Chapter 11


Marybeth saw her holding the gun, and it was clear she was the killer. It was Jenny who had murdered the other six, and now she was ready to kill Marybeth.


Marybeth: Why'd you do it?

Jenny: They knew too much. Mr Body was blackmailing me, I only wanted to kill him. But you had to bring all these others here. Once they knew I was a homosexual, I couldn't let them live.

Marybeth: I think a part of me knew you were the killer.

Jenny: Then why'd you let me kill all of these people?

Marybeth: Maybe I wanted you to sweat a little.

Jenny: I supposse you need a little humor right now. Because it's your turn to die.


Marybeth knew she only had one chance. Jenny was an amateur, Marybeth looked towards the door, made Jenny think someone was coming in. As Jenny looked away momentarily Marybeth leaped towards her, they struggled for the gun. Marybeth won, and held the gun on Jenny.


Jenny: Do it, I deserve to die.

Marybeth: You may very well be executed, but that's for a court of law to decide.

Jenny: Please. I did those women a favor, spared them the public disgrace that would have come.

Marybeth: That wasn't your decision to make. Right now yeah, things suck for people like us.

Jenny: Us?

Marybeth: Yeah. Maybe things will get better one day.

Jenny: I doubt it.

Marybeth: Things will never be better if Hitler achieves his insane dream of wiping out every jew, black, homosexual, and gypsy on the planet. You can still help stop him. Tell us what you know, and maybe we can help stop nazi spies in this country. I'm not going to lie. You'll probably spend the rest of your life in prison, and this life might just be awaiting your execution. But don't you want to do something good before you die?

Jenny: Okay, arrest me.


Marybeth hand-cuffed Jenny and brought her to the FBI. In many ways her life was over, a part of her hoped to be dead soon. But Marybeth was right, it wasn't just about her, she had a duty to help stop this maniac Hitler. And who knows, maybe things would get better, someday.