A/N: Hey everyone, I am sorry but I deleted "The Lost Man on the Island" as it was not going the way I wanted it to go, but I am rewriting it so hopefully the newer version is much better. I noticed it wasn't well liked and can't say I blame ya'll. Again, thank you for your patient and hope ya'll like this one instead!

"Hey Corbin?" he spoke as he came down the stairs in their apartment that they shared for the last year. Dean was advertising for a roommate and a rough and tough guy named Baron Corbin, aka Corbin, answered the ad and ended up moving into his own room that next day. Since then, they have become pretty good friends and occastional fuck buddies. " I'm heading out for the week of fun in the sun! I'll see you when I get back, okay?" He said as he heads over to the door and picks up his bags that he packed for his week of adventures.

"Sure bro, be careful and have a great time! I'll keep the fort down here until you get back!" he replied as he came out of the kitchen and headed over to where Dean was. He bro hugged and did their secret handshake as they both laughed. "In all seriousness, be careful and call for help if you need it, ok?" he said in concern.

"Okay Corbin, I will be careful and let you know if I run into any trouble. In the meantime, I just gonna have some fun for once. So, I'll talk to you soon bud!" he smiled, waved, and then headed out the door, bouncing away, leaving Corbin shaking his head and chuckling as he shuts the door.

Dean decided to take the week off from his job, an ad consultant, after working for the last three years non stop. He started about 5 years ago working for Shane McMahon, whom he holds in high regards as the man knows his business, as just an office clerk. After a couple of years, he moved up to be an ad consultant after finding out he had a knack for drawing up ads for various companies and showing them to Shane. After impressing the big man, he got promoted up and every since then, he has been working non stop. Shane finally told him he needed a week or two off for vacation and it wasn't a request. Dean chuckles as he put his hands up and told Shane that he would take the vacation.

He always loved fishing and boating as a young child, but as he grew older, he didn't go these things as much. But when he did, he made the most of it. So for his vacation spot, he ended up renting out a boat for the week so that he could set sail and have a quiet and relaxing vacation. He couldn't wait to catch the fish and even go for a swim near the boat. He would have to thank Shane for making him go cause he feels this will be a vacation he will never forget.

He loaded up the boat, named Princess, with his bags, map and compass along with the food he bought for the week and bunch of supplies in case of emergency. The local tour guide asked if he needed anyone to come along, Dean politely said no, thanked him and got into the boat and put his life vest on. Tour guide smiled as nodded as he unwrapped the rope from the signal Dean did and started to drift away from the then drove the boat out about 30 miles before turning off the engine to let it drift a bit as he got up and moved around a bit to familiarize himself of where everything is. He decided

that he wanted to fix something to eat and look at the map first before he settled on where he wanted to head for the first day before nightfall.

About two hours later, Dean finished eating and studying the map. He sees that there is a small island about 150 miles from where he is at that he kinda wanted to explore. So he took the coordinates and programmed them into his compass to help navigate the location. He does noticed that the weather is starting to change a bit, but nothing he can't handle. His father taught him everything about boating and what to expect so hopefully his advice helps him if need be.

"Okay," he said to himself, "So according to the map, I need to turn SW if I want to see the island before nightfall, which is…." He looks at his watch, noticing its about 2pm, "about 4 hours away, so I should be able to make it by the time the sun goes down and the clouds keep moving. Should be a piece of cake." He tells himself as he sets the map down and gets up and walks over to the wheel and turns the engine on. He still sees the clouds starting to move in a bit more so he thinks he should be okay before it gets dark.

He turns the key, starts the engine and follows his coordinates.


Three hours later, the weather actually got a bit worse. The clouds turned gray to almost black with winds picking up, making the boat rock a bit. Dean was still about an hour out from the island that he spotted on the map so he hopes that it be okay.

Only, it wasn't. The wind picked up even more, making the water around the boat wave back and forth and having Dean navigate harder to stay on course. The water was splashing hard against the boat, rocking it back and forth, and Dean trying to keep from tipping over. He then tries to radio for help, only to be met with garbles and static, indicating that he has no radio frenquencies available. "Just my fucking luck…" he says angrily to himself.

All of sudden, thunder and lightening picked up around him as the wind picked up even more. Dean was starting to panic a bit as he struggled against the strong current. He was frustrated that he wasn't more prepared than he should have been.

"Damn my luck! UGH!" he screamed as he tries to hang on to the wheel. "I knew I shouldn't have gone out until I checked the weather out for the next few days! Why didn't I do that?" he shouted to himself. "Now I"m having to fight to keep the boat afloat to wade out the storm, if I can!"

Dean fights the water hitting him as he weathers the boat to stay on course with the rain coming down hard. Lightening around him is cutting it close and the thunder is so loud that it felt like he was in a cave with fireworks going off. He is scared shitless right now, but he has to keep calm if he wants to make it through the storm. He prays that his parents are watching over him to guide him to safety of the island he saw on the map earlier. That is his only hope at the moment.

With his luck at the moment, he manages to stay on course but there is no sign of the rain letting up as well as the thunder. The lightening have calmed down a bit, but it doesn't help him if he is still struggling to keep the boat going. "I can do this….I can do this…." He mumbles to himself as he continues to grip the wheel hard. His knuckles are white as a sheet and starting to cramp up a bit, but he doesn't let go as the wind still pushes the water against the boat, rocking it back and forth still.

According to his compass, he is about 10 miles from the island when all of a sudden, a huge wave crashes into the boat, knocking him overboard. The last thing he remembers is grabbing the sides, trying to stay afloat with his life vest on. He tries to climb back into the boat with no luck. He manages to grab the rope and tie himself to the boat before a wave hits his head against the boat, knocking him out.


"He should be okay Mimi…" Roman said as he puts a cold rag on Dean's head to keep him cool, careful of the cut that he bandaged earlier. "Good thing the storm slowed down enough and we found the boat drifting with him tied to it. Who knows how long he's been out there."

Mimi is a monkey that is a confidant to a dark hair stranger who risked his life to swim to the boat that he saw drifting towards the island a few hours before. He saw Dean tied to the side of the boat, but knocked out with a gash on his forehead from where he hit his head. After untying Dean and holding both him and tugging the boat to shore, he took him to his hut and laid him on the makeshift bed by the fireplace. He got him stripped down and saw how magnificent the man's body looked. He had to be about 215 and about as tall as him. Slender built and a tiny waist. But he shook his head off of thoughts like that as the man is unconscious. So he washed him up as best he could, put some clean clothes on him, even if it's a bit big on him, and covered him up to keep him warm. He sits back a bit with hesitant on his face.

"I hope that maybe we can help him with whatever he needs, but I am also afraid that he may try to hurt us as well. This is the first time in almost 10 years that there has been another human being here. Not since I shipwrecked here. I am so thankful that I have a family here with you and others, but it is nice to see another human besides me to maybe keep me company for a while."

Mimi folds her arms and sticks out her tongue as if she was offended that her and her family wasn't enough company. Her master laughs a little bit as he pets her head. "You know what I mean Mimi, I just like a more human contact for a bit. I miss my family out there and I know they have given up on finding me here, but it's just nice to see someone that maybe I can talk to and that maybe, just maybe, be something more?" Roman says with a little sadness in his voice.

He signs as Mimi realizes the sad face. She then brings his head to her chest and wraps her arms around his head and hugs him, letting him no she was sorry and that it was gonna be okay.

"I'll be okay…don't worry, okay?"

Mimi nods as she signs to Roman asking if there is anything else he needs before she retires for the night.

"No Mimi, you can go, I can handle it here now that the storm as passed. We should be fine." He signed as he smiled. Mimi was so protective of Roman since he shipwrecked here 10 years ago. Since then, she's been by his side as well as her family.

Mimi nods as she heads out, leaving Roman sitting by Dean, wiping the sweat away as the man laid there, still not moving.

As Dean laid there still unconscious, Roman decided to look into the bag that he managed to carry with him as he carried Dean to his hut. Looking inside, he sees an ID..

Dean Jonathan Ambrose

McMahon Ad Agency Consultant

Pensacola Florida

2012- present

"hmmm….Dean Ambrose, love the name Dean…" Roman said to himself as he looks over to check on Dean before looking back into the bag. He also sees a wallet and decides to look inside. He spots money, which he hadn't seen in years as well as credit cards. He also sees a pic of him with another guy giving the camera a middle finger with their smiles. He turns it over to see what it says….

Dean and Seth

2015 Spring Break party

Brothers for life

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding at the moment. Yes, Dean was gorgeous to him, but he doesn't know if he is that way or not. Seeing a pic of him with this Seth guy almost made his heart drop and it shouldn't. He doesn't even know the guy that he just saved. But alas, he continues on…he sees another picture of Dean with what looks like his parents. He flips it over and sees what is written that made his heart stop…

Dean with Jane and Albert Ambrose

5/25/2003 graduation

(last picture taken with my parents as they were killed by a drunk driver the next day)

I love and miss them : (

And tears starts to fall as the sees the picture again of them smiling with Dean on his graduation. "Oh Dean…." He whispers, "I am so sorry for the loss of your parents. I hope they are at peace".

He puts the pictures back in the wallet and closes it and puts it in the bag. He wipes his eyes and then looks over and sees that Dean is still breathing but not moving. He smiles softly at the sight but sad that this is how he meets the man that seems to have captured his interest in a way.

He puts the bag down and walks back over to where Dean is and redoes the rag on his forehead. He also checked the head to make sure that the gash hasn't opened back up. He managed to stitch it up using the first aid kit he found on the boat. He also managed to get Mimi and her family to grab the food and extra supplies to bring them to him. That way, it won't go bad and hopefully it has something in there that will help Dean a bit more.

After checking everything on Dean, he gets up and makes sure that the fire is still going before he heads to the cooking area to make some special flower soup for when Dean wakes up. He just hopes he isn't too late in saving Dean.

"Pull through Dean, you are a strong man. If I know you, you won't go, but will fight to stay…"

Roman smiles as he heads to start on the healing soup and hopefully he will get to see Dean wake up soon.

Okay…let me know what you think of this version. Again, Sorry for deleting the other one. It just wasn't that great to me. : (