo commanded as he placed a plate of poorly cut bunny apples on the nightstand. Izaya noticed that the bodyguard's cooking and cleaning were mediocre at best. His skills weren't horrible, but they weren't great either. Izaya noticed the small cuts on Shizuo's fingers as he retreated his hands from the plate. It was evident that the man tried his best, but he just wasn't built for gentle and accurate activities such as cooking.

"Remind me why you're still here, Shizu-chan," Izaya asked as he reached up to take the sunglasses off Shizuo's face and examined them.

"If you don't want me here, then say so," Shizuo replied as he rubbed the bridge of his nose with his pointer finger and thumb. "Also, it's Shizuo. Get it right, flea."

"Then it's Izaya; not flea." Izaya didn't feel like arguing with Shizuo about names. He knew they would be back to enemies soon enough, so cooperating for now wouldn't be too bad. Izaya now had the sunglasses on his face.

"Do I look cool?" Shizuo flushed at the face then immediately looked up at the ceiling. Izaya thought it was hilarious how something so simple could change the brute's whole attitude.

"Idiot," Shizuo mumbled under his breath. Izaya took off the sunglasses and grabbed for one of the bunny apple slices. He brought it to close to his eyes to further examined it and saw that one of the ears were shorter than the other. Not only that, but also the other ear was bent in several places. Comparing this slice to the others, the slice Izaya was holding was noticeably larger than the others. They were all different sizes and there were still some seeds scattered on the plate.

Instead of pointing any of this out loud, Izaya stated, "I dislike sweet foods." This apple was a fuji apple: the sweetest apple of them all. "I prefer granny smiths." Izaya looked up at Shizuo right on time to see him make a disgusted expression. Clearly, the most tarted of apples wasn't the bodyguard's go-to snack.

"I like sweets."

"Not everyone has a sweet tooth like you, Shizuo." The informant placed the apple slice back on the plate, refusing to eat it, and went back to his work on his laptop. He heard Shizuo grumbled as he took the plate and disappeared out of the bedroom. Shizuo did that more frequently now instead of yelling at Izaya like he used to (the grumbling that is). The whole situation still freaked Izaya out. He could shift a little in the bed and he would feel like Shizuo was going to run in to punch him, so Izaya was always on his toes.

Izaya's priority at the moment wasn't to figure out Shizuo and his intentions. It was to find out who attacked him and Shiki, and why. He knew the Kuronuma family owned the warehouse, but he wasn't one hundred percent certain that it was any of the members of that family that attacked him. The most likely out of the 4 was Aoba, but Izaya didn't want to accuse the boy without more proof. Izaya needed to go out for a quick observation.

Izaya closed his laptop and got out of bed to change clothes. He heard a thump on the floor and realized the sunglasses he took from the brute were still in his possession. Izaya picked them up. He was in his pajamas for almost a week. He was never that immobile for a long period of time before. He was going quite insane, more than usual, from staying in the apartment for that long. The informant needed to get back into the pursuit of information. Yes, it was an age of time that information could be collected through the internet, but some information needed to be collected on foot.

Shizuo was in the middle of cleaning dishes when Izaya came out of the room. His back was toward the blacket, so Izaya assumed he didn't know Izaya left the room or that he was being watched. Izaya took this time to notice the brown roots peeking from underneath the blond and that Shizuo was wearing the bartender outfit again. Shizuo picked up one of the apple bunnies. He just held it for awhile. Izaya couldn't see his expression, but he flinched in surprise as the blond crushed the bunny apple with just a pinch.

Izaya always had both an admiration and fear of the brute's strength. If he wanted, Izaya could be obliterated at any moment. It excited Izaya to the point he madly smiled to himself, even chuckled, at the very thought. Shizuo truly wasted his potential in Izaya's opinion. There was the human aspect that held Shizuo back. Izaya loathed that part of him. He was far from human despite his physical appearance; yet, Shizuo clawed and clung to that small human part of himself.

Shizuo threw out the remains of the apple bunny he crushed and the rest of them. After rinsing off his hand from the juicy residue, he grabbed a few paper towels and wet them under the kitchen faucet. He started to lower himself to what it looked like wiping the apple juice off the floor when he finally noticed the blacket.

"I thought I told you to not to over exhaust yourself."

"I'm just standing here. How is that over exhausting myself?" Shizuo scoffed and went back to wiping the floor. "I'm going to go out for a bit." Izaya couldn't lie about it, but he wasn't going to be happy about announcing his every plan to Shizuo. "You're free to come with."

Shizuo finished cleaning and threw the paper towels in the trash. He sighed heavily through his nose before giving Izaya a look of distress. His eyebrows were furrowed enough to almost touch and his brown eyes pleaded. Izaya remained unfazed on the outside, but he was shocked by the desperate look that made a home on Shizuo's face. He only saw the bodyguard angry. All the other emotions were foreign to the informant. Yes, he saw other emotions from Shizuo, but Izaya was never sensed by the other man at those moments. They weren't directed at the informant.

"Fine." Shizuo finally caved. He most likely knew he couldn't change Izaya's mind. "But you have to shower first. You stink more than usual." Izaya took a sniff of his armpit through his pajama shirt and he didn't need to get too close to understand what Shizuo meant. Izaya turned to go back to the bedroom before he thought of a great tease.

"Want to take a bath with me?" Shizuo's baffled, tomato face made Izaya almost fall over in laughter. The new expressions Shizuo showed him were amusing and Izaya wanted to see more of them. This was totally different from observing him from afar. This was different from seeing someone else invoke those kinds of emotions and expressions out of the brute. Izaya was the one to create that expression out of Shizuo.

"I can wash your hair... if you want," Shizuo offered. Shizuo was covering his eyes with his hand and that made Izaya remember he still had Shizuo's sunglasses. He must hide behind the sunglasses all the time.


It's been a while since Izaya took a bath. He always took showers because time was money, so he could only dedicate 5 minutes to cleaning himself. This isn't to say he didn't like soaking in his own filth for a bit. He didn't like the thought of it, but he forgot how it gave him time to relax. The warmth of the water and the sound of the water splashing as Izaya got comfortable were calming once in a blue moon.

Izaya heard the bathroom door open. Shizuo was back with the shampoo and conditioner. Izaya ran out, so he sent the blond to the local convenience store to get some more.

"I got unscented shampoo." Izaya never bought unscented shampoo, but he wasn't too fond of strong scents either. Shizuo must've picked up on this and went with the safest bet. After all, Izaya never gave him a specific brand name or scent to get for him. "Hold up."

Shizuo went to go get the chair from Izaya's room and placed it a little behind Izaya's head. That was where Shizuo sat. He rolled up his pants legs and shirt sleeves. While Shizuo started washing Izaya's hair, he noticed that Shizuo did his best not to focus on the fact Izaya was naked. Izaya could see Shizuo's eyes focusing solely on raven colored hair, but his eyes would drift as far as Izaya's eyes then go back to the hair. Izaya thought about taking a bubble bath to conceal his body; however, this was more fun.

Izaya could also take comfort in Shizuo's hair washing skills. He was being gentle as his fingertips massaged the informant's scalp. His hair was pushed forward and backward then the fingers would go from the sides to meet in the middle and back. If Izaya had to find a word for how Shizuo was making him feel at that moment, it had to be soothed.

Izaya had to wash his own hair before Namie would cut it for him. He was always on edge when she held scissors to his head. Not to say Izaya wasn't nervous that a man who could crush the informant's skull with his bare hands was washing his hair. Actually, Izaya was having mixed feelings about the situation. Of course, he was scared which is why Izaya kept his eyes on Shizuo the entire time. Izaya was even excited to see the man's reactions, but he also had a feeling there was no need to watch over Shizuo.

"Ow!" Izaya should have kept his eyes closed because some of the shampoo got in his eyes. Izaya raised his hand to his eye before it was stopped by the brute's hand.

"Don't," Shizuo pleaded. Izaya compiled while keeping one eye on Shizuo the entire time he walked over to the sink, rinsed his hands of the shampoo, and bring over a cup of water to Izaya.

"Lean back," Shizuo ordered. "I'm going to flush your eye." Izaya tried to stay still as Shizuo held his eye open and poured the water. He just couldn't stop shaking. It was a mix between the pain of chemicals in his eye and the fact the brute was holding his eyelids open. As soon as Shizuo started tilting the cup, Izaya gripped Shizuo's arm in almost a death grip from remembering the bunny apple Shizuo crushed in a pinch. Shizuo said nothing and continued. He let go of Izaya and hanged him a towel.

Izaya hadn't let go of Shizuo's arm when he daped at his eye as to not irritate it. Izaya felt Shizuo's hand on his arm which made him realize he never let go, so he did. Shizuo, however, did not. Instead, Shizuo squeezed Izaya's upper arm a bit.

"They say that the upper arm feels like a woman's breast," Izaya joked with a small chuckle. He tossed the towel to the bathroom floor and leaned back to look at Shizuo again. "Do you miss them?


"Boobs, of course." Shizuo was silent. That was all Izaya needed. The silence said everything and so did his golden brown eyes. His eyebrows were scrunched up and his eyes were sorrowful. Either a) Shizuo never felt a woman's body because who would ever let him or b) Shizuo wasn't as gay as he thought he was.

"Yeah," Shizuo finally answered. Izaya knew it.

"Well, sorry to disappoint, but," Izaya started as he took his non-occupied arm to push forward his chest, "I don't have any." This was where Izaya expected Shizuo to realize he wasn't in love with Izaya. The false feelings and sharades had to end at some point.

"That's fine." Izaya stopped pushing his chest forward after seeing Shizuo's eyebrows move away from each other and his facial muscles relax. Shizuo almost looked accepting of this fact. Shizuo seemed to still surprise Izaya. The brute was still as unpredictable as ever.

"Plus," Shizuo continued as he worked on Izaya's hair again, "if ever miss breast enough I can just look at that cross-dressing photo of you." Izaya laughed. He almost forgot about that photoshopped picture of him. He got it taken down, but it wasn't a surprise that there were still copies out there. He was just shocked Shizuo had a copy or a screenshot seeing as the brute wasn't as tech suave as a common person.

"You know that's fake, right?"

A/N: I will be doing a behind the scenes type ordeal on my tumblr writing blog .com soon after releasing this chapter, so I recommend going to see that post. I will even have an audio recording of me reading the first 2 paragraphs of this chapter if you're interested.

I'm going to try to keep my previous uploading schedule which means this fanfic should be updated again in 2 weeks, but don't hold me on that. See you next chapter!