AN: Before we begin I wanted to say thanks to everyone who reviewed and decided to follow the story.

Over the years I've really struggled with communicating with people who seem to like more stories, and I kinda came to the realization that I owe some people an apology. I hardly ever check my messages seriously and somehow over the past year accumulated quite a bit of messages from people. Now some of them are hate mail, which is fine; that's not a problem. The reason I decided to address this is because I have unread messages from people making requests and/or thanking me or just saying how my they enjoyed a story.

I'm really sorry to everyone who has messaged me and never got a reply. I'm going to try and get better at speaking with people when I get the chance. It made me mad that when I was replying to messages, some accounts had been deleted or an author had blocked me. That sucks, because I really do appreciate when people tell me they enjoy more stories, and I do love to listen to other people's ideas, even if I personally don't think I could help or translate said idea.

Anyways, I just wanted to put it out there that if you send me a message or request; I will try my best to get to replying. Thanks a bunch everyone!

Naruto couldn't help but slide across the buildings wall as he walked, trying his best not to fall onto the cool ground. It was dark out, and most of the civilians had turned in for the night. He could only deduct that it was a little past midnight as he stumbled home from the bar.

He had been invited by Kiba, the man trying his best to find a woman; hoping Konoha's savior would invite some possible candidates to approach. Naruto, accepted of course. Not for the possibility of finding a woman for the night, but anything that could help a friend appeared fun to the blond. Hinata had allowed it, making sure that Naruto act responsible.

She was being sent off on what should be a quick B-rank mission.

"Are you sure you don't mind" Naruto had asked as he watched his girlfriend prepare for her trip, "I can stay to see you off and tell Kiba I can't go".

"Its fine Naruto-kun" the girl almost squealed, loving the fact that Naruto would rather see her off than do something fun. She finished tightening her back as she checked over the few things she would need for her trip, "Plus, Kiba needs your help. Just don't do anything inappropriate".

"Well, well, well" Naruto said mockingly as he gripped his heart, "It's almost like my little Hime doesn't trust me!"

The gorgeous woman turned towards him, her pale eyes catching his as she stepped forward and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him lightly. Pulling away slowly from the man she said, "It's not you I don't trust Naruto-kun".

"She was right" Naruto mumbled lowly as he crashed into his apartment building, quickly steadying himself.

Sure enough, Kiba's idea had been effective. Within an hour of sitting at the bar, woman had quickly began to approach the two; all of them knowing of Naruto's relationship with Hinata.

Kiba took no time in finding a girl he seemed to click with. As soon as Naruto gave him the go ahead; Kiba had left and his stool was taken by one of the countless women surrounding him.

"You have to let me buy you a drink though!" she argued as he chuckled lowly, "It wouldn't be right after all you've done for everyone!"

"I-its fine" he laughed as he sipped his sake slowly, not really intent on getting too drunk, "I really appreciate it but I simply couldn't accept".

"Nonsense" the woman grinned as she looked over at the bartender, "I want two shots of the hardest liquor you got".

Naruto could only gulp as the man nodded and pulled out an unlabeled bottle. He simply poured two shot glasses full and put them in front of the woman. The woman in turn smirked as she took a glass and pushed the other in front of Konoha's golden boy.

"Cheers?" she almost pouted as she looked at him.

"Well" he bit his lip and picked up the glass, "I guess one shot won't hurt anyone".

This earned a cheer from the women around him as he and the woman downed the liquor.

"Oh my god" he thought bitterly as he chocked down the liquor, shaking his head lightly. "Kurama, I hope you're awake in there buddy!"

Before he could get a response from the demon residing inside of him, another glass plopped down in front of him.

"What's one good drink without another?" the woman's smile could only be described as impish as she looked towards the man.

Naruto quickly examined the woman. He could tell she was somewhat older than he was. He didn't recognize her as a shinobi, but she seemed a bit too fit to be a civilian. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, framing her tight body a bit too perfectly. She wore standard civilian attire, but somehow her state of dress appeared to be…too inviting. All in all, the woman was beautiful, but something about her stare made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

"I think one was enough" he said lowly as he looked down at the drink.

"Oh…" she moaned lowly as she took her own drink and downed it with no problem, "Don't tell me just cause you're a hero you can't have a little fun".

Quickly looking back at the drink, Naruto couldn't help but grimace. Ever since the war, Kakashi had advised he start trying to appear a bit more mature than usual. Supposedly image was going to be a major factor when Kakashi eventually stepped down and Naruto would try to take the mantel.

Then again, as the woman continued to stare him down, Naruto couldn't help but feel he was certainly becoming boring; not that he wanted to. Being the face of a village and a hero of the world was a lot of responsibility.

Against his better judgment, Naruto slowly picked the drink up and said, "Well, I guess it has been a while since I've cut loose!"

As the man before her drank the contents of the glass, the woman only smiled.

"Get up" Hanabi's voice rang lowly in his ear as she slowly stroked his still raging erection.

He watched her slowly look around before she motioned for him to follow.

"W-Where are we going?" he asked as he slowly got up from his seat, trying his best to fix his state of dress.

The woman simply giggled as she skipped over to the stairs leading to the second floor of his home, "Where going to your room! Now come on".

He could only imagine he looked ridiculous as his eyes widen even more at the girl's words.

"N-No….please Hanabi" he felt disgusted with himself. There were few times he had begged in his life, and none of them were as pathetic as this, "A-Anything else. Whatever, w-wherever you want. Just not up there!"

The woman's smile simply vanished as she turned back around, a sneer on her face as she looked at the pleading man.

"Don't make me ruin you Naruto" her eyes seemed to glisten as she turned back around, now stalking up the steps like a predator.

Shakily, Naruto gulped; but ultimately followed. His heart breaking with every step.

"Who knew you'd be so fun" the woman was too close for comfort. He would usually avoid the situation all together, but the liquor in his system kept him grounded as a small grin came to his face.

"Psh" he mouthed lowly as he felt her chest rub against his own, "Lady, I invited fun years ago. I don't know if you know this, but I was the prank king back in the day. If anyone knew how to have a good time, it was me!"

His senses were so diluted he could barely feel the woman begin to tug as his arm as she whispered out an excited, "You'll have to show me".

"Run" he thought desperately as he was pulled out of the bar, the woman pushing him into one of the many alleys that littered Konoha.

He could barely tell what was going on as the woman's lips were on his own; her tongue tasting harsh in his mouth.

She was strong, or maybe he was just growing week; his body pushed up against the some building as the woman took advantage of his drunken stupor.

"I-I can't" he slurred lowly as he tried to push the woman away, his bandaged arm coming up to push her away, only for the woman to catch the pushing appendage.

"Yes you can" she tempted hotly, quickly opening his hand and laying it on her chest, "You can".

He could hardly react, the woman's chest leaving his limp hand almost immediately as she suddenly dropped in front of his body.

"What are you doing?" he wanted to ask as he felt the woman tear at his pants like an animal, trying her best to get them off; or at least pull them down some.

It proved to be effective, Naruto gasping as he felt himself become exposed.

"W-Wait!" he said as he went to push the woman away, only to feel his stomach lurch as he moved.

"Come on baby" she whispered hotly, her warm hand wrapping around his soft length; her breath hot against his skin as she looked back up towards him, "Just calm down and let me show you a good time".

"I'll pay" he blurted out a bit too loudly as he watched Hanabi plop down on his bed. The same bed he shared with his wife every night.

Dangerous was the only true way to describe Hanabi's grin as she lay out on the bed, her body stretching as she looked up at the man.

"I've saved up a lot of income from missions" he started before the girl could interrupt, "I can pay you to stop. Hell, when I become Hokage I'll do whatever you want! You won't ever have a mission you don't want and you'll be free to decide what you do with whoever you want?"

"Why do you gotta be so cute and stupid?" the response shook him to the core as Hanabi simply pulled out the photograph again, looking over the image as he began to sweat.

"Don't you get it Naruto…I'm already getting paid; with the only thing I could ever want!"

He ran…

That is; after he pushed the woman away and attempted to pull his pants back up; and then he ran. He made it a couple blocks away from the alley, before her lurched over; tears filling his eyes as he emptied his stomach onto the street.

"Is it the alcohol?" he questioned as he felt his stomach contract as he threw up anything that was in hit system.


Of course it wasn't the alcohol. He'd been piss drunk before, hell he'd even passed out a couple times dew to too much sake with friends. All those times though, he never recalled puking. He could eat nine bowls of ramen and get drunk and somehow keep the food down, but as of right now; he was discharging everything in him onto the street.

Coughing as he spit out the last bit of bile in his mouth, he quickly began to slink away towards his apartment, trying his best to stay hidden as he leaned against buildings.

A pair of beautiful lilac colored eyes flashed threw his head as he walked; causing him to buckle suddenly as he almost fell.

What the hell was he going to do?

Hinata could never find out about what happened tonight he had though. Naruto was a lot of things, but he never thought he'd be a cheater; even if he wasn't a willing contributor.

"I-I can't tell her" he cried lowly, his voice hoarse as he picked himself up, trying his best to keep the fresh tears hidden, "S-She'd be so fucking hurt…I can't…I can't hurt her".

As he continued to walk, mumbling to himself, trying his best to wipe away the tears; he failed to notice a very similar pair of eyes following his shuffling form from the roof tops.

How did she do this? How could she do this?

"Don't you care about your sister at all?" he asked as she moved over his downed form; body tightly against his own, "I know you don't give a damn about me, but for god's sake…why would you do this to Hinata?"

At this point he was willing to say anything. He need to stop this, no longer just for Hinata's sake...but also his own.

"Why do you think I don't give a damn about you?" she questioned quickly as he felt her stroke him back to glory as she face him, straddling him.

Somehow she had managed to remove all his cloths, while also undressing herself.

"I love my sister…" she smiled teasingly as she felt the cock in her hand quickly begin to leak into her hand once again, "but something's are worth taking…"

She was suddenly standing up above him, her much tinier body towering over his as she let the man gaze upon her bare body.

"I'm not going away Naruto" her voice was like a tune being forced through the air. He wanted to wipe the smug look off her face as she stepped forward and he realized what she was about to do.

"I didn't get a chance to properly wash since my mission" she giggled almost cutely as she lowered her hips over his head, "I know from experience that doesn't bother you though".

Rather than argue, Naruto simply caught the woman's already soaked pussy as she gently rested herself on his head.

"Good boy" Hanabi sighed sweetly as she felt the man's tongue begin to circle her, lapping away her juices that had accumulated. Looking down at the man, she couldn't help but frown.

Although he obeyed and was thorough with his tongue, he still kept his eyes shut; almost refusing to meet her gaze as he pleasured her.

She had almost considered stopping this…but, she unfortunately no longer could. She like the man below her had become addicted to the act. While she was accepting, he still refused.

Watching the man under her cry had almost made her reconsider everything she'd done the first time she had threaten him; but with the pleasure of her first orgasm still fresh in her mind, she quickly buried the notion down. Hanabi loved her sister, there was no doubt; but the pleasure her husband could give her…well that was in another league entirely.

She slowly rocked her hips, throwing her head back as she rode the man's mouth for all it was worth. He could deny it all he wanted, but Hanabi Hyuga was no fool. The way he kissed, sucked, and fucked were too good. His body was honest, and that's all she needed.

"You love sucking my pussy don't you" she moaned lowly as her glazed eyes stared down at the man still hard at work, "You just can't wait to taste me…"

Pushing her body back, she quickly caught her weight as she leaned back on the man's chest; keeping her body up with her arms leaned on him.

She quickly pawed at one of her breast as she felt Naruto gently flick her clit, his teeth rubbing against the nub. She was gushing, but knew Naruto was happily drinking down her fluids as quickly as they came.

"I love you so fucking much" she squealed happily as she felt him open his mouth to catch the majority of her pussy, just in time for her orgasm to rock her body.

Digging her nails into the man's muscled stomach below her; squeezing her nipple tightly, Hanabi came undone atop the blond. Her body shook harshly as she ground her pussy against the man's moving mouth.

Naruto, the gentlemen she knew he was; swallowed everything and anything that squirted from her as she moaned loudly; eyes snapped closed.

"Oh fuck" she whispered as she gently rocked her hips, loving the feeling of Naruto's soft lips resting against her own; sucking and licking like his life depended on it.

Naruto quickly cleaned the woman up, his tongue gliding over her as he finished up; her body slowly easing out of her orgasm.

"Oh my god…" Hanabi cried as she rolled off the man, falling onto the opposite side of the bed on her chest.

Naruto brought his hand up to his face, quickly wiping away Hanabi's pussy juice from his face as he opened his eyes.

"That was so good" she was currently laid out on Hinata's side of the bed. He couldn't help but feel sick as he watched Hanabi's perky ass flex as she slowly leaned up.

"You'd better hurry up" she mouthed as she lifted her bottom up, slowly waving it in his face as she smiled.

Slowly standing up, Naruto stepped behind Hanabi's bent over form. Hanabi giggled as Naruto large hand grasped her hip, pulling the smaller woman up as he lined himself up to her pussy.

"Get it wet" Hanabi lowered her head on the bed; eyes facing the door as she prepared herself.

Grasping his shaft, Naruto slowly began to slide his length against the woman's lips; carefully catching as must of the woman's juices on his cock as he could. Pulling away, Naruto swiped his hand under the woman; gently rubbing her entrance and earning a groan as he soaked his palm in her liquids.

Coating his length, he slowly lined himself back up with Hanabi's quivering pussy; his tip alone making it look like an impossible fit.

Knowing he didn't need any consent from the waiting Hyuga, Naruto began to push himself forward, carefully holding his length still as he felt his head sink deeply into Hanabi's hot body.

Letting out a deep breath, he let go of his cock and grabbed her hip, holding her body as he slowly sunk his length into her.

Hanabi sat still, body shaking slightly as the massive girth stretched her. She recalled their first time, the pain was immense. Something she couldn't fathom, and never wanted to again. Naruto had been a bit larger than she had anticipated, but she eventually managed to stake him fully inside of her body.

She heard him mumble something quietly as she felt his large testicles come to rest against her thighs.

"You love it don't you?" she asked lightly as she stayed focused on the door, her mind reeling as she felt the large member twitch inside of her.

Naruto gave a low 'TSK' as he slowly began to pull out, quickly filling the woman back up when he hit the tip.

"Y-You don't need to answer" Hanabi moaned as her body began to rock from the blonde's motions. She could feel every vein and ridge of the man's length as he slowly began to pick up his pace, setting a nice medium paced rhythm.

Naruto bit his tongue, carful in his movements as he felt the woman tighten around him.

"She's too fucking tight" he thought as he felt the woman's muscles squeeze around him, her body almost forcing him to orgasm right there.

He shut his eyes, the sound of his balls slapping against Hanabi's closed thighs quickly filled the room.

"You may like to deny it…" Hanabi was moaning loudly as he fucked her, her body withering under him as she took him, "But your cock is so honest…can you hear it? He's telling me how much he loves me…"

"Shut up" he demanded as he bent his head back, the sound of skin smacking matching the loud moans escaping from Hanabi.

"W-Why" she asked with a genuinely happy smile, "Why not admit it huh? You love this and we both know it…"

Hanabi felt her eyes roll as the cock literally beat her insides. Her sister was a moron for not using this every night.

Naruto felt Hanabi moved, her leg swigging up and resting on his shoulder as she let out a loud moan.

Looking back down at the woman, Naruto tried his best to catch his breath.

Hanabi had managed to flip her body halfway when she had brought her leg up to his head. Now lying on her side, Hanabi looked him in the eye; face red from pleasure as she said, "G-Get down here!"

Grabbing her leg, Naruto quickly moved his body down; bringing himself over her as he sank deeper into her body.

"It's too good" Hanabi cried hotly as she reached up and caught the blonde's neck with her arms, forcing his head down.

"Mhhhhhhh" Naruto heard Hanabi moan as her lips met his own. He felt hot, and his body ached as it began to pick up pace. Feeling Hanabi's small but hot tongue against his own, Naruto felt his body go hot.

"That's right" Hanabi slurred through clenched teeth as she felt Naruto's body begin to pump harder and faster.

Now holding the girl up, Naruto quickly began to thrust away like an animal. He held nothing back as he bucked wildly into the withering woman.

"OH GOD" she screamed almost too loudly as he rutted into her.

"H-Hey" she suddenly said as she pulled him close once again, this time move her legs around him.

Naruto felt the woman wrap her legs around his back tightly, his thrusting never halting as he felt his cock throb angrily inside of her.

"H-Hey" she whispered once again earning his attention.

Naruto felt his body jump as she mouthed, "Which is better? Huh?"

"S-Stop…" he felt weak as she hugged him tightly her tight hole somehow becoming even tighter.

"No…" she giggled hotly in his ear, "I want you to admit how much you love it….Who's pussy's better? Is it mine?"

"P-Please" he felt his end coming, and it was going to be big.

"I-If you want to put that big load in me….y-you better tell me right fucking now Uzumaki!" She squeezed herself even tighter, earning a loud cry from the man.

Naruto's body tensed up as he felt his cock jump in the woman.

"Be honest…." She sucked his ear and as she pulled away whispered, "Naruto-kun"

"Oh fuck" he cried as he bit his lip, "P-please"

"Do it"

Naruto, his mind becoming hazy as he felt her become only tighter; finally lost it.

"Y-You god damn it" he almost cried out in tear of happiness as he felt her pussies grip on him loosen, allowing him to resume thrusting, "H-Hinata…I love her…but she can't do it anymore!"

Hearing the blond above her admit exactly what she what she wanted to hear caused Hanabi's body to lock up and she let out a loud yelp.

"C-Cum inside me god damn it you piece of shit cheater!" she all but yelled as she felt her pussy quiver around his pounding cock.

Hearing the woman's insult, along with the milking sensation on his cock; Naruto came undone.

With a loud roar, Naruto embedded himself inside of the woman; his cocked fattening up even more as he began to shoot his thick load deep into Hanabi's womb.

Naruto could feel his eye twitch as he emptied himself, his breath coming out in strain short quips that matched his shooting cock.

Hanabi shook violently under him, her nails digging deep into his shoulders as she squirted all over the man's body and the bed.

The two were the utter definition of mess as the slowly came down from their orgasms. Naruto could feel his thick cum slowly leaking from Hanabi's pussy, covering his balls and Hanabi's anus with his hot cum.

"God damn" Hanabi muttered as she dropped onto the bed, Naruto's cock still sank into her depths.

Naruto could only slowly pull away, trying his best to catch his breath as he felt his sensitive cock brush against her still tight walls.

There was a loud 'POP' as he pulled himself free; his half lidded eyes watching as his thick load quickly began to ooze from the woman's now gaping hole.

"Y-You trying to break me?" she chuckled as she looked around.

"We'd better get cleaned up…" she let out a deep breath as she turned back towards the man, surprising him with her family's dojutsu. Deactivating her Byakugan, Hanabi continued, "She'll be here with the next seven minutes".

Shaking his head, Naruto quickly began to dress. The two had barely managed to get completely cleaned up as they heard the door open.

"Hanabi-chan! Naruto-kun! I'm back, I'm sorry I took so long. I ran into Sakura-san and discussed some work at the hospital" Naruto heard his wife shout as she kicked off her sandals.

Naruto and Hanabi, both sat in the same position on the couch they had been in when Hinata had left.

"It's no problem Hime" Naruto chuckled as he stood up, careful to avoid Hanabi's eyes as she walked to his wife and said, "How bout I help you finish up dinner eh?"

"Oh…." Hinata said, clutching the bag in her hand tightly as she quickly caught Naruto's lips with her own, "I love you so much Naruto-kun…thank you".

Following his wife towards the kitchen, Naruto was surprised when she suddenly stopped and she brought a finger to her lips to wipe them off.

"I love you Naruto-kun" she said, voice somewhat confused as she looked at her finger closely, "But your breath really stinks…"

"S-Sorry Hime" Naruto felt his body grow tense, cursing himself.

"It's fine" Hinata quickly began to walk again, a scared Naruto following behind.

All the while, Hanabi sat on the couch a small grin on her face as she listened to the two walk away.

Feeling Naruto cum slush around in her she couldn't help but laugh.

She had come over so she could be nice and full. If her sister wanted to make her some dinner along with the bellyful she already had; who was she to complain?

Naruto felt sick as he walked towards the door, his hangover absolutely kicking his ass as he slowly stepped.

"Wonder who it is?" he thought to himself. Last night had been a wreck, and with Hinata out on her mission he couldn't imagine who could be at the door.

Opening the door, the light caused him to shudder and close his eyes.

"H-Hello?" he said as he turned away from the light, shielding his eyes.

"Hello to you too Naruto" a familiar rang sweetly as he tried to adjust to the brightness of the outside world.

"Hanabi?" He asked as he turned back, a small grin coming to his face as he moved out of the girl's way and beckoned her to enter, "What's going on? Hinata's not here at the moment unfortunately".

"I know Naruto" he closed the door behind her and she couldn't help but grin as she said, "I've come to talk to you".

"Oh" he felt somewhat confused as the girl's grin grew and she pulled something from her pocket; something he was unable to see. "What's that?" he asked as he rubbed his tired and still sensitive eye.

Looking up from the photo, Hanabi laughed and answered, "The best thing that could have ever happened!"