//AN// Sorry for the delay, no I haven't given up on this story, sorry to scare you! ^_~ and thanks so much for the reviews!!! -Lana

Chapter Three

About thirty minutes later, we had our packs, and had visited our homes to get things. We were heading back towards the old sewage pipe.

"Remind me to write a letter to our congressman about keeping the sewers cleaner after this is all over." stated Lioka, looking down the pipe and wrinkling her nose. We all laughed, and began to go down the pipe, when Euro quickly crouched down and while gesturing for the rest of us to follow her.

We all looked confused, but obeyed, and when we got to her, she pointed to the old science research building down the street and whispered, "Look" We all turned our heads, and saw more 'Foot' people, about two dozen, break into the building.

Lioka looked at me, but I shot her a 'Don't even think about it' look, and mouthed, "Wait" at everyone. I snuck close enough, to where I could here what they were saying, and listened.

"Master Shredder will be pleased with all of these leftover chemicals." said one that seemed to be directing most of the men. Another one told all of the men to take the containers down to the hideout in the old warehouse. I quickly and quietly went back to Lioka, Euro, and Calli and gave them some quick orders.

"Go back and get the turtles. I'll follow them and see where they're going."

"I'm coming with you." said Lioka. I nodded at her and motioned for the other two girls to get going. They both nodded grimly, and quickly climbed down the ladder.

Euro's P.O.V.

Wonderful. I thought sarcastically, as Calli and I ran down the tunnel towards the lair. We're up top, not for ten min., and already those two 'crazy women with a death-wish' have found the most dangerous thing in the world to keep them occupied. I hope we can get to the guys and back before Kaze and Lioka follow that gang to where ever they're going.

Leo's P.O.V.

'Where are they?!' I thought to myself. Mike and I had decided to wait for the girls where we had split up. It had been about forty-five min, it only should have only taken them about twenty.

"Aw relax Leo." said Michelangelo. "You're gonna wear a hole in the floor."

"They should have been back by now." I said worriedly. Then we heard footsteps running down the tunnel and looked up to see two of the girls running towards us, breathless.


As in half of four.

And the two girls with the nack for getting into trouble weren't with them.

Before we even had time to say anything, the girls had grabbed us by our arms and were dragging us back down the tunnel.

"Whoa! What's going on guys?" I asked.

The one called Euro bent over double with her hands on her knees, panting, and managed to push out, "Foot... broke into... building... stole chemicals...Kaze and Lioka... followed... told us... to get you." Mike palled, and I ran down the path, following the girls, who had gotten their second wind and began running again. We crowded up the ladder, and got up just in time to see the last of the Foot's trucks pulling out. And running out of the shadows, jumping onto the back of one of the trucks, and doing what none of the rest of us would have been crazy enough to do, were two girls, named Liokaroka, and Kamikaze.

Lioka's P.O.V.

Kaze and I ran back towards the science building, and waited for our chance to follow.

"How are we going to defend ourselves?" I finally had to ask.

Kaze looked around, handed me a metal rod about four feet long, and held up a fist and smiled at me. I had to grin back. She sure had guts, going into a dangerous situation with nothing but her fists to protect her. But that didn't seem like Kaze. I suddenly thought. I stared at her until she looked guilty and pulled back her jacket. I stared in shock at what she showed me.

"You stole the seighs!? Are you crazy?!" I gasped.

"Maybe a little." she admitted.

We waited for a while, then all the trucks began to pull out. Kaze jerked her towards the last one, that looked like a moving van. I then noticed the ladder on the back and nodded.

Kaze looked at me seriously and said, "You can go help Calli and Euro get the guys, and let me do this if you want." She was offering me the less dangerous way out. I looked at her and grinned mischievously.

"What, and let you have all the fun?"

She smiled back and I could tell she was glad for my company. We both crouched, waiting for the van to get close enough. It passed in front of us and we both jumped up and grabbed the ladder, me rather awkwardly, making sure the pole didn't bang against the side of the truck. Kaze grabbed the back of my shirt to help me balance until I got into a better position. As we rode the back of the truck to who-knows-where, I got the distinct 'James Bond' feeling, and could tell we were going to have an adventure.

Leo's P.O.V.

I let lose a few calming swear words. "Do you have any clue where they're going?" I asked the one named Calli.

"Kaze said something about a warehouse and a 'Master Shredder'." she said, looking worried.

I couldn't move. The other two girls had followed the Foot right to their headquarters, and right into the hands of Shredder. The only calming thought was that the Foot and Shredder didn't know the two of them were coming.

Mike looked at me and said quickly, "You go get the turtle van, and I'll get the guys."

I nodded and ran towards the old building where we hide the van, and jumped in. Right behind me were Euro and Calli.

"No way." I said flatly.

Calli glared at me and said, "They're our friends. We're coming."

"We're coming either way." put in Euro. "Either you let us come, and be able to keep an eye on us, or we follow you, probably get lost, and you lose two more girls. Wonder what Splinter would think of that?"

I winced. Geez, these girls sure had a way with words. "Fine, you can come, but stay out of the way." I told them, and revved up the engine.

The other three guys jumped in, Raph scowling and looking POed at something, and Mikey shouted, "Step on it!" I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal, and prayed the girls wouldn't do anything stupid until we got there.

Euro's P.O.V.

As we tore down the road after the Foot and my other two best friends, I began to wonder what the Foot was up to.

"What do you think they're going to use those chemicals for?" asked Calli. It's scary sometimes how we can practically read each other's minds.

"Not to invent a new cure for the common cold, that's for sure." said Raph, through gritted teeth. I looked around at how tense all the turtles were, and felt sorry for them.

"You don't have to worry so much guys." I said. "Kaze and Lioka will be careful. And it's not like they plan to take out the entire gang by themselves." I suddenly stopped and thought about that. The turtles noticed my sudden silence.

"They would, wouldn't they?" said Don. Calli sighed.

"If they plan on doing something that could endanger lives with those chemicals, bingo."

Mike groaned, "Can't you guys, I mean Lioka and Kaze, ever stay out of trouble?"

"No. Trust me, we know them better than anyone. They're brave, determined, and mad as heck. Not a good combination." I said.

"They're also probably a good three miles ahead of us, can't this thing go any faster?" said Calli anxiously.

"What exactly did the Foot take?" asked Leo.

"According to Kaze, a couple of boxes, some chemicals, and a bunch of science things, like test tubes and stuff." Calli said.

"There they are!" said Mike, as we turned onto a certain road. Sure enough, far up the road, there were the vans belonging to Shredder's minions. We got as close as we could, without being noticed, but Kaze and Lioka were gone.

Kaze's P.O.V.

We rode on the back of the van for about fifteen minutes, but our arms were to tired to hang on for much longer. I looked around, and noticed that the ladder went up onto the roof. Well, duh. I told myself. Where else would it go?

I looked at Lioka and said loudly, because the truck was making a lot of noise, "I'm going to go up and see if there are some handles up there, it might be more comfortable." She nodded, and I climbed on up. There were some handles up there, probably so the person who had to repair the roof could hold on, and I motioned for her to come on up. It was a little windier up there, but at least our arms could get a rest. Suddenly, we began to hear catches from the conversation of the two Foot soldiers in the driver's seat.

"What...the chemicals for?" asked one.

"Mas-...Shredder...going to make...new mutagen...feel sorry....test subjects...." said the other.

Then the other one began talking again. "Who....subjects?"

"Don't know....find out soon."

We shivered. I motioned for Lioka to follow me back down the ladder.

"Ok," I said. "So they're going to use the chemicals to make 'mutagen', whatever that is, and apparently it's not good for humans. At least they aren't testing it on anyone right now."

"Yeah, but they will be, as soon as they find their guanine pigs." said Lioka grimly.

"We need to go get the guys." I said. We were in over our heads.

She nodded, and said, "We jump on three!" I nodded back, and got ready.

She held up a finger, "One...", we faced the open road behind us...

"...Two...", we tensed...

"THREE!" and we jumped. As soon as we hit the ground and started running, the van screeched to a halt.

"Oh no, they saw us." Lioka moaned. We both jumped into an alleyway and hid. We heard the truck backing up, and stop in front of the alley.

"What is it?" asked one.

"I could have sworn I saw something fall off the top of this thing and go into the alley." said the other. Lioka and I were terrified. We couldn't breath.

"Probably just your eyes playing tricks on you. Let's go before we lose the rest of the gang." Lioka and I gripped each other's hands, praying he would agree.

"Yeah, your right." said the first one, and drove the truck on. We both breathed a sigh of relief, and bolted out of the alley towards the lair.


"Looks like you were right Jacob." said one of the foot soldiers looking into the mirror at the retreating backs of the two girls. Jacob nodded grimly.

"What do they look like, Robert?" he asked.

"About sixteen, both with backpacks and jackets, girls, running down fifth and Main."

Jacob nodded and pulled out a radio. "Guys, we have a problem."