Hey guys and girls. Sorry i haven't posted in a while, my laptop was being stupid and i couldn't save any documents on it and whenever i tried, it would shut off. So yeah, i'm at my grandparents so ill try and post while I'm here. Im starting this story because I've been stuck on my first story. Sorry, ill get back on it sometime. This is just something that i wanted to do and just completely screw with the canon in my own little way. So, please enjoy.

Talking: "Hey, what's up?"

Thinking: "What's going on here?"

Summons/Bijuu Talking: "What can i do for you."

Summons/Bijuu Thinking: "I wonder…"

Jutsu (Only when used): Rasengan!

Chapter 1: You Know What? Screw it!

Naruto Uzumaki, a boy no older then 11 years old, was in his second year of the Konoha Shinobi Academy. He was currently being chased by a mob of civilians and a few shinobi. He ran into an alleyway and quickly hid under a pile of trash.

When the mob had passed, he came out and quickly did something that most everybody thought he couldn't. He henge'd into a very plain looking man and walked out of the alleyway.

He carried on towards his apartment and when he got there, he dropped his Henge and went to bed.

Now, while most people knew him as the stupid kid in the back of the class who couldn't preform the most simple of Henges, no one knew him as he actually was.

Naruto Uzumaki is incredibly clever. He could be shown something once and be able to do it repeatedly and never forget it. This is, in part, due to his Photographic memory. How else would he be able to create his more sophisticated pranks, like his paint bombs in the Hyuuga manor which he set to go off at exactly 11:30 on Saturday morning, when almost all of the main family did their laundry.

The only reason he doesn't show it in his academics is because the academy is a joke. Civilians, who only wanted to act cool and learn cool jutsu, could pass with flying colors as long as they read their textbooks and knew who the previous Hokage were. Honestly, how long did the teachers think these little kids were gonna last in the outside world?

Anyway, he could do a lot more than what most people thought. He had incredible chakra control, which was saying a lot for his massive chakra reserves. He had pinpoint accuracy with any weapon, kunai, shuriken, bow and arrow, javelin, anything. With his Photographic memory and his dead-eye accuracy, its no wonder he was exceptional at Fuinjustu, or sealing techniques.

His favorite, by far, would be Ninjustu. He could do the three academy jutsu, Shadow Clone Jutsu, a number of elemental jutsu including the Raikiri, although he had perfected it into his own assassination technique, better than the one he had seen a grey haired Jonin preform. For one, his was quiet and didn't require handseals to preform. He could also preform the Rasengan and mix any of his 3 elemental affinities into it, Fire, Lightning, and Wind, again, from the grey haired Jonin. He really should thank that guy someday.

He trained himself into the ground every chance he could in every aspect of being a shinobi. He was a master at Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu with his own style, which was derived from the Hyuuga's Gentle Fist and the Uchiha's Interceptor Style. He was exceptional at Genjutsu and Stealth as well as Jutsu Creation.

Back to the present, Naruto was getting into bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

In The Seal

Naruto opened his eyes to see the roof of his apartment. He was about to try and go back to sleep when he noticed something weird. Going towards the window, he opened the blinds to see a black moon with a white sky looming over the village of Konoha.

Just then he heard a roar of epic proportions. He started to run towards where he heard the roar to find a giant fox behind an equally massive cage.

"So, my jailor has finally chosen to show himself to me. To what do i owe the pleasure?" The massive fox said.

"Kyuubi, why am i here?" Naruto questioned.

"Well aren't you quick. You're here because I wanted some entertainment. I've been locked up here for 11 years and now i'm sick of it. I will grant you 5 wishes at the cost of my tails in order for you to create a link between me and your senses. This will allow you to create devastation in your world and allow me to see it." Kyuubi explained.

"What's the catch?" Naruto asked skeptically.

"It'll be a painful process and you will gain a massive influx of chakra, throwing your chakra control to shit."

"Are there any limitations?"

"I'm the King of Demons. You really think i would follow any limitations even if there was any?" Kyuubi laughed.

"I accept. How do we do this?"

"Simple, you tell me your wishes, i sacrifice my tails, we wreck havoc."

"Ok, first wish. I wish to have the ability to control time to my whim. That means pause, play, fast-forward, rewind, and even send stuff into the future and past." Naruto said with a couple minutes of thought.

"Very well." After a couple of seconds of silence, a bright, silver light erupted from Kyuubi's body and encompassed Naruto.

A minute or two later, Naruto appeared from the light with a couple streaks of silver in his hair.

"I didn't feel any pain?" Naruto stated questionably.

"I'm blocking it until we're done and your'e asleep so most of it will be lost because your'e already unconscious."

"Ah, well wish #2. I wish I had a Doujutsu that combines or even trumps the power of the Sharingan, Byakugan, and even the Rinnegan that I read the Sage of Six Paths had. It should be able to let me see all kinds of chakra, copy any jutsu and bloodlines, and let me have the ultimate Genjutsu that is unbreakable."

"Smart, this should cause great entertainment." Within an instant, another light, this time red, came from the king of the demons and covered Naruto's eyes in the light. After a couple of seconds of blindness for Naruto, the light faded and showed Naruto's new eyes.

His new Doujutsu had the appearance of 3 concentric rings with 9 tomoe in total laying on the rings. It also had a blue background with a white snowflake-like shape under the pupil. (Rinne-Sharingan with Tenseigan background)

"Your'e new Doujutsu has the abilities of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, which has the Susanoo, Amaterasu, and Tsukuyomi along with the capabilities of the Rinnegan, which grants you all five elemental affinities along with the ability to manipulate gravity without the need of handsigns, along with the 6 paths of pain, Deva=Gravity, Asura=Manipulate and mechanize your body, Human=read the minds of people and can rip the soul out of anybody, Animal=summon any animal, Preta=absorb any kind of chakra through your hands, and Naraka=summon the King Of Hell to interrogate or restore any living being.

"You also get the abilities of the Tenseigan, an upgraded version of the Byakugan. This allows you to gain the Tenseigan Chakra Mode, greater gravity control, better speed, power, strength, durability, and reflexes, as well as Truth-Seeking Balls. As well as all of the powers you asked for." Kyuubi explained.

"Well damn. Thank you." Naruto said in awe.

"Yea, yea, next wish."

"Ok, i wish i could change my appearance at will. That means i can change my molecular structure to make me look like anyone or anything i want and even create new parts at will."

"Done." Kyuubi said after a brown light engulfed Naruto.

"Ok, i wish i could reanimate dead people to fight with me as if they were in their prime with no negative side effects on my part and without the need for a sacrifice. But give me a way to control them if they get out of hand."

"Cool, that'll cause some chaos." Just then a black light engulfed Naruto before the symbol for death appeared on his right hand before disappearing.

"I wish i could gain the abilities of some of the manga that i've read such as Bleach, One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul, and Deadman Wonderland."

"Can do." A rainbow colored stream of light entered Naruto's chest before he blacked out. "He actually lasted longer than i thought. I figured it would take more than one session."

And with that, Naruto went through his most painful sleep of his life, but it would be one that he would never regret.


Yo everybody, i hope this sorta makes up for my lack of posting, again i had a good excuse. Now, in this fic, Naruto will be beyond god-like. Not even Kami herself will be able to stand in his way. He is as close to Omnipotent as you can get without being a god. Although, who would want to be a god, they don't get to have any fun. *Evil Laughter* Anyway, Have a good day everyone and ill see you all in the next one. Seeya!