Note I don't own Harry Potter, all rights go to J.K. Rowling.

The following segments does take cliche's from across the web. Spanning from your Drarry gender swap, to your Bellamort content that everyone hates. If you find a cliche that I put in here that you wrote and you take offense to this, maybe, just maybe this fanfic is here to teach you all a lesson. Now rememember that writing comments about how I used a cliche is in fact very rude, so if you decide to send me a crappy P.M telling me on how much of a jerk I am, then I'm going to ignore you. Now enjoy the fic and I hope to shit all of you take offense to this so we can end the reign of the dumbass cliches. Enjoy the fic.

Eat snackie smores!

21.) BWL Neville
So people have it in there minds that if Neville was the boy who lived, harry would grow up with his parents. i think not.

Harry was in the Hogwarts express for his first year. He was introduced to the wizarding world as the boy who's parents got tortured to insanity by death eaters and had to live with his God father. Uncle Sirius was a great mentor, Uncle Remus was a closeted Bisexual, Hagrid was as kind as a nun, and Dumbledore was smart.

Just then a chubby kid with a weird scar came in.

"Hello can I sit her?" asked the fat kid.

"Sure fatty." said Harry.

The fat kid then introduced himself "I'm Neville Longbottom, the boy who lived."

"Well I'm Harry, the boy who is normal." said Harry.

"Well I can tell we're gonna be good friends." said Neville

Years Later

Harry was reading the Daily Prophet!

Awesome kid with no scar but has jet black hair kills Voldemort, while his fat best friend with a stupid scar does nothing but run from danger. From now on our Hero named harry will have a day named after him. Harry day! See more of this story on page 4!

Harry then put the prophet down and Ginny joined him in the table.

"Want to have sex?" asked Ginny.

"Yeah why not."

Ha didn't expect that did you.

22.) Hogwarts pregnancy!
Okay this cliche does make sense, it's still overused though.

Harry was in the common room thinking to himself. He just finished having sex with Ginny. Boy it was good.

Just then Ginny came in.

"I'm pregnant." said Ginny.

"What?" said Harry. "But we used protection."

"I know I just wanted to see your face when you found that out." said Ginny. "That was funny! But seriouly I am not pregnant."

That was terrible.

23.) Drinny.

Harry was right now having sex with Ginny. He had just saved her from Draco. That douche bag used a love potion on her. Lukily Harry saved her.

"Oh harry your the best lover I've had." moaned harry.

"Better than Draco." said Harry.

"Ten times better." siad ginny

Once again Fuck Drinny!

24.)Dudley's witch daughter.
Cliche much.

Dudley Dursley has a witch for a daughter. This would be cool to see her adventures but Voldemort's dead so there are no adventures waiting for her.

Why am I even trying with this one.

Or any of them.

Just one more to go.

25.) Read Fanfiction.

"Oh my god, people actually think I'm a slut?" asked Ginny to Harry. Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione were reading Fanfiction online.

"Atleast you don't get written as me having an affair with Lavender." whined Ron "I thought she was dead."

"And since when have I've had a thing for Draco." asked Harry. "I'm not gay, even if I was, I'd be dating Ron. Not Draco."

"And why do I get paired with everyone?" asked Hermione

"What is wrong with these cliches?" everyone asked in unison.

meanwhile at a nerd's room.

"I've done it. I've written the ultimate cliche'd fanfic."said the nerd in triumph. "Now to read it so can watch for spelling errors."

The nerd then looked then read the fanfic.

Delete! Delete! Delete!

Okay well I'm done with this. Thanks for sticking with me through out this. Hope you enjoyed it. I can go on but that's just the basics. Thanks fro reading everyone.