As Whitesnake says: Here I go again lol.

Yes, I am the same one who can't write in English for shit and anyways keep posting stories lmao. As always, if someone likes this story, let me know and I'll update more chapters :D

"Why are you afraid, Dean? You, the lunatic fringe? You use to be the unpredictable one and now you act like a little frightened kid." Seth smirked as petted my unruly mane.

"I can be crazy sometimes but this is stupid, Seth." I'm feeling nervous.

Seth led me to the bed as he gently laid in the sheets, "Most of the things we are doing are really stupid, Deano. But this is the first time you are… afraid."

Seth took the handmade pipe we keep in the nightstand. I can't help but think of all my stupid acts. Countless rebel acts since I was a teenager. Robberies, harassment, street fights, vandalism, drugs, alcohol, and lie, cheat or fool other people again and again to cover my ass. But this... This will go far beyond anything that I have done.

"I won't do this. I don't care, Seth." I said firmly.

"Really?" Seth looked at me with genuine disappointment. "I found you homeless, almost dead. You owed a stupid amount of money to some dealers and yet I rescued you. It was me, who helped you to pay your debts. I was the one who prevented you from dying in the middle of the street. I spend all the money my parents gave me in you. All of that because I fell in love with you. You swore that you'll be with me forever. That you'll honor our love doing anything and everything for me." Seth whispered as the smoke trail left his lips, he handed me the pipe.

That was truth. Seth was the last son of some rich family back in Davenport. As a rich spoiled kid, he was walking the same path of self-destruction that me. Big difference was he used to have his family to save his ass. They also saved mine. His family grew tired of his continuous scandals and abandoned him to his fate six months ago. Since that moment Seth became bitter. He only thinks of revenge, revenge against his own flesh and blood. At this moment, we only have each other.

I closed my eyes, took a puff and let my body become intoxicated from what was our fuel. I felt the rush of energy running through my body, it was as if everything around me come alive, every little part of the house, the bed, everything. I opened my eyes to see my tow toned haired lover stroking his hard cock...

Forgive me Father my daily sin.

"Don't be afraid." Seth told me as I squirmed in the sheets, removing my clothes as fast as I could, "This is the right time, I just need you to help me. I want to know if I will get my revenge."

*Revenge, hate, envy, wrath*

"We don't need this, Seth… just let it go." I foolishly suggested.

"Right now, revenge is my only fuel, babe. It's the thing that motivated me to breathe and walk. That feeling is what made me engage in the underground wrestling and that's why we are together." Seth's pupils are dilated.

Seth and I are part of the same hidden, underground wrestling league. This shit is quite different of anything else. Not even close to professional leagues. We can use and abuse of our bodies. We made dangerous shit and is exciting. Of course everything bold, stupidly dangerous is funny for me. But for some reason this kind of shit Seth wanted to do is something I've always respected and feared.

"I need you, Dean. I need you in every way that I could need someone." He rubbed his boner against mine. "You and I, baby. We together against everyone, the two of us together... forever. Even doing something like that. I love you Dean. You know I am the only one that can love someone as crazy as you. You know I am the only one that can put up with all your craziness. You're fucked up and yet I love you. You would be dead in some dirty alley if not for me and because of that, you have to do this with me."

And he was right. He's the only one that has loved me. The only one that hasn't abandoned me. I have to do this for him. Even if I didn't want to do it I have to. I owed him much.

"Yes, you're right Seth." I said as I surrender to his touch.

"Then don't hesitate." He said as he filled me with his hard cock. "You know I'm the only one that will ever love you and you have to do right to me."

Seth began to moan, as he repeated again and again that he's the only one that will love a fucked up man like me. And he's right. If I didn't help him, he would dump me. I owed him so much. But even with all the stuff he did for me, and all the stuff I did for him. Sometimes I felt like something is missing in this relationship. Anyways, I agreed to help Seth make the craziness he did. If I had known, if I only had imagined I would have never allowed him to do something like that...

I'm handcuffed, seeing how two policemen lead me down the aisle of a detention center where I'll be provisionally imprisoned.

"You'll spend the night in a cell. It's past midnight and today will be Halloween's night so there's no psychologist to help you, and no prosecutor to accuse you, til the holiday ends." One of the policeman says.

"Psychologist? Really? This kind of fucker doesn't need any psychologist. The electric chair is all he needs." The other policeman mocks. "These idiots invent things the more stupid whenever Halloween is coming, but this kid no doubt has been the worst."

"You know the protocol. Anyways there's no way out for him. If the lawyer manages to save him of the electric chair, the jury will give him life imprisonment. He will be accused for murder in first degree and torture. There are plenty of things that serve as evidence of the crime. And I don't think he can blame some demon they summoned in that ritual they did. This will be big news on tv." The first policeman says and then opens a door.

Inside, there are some cells. They throw me inside one and lock me there. Then they go out of the place.

It wasn't me... I love him. Seth, you know I love you. I don't remember but I know it wasn't me.

Then something weird happens. Another prisoner is curled on a corner of the cell. But I'm sure there was no one here. Maybe I'm too nervous and I didn't notice this guy. This one looks like a homeless. He's wearing a really old cloak. It has a hood and I can barely see his face. Anyways, I don't care about other persons, the only person I have in mind is him. They said he's dead but I can't believe it. He can't be dead. I'm so fucked up to be alone, suffering in this horrible world. He has to be alive.

I don't want to remember that horrible scene... But it comes to me. I let my body fall on the dirty floor and hide my head between my knees. I can see it, as if I was there again. His lifeless body on the floor, covered in blood. I had a knife in my hands. I threw the knife and approached him. I hugged him and he wasn't breathing... he was cold and rigid and his body full of cuts, he was murdered with a knife. Oh my god. Then I saw myself covered in blood but I wasn't hurt. It was his blood, his precious blood.

"I have to see this same scene every Hallows Eve." The homeless guy whispers, "Stupid junkies making things that don't even understand to pretend they are brave. But I know you do not fit the profile of a braggart. What you did, little one?"

I stare at him but I don't talk. I haven't talked since the police found me in the apartment we shared. Seth and I were at home. Lately, he was obsessed with some kind of ritualistic stuff. Seth said he would do some kind of ritual previous to Halloween's day and night. I asked him why. We didn't need anything.

Lately, we were enjoying of our newborn fame as the top guys in the underground wrestling league. We no longer need the money of his family. But Seth said it wasn't enough and he truly needed something else and he needed my help… I agreed just because I didn't wanna fight with him, Seth always got what he wanted... Then he made it… If I only have known...

"I know you are a junkie, little one. But as I said, I know you are not a braggart, much less an evil one." Seems like the homeless guy is not giving up, but I don't wanna talk. "You are covered in blood, your boyfriend's blood... do not you?"

Who the fuck is this man? How does he know what happened? No matter the weird of this situation, I'm still silent. I only can talk when they assign me a lawyer.

"He is dead. No matter how much you try to deny it to yourself… He is dead. He is into The Valley of Death. You need to rationalize it if you want to know the truth about what happened in your apartment."

Now I can't stay silent. "What are you talking about?"

"About the things your lover did, that made him end up dead and you in jail... where you will fulfill a conviction for murder or maybe something worst."

"I didn't kill him. I never would... he's alive." I can't accept something that horrible.

"Do you remember something?" The homeless man now is looking at me and I swear I saw a silver sparkle in his eyes. I can't see the rest of his face because is almost covered by the hood. This is so cliché.

"No..." I whisper.

"So, you cannot know if you did not kill him, little one." Now, I can see his teeth, they look so white. Whiter than a homeless should have.

"I know I didn't... because I love him. It's impossible that I would made something like that."

"Sure you love him," The homeless guy smirks as if he knew something I don't, "There is no way in this world for you to know what happened in that room."

Now I can see his wrists under the cloak. There is some kind of tattoo in one of them.

"How do you know that?"

"I know. I know a lot of things." I can see again the silver sparkle in his eyes. "I can help you to find the answers you need. But that comes with a price."

"You just said there's no way in this world for me to know what happened. That means that you can't give me answers neither." Something inside me is clinging, I need to stay away of this man.

"You are right, I cannot."

"Then... you can't help me."

"You know I can help you. You can feel it. I can help you to find Seth again." He knows his name.

"He's not dead, he can't... you're just a liar."

"He is dead. The policeman confirmed that to you and I am absolutely sure you do want and need to know how that happened."

"And what about that? That knowledge won't bring him back to me." I say still incredulous.

"And what about if I can take you with him. You can know why all this happened and plus you can fix all this mess. Like it would have never happened." The homeless man tells me and his voice is deep.

"Bring back someone to life is impossible. Besides he's not dead. You're lying. Everyone's lying."

I lead my hands to my face and freely cry. I didn't cry before because I was unable to admit what happened with Seth. Now the reality is hitting me in the face. But even if I'm crying for him, I can't accept it. I can't. He's alive, he has to be alive.

"You are so unstable, little one. That is why you helped your boyfriend to do something stupid like that he did... You are so depended on him. It is a weird feeling that one you feel for Seth." This man is annoying and intriguing at the same time, "I can help you to see him again and take back your life again."

"And the murder?"

"Everything will be fixed. But we have no much time. You need to make a decision soon." He urges me, kneeling in front of me and taking my hands. "If you really want to fix this mess, you may accept my offer."

"What's the price?" He's right, I want and need to know what happened.

"Your soul." His voice sounds even deeper.

"Let's pretend I believe you and Seth is dead..." I quietly say. I feel my whole body trembling admitting that kind of thing, "How can you help me?"

"Simple, if I were lying... there is no possibility that you can lose your soul." His big hands feel soft. This man can't be a homeless. "A soul is the biggest price to pay. I have not known anyone that has made something like that. People always sell their souls for money, power, and beauty and not even think about it. But to save another person... for some kind of weird feeling… well, that will be something new."

"Weird feeling?" I narrow my eyes at him, "Love is not a weird feeling."

"You are right little one," He softly stroke my hands, "Love is not a weird feeling. We do not have time for this. You have to tell me if you accept."

"My soul... It's a tiny price for him." I quickly answer.

"You are so determined." He cocks an eyebrow.

"I'm in love." I firmly say.

"If you say so…" He says as he doesn't believe in my words.

"I accept, now take me with Seth." I don't want to keep wasting my time.

"Sure, little one." Now he takes off the hood.

And man this is not a homeless. He is beauty as fuck. As some kind of deity. Tan skin, chiseled jaw. Trimmed beard. His hair is long and black and almost shine. Pouty lips and those eyes. Silver eyes. This man is absolutely gorgeous.

He smirks at me, and that smirk is something else as he is in control of everything around him. As he has everyone in the palm of his hand, "Twenty two years old, a junkie, sharing a weird feeling with another man that you horribly murdered and the icing on the cake: making a deal with me."

"Are you the devil?" I whisper, unable to take my eyes off of him.

"I am part of the group." He smirks.

If you like how this is going let me know and I'll update more chapters. If not then I'll see you on chapter 10 of "Something That I'm Not" that will be updated on monday.

Let me know what you think about this chapter. Remember to support your fav stories with reviews, favs and follows.

And as always, I'm sorry for grammar mistakes.