Summary: Where Shinichi does not particularly mind his parents leaving, and Yuusaku and Yukiko knows he is in capable hands. Seiichi just wishes they asked for his opinion in the matter. [SIOC!]
I do not own Detective Conan.
"You're leaving?"
Shinichi questions, like he is merely asking about the state of today's weather, and not his parents impending departure. He is aware that fourteen year olds should not be left behind like this, should not be left behind in their own devices, and expect that they will be fine.
He is aware, but Shinichi can take care of himself -well - Seiichi can take care of them both.
His elder brother is dependable like that, and his parents know it, the professor knows it, the Mouri family knows it, and so does the whole Division One, particularly, Megure-keibu.
The absence of their parents wouldn't change that. No, if Shinichi is assuming correctly, then his elder brother would just be more dependable, and Shinichi thought it couldn't be possible.
He will be left in capable hands, and Shinichi could be rest assured. It would be a wholly different thing if he were left alone, without his elder brother, or if by chance his elder twin brother say -didn't exist, but Shinichi is thankful that isn't the case. Immensely so.
And so are his parents, Shinichi believes, they are immensely thankful and relieved that Seiichi exists.
After all, Shinichi needs someone to contrast his ability to attract trouble, and Seiichi is that good luck charm, if a person could be one. Then, there is Seiichi's ability to reel in his actions, Shinichi blames it on his elder brother's ability to brew great coffee, it had no connection with Shinichi wanting to please his brother, not at all.
Their parents would state otherwise.
Chapter 1: Pleasant Surprises
Kudo Yusaku is normally calm, others say he is too laid back, but if he isn't calm, he'd just be a mess of frazzled nerves with various thoughts -both good and bad, running through his mind - such is the downside of having a mind like his, but he grew used to it, even learned to accept it.
He had assumptions that something like this will occur, taking into consideration the large stomach that his wife had during pregnancy, larger than normal for a sole babe, and the increased food consumption compared to the usual intake of other expecting mothers', it all made sense.
(Yusaku also consulted with an old friend -worried, though not that he'll show it- as Yukiko was determined in avoiding ultrasounds, so that everything would be a surprise.
That didn't mean that they have forgone the usual procedures, of course. They still attended lessons, private lessons since the two of them were quite well-known and it will raise unwanted attention from the public, and had schedules and appointments with the best doctors they knew.)
Ignoring the crushing grip his wife currently had on his left hand, the general hubbub in the room, as well as the deadly glares and the none too pleasant mutterings of his dear wife, it is all too soon that a head with a small tuft of honey locks appeared -without the usual cries babies were known to emit.
Yusaku knows he should've been worried, but seeing as the doctors weren't making comments or doing anything drastic, it seems as though their first child is healthy, and that brought him a small amount of relief.
Yukiko gave a hefty sigh, and Yusaku could see in her eyes how she wanted to hold the babe as soon as possible. Opening her mouth to ask just that, the doctor utters words that he fully expected to hear.
"There's still another one Yukiko-san."
Yusaku flinches at the pitch his wife utilised, the grip that infinitely grew worse, and the ferocious anger that replaced the usual bubbly joy he sees in her eyes. If he could, Yusaku would've taken Yukiko's pain and make it his own, if it were possible.
But it wasn't, at this point in time, and the only thing Yusaku could do was serve as an outlet for his wife's pain while whispering words of comfort, and ignoring the majority of her mutterings.
Surely she wasn't serious about all that?
Then again, Yusaku wouldn't be too surprised if she heeded her words and took action, his wife's unpredictability is one of her charm points after all. Even if it currently looks like he'll have a rather painful future ahead.
The time it takes for Yukiko's body to be in labor again is a long nine hundred fifty-four seconds, filled with unpleasant mutterings, angry glares, and sheepish smiles. Yusaku, of course, only partook in doing the lattermost action.
The slackened grip on his hand quickly acquired the former strength it once had, and Yusaku would be lying through his teeth if he said that it didn't hurt. Yukiko didn't seem to be letting up soon, if the painful grimace on her face is any indication. It brought an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, because Yusaku is certain that such a reaction wasn't shown in the previous labor of their eldest child, and it meant that this labor is harder than the former.
That- that just made sweat pool on his forehead, he's worried, and Yusaku wouldn't even try to deny it.
Seeing Yukiko like this, when she usually seems so much larger than the world, so full of never ending energy, it makes Yusaku feel some-sort of trepidation, on top of his unease.
(There is something terrifying how bringing life into the world can sometimes come in exchange of another's own, and while Yusaku knows that time has passed and the amount of women dying from giving birth are slowly dwindling due to modern technology, it does not stop fear from taking root in his heart.
A fear that will in turn never bless them with more children in the future.)
With another five hundred and fifty-six seconds passing, the next babe makes his presence known with his cries of vivacity, and Yusaku notes the tuft of dark chestnut locks on top of his head.
Feeling his lips twitch upwards, it is a small comfort that their twins can already be told apart from a glance, and Yusaku is certain that Yukiko would be pleased with the possible outfits she can already make them wear.
Yusaku just hopes she wouldn't take it too far.
After the birth of their twins, with his wife already in her designated room waiting for their children to appear in the blankets that would help determine what sex they had. Yusaku is waiting for the bomb to drop, so to speak. Thankfully, he was already able to fetch the objects he prepared in advance.
"You knew," Yukiko accuses, and he could do nothing but raise his hands in a placating manner. Only, Yusaku forgot one minor detail, and that is the bouquet of flowers along with his wife's favorite chocolate that he held in his right hand.
It is a precaution, and Yusaku could see it working, based on the look of utter bafflement that made Yukiko's furious expression vacate her face. Her eyes, a beautiful blue that makes Yusaku wonder if the sky -in its envy- imitate the exact same hue, softens at the sight of both items.
And as she remembers the reason as to why he even has such objects in his hands, the furious expression that appears on her face lost the same fervor it did earlier.
"I'm still angry," she mutters under her breath, and they both knew that the statement would be a lie soon enough. Yukiko didn't have it in her heart to be angry for so long, adding the fact that in his hands were her favorite flowers and chocolate. She'll pout soon enough-
It seems she already is.
"Yusakuuuuu," his wife whines, utterly adorable in Yusaku's opinion, "why didn't you tell me earlier?"
He could feel his lips twisting to form a wry smile, and he knows that Yukiko is well-aware of the reason as to why he remained tight-lipped about that fact, rather embarrassed too, but he'll reply nonetheless.
Clearing his throat, and settling the bouquet of flowers and chocolate on the bedside drawer that all rooms are equipped with, Yusaku parrots the very words his wife uttered when he asked if she wanted to undergo an ultrasound.
"'No Yuusaku!'" He hopes that the tone of his voice is as scandalized as his wife's when she said it, and maybe sounds a bit like her voice too. "'I am not going through an ultrasound. No! I want it to be a surprise, you understand? A. Surprise.'"
Rubbing his throat, with a thumb and both his index finger and long finger from his right hand, a feeling of accomplishment washes through him. A feeling of accomplishment that quickly ebbs away from the sound of his wife's smothered laughter.
Yusaku thought he's done a good job of imitating his wife, certainly not on her level of a world-class actress, or say, a certain famous world-class magician in the day and famous word-class thief in the night, but it is certainly decent by his standards.
Yusaku would refrain from commenting how low his standards in impersonation are when he's in the equation.
He's just thankful that, at the very least, Yukiko has the decency to surpress her amusement -even if she is fighting a losing battle- Yusaku just appreciates that she tried at all.
(It does ease his heart a little, that Yukiko seems to be recuperating fine from birthing, and that she still has her neverending energy.
Yukiko can laugh all she wants at his, probably, failure of an impersonation. If it means Yusaku could hear the mellifluous melody that is Yukiko's laughter, why not?
Not that he'll verbally admit it of course, because Yusaku is certain that his wife has already known it beforehand, without the need of him stating it. Yukiko's uncanny ability is amazing like that, knowing the thoughts that runs through his mind like she is merely reading it off from a piece of paper.
It always seems to fail though when her green-eyed monster rears it head, or if his thoughts are filled with terminologies and jargons that she doesn't understand.)
After she finishes smothering her laughter, and admitting her defeat in the losing battle. Yukiko let her laughter fill the room, a melody that makes Yusaku's lips twitch upwards, which abates into giggles.
"You should've heard yourself Yu-chan," his wife states in-between giggles, her eyes crinkling in amusement and hands wiping the tears that appeared in her fit of laughter. "It was priceless!"
'No,' Yusaku thinks in a mixture of embarrassment and resignation, 'I'd rather not hear myself again, and most certainly not with my usual standards.'
The sound of three knocks floats into his ears, and Yukiko beams -like the moon in all its beauty, glowing in an unearthly light- he can't help but let his lips form a smile, because of both Yukiko and the knocks.
"I'll name the one with your hair," Yukiko proclaims, all but bouncing from her bed. "Girl or boy, I'll pick our youngest child's name."
When those eyes turns on him, how could Yusaku refuse?
Yusaku doesn't mind either way, and it will certainly let his wife calm down whenever they talk about the information he withheld, all for a good cause of course.
"Then I suppose I'll name our eldest," Yusaku muses, truthfully, he already has a name in his mind. A name that could be used on both children, but that would complicate things if they had the same name.
"You can enter," he calls from the door, and the knob turned, the piece of wood pushed to accomodate the people entering the room.
Yusaku let his eyes scan the figures, one doctor and two nurses, and the nurses were the ones who were currently carrying their children, a babe each.
A babe each wrapped around a blue blanket.
It is the exact same moment that Yusaku saw the blue blankets, that his wife also gasps in surprised delight.
As the nurses hands them their sleeping children -the chestnut colored one in Yukiko's arms, as the honey colored one is in his - Yusaku can't help but look at the bundle in his arms with pure amazement and enchantment.
He was a contibuting factor to make this little human being, this little human being that is utterly perfect in his eyes, and Yusaku is aware he'll feel the same with the youngest one.
"They're healthy," the doctor states with a knowing smile, both nurses wearing the same, and really, that's the only thing Yusaku needs to know.
(As realizationd dawns on Yusaku, the knowing smile on their faces is proof enough that both he and Yukiko did not pay heed to the doctor's full explanation, with the sole exception of the concluding statement 'They're healthy'.)
"Shinichi," his wife says, and Yusaku snaps his attention towards the golden-blonde female, that looks so contented, so serene. "This one is Kudo Shinichi, right Yu-chan?"
If there is one person that Yusaku would name that can always, always, take him by his surprise, Yusaku would admit with no ounce of hesitation that that person is his wife, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
"Are you sure?" Yusaku questions worriedly, because if Yukiko is most certain of that name for their youngest, then technically he is the one who named the two of them.
"I'm sure, -" Yukiko affirms, a knowing look in her blue, blue eyes. "-this is Shinichi."
"Then, -" Yusaku focuses his entire attention at the bundle that lays in his arms, a bundle that has been ignored for far too long. "-this little one is Seiichi."
His wife shoots him a look of surprise, which melts away into an expression of fondness. Yusaku is aware of his flushing cheeks and heating face, but he knows that it's the name that Yukiko wants to anoint to one of her children, ever since she was a little girl.
If she names the other with the name he's been none to subtly going for, then Yusaku should at least make one of his wife's childhood dreams come true.
"Kudo Seiichi and Kudo Shinichi," his wife utters, her face full of pure adoration, and glowing with felicity. "I think they'll do great things in the future, great, great things, wouldn't you agree Yusaku?"
"Yes," Yusaku replies with outmost certainty, "great things are ahead of them."
(For years to come, Yusaku would wonder about the trepidation and ferocious pride that filled his body for a short moment that he uttered those words, then his children would go and show him why exactly.)
Ola! So, a self-insert/oc fanfic for Detective Conan!
As Kudo Shinichi's elder twin brother. Though his looks leans more towards Yukiko. Hey, if Yusaku has a carbon copy in the form of his son, why can't Yukiko have one?
So Kudo Seiichi came into existence! A carbon copy of Yukiko, with the sole difference that his sex is the opposite, meaning he's a male. Yeah...
Haha, hope that I at least did some justice for Yusaku's brilliant mind (no, I suppose I didn't, sorry 'bout that), and I gotta tell you, this has no set plan so I'll mostly go with the flow. There might be some inconsistencies with the Manga/Anime, so I'm gonna put it out there that this thing's an AU.
Hope you people liked it~.
RichInsanity, logging off.