Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara! or it's characters.

Shizuo finally captured Izaya. Just like any other day Shizuo and Izaya fought all over the city of Ikebukuro. Sidewalks were cracked, street signs threw into buildings, and innocent pedestrians were caught in the aftermath. This thing concept called "peace" cease to exist in this city because of a certain blacket's desire to rile up his favorite "monster." In all honesty, it didn't take much to achieve that. All Izaya needed to do was enter Ikebukuro for his scent to alert Shizuo.

Unfortunately for Izaya, there was construction going on that he didn't calculate. Even his amazing parkour skills failed him when he needed a bit more air time than usual. It took a split second for Shizuo to grab his leg that was in mid-leap making Izaya fall face first to the gravelled ground. Izaya immediately reached for one of the many hidden blades in his pocket. By the time he turned his torso toward the blond, Shizuo already had his hand up prepared to let Izaya stab it.

After the blade went all the way through Shizuo's hand, Shizuo moved to hold down Izaya's hips with his knees and held both of his wrists above his head onto the ground below them. The gravel felt uncomfortable on Izaya's front and even when he moved his cheek to lay on one side he could feel the individual gravel sticking to his skin. He attempted to glare up at Shizuo over his shoulder, but the beast had his back toward the sun leaving a black silhouette in its wake.

Izaya laughed like a maniac. His whole body shook to keep up with the sudden laughter. The spontaneous sound didn't catch Shizuo off guard enough to loosen his grip as this was to be expected out of Izaya. The information broker took too lightly of the situation he was in even though this could be his demise. Izaya finally calmed down and once he got his breath under control, he looked up at the silhouette yet again.

"Well what are you waiting for...kill me already. That's what you wanted to do since we met. Here's your chance." Izaya still couldn't see Shizuo's face, so he couldn't tell if the bodyguard wore that wide, angry smile he often see him with or that totally pissed off face that let Izaya know he went too far. The unknown kind of excited him. Shizuo was just so unpredictable.

"Listen!" Shizuo growled at him. "I..." Izaya didn't expect for the brute to say anything. He was a man of mostly action. He didn't use his words very often aside from screaming Izaya's name or telling said man to stay out of Ikebukuro. Words didn't work on him either. "Shit...Listen, flea...I like you, okay? Like in a I-want-to-be-with-you type of way."

Izaya stopped squirming becoming completely still for a moment. His facial muscles were relaxed and his mind went blank. He could feel Shizuo adjust his strength to the abrupt stillness, but he didn't let go almost as if he was preparing for unforeseen movement. On the other hand, Izaya didn't know what to think or do. He knew the brute was unpredictable, but he didn't expect this at all. He knew the man wasn't the one for jokes, so knew Shizuo at least believed this statement to some degree. How did come to that conclusion?

Izaya's thoughts stopped wondering after he heard a grunt from the blond above him. He looked up as much as he could to see the black silhouette with his free hand to where his face would be. The hand thrusted away and the blade that was in it was tossed from the silhouette's face area onto the ground. Blood dripped beside Izaya's face and he concluded that Shizuo used his teeth to pull the blade out his hand.

"Go out with me, flea." Izaya let out a dry laugh.

"You sure do know how to charm me, Shizu-chan," he replied. "Unfortunately for you, I will have to decline your displeasing offer. I'm not into beastiality." Shizuo squeeze Izaya's wrist slightly more then readjusted to a more gentle yet still firm grip. He wasn't getting angry and acting like the beast Izaya knew Shizuo to be.

"I'm human," the bodyguard managed to say threw his teeth. "And you could've just said no."

"Then no." The informant grew tired of their conversation. He want that thrill he got whenever they fought and the brute dropped everything he was doing to chase after Izaya. "Now let me go." The knees that drove into his hips were killing him and his wrist felt clammy under Shizuo's hand. The gravel felt like it was boring into his skin and he just wanted relieve.

"Shizuo!" Izaya immediately recognized this voice belonging to their mutual friend, Shinra. He couldn't move his head to the direction that the voice was coming from, but he could hear the dullahan's bike stop in the gravel let Izaya know that Celty was with him. "If you hurt him, I refuse to fix him up."

"That really hurts, Shinra," Izaya whined. "I thought we were friends."

"Shizuo," Shinra started ignoring Izaya's commentary, "I thought we talked about this. You can't beat him into liking you."

"I know that! I was just trying to talk to him and he threw things and fancy words at me."

"It's not my fault that you barely graduated from high school," Izaya commented. He still could see anything aside from the black silhouette and this started pissing him off. He knew 2 other people existed aside from the one holding him down, but they weren't where he could see them.

"Now now," Shinra intervened. "How about you get off of Izaya and we can try this confession again." Izaya could hear the typing of Celty's fingers on her phone and when she stopped there was silence for a moment.

"The flea stabbed me," Shizuo said breaking the silence. "It's fine." Shizuo slowly let go of Izaya as if any sudden moments would startle him and he stood up leaving Izaya still face planted on the gravelled ground. Once the blacket deemed it at least safe enough to stand up he did. He patted himself down removing any gravel that clung to his skin. After grabbing his blade from the ground, he made a run for it.

"IZAYA-KUN!" Izaya though the blond would chase him, but he looked over his shoulder only to see Shinra holding the man back. Shizuo looked like he was having an internal struggle deciding whether he should chase after Izaya or listen to whatever Shinra was telling him. He could have easily knocked the doctor over, but for some reason he didn't. Izaya just decided to move on leaving the bizarre scene behind.

Izaya jumped into his swivel chair in front of his desktop and used the desk as leverage to spin around in it. He giggled as he felt the judging eyes of Namie on him. This just encouraged him to laugh more outwardly. He fell out the chair clutching at his stomach from the pain starting to form there. He no longer felt Namie's eyes on him as she grew tired of his antics.

"Want to hear something funny?" Izaya asked after he calmed down enough to talk.

"What you find funny is never funny to me," Namie replied. The informant got back into his chair in order to start up the desktop computer. As it loaded, he looked over at Namie. She was organizing the files he asked her to before he left out to visit his favorite city.

"Shiz-chan told me he wanted to be with me." Namie paused for a second before continuing her work.

"Shizuo Heiwajima?" Namie asked for clarification. "The strongest man in Ikebukuro?"

"That's the one; although, you forgot brute," Izaya added. The desktop had finally finished loading, so he started fiddling with it. "I didn't think monsters were capable of any emotion other than anger. I'm certain Shinra put that idea in his head." Namie did add anything to the conversation. Izaya knew she couldn't care less. All she cared about is her brother and that obsession took up most of her heart.

There was a ring that came from the office phone on Namie's desk. Namie let out a deep sigh through her nose before heading over to the device. Izaya blocked out the interaction. Namie could handle sorting out what is worth the informant's time and what wasn't. Most calls were stopped at Namie's phone. There were very few that passed her and reached Izaya's desk phone. Anyone who really needed to reach him had one of the many cell phone numbers Izaya owned.

Surprisingly his desk phone did ring in a way that told him it was a transfer. Izaya looked over at Namie for clarification, but she didn't even glance his way as she continued doing her work before she got interrupted. He stopped what he was doing to answer the call.

"Boxers or briefs?" Izaya asked instead of greeting in a normal way. He got a kick out of throwing people off their game. "I'm more of a boxer briefs type of guy."

"I already know that." Izaya reconsigned that voice as Shiki Haruya. "I already told Namie this, but my phone is broken," Shiki went on to explain. "It fell out my pocket during a fight and I didn't have your number on hand."

"Ah. What do I owe the pleasure of this call to?"

"I'm using a payphone, so I can't send you a picture. I need you to come and identify something for me. I'm sending a car to your apartment now." This was obviously something the blacket couldn't turn down. He wasn't given an option.

"It's a little past my bedtime," Izaya tried anyway.

"Just get in the car, Orihara." Izaya looked outside to see a black car with tinted windows parked on the curb. He felt like he shouldn't get in the car. There was some pull telling him to do otherwise. He felt Namie's eyes on him again, but this stare was different than the judging one he was use to by him. The man didn't like the feeling she was giving off.

"If you insist." Izaya hung up the phone and shut down the desktop.

"I'm leaving out again, Namie dearest. Once you finish that assignment, you are free to leave. Adiou." Izaya blew a kiss as he leaned out the open door to Namie who didn't react. He half danced half sprinted down the stairs and plopped into the backseat of the car. Looking at the passing scenery didn't calm his nerves at all. Luckily Shizuo didn't do too much damage to his body that day, so if anything did happen he could fight.

They rolled up to a warehouse with Shiki standing out front. Shiki was a gentleman, so Izaya knew he wasn't the threat he felt since he received the phone call. The area, however, only amplified his worry. Of course, he couldn't show that on his face. He needed to remain as calm and cocky as he as was. This is why his ever present smirk was planted on his face as he exited the car.

"So tell me, Shiki, what needed to be identified at this very moment?" Izaya left out a obviously fake yawn. "I need my beauty sleep," he whined.

"I'm sincerely apologize." Shiki bowed to emphasis this. "I'm on an assignment from the boss. He needed me to pick up an item, but we weren't the only ones seeking it out. We followed the enemy to this warehouse. The owners names didn't come up yet it's not on the market."

"That's because I bought it," Izaya offered. "I mean I don't own it anymore, but the people I sold it to sold it off to someone else." The informant pulled out one of his phones and started to search through his contacts. "I'll ask who the warehouse was sold to, but for future reference I can do this from my office."

"It's not just the warehouse I needed you to identify. Follow me." Shiki turned and walked to the warehouse and Izaya followed after he sent a text message to the previous owners. One of Shiki's underlings openned the door. Inside there were wooden crates stacked on top of each other. There were several towers of these wooden crates. It was basically a syterotypical warehouse.

Shiki walked further in until they arrived at one wooden crate by itself. They watched as another underling went to grab the lid off the wooden crate. He couldn't get the whole lid off before Izaya was hit with a blunt object on the back of his head. He fell on the ground face first. The informant heard a faint yell before he felt a kick to his ribs. The pain resenated through the two spots that were hit.

He couldn't get up, but his now poor vision allowed him see several feet shuffling around. Izaya's eyes failed him, but he can tell the people who owned those shuffling feet were fighting each other. Suddenly a pair of those feet flew somewhere out of Izaya's vision and more followed. After someone wearing a bartending suit, bent down into his vision.

Izaya woke up in a very familiar bed. This was one of the ones in Shinra's personal clinic. He spent a lot of time here seeing as he didn't know how (read: had no desire) to stay out of trouble. When Izaya tried to get up, the stabbing pain in his side prevented him from moving.

"Shinra told me to tell you not to move if you woke up." Shizuo was sitting at the side of the bed in a chair. He looked engrossed in a feminine magazine on baking. There was a slice of strawberry shortcake on the front cover and the magazine was titled Eat it Too. It was outlandish to have Shizuo by his side while staying so relaxed. It looked so natural. More neutral than anything.

"Is Shizu-chan here to nurse me?" Izaya's voice sounded more coarse than he meant it to come out. He wanted to tease the blond. Shizuo closed the magazine and grabbed a bottle of water that was sitting on the floor next to him.

"Here," he said as he handed the bottle to him. "Drink it." The patient looked at the bottle suspiciously. He didn't move his hand to grab for it. "I don't want you dead...not anymore at least."

"You don't want me to buy that 'I-like-you' claim, do you?" Izaya grabbed the bottle and raised from his potion ever so slightly to drink. Once his thirst was quenched he stared up at the ceiling. "How did you even know where to find me?"

"That woman called me."

"What woman?"

"She didn't give me a name, but she called from your office phone." Izaya realize that it was Namie. It couldn't have been anyone else. She must've picked up on Izaya's uneasiness, but he didn't think she cared enough to call for help. If anything, he sometimes thought Namie was plotting his demise. There were only two reason he could think up for this: one, her human sympathy got the better of her or two, she still needed Izaya.

"So you came because she called?"

"I came because the one I like was in danger," Shizuo clarified. Izaya felt pity for the man. Shinra really implanted this idea in Shizuo's mind. He truly believed that he liked the man who made his live a living hell. It was so pathetic that he could laugh if it wouldn't hurt his side.

"I don't believe you." Izaya heard the metal chair hit the ground. He turned his head to see Shizuo standing with his hands clenched in fists. When Izaya looked in the man's eyes, he could see a mixture of rage and hurt. It was only breath as Shizuo closed his eyes to take a deep inhale then exhale. He unclenched his hands and looked down at the ground almost defeated-like. The fact that the brute controlled himself so quick shocked Izaya.

"Then," Shizuo began only to pause. "Then what can I do to prove it to you? What can I do to make you like me...like I like you? What can I do to make you go out with me?" The blacket seen Shizuo get frustrated; however, he never seen him look so lost...so defenseless.

"Find the lost city of Atlantis for me, dear." Izaya had no intention of do any of those things that Shizuo wanted out of him, yet seeing as the man didn't react to Izaya's joke he decided to cut him some slack. "How about this? I need clearly need a bodyguard. You can work whenever you aren't following Tom around like a guard dog, okay?" Shizuo looked him in the eyes with a shimmer of hope.

"Then you'll like me?"

"Who knows? Now can you get Shinra to come here, so that I can get out of here as soon as possible?" Shizuo walked out the room to fulfill his request. Izaya was left alone with his thoughts. Shizuo would come to his senses after working for Izaya for awhile. They would go back to their fights soon enough. Hopefully he could heal before then.

A/N:Thank you for reading the first chapter. There is more to come. I hope to update at least once every other week (I'm working on another fanfic). I appreciate reviews even if they just tell me that you like the fanfic and constructive criticism.