A/N: Hi and welcome back to another adventure with Rick and Michonne as the Greek Gods, Ares the god of War and Nike the goddess of Victory. Some of you have asked about Michonne's pregnancy, and what will happen to Negan/Zeus' wife Mary/Hera. Well, I'm gonna try and answer your questions and give you a little more.

As always, I will provide a key to each character's god persona and what their strengths are. If it gets confusing, don't hesitate to ask.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the TWD characters, just Richonne Trash for the win.

As an added note: RIP Sasha :( Her exit from TWD was tragic and I'm going to miss her, but her character went out the only way fierce Sasha should…fighting the good fight.

Eugene refused to give Sasha a weapon

Sasha became the weapon



Baby By Me

It's been over a year and Michonne is ready to give birth and Rick is ready to pull out his hair. The Family lives among the mortals to help protect them from the undead, remnants of Mary and Gareth's Whisperers, and other humans who've lost their minds.

Meanwhile at the infirmary in the ASZ…


Rick frantically ran back over to grab the hand his wife held out, "I'm here baby, I'm here." Leaning over he reached out to move a stray loc from her forehead. Trying not to let his face get too close, he assured her, "It's gonna be okay."

Michonne let out a growl, "Okay? No, I'm not okay!" She pointed to her belly, "How is this okay?"

At his wit's end, Rick struggled on what he could say that wouldn't piss off his laboring wife.

Michonne didn't bother to wait for a response. "My back hurts, my stomach hurts and my ass hurts. This is the worst pain I've ever felt in my life!" She snatched her hand back then yelled, "Get out!" She fell back into the pillows, covered her face screaming and whimpering into her hands.

The god of war didn't know what to do. He turned to the other occupants standing over by the counter. They shrugged. The infirmary, which doubled as Denise and Tara's house, had been cleaned in a hurry in preparation for today's procedure. A worried and scared Rick took two steps to join them before his wife moaned, "Where are you going? This hurts so bad, come back. I need you, Rick."

He made an about-face and clasped her hand again. "Babe, I don't know what to do. I can't stand seein' you in pain like this. I knew we should have left earlier for home." He swiped a cool, damp cloth down her cheek. In his bid to soothe his ailing wife, it only irritated her more.

Michonne slapped the rag away between taking deep breaths, "Oh, so now this is my fault?"

"That's not what I-"

"Get out!"

"But, babe!"

A hard contraction hit her right at that moment and she held onto her stomach as she wailed in agony. Denise took this time to step between Michonne's legs to check her progress. Those two had been going back in forth ever since they got there and while it was amusing to see the strongest, even-tempered leaders of Alexandria lose their fucking minds over having a baby, she had to stay on point. Giving birth was still a serious procedure given they were in the zombie apocalypse.

She wasn't actually an obstetrician, she had only assisted with delivering a baby one other time. It happened in a hospital with professionals, medical equipment, and drugs…lots of drugs. She didn't understand what they were talking about when they said they should have gone home earlier. It made no sense to her. She chalked it up to they are both highly emotional and babbling for babbling's sake. She did, however, need Rick to calm down for his wife and quit making her mad.

She'd seen her fight.

In between her Lamaze breathing, Michonne pulled Rick close by holding a fistful of his T-shirt, "If you don't get away from me right now, I swear I will get off this bed, get my sword and I will cut you!"

Rick's eyes widened in shock.

When Lori gave birth to Carl, it was nothing like this. They were scheduled for a Cesarean and all they had to do was show up on time. There were no labor pains. They knocked her out and next thing he knew, they were letting him in the back to see his little boy. Lori was still under anesthesia, so he was the first to see him… hold him.

When she gave birth to Judith, he, unfortunately, wasn't there. He never asked how things went because that would be rude, since his son had to put a bullet in her head to prevent her from becoming a walker. A couple of months later, Maggie had asked him if he wanted to know Lori's gruesome last minutes and he gave her an emphatic no. While he didn't care to know, his main reason for not speaking about it was he definitely didn't want his son to accidently hear any details and relive the nightmare.

On Olympus, he'd seen plenty of the goddesses giving birth and none of them screamed and hollered at their spouses. The kids just popped out when they were ready, then everybody went about their business.

Negan warned them that when the due date came close, they were to hop their asses back home before it's too late to Olympus. So Michonne would have the baby in a safer environment instead of down here.

They thought they had more time. At least, his wife did, but he's not gonna tell her that.

His mother's influence over the Whisperers was a bigger threat than they thought. The Olympians were still trying to get rid of her cult. During previous battles, his wife, stubborn as usual, stood right by his side. Big belly and all. To stop her from joining him on the battlefield, he enlisted the help of his brethren and his children.

His first line of defense was to keep her in bed. He'd never had so much sex in his whole existence. He wasn't complaining, though.

However, that meant he had to stay at home in their soundproof room. It wasn't feasible because there was so much to do.

Whenever they went out, her brother Shane would find an excuse to complain to her about his relationship with Sasha. He and the Titanide got along fine, but Michonne didn't need to know that. As a dutiful sister, Michonne would stay to the side and give her older brother some relationship advice. He couldn't occupy her too long before she got suspicious, so the others would try and keep her busy.

Daryl, Abe, and Rosita, constantly asked her about battle strategies.

Carl and Andre would start up an argument about the Greek gods and their abilities, forcing her to referee and explain which god did what.

His daughter was his last resort. He and Father Gabriel convinced the now toddler, Judith, to constantly beg for mommy to stay home with her. Rick witnessed his little girl give him a wink and smile moments before her mother walked out the door. She would scream at the top of her lungs and fall to the floor, flailing and kicking her legs in the biggest tantrum he'd ever seen. He would scramble back upstairs before Michonne spotted him to ask why he didn't try to soothe their daughter. He listened at the top of the steps as Judith begged and pleaded for her mother to stay home. She squeezed out the tears, snot bubbles, hiccups and could barely get her words out.

Judith played her role so well, she should win an Oscar.

After a few battles, the Grimes family decided to take a break and make a trip to Sanctuary and let the kids see their grandfather. They were able to drive this time, which was a relief for Rick. The ride shouldn't be too taxing on his very pregnant wife. Ever since Mary went AWOL, Negan refused to leave and go back to Olympus. Said he would stay here until that bitch was put under a giant rock. Negan's brother Gareth, otherwise known as Hades, Lord of the Underworld, had been put on lockdown by his wife. The Queen of the Dead didn't play.

On their way back to Alexandria, his queen went into labor. Rick hit the gas and tried to get there faster. Unfortunately, cars, trucks, buses and the undead proved to be obstacles. Making the time getting home take a lot longer. While he bordered on full panic mode, his ever-confident wife assured him on how pregnancy worked, "Rick, please relax. I'm not going to have the baby yet. I've gone through this before with Andre. I had several false alarms before he was delivered. It's what they call Braxton-Hicks."

Rick took steady breaths to calm his nerves and tried his best to put on a cool front for the kids, and tried to measure his words so not to alarm his babies. "Michonne, this is different. You are having my child. A fully-fledged immortal. Heck, look back to how long you carried him."

She rubbed him on the shoulder while giving the kids a reassuring smile, "We've got plenty of time to make it back to Alexandria and then head on up to Olympus."

They were rolling through the opened gates and Abe had reached out to open the door for her when Michonne suddenly sat up straight, "Oh, shit."

Everyone was silent until they heard the sweet voice of Judith who was strapped in her seat, "Mommy said a bad word."

Rick's stomach dropped. He looked down as his wife grasped a hold on her belly, "Oh, shit…what do you mean, 'Oh, shit?'"

A small glimpse of disbelief and fear could be seen on her face. She whispered, "My water just broke."

Full panic mode commenced as he yelled, "Hold on," before stomping his foot on the gas, nearly dragging Abe alongside the car. Luckily, Abe let go as soon as the car took off.

Rick made a mad dash straight to the infirmary, not giving a damn that residents weren't supposed to drive vehicles within the community. The tires squealed when he parked up front. Throwing the car in park, he turned around. "Boys, get your sister and take her into Denise's waiting area. I'll get your mother."

Michonne had started sweating and she glanced at her husband, "Why didn't you go to the house? We can make it to Olympus!"

"There's no time, Michonne. Your water just broke. The baby's coming now." Jumping out of the car, he banged on the door yelling for Denise. Both she and Tara answered the door and one look of Rick's face told her it was time. She immediately went over to the car parked haphazardly in front of her house to examine Michonne.

In the meantime, the boys who were unusually quiet gathered their little sister and head for the living room. Rick pulled Tara aside, "We're supposed to have the baby at home, but her water broke. Do you think we can still make the trip?"

As sister to the god of music and healing, Apollo, Tara learned a few things from her twin. Tara peered over to her girlfriend. Denise signaled that Michonne's contractions were now a minute apart. Sadly, she shook her head as she informed her brother, "From what Noah told me, it'd be too dangerous right now to travel to Olympus. The method of our bodies dissipating then reassembling during transport could damage the newborn and possibly cause complications for Michonne."

Tara continued with the disappointing news, "She'll have to give birth down here." Seeing the worry increase on her brother's face, she offered, "Want me to tell her?"

Rick rubbed his forehead and shook his head, "Nah, I'll do it. Can you go get Denise and prepare the birthing room? I'll explain to my wife that she's gonna to have deliver the baby naturally." Before Tara left to get things rolling, he stopped her, "Make sure you keep the doors closed. Since Denise is mortal, she shouldn't hear this conversation."

They hadn't yet made the decision to let the mortals of Alexandria know who they really were.

He ran back to the car as Tara called Denise back in to prepare. It took some coaxing and pleading from Rick to convince Michonne, between her breathing in and out, that they had no choice.

He made sure not to say, 'I told you so'.

While Denise was underneath the sheet checking the baby's progress, Rick pulled Tara over to the corner of the room. He glanced worriedly at his wife. Her face was pinched and she still cussed him out from way over there. A sheen of sweat glistened her beautiful dark skin. He hurriedly whispered, "Tara, is this normal? My girl has fought men way bigger than her, even been shot, but I've never seen her freak out like this."

Tara gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. The rims of her brother's eyes were red, he was sweating and he constantly pushed back the damp hair that kept falling over his forehead. "Yea, it's normal. All woman act differently when they have babies. Some are so calm, you wouldn't even know they were in labor. Others are mean as hell and even threaten to kill their husbands. I think Michonne falls in the middle. Be lucky she's not screaming at the top of her lungs."

"She threatened to cut me."

"Yea cut not kill. Besides you cut yourself all the time, no big deal." She gave him a little shake, "Don't worry dude. Denise said everything's going well. She's dilating properly and so far, there are no complications. The baby is laying in the right position and it's just a matter of time when he makes his entrance. In the meantime, don't make her mad. Just do as she tells you and don't question it."

Michonne yelled for him to get over there and Tara chuckled as her brother put his hands on his hips, dropped his head, took a deep breath for courage, then hurried over before she hollered some more.

Andre sat in a chair swinging his legs while Carl paced back and forth as they waited for their mom to have their new brother or sister.

Thank goodness when Carl put Judith down on one of the couches, she curled up her little legs and fell immediately to sleep. Tara had come back out and covered her with a light blanket.

While Andre worried for his mom, Carl was nervously on edge. He would never forget what happened to his birth mother and what he had to do. Even though Michonne was a totally different woman and a goddess, it still didn't get rid of the heart-wrenching fear that clawed at him.

He stopped in his tracks and Andre paused the movement of his legs when they both heard their mom yell out, "Stop breathing on me!"

Then they heard a muffled, "Sorry babe."

Carl resumed his pacing and began ringing his hands. His mumbling to himself caught Andre's attention. "What's the matter, Carl?"

He didn't stop his walking back and forth, "Nothing."

Andre hopped off the chair and stood by his brother, "Don't tell me it's nothing." He placed a gentle hand on Carl's arm to get him to halt. "It's me, you can tell me what's bothering you." Andre guided his brother over to sit down, then he put an arm around him.

Carl reluctantly sat with his shoulders hunched. In a low voice, he told his brother what happened to Lori. "I've been through this before. When my mom…" He stopped and shook his head, "my birth mother had Judith, she died. This was when we lived inside a prison. You were at Olympus with Grandpa Z and we hadn't met Michonne yet. Walkers had gotten in somehow. Me, Maggie and my mom were trapped down in the prison tombs when she went into labor. Maggie said there were complications and she wouldn't be able to have the baby the normal way. So, Maggie had to cut her open. My mom knew she wasn't going to make it. She said for me to be brave and take care of Dad and the baby." Tears were falling down his cheeks and he sniffed as he continued, "She… she said I was smart and that I would beat this world."

He looked up into his brother's eyes, "I thought I lost everything that day, then I met mom, then you." Andre reached out and pulled him into a hug, "I don't want what happened to Lori, happen to Michonne. I can't go through that again."

Andre sat back and shook his brother's shoulders to get his attention, "I'm really sorry about your mother, Carl. She must've been very brave. Don't worry, mom will be fine. Dad is with her and don't forget, she is a goddess. They can do magic and stuff. So, they can fix everything, right?"

Feeling a little better, Carl sniffed, "Yeah, they can."

Andre hopped up, "Come on. I got something that will cheer you up and keep your mind off what's happening."

Grabbing his brother's hands, Andre led him to the middle of the room, cajoling his brother with an impish smile. He began rocking on his feet to an inner beat, side to side with his hands around his mouth. He started rapping in a low tenor then increased the volume.

Hearing his brother's chanting, pulled Carl out of his worst memories. As Andre reached the middle of the chorus, Carl joined to rap with his brother… their fighting anthem:

Knock, knock, you about to get shell shocked

Knock, knock, you about to get shell shocked

Knock, knock, you about to get shell shocked

Knock, knock, you about to get shell shocked

As they ended the chorus, they jumped with a hit them folk before nodding to the beat and reciting the verse that gave praise to the sanctity of their brotherhood. Andre rapped the first line. Next, Carl did his bit, then they bounced in rhythm to rap the last two lines together.

That's my fam, I'll hold 'em down forever (Andre)

Us against the world, we can battle whoever (Carl)

Together ain't no way gonna fail (Andre & Carl)

You know I got your back, just like a turtle shell (Andre & Carl)


They ended the last lyric facing each other with a stomp and a tight, solid dab. After the song, they both plopped into their chairs out of breath, hyped in solidarity.

Carl wiped his misty eyes, "Thanks, bro. I do feel better. You're right, mom will be just fine. I gotta remember she's not regular."

"Yeah, who else has wings and can go to hell and kick demon ass?"


The startled boys turned their heads towards the door where their mom was giving birth. Sheepishly, Andre yelled back, "Sorry dad!"

Carl fell out, laughing, "Dang, dad heard you cuss all the way out here."

Between inhaling and exhaling, Michonne reached a hand out to her wandering husband, "Why are you yelling at Andre?"

"It's nothing for you to worry about," he said as he went back to her side, "Are you doing okay?"

She ran her hands along her hardened abdomen. Relieved she was getting a break from the shooting pains that ran straight to her back, "Now that this contraction is over, I'm okay."

He kissed her on the top of her head. He worriedly asked Denise, "How much longer 'til the baby comes?" He tightened his hands around his wife's fingers. Denise looked under the sheet and after a few seconds, came back up.

"Right about now. Michonne, it's time for you to push…

Rishawn Tyrell Grimes was born 8lbs. 7oz. twenty minutes later. Head full of sandy brown, curly hair. After she cleaned him off and weighed him, Denise placed him on Michonne's chest for skin-to-skin contact. Holding him securely in her arms, she wept with relief and happiness.

They did it.

Rick was elated, his son was finally here. Michonne gently handed him over and when he looked down in the caramel, cherub face of his newborn, Rishawn opened piercing, bright blue eyes, inherited from his daddy. The baby stared up at a man with a graying beard, watery eyes, curly wet hair and gave him the biggest, toothless grin Rick had ever seen.

Rick sat next to his tired wife and showed her their smiling baby, "RT's a charmer already. Look at that," he whispered softly, as he gently rubbed a finger along his cheek.

Michonne tangled her fingers along her son's curls, she giggled, "I see you gave him a nickname already. He's so beautiful. He's got your eyes and your curls, Rick."

Rick leaned over and kissed her cheek, "And he's got your beautiful face, babe. Now, who's temper he has, we'll have to see," he joked.

Denise and Tara came over after cleaning and putting everything away. "Congratulations, brother," came from Tara and Denise added, "You guys did great. I've never seen anything like this, but everything went well. We'll finish up things and then you guys can actually go home if nothing else comes up. I'll go tell the boys they can come in and see you." She stepped out to let Carl and Andre know that they have a new brother and they could go in.

Denise walked in after the boys and did a double-take at RT, "Is he getting bigger?"

All eyes turned to the newborn, who definitely looked like he'd grown several inches and sprouted a lot more hair, within the space of a few minutes.

Michonne pulled Rick close and whispered into his ear. He, in turn, crooked a finger to his sister, Tara and spoke to her in a low voice. Tara nodded her head and went to put an arm around her girlfriend. "Denise, there's something you should know."

A/N: Hi and thanks for reading. I hope you all enjoyed this new adventure of the Grimes family. If you have any suggestions of what you like to see, please don't hesitate and what did you think of Rishawn Tyrell Grimes? RT for short. He is a culmination of Richonne in all of us :)

I am so excited for this fic, I even created the whole Grimes family. Check them out on my Tumblr and you can see my vision of what they look like. Rick, Michonne, Carl and Andre in their fighting clothes, Judith and RT in all their cuteness.

Song: Shell Shocked by Juicy J, Wiz Khalifa & Ty Dolla $ign


Michonne-Nike-Goddess of Victory.

Rick-Ares-God of War.

Daryl-Atlas-Titan god that led the war against the Olympians.

Maggie-Tethys-Titanide goddess of nursing of all life and Oceanus' wife.

Glenn-Oceanus-Titan of the sea.

Tyrese-Helios-Titan god of the sun and light.

Sasha-Selene-Titanide goddess of the moon.

Jesus-Hermes-God of athletes, thieves, and adventures. Messenger and trickster of the gods.

Abraham-Hercules-world's greatest hero

Rosita-Athena-Goddess of War and Wisdom

Tara-Artemis-Goddess of the Moon and the hunt

Noah-Apollo-God of the Music and healing

Shane-Kratos-God of strength and power

Eugene-Hephaestus- God of blacksmiths and metallurgy


Mary-Hera-Wife of Zeus

Gavin-Hades-Lord of the Underworld & brother of Zeus