Leah had moved out of her mother's house several years ago when she had first began shifting. She stated that she had enough with cramped spaces, with having all of the pack boys in her head. The pack had learned of the move and chipped in and helped her get a plot of land just off of first beach next to the cliffs.
When she first got it, the place was well on its way to being condemned. The project was one she took over enthusiastically. All of her frustrations with Sam and Emily, all of her anger at even being a wolf, everything was expelled on her renovation. The cozy one bedroom cottage was transformed after ten years of work, into a three bedroom ranch style house with an added wrap around porch, complete with porch swing.
The pair enjoyed the crisp night air as they made their way up the beach and towards the house on the hill. They spoke freely about a variety of topics and just generally enjoyed each other's company.
" Wow"
Was Red's reply when they approached Leah's house.
Leah had stopped and dig into the earth with her foot in a nervous wolflike fashion, waiting to see if her imprint would approve of her humble abode. She knew it was no palace, but she was proud of the work that she had put into it.
Leah slowly raised her head at the open admiration given, and a smile beginning on her face.
"You like it?"
" like it? I love it babe, it looks like home. Did you buy the house with the cool railings?"
"Uh actually, the pack gifted the land to me about a decade ago, the house was nearly condemned and I did almost all of the work. I tried to use as much of the local trees as possible. My mom helped with some of the interior work I couldn't get right, and some of the boys helped when I needed another hand, but yeah…"
Leah trailed off
" just wow, you have to realize... I grew up in the Enchanted Forest, in a time of knights and such, Granny and I lived on a humble farm, so this is both a major upgrade and a familiar reminder of my old home... I may just have to keep you around, what with you being so handy…although do you think I could break something just so you can put on a tool belt and fix it?...maybe even topless?" Red asked the last part cheekily and wagging her eyebrows.
Leah outright laughed at that. "You are too much Red"
They embraced laughing for a moment, then broke apart. Leah then took her hand and lead her into the house, 'come' was all she said. How could Red deny her mate anything?
Red gripped the hand carved railing, it was made to look like tree branches, but smooth with varnish, the big posts had holes cut out with raccoons and squirrels carved into them looking out. She took a minute to look further at the intricate work and smiled in admiration. They walked to the porch swing that was a lighter wood stain and had two backs carved into them, one a howling wolf the other a full moon. This too was admired instantly by the older wolf.
" Leah I can tell your love went into this house. Thank you for showing me it. Can we sit a while and enjoy the night air on your lovely porch swing?"
"I would love to.". Leah easily replied.
The two wolves had made their home with one another, they alternated between Maine and Washington, and even traveled across worlds when called on by the Swan-Mills. The look on Leah's face had been worth the hardships the first time she tasted Chimera meat.
Granny took an instant liking to the native woman, and began asking when she would give her grand-pups. Leah had looked confused, stating they were both she-wolves...but Granny being granny gently patted her cheek and winked at her stating that the wolf always finds a way.
Sure enough, about a year later when the girls had gotten frisky while in wolf form, some magical lights had exploded during their coupling. Sure enough, about
9 months later Red had born a litter of 3 little bundles of mischievous joy.
Sue way beyond happy and even spent some time in Storybrooke at the inn to be near her grand babies. Sue and Granny had a wonderful friendship through the years built on their mutual love of their kin.
A happy accident happened when Seth had visited his nephews and nieces in Maine. He imprinted on Sven, who turned out was a Reindeer shifter from Arendelle. Kristoff was beyond shocked when his oldest friend shifted before his eyes into a lithe young man, with the kindest eyes he had ever seen.
It was hard to believe, and almost too cliché to say, but they truly did live happily ever after