AN: Lana here, once again. ^_^; Okay, I didn't use spellcheck on this story, so if there are some errors, please bear with me. Anyway, review please!!!!

The Next Four Chapter One

"Kaze, if anything ever happens to all of us, I want you to promise me you and all the girls will stick together no matter what!"

... my mother had said that to me, what seemed like a lifetime ago. The "us" she was referring to was her and my three best friends mothers. They had all been best friends when they were kids too, and had stuck together even through their adult lives. They passed the tradition on to each of their daughters when they grew up and had kids.

They treated each and everyone of the four of us like their own children, we even used to joke around that we couldn't remember which woman was our real mom (or in the case of our parents, which child was their real daughter) because we spent so much time at each others houses that we might as well have been blood relatives.

Our schedule usually went like this; the first four days of the week all four of us kids would spend the night at a different house every night, so the moms only had to cook dinner two nights a week, once while all of the girls where over at their house, and then when their own little family had dinner together for Thursday.

On Friday all the moms would go out without the kids or husbands and have a "Girls night out" to calm their nerves from the hectic week.

On Saturday we would always go do something fun like go to a fast food place or go on a picnic. I don't know WHO came up with the schedule, but it worked like a charm! It gave us all something to look forward to every day, so we were always pretty cheerful, and stayed out of trouble. And believe it or not, after the first week of having this schedule, school nights weren't a problem! We would each help eachother with our homework and get it out of the way fast so we didn't have to worry about it anymore, and could goof off the rest of the day.

With all of us working together, we usually got the homework pretty darn close to the right answers so we got good grades! Other parents were always asking our parents how they got their kids to be such little angels ( ; ) Yeah right, if they only knew...) but ours would never tell them, they told us it was their little secret, and they didn't want to find out if people would get mad at them for doing it if everyone found out! It might get some parents mad if they new our parents let us "help" eachother with our homework (They'd call it cheating but we never did, honest!) and also that we were allowed to spend school nights at friend's houses. (They'd say we were setting a bad example for THIER children) THEY might even have called it 'spoiling' us, but if it worked, and our parents didn't mind, who was to complain? So to avoid any grief over the subject, our parents kept our business OUR business.

Or they HAD kept. About a week ago all of our parents had gotten on a plane to go on a little trip to see the mountains and had left us in the care of a temporary nanny, a woman who often baby-sat us when our parents were busy. Let me add that she was not much fun. All she would do was watch TV and ignore us, which is exactly why we liked her so much. We could do whatever we wanted, and she wouldn't tell.

Our parents were only supposed to be gone one night, but we didn't see them until three days had gone by, and that was on TV. The broadcast said that several couples had been killed in a plane crash, and were identified as our parents.

It took the lady six hours to find all of us after we heard the news. We had just bolted out the door and kept on running, all in the same direction. After she brought us back she had called all of our parents lawyers to see if they had left a will, they had, but it was always to leave the children with one of their friends! That wasn't an option, so the people decided to put us all in an orphanage, but that would mean splitting up! So we all ran away.

Later that night, we found out that the police where looking for us. As we were walking down the road, we saw a squad care approaching, and we all hid in a dark alley behind some trash cans (There were a few complaints about the smell but they were all silenced when the squad car came by) We were just about to come back out when we saw several people dressed in black break into a large building across the street, and that's were we were right now. Cowering behind those trashcans out of sight.

"Oh my God!" whimpered one of my best friends, Callisto or Calli for short. "Man, I wish we had stopped that policeman..."

Europa or Euro, put a comforting hand on her shoulder and whispered, "Don't worry Calli, just be quiet and they won't notice us."

"I say we go in there and kick their butts for breaking in there! " said Liokaroka (or you could call her Lioka) with her ever-present attitude.

"Uh, aside from you no one here knows how to fight." I pointed out.

"Yes you do! Calli has really strong legs so she can kick, Euro took those self-defense lessons, and you have a killer punch!" I looked at her, doubtfully.

"Uh, I'd rather have something to fall back on if my legs get tired." said Calli nervously. Lioka smiled, sensing a near-victory. She quickly looked around and picked up a wooden rod.

"Here! You can use this to hit them with!" I looked at her and opened my mouth to tell her no, but then she said something before I could get it out. "Look, what if there are innocent people in there?" she asked. My mouth shut with a snap. "We may be the only ones who can help them!" she said earnestly. I knew that wasn't the main reason she wanted to get in there, but she had a point. I let loose a sigh of defeat.

"Euro and Lioka, you go in first, Calli and I will bring up the rear since we aren't as good at this. Get in fast, take out who you can, and get back out. If you can't find us when you get out, go to the park and we'll meet up with you there. And Lioka," I said, looking her straight in the face as she gave me an innocent smile, "If you're not out by the time I am, I'll kick your butt, ka-peesh?"

"Yes Kaze." she said in an all too innocent voice.

"I mean it."

"I know Kaze."

"Don't try to be a hero."

"Whatever you say Kaze."

"You promise?"

"I promise Kaze."

I groaned, "Why don't I believe you?"

"Beats me Kaze." I looked at her suspiciously, then stood up and motioned for all of them to follow me across the street. We kept to the darkness so no one would see us, and entered quietly. When we entered we hid behind several crates and cautiously looked around to see how many we had to deal with... there were six.

"Okay, let's go, and BE CAREFUL." We all darted out, and took on the nearest person, much to their surprise. Calli swung the stick and knocked her person right across the head. He staggered and she swung again, hard for his chest. He fell to the ground, winded. It took all of us about three second to get in the spirit of things. I hit the man I was fighting with a double-handed blow to the side of the head, and he crumpled. I was just about to go help Euro, when I suddenly heard four voices erupt behind us.


"Who are these kids???"

"I don't know and I don't care, at least they're on our side!"


I swung around to see who it was, but before I could look one of the people dressed in black swung something hard at my head and I saw stars. I feel to the ground, and saw before I blacked out that the people had all taken advantage of our distraction and made similar points against the rest of my friends.