XI. That Relay

"Haruka-kun…Are you really not going to join the relay?" Tetsuya popped a fried chicken into his mouth. Noting Makoto's persistent stare, he indulged his friend and pushed the plate in the bigger boy's direction. Makoto smiled gratefully.

"I've said it many times. I only swim free." Haruka narrowed his eyes at the screen as he punched the buttons on the control harder.

"But…" Outside, a bird chirped noisily and the waves crashed. Tetsuya looked down at his homework, a list demanding from them a few choices of the school they wanted to go. No doubt Haruka and Makoto got the same worksheet. He fiddled with the edges of his blank paper, furrowing his brows as he fiddled with the wording in his mind.

"…Tetsu-kun just wants us to do something together before he leaves…right?" Tetsuya lifted his gaze warily. As expected, Makoto somehow found a way to read him again. An encouraging smile met him and he looked away. "Haru-chan, it's just one time. Why don't you swim a relay with Tetsu-kun and Rin for their sakes?"

Cobalt eyes which had been focused on his game wavered and gave in. Haruka sighed as he toppled onto his back, the television screen displaying the words 'Gameover' in a candid fond. Cobalt eyes stared at them piercingly, specifically, at Tetsuya, and he found himself reminded of that first time they met all over again. It's the water, Tetsuya mused, and for once, the slippery Haruka is deliberating about bending to his desire.

"…You really want this relay, Tetsuya?" The words came as a sigh.

"I want to swim with you and Makoto." The confession slipped out easily. "Please, Haruka-kun."

A sigh. Haruka rolled away from them. The words came out so softly they sounded mumbled.

"…Fine. But only for Tetsuya's sake."

Makoto gasped in joy and beamed down at him. Unwillingly, he found himself smiling alongside him.

The water glides and dances around Makoto as he approaches them steadily. One, two swings of the arms…Tetsuya saw the moment Makoto reaches within that half a metre distance and leapt forward, arms sliding into the waters.

"Go, Tetsu-kun!" Makoto's cry was swallowed by the water.

Breathlessly, he moved his limbs in a familiar motion, pulling his way through the water. One glide, up and breathe, and back down again. The motion repeats before being interjected by a turnover, and it continues. Yells of his name reached him. When he pulled his face out of the water, he sees the eagerness in his friends' face – the trust and reassurance in Rin's – and pulls himself forward with a few last large breaths. His hand meets the end of the pool in seconds.

Rin jumps.

"Rin-sempai-!" He pants as he watched the shadow of his friend loom over him.

Violently yet cheerfully, Rin sprung forward by rotating his arms forward. In moments, he pulled ahead of the rest, making use of the advantage that both Makoto and him have earned for the team.

Tetsuya panted as he was tugged up by Makoto, who beamed at him as if he couldn't be prouder. Haruka stood far away as usual, and yet nothing could speak of greater determination than the way he stepped up onto the platform, leaning forward in ready for his turn. In an instance, Haruka leapt into the water with a cry of his name from Rin.

Watching the way Haruka raised and lowered his legs in the water during the initial dive, Tetsuya couldn't help but remember that instance when Haruka had dived down from the cliff into rainbow painted waters. Even with the pool reflecting only the artificial light of the swimming club, Haruka still managed to make swimming look beautiful. He wondered if the image that day had been gorgeous due to Haruka, rather than the reflection of the setting sun.

The end came too quickly.

As the whistle blew and Haruka slipped out of his cap and goggles, Tetsuya leaned in at the same time as Makoto did and watched as his brown haired friend pulled his cousin out of the waters. Rin grinned when he slapped him on the back, pointing to the sign where the number '1' was written beside the name of their swimming club. Tetsuya didn't gasp, or smile, or cry, but instead, he stepped forward and pulled the team into a tight hug.

Skin contact normally felt uncomfortable for both him and Haruka. And yet, in that moment, they only leaned into the touch of their friends, unable to do anything but to soak in the glory of victory, the elation at the sight they saw, and – and the sadness that this is now over. Curling his fingers at Makoto's large back and at the crook of Rin's neck, Tetsuya tried to pretend that the tears on his face were water droplets from the pool.

It all ended too fast, too quickly. And while he felt happy that they won, all he could think of was how much he wished it would continue forever. Why hadn't he come earlier just so he could swim with this team longer? Why does he have to leave at the end of the year? Why did Rin have to leave for Australia too?

"Jeez, Tetsu-kun." A large hand engulfed his head and tousled his hair comfortingly. Tetsuya wiped his eyes. "It'll be okay. Anytime you want to swim another relay again, we'll always come back to join you. Right, Rin?"

"Yeah!" The redhead grinned.

Tetsuya coughed, suffocated by his emotions, and smiled.

XII. Repeat

"The next heat is the men's 100m free. We request that all swimmers get ready."

"Kuroko…Your housemates are pretty amazing, huh." Kagami's eye twitched.

"That should be common knowledge, Kagami-kun." He deadpanned.

"Rather, it's pretty ignorant of you to not have known about our national level swimming team when you've been around them all this time." The Coach chipped in.

"Gh-! I don't know anything about that! Call me ignorant, but I don't pay attention to things like swimming!" Kagami argued. "Besides, it's my first time at a swimming competition. It only makes sense not to know them."

"Excuses are not befitting for you." Tetsuya sighed.


"In any case, it's my first time cheering for them officially as well." Tetsuya basked in the familiar feel of the tension as the swimmers warmed themselves up. This competitive atmosphere which is so similar yet different from basketball is one which he hadn't felt in three years.

"Huh? But didn't you say that they were your childhood friends?" Kagami's split brows scrunched in confusion.

"During our time in Teiko, it is only natural for teams to be going to the nationals." He explained. "And since my basketball training clashed with them, I was never able to take an official leave to support them." Tetsuya fell quiet at the mention of that and looked away. Of course, neither Haruka nor Makoto knew about this since they still saw him every year anyways.

"Well, it's a good thing that we're close with them then, Kuroko, since you can see your friends." Coach grinned and folded her arms. "Although that means we're going to be doubling our training menu tomorrow." The players shuddered simultaneously at the thought of that. "Ah, it's starting!"

Powdery blue eyes widened marginally when he spotted a familiar shade of red accompanying Haruka as the swimmers walked out. Sharp teeth and slanted eyes, a familiar grin and even that habit of snapping his goggles…He stood up without thinking, not hearing the questioning hum of his teammates.

"Tetsu-!" Makoto stopped beside him, flushed as he frowned. "Rin is…"

"I know."

"But Rin's…"

"I know."

The regal way in which he strode was different from the Rin they knew back then. And the way he swam…It was violent still, but unlike the happy Rin back in those days, it held a tinge of desperation that could be felt even by those watching. Tetsuya gritted his teeth when he saw Haruka's swimming hesitate, as if confused, before Haruka leapt back into his usual form and swam his hardest. The waves rocked and engulfed, threatening to overcome. Haruka touched the end of the pool long before Rin did.

No, rather…Rin finished last.

"…No way…" Makoto whispered, stunned. "Why…"

The board flickered and displayed '1' next to Haruka's name, and yet, it only brought him a bad feeling.

In the midst of the swaying waves, Rin flung his goggles and swimming cap away, leaning in over the separator to whisper words into Haruka's ears. Powdery blue eyes narrowed in confusion at the same time as cobalt blues widened, shocked. Then, when Rin moved back, it takes no effort to see even from afar how the colour had drained from his cousin's face, his shoulders slumping as though devoid of all life.

"Haru…" Tetsuya barely registered how Makoto shook his head as though in denial. "Haru-chan!" He raced off away from the stands.

"Makoto!" Tetsuya blinked down at his tightly clenched hands and chased after his friend.

The light from the sun turned into the darkness of the hallways. As light trickled in from the windows and light and shadow blended together in an ugly dissonance, Tetsuya paled as he remembered what that feeling reminded him of. It was like that day, back in the rain. That day…When he chased after his partner, he had fervently tried to ignore this same feeling as he stood his ground and asked for Aomine to return. That day…Aomine had turned around, looked at him, and half-laughed and half-cried as he lifted his hands and told him-

"I've forgotten how to receive your balls."

At the end of the tunnelling darkness, light fell in and he could see a familiar shade of red.

"Rin-!" Makoto gripped the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the wall. "You…What did you do to Haru?! What did you say to him?!"

The emptiness in the red eyes that looked at them reminded him so much of that day. It's repeating, Tetsuya thought numbly as he stood behind Makoto, watching on with wide powdery eyes. It's repeating. It's happening to Haruka as well. And he was helpless to stop it.

"What did I say?" A strangled laugh tore out of his throat. He looked back blankly, lifelessly. "Nothing much. I just told him that I'm quitting swimming. That's all there is to it."

"Wha-…Why? Why are you quitting swimming?" Makoto asked. "Even though you loved it so much back then!"

"Yeah, I sure loved it!" A tan arm shoved Makoto's arm away. Red eyes glared at them. "I loved it so much…And yet, after we swam that relay together, all I could do is be fixated on that match and not move forward…And even today, after I went all the way to Australia to train…I'm still beat by Haru."

Rin was abandoning Haruka, and there was nothing he could do to help.

"I love it so much…and yet, I suck. That's why I'm quitting. There's no meaning pursuing a sport which I can never advance in. It's useless." Rin finished, dropping his hand limply to his side. Without another word, he walked away, footsteps thumping in his wake.

The sound of fabric caught his attention.

"…Haru…Did you…?"

Tetsuya stumbled forward, unsurprised when he found Haruka cradled on the ground, arms wrapped around his knees as if the protective ball he formed would protect him from the world. Cobalt eyes stared forward, narrowed in unspeakable sadness. He dragged the towel over his head to cover whatever he could, shielding his emotions away.

"…I…" His lips trembled, and Tetsuya's eyes widened when he saw beads of tears welling up in those cobalt eyes before slipping out. "…I'm sorry." It was a choked whisper.

Tetsuya leaned in, putting his arms around his cousin and tugging him into his embrace.

"It's not your fault, Haruka." He whispered into the crown of the raven locks, but he knew it was futile. Even up until now, regardless of how much responsibility he had back then, he still blames himself even now for how the Miracles turned out. Even if things weren't Haruka's fault, he knew Rin still dealt irreparable damage with his words.

As Haruka's breathing turned unstable, shoulders shaking with the effort of holding his voice back, Tetsuya tightened calloused fingers on the other's shoulders. Everything about this is just so reminiscent of those days when he failed and the Miracles abandoned him, but…if there's one thing he's determined to not let become another repeat, it would be the ending.

XIII. To the Future

(That year, in their efforts to create the best relay team possible, Makoto and Haruka had upped their individual timings for both the free and backstroke classification. It just so happens that a trainer from Tokyo had been in Iwatobi when it happened; he witnessed the unpolished potential that was right before him, and with his blood boiling due to the sheer passion exposed to him, the trainer leapt in and made an offer-)

Who cares.

Haruka watched the birds chirp outside, free in all their glory. Resting his face in a palm, Haruka wondered what it would be like if he was a bird, free to roam and free to sing, free to live however he wanted. It would be nice to be unbounded by the limitations of this human body.

The clouds floated past as the marbles they had been collecting clinked in their glass. He sighed as his gaze dropped back down at the luggage by the door – amongst which a heavy knapsack belonged to him. His mother was quick to reproach as always, tutting at his irritation before confirming with Tetsuya that they had everything. It was all so much of a chore.

The utensils made a sound as Tetsuya put them down on his plate, clapping his hands together for the customary 'Thank you for the meal'. Seeing as if he was half done and not intending to continue, Tetsuya pursued his lips and grabbed him by the sleeve.

"We'll be going then." He said, dipping his head in a hesitant nod, before full out bowing from waist up. "Thank you for your care in this period of time."

His mother burst into a series of flattered compliments at that. Haruka gazed out of the door as a bead of dew dripped down from the plants outside and the stray white cat mewed as if to bid farewell to him. Makoto even looked out of the window and offered a smile and a wave as when they walked passed. He nodded back when he noticed a sad look at the lack of response.

It was all so irrelevant.

The flight was two hours long, and he got a good nap beside Tetsuya in the middle of the aircraft. Crowded streets and busy city…Even as his heart pounded in discomfort at the unfamiliar scents and sights, a stray thought still crossed his mind every now and then – Is this what Rin is seeing over there? Haruka did not bother pretending to be concerned about Tetsuya's approval over his thoughts. He has always been this way, and both Makoto and Tetsuya already knew he would remain like this forever.

Only when he reached the Kuroko residence did he snap out of it. There, a lady clad in elegant black and white stood, neat painted lips smiling much like his mother.

"Welcome home, Tetsuya." A kiss was planted on Tetsuya's head. The tealnette struggled out of her embrace, flushing lightly.

"It's been a long time, Mother." Even so, he still hugged her back.

As Haruka stood by, feeling awkward, a glance from the lady – his Aunt Sachiko – drew his attention. Sachiko blinked, smiling gently and thankfully, not offering an otherwise uncomfortable embrace.

"Thank you for taking care of Tetsuya all this time, Haruka-kun."

"…Please take care of me while I'm staying here." He bowed stiffly, hoping this is what Makoto would do in his stead.

"No need to be so uncomfortable. You're on a vacation here."


Even so, nothing helped him with his discomfort. A home which is foreign to him, a town which is so different from Iwatobi…There wasn't even the sound of crashing waves that could help draw him into sleep at night, offering him solace from everything. Everything felt so different from all that he ever knew, so much so that it hurts.

Perhaps Tetsuya knew. They soon found their way into a public pool where only one other school was using. Somehow, in one way or another, as Haruka stepped up onto the platform and found himself in a match against one of their members, it still did not feel good. The water still did not feel the same as back then, when they dived in and competed alongside each other, with each other. It just…did not feel right.

The end came with a meaningless win to him, and his competitor sending him a cheery smile. Even so…it felt meaningless without Rin there. Even when he looked upwards, there was no Makoto to pull him up or to give the usual phrase.


"Must it be Rin-sempai?" Powdery blue eyes peered down at him. "In any match that you compete in…Would it be meaningless without him?" Haruka sent him a confused look. Why was he asking him that? "Because I don't know what it feels like, to lose a rival. I've never had one, so I never know how it feels to lose one."

Cobalt blues widened. He…lost a rival. Is that what happened?

"…No. I didn't lose Rin." He protested. "We can still swim once again whenever we like. Rin promised back there."

"Even so, to be left behind by a rival who is walking forward…I can't imagine how it feels." Why was Tetsuya saying that? Wasn't he going to leave him behind as well? And now…why is he saying that? Powdery blue eyes seemed steely when he gazed down at him from the side of the pool. "Haruka-kun, how would you feel once you return to Iwatobi? How would you feel once I leave your side?"

How does he feel? Does that matter right now? Haruka scrunched his brows when he realized the name he could put on his emotions right now. That's right, it's…

"…Lonely." His voice fell into a whisper. "I see. I'm feeling lonely even now."

The silence that resounded in his world after Rin left, how mundane and boring everything felt…Now he sees. He was feeling lonely after being left behind by Rin. He felt lonely, because his sole competitor left to chase after his dreams.

"But…What can I do about it? It's not like I have a dream of my own to chase after. Such a thing…is something I've never thought about." He confessed to the water, hoping it would listen and give him some advice. It didn't, but instead, Tetsuya did.

"But even if you say that, isn't swimming with Rin-sempai again a sufficient goal?" He looked up, stunned, and Tetsuya just stared back frankly as always with his powdery blue eyes. "Certainly, it isn't a huge goal to many people. But just imagine this, Haruka-kun: Being in a huge pool with a large audience, and in the midst of many other world-class competitors with Rin and Makoto by your side…Doesn't that make you excited?"

Haruka blinked and found himself unable to chase away the image Tetsuya brought to him. Somehow, somewhere in that dream, there was a bittersweet longing that just latched on and refused to let go.

"But…" The word fell out in a weak protest that was never fully completed.

But…What? But he loved Iwatobi and hated going out of his comfort zone? But he would be leaving Makoto behind? The moment Haruka thought about Rin and that dream that was just born, nothing else seemed to matter. If Rin was able to cross the ocean and enter a foreign place, starting from zero to crawl his way up, Haruka knew he should be able to do it too.

Tetsuya paused and Haruka floated away to give space when his cousin dropped himself into the pool. Beads of water blew away when Tetsuya floated back up, shaking them off his head. Light hearted powdery blue eyes gazed into his.

"Why don't you just think about it for now?" He looked away as he swam off. "But just know that I've always thought you're meant for greater things than just being in a pool all by yourself…and so did Rin-sempai, I think."

Haruka pursued his lips at that thought, diving into deeper waters to contemplate.

He returned from the trip two days later with an application form in his knapsack.

"Haru-chan, welcome home!" Makoto was the first to leave his house to greet him.

Staring into emerald eyes in the midst of the snow that surrounded them, Haruka released a puffy breath and straightened up, to the confusion of his friend. Hesitantly, he reached into his knapsack for a paper, hands hesitating as he tried to show it to his friend. Even so, it felt like he would be leaving behind Makoto if he did this – because which good friend would make them choose between their family and their friend? Finally, he mustered the courage to speak.

"I-" The word was echoed by Makoto, who had been shifting on his feet for a while. Pausing as they glance at each other, Makoto smiled and shrugged a shoulder.

"Haru-chan, why don't you go first?"

He paused at those words. Makoto would regret that, because he doubted Makoto would be in the right mind to say whatever he wanted to say after Haruka said his piece. But nevertheless, he sighed and nodded.

"…Makoto," He paused. "I've decided to accept the scholarship offer and head to Tokyo." To train and beat Rin, but that didn't seem to need to be said. Cobalt eyes rose and met emerald greens, surprised by the lack of disappointment. "…And I've also gone to Teiko to get a homestay application for you. In case you accept your offer as well."

Silence seemed to resound for a long time after that. Makoto only smiled and tilted his head.

"…Is that so." A sudden chuckle startled Haruka. Makoto scratched his face in that manner that spoke of bad news. "Actually…I've been making preparations to move as well. I probably shouldn't make my decision based on yours, but I've been waiting for you to accept your offer before submitting mine. We've been together for a long time afterall. Not to mention…Tetsu-kun seemed convinced he could make you accept the offer."

His voice fell into a whisper at the last part, emerald eyes flickering nervously.

"…So it was planned." Haruka summarized, scowling.

"I-It wasn't as if any of us had any bad intentions, Haru! Don't blame Tetsu-kun!" Makoto waved his hands in panic.

Haruka sighed and chucked the form into his friend's hands. Cobalt eyes glanced down at the white cat rubbing against his leg before looking back at Makoto.

"After all that trouble you put me through for this." He deadpanned.

Makoto blinked and chuckled sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, Haru."

XIV. Always Together

The wind brushed through red hair, causing red locks to flutter. Despite the heat and the wind, ruby eyes hardly adverted as they stared straight ahead at the words on the marking, lingering on the one name that was there. A photo pinned under a stone was placed atop the family shrine alongside a vase of flowers. In that photo, four boys grinned at the camera, each with a medal hanging from their necks and a familiar blue trophy was lifted up together.

"…As I thought, you were here."

"HYAH!" Rin jumped at the sound of his voice. Tetsuya found amusement in just the knowledge that Rin was still able to be startled even now, and took comfort in how ruby eyes seemed less troubled than that day, when he had just lost to Haruka. Rin rubbed his neck as he scowled. "What…? If you're here, you should have just alerted me. Anyways, your presence is as low as ever."

"I only just arrived." Tetsuya stated.

"Still." Rin tutted.

They stood in silence before the family marker, at a loss for words to say. As far as he was concerned, Tetsuya had never been as close with Rin as Haruka was, and he doubted either he or Makoto would ever be. In the first place, Rin only transferred to their school for a relay with Haruka. Somewhere in the midst of those days, certainly, it felt like they were a lot closer due to those coordinated exchanges and days of eating ice-cream, but even then…Seeing Rin as he was now, it felt like they were back to where they first started.

A leaf fell onto the shrine. Rin sighed and stuck his hands into his pockets.

"I guess I'll go now." The first step was taken, and the next was cut short.

"Haruka cried." Rin looked as though he was struck. Taking some satisfaction in that, Tetsuya continued relentlessly. "He apologized. And thereafter, he withdrew from the relay. I think he feels like he lost the right to swim the moment his swimming forced a friend to quit." Tetsuya fell silent. He had wondered what Haruka always felt about the Generation of Miracles…and now, he understood.

"…Why are you telling me this?" His hand shook. "Why should I care about Haru?" Even so, his words quaked as though it took effort to throw them out.

"Because Haruka went to Tokyo for you." Ruby shards widened in shock at the revelation and Rin turned to him. Tetsuya fiddled with the folded note in his pocket and lifted it for Rin to see.

'Iwatobi Elementary School 6th grader assignment

Name: Nanase Haruka

Class: 6-1

Desired Career: Free

Desired School: Teiko Middle School

Goals for this year: To beat Rin'

Tetsuya watched ruby eyes turn wider than he thought was possible and continued.

"This isn't the only one. Every subsequent year thereafter, it was still the same goal that was written. In fact, I was only able to convince Haruka to take up the scholarship to Tokyo because I baited him with the idea of competing in a national competition with you by his side."

"I…" Rin uttered breathlessly, as though taken back by the extent to which Haruka has gone to chase after him. It was stupid, really. Even if Rin had only spent half a year with them, Tetsuya could see the blatant respect and competitiveness that entered Haruka's cobalt eyes each time the two meet. Why hadn't Rin noticed?

"I don't know what obstacles you met while you were in Australia, but Haruka never gave up on this dream of his even when he was brought down for it and couldn't win against others." Unlike Rin. "He fought for this dream of his, even when he was mocked, and when he finally achieved it, you ruined it for him."

Rin flinched.

"I-I…I just…" Even if he seemed like he wanted to cry, Tetsuya still didn't forgive him. It's one thing for the Generation of Miracles to blame him for letting them get out of hand, but it's another for Rin to blame Haruka when it's his own fault.

"Honestly speaking, I wouldn't say a thing if you wanted to quit swimming of your own accord. But to make Haruka think he caused you to quit and to leave things as they are without explaining…I cannot tolerate that."

Tetsuya glared at the larger teen who now seemed repentful, and folded his arms.

"Now, go on to Haruka's house already and explain yourself to him. Both Haruka and Makoto are there waiting for you."

Rin did not even hesitate, nodding before dashing in the direction he pointed out.

Tetsuya heaved a sigh and followed slowly. Hopefully, he did not permanently ruin his relationship with Rin with that harsh talk he's just given.

It was a minor win given their competitors (in Tottori) and the members of their team, but even then, as Haruka was pulled up by Makoto and the board displayed the number '1' next to their group's name, they still jumped together and huddled up not unlike back then.

Makoto laughed uncontrollably, the chuckles eliciting a wide sharp-toothed grin from Rin. Haruka gave a small smile in the tiniest fraction of second before turning blank faced again, and Tetsuya only curled his fingers at Makoto's back and at the crook of Rin's shoulder, just like he did years ago.

Cheers from the audience surrounded them. Tetsuya thought he saw tears in Rin's eyes as he glanced up into cobalt eyes. The two stared briefly before looking away petulantly.

How childish.

But they were back in the running together, and Tetsuya felt happy for them.

For a moment, instead of the team he was swimming with, a flash of memory of the miracles huddling together with him returned. While the old him would have lamented over the lost memories, the him of the present became hopeful that they could return to that camaraderie of before. Afterall, if this team is able to find its way back, why couldn't they do the same?

A/N: As usual, leave a ':)' if you liked this.

And I apologize, but this story is on hiatus for a while. The ideal would be at least 1-2 more chapters depicting Tetsuya's win over the subsequent GoM, as well as his defeat by Aomine, but sadly, I have lost passion for writing this story. It's not the fault of anybody, of course. I simply grew distant from the Kuroko/Free fandom. May continue when I revisit these animes in the future.