Author's Notes

Hello, everyone! Shinjiro here. This is gonna be my first ever upload to FanFiction. I've always wanted to do a FoZ fanfic with OP characters (OC or from a crossover) or 'advanced technology out of place' in mind. Having just finished FFXV recently and finishing reading the only other FFXV-FoZ fanfic here by Xenongaf, I decided to give it a shot. I'm still trying to work out my sentence construction and word flavoring, so if you notice anything off, please don't be afraid to point it out! I'd love to review constructive criticism, to be able to work more on my storytelling skills.

CAUTION: If you are still playing FFXV and do not want to see major spoilers aside from the title, TURN BACK NOW. I enjoyed the game after waiting for 10 years, and I don't want to destroy someone's immersive experience with the game by having them read what happens in the game without a big-ass warning. So yeah, SPOILERS AHEAD! This chapter is to be read with the assumption that the reader has finished the game.

Even though I finished watching Familiar of Zero so long ago, I decided to rewatch the first three episodes of Season 1 to get a feel of where to steer the story. I might be able to spit out a chapter once a month, more if I get motivated.

For now, please enjoy!

EDIT (9/12/2017): Lore-related story revision, regarding Bahamut referencing Brimir.


I do not own Final Fantasy XV nor Familiar of Zero.

Final Fantasy XV is owned by Square-Enix.

The Familiar of Zero is the property of Noboru Yamaguchi. (†)

CHAPTER I: The King and the Astral

"Kings of Lucis… come to me!"

By Noctis Lucis Caelum's calling, the Royal Arms of Lucis rained down around the audience chamber of the King's throne room. Rising from the ground were the Lucian Kings of Yore taking up their Royal Arms, and with a bit of a pause, one by one they struck the True King, to be absorbed by the Ring of the Lucii, the artifact that links the kings of the past to the mortal realm. Noctis grimaced in pain with each strike, letting out muffled grunts as he endured the pain. As he remembered the time he spent with his comrades and friends together, he firmly affirmed himself that his sacrifice is his fate. With the last of his strength, he finally offered up the sword that saved him from utter despair in the Imperial Keep of Zegnautus to its rightful owner. The 113th monarch of the Lucian bloodline, the King that came before him… King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII. With labored breathing, he gathered enough strength to say his final words to the King—his father.

"Dad… trust in me." Noctis pleaded to Regis.

With his upper body bending down from the pain, Noctis slowly raised his head and can only get a glimpse as King Regis's spirit brandished the blade, and in one fell swoop…

…pierced him in the chest, pinning him to the throne.

As his now lifeless body slumped forward, it did not take long until Ring of the Lucii let out a brilliant shimmer, engulfing the throne room. Noctis now found himself looking down the entrance to the Afterlife. Holding the very sword that ended his life, he raised it up to the air, and swung it down, warping to the depths of the afterlife.

Noctis arrived at the Afterlife, a place beyond time, space, and comprehension. An otherworldly hue of blue, spanning to what seems to be forever. Ardyn Izunia, the Accursed Usurper, floated across him. The very culmination of his destiny, now within his sights. Ardyn bowed, welcoming the True King in a mocking manner, when his grin turned to an expression of shock as he sees Noctis's friends and father beside him. As Noctis prepared for the final assault, Ardyn motioned to do the same, except Lunafreya's enchantment during her past encounter with the Usurper severely weakened him. With a clear path to absolute victory, Noctis tapped on the Ring's power. Feeling the scathing pain on his arm where he wears the Ring, he lets out a loud cry, unleashing the thirteen Kings of Yore from within, their Royal Arms at the ready. With the swing of his fist towards his enemy, he commanded the Kings to execute Ardyn.

Thus the Usurper was delivered unto Providence, disappearing as fragments of light.

Noctis, with his body crumbling into ashes, lets out words of relief as he had fulfilled his calling.

"It's finally over…"

Except, it wasn't.

The deceased cease to feel… to sense… to think. He knew that for a fact, but thoughts began to form in his mind, amidst the emptiness he feels due to the lack of his senses. Surrounded by the darkness, he was powerless to move. No matter how much strength he put to his limbs, he wasn't making any progress in getting anywhere. His voice was also not coming out, no matter what he said, no matter how loud he tried to shout. He feared that he would remain immobile and paralyzed for eternity.

And then, a deep, commanding voice filled Noctis's consciousness.

"O Chosen One, King of Kings."

He immediately recognized the voice, despite unable to see anything in total darkness. However, just as soon as he heard the voice befitting of a god, the darkness dissipated, revealing his surroundings. Recognizing the same blue hue spanning the seas of infinity… the Afterlife.

Before him now stood a humongous figure of overwhelming authority, clad in black armor lined with gold, surrounded by gigantic black swords lined with the same golden gleam as its wings…

It was none other than the leader of the Six Astrals—Bahamut, the Draconian Astral.

"By the power of the Providence, the Usurper ceases to be. The world, now bathed in the Light, sets forth to a new era, liberated of the Starscourge." Bahamut spoke.

Noctis remained silent, reflecting on the battles and hardships he and his friends had endured, to be strong enough to forever rid Eos of the Accursed and the Starscourge. The emotions of joy, pain, sadness, anger, and everything they had experienced, it came crashing to him in waves.

"The Light, so brilliant, that it has bestowed upon you another chance." the Astral continued.

"A second… chance?" Noctis confusingly asked. He truly believed that the Providence would mean the end of the True King and the Usurper, but Bahamut was quick to offer him an explanation.

"Such is the power of the Void. You have been granted life anew, unshackled from the calling of the True King." Bahamut continued. "The Ring that was passed on to you from the First King has gathered so much power than I have foreseen, that it has given you form once again."

"You mean to say, I'm not dead? What's this ring got to do with all th—" Noctis stopped as he felt for his finger where the Ring of the Lucii was, only to realize that it was no longer there.

"What you humans call the Afterlife is merely another fragment of the Void. The Crystal, which you have once entered upon is also a manifestation of, and a gateway to the Void, but only those of royal blood may enter. The Ring was also an artifact that I have crafted from the boundless energies of the Void, which is why it was possible to bind the souls of the Forebears and the living King together. Now that it has shattered, its powers have returned to this place and has assimilated upon your very soul as you have made your True Ascension."

Noctis pondered, deep in his thoughts. It was hard to believe, that despite having paid the blood price, here he stood, in control of his body and his thoughts. His astonishment quickly turned to worry as he thought of the fate of his friends—Prompto, Gladiolus, and Ignis—who have fought the demons outside the Royal Building to keep them at bay while he completed his Ascension.

"With the power than you have unleashed, it has caused the Crystal to resonate with another world where the power of the Void flows more freely than anywhere else." Bahamut proclaimed, breaking the King's trance. "Go forth, she beckons you now."

"'She'? What are you talking about? Go where?" Noctis asked.

"A prophecy of the world I speak of calls for a legendary guardian to be the sword and shield of a mage with an innate connection to the Void. She is now undertaking a sacred ceremony to summon her guardian of legend."

Noctis wasn't having any of this new revelation, as he was more concerned about his friends. "What about my friends? What happened to them?" he asked.

Bahamut thought of his words before giving the King an answer that would satisfy him.

"I regret to tell you that the power of the Ring only sufficed for the True King. Worry not, your comrades have stood fast long enough for them to witness the Providence."

At this point Noctis was feeling agitated, as he has been given a vague answer to the fates of his buddies, while being told that he is being called upon to another world, entirely different from his own. A place where no one knows him… a place that he knows nothing of. His mind began to drift away… thinking of a way to get back to where he belonged—home.

"Then can you bring me back to Eos? To where my friends are? They're gonna be pretty mad if they found out that their King that had sacrificed himself to save the world is off to another one without any sort of warning." Noctis jokingly said.

"Unfortunately, the will of the Crystal prohibits me to do as such… but finding out a way to go back is a matter of which only you can resolve. Be one with the Void once more, and the path will open." Bahamut replied.

"What? I haven't made my decision yet, and I'm not sure how to handle this…" Noctis anxiously said, not liking the direction of this conversation.

"For now, I bid you farewell, King of Kings. May the Light of the Crystal, the blessing of the Six, and the blood of the Forebears serve you in earnest. Until we meet again." Bahamut spoke, with his last words fading to oblivion, before he himself faded from Noctis's sight.

"Bahamut, wait—!"


Complete silence.

Noctis can only look around as he was unsure of what happens next. He tried to float around the Void to no avail. Despite his will to move, an unknown force pinned him in place. Once again, he played the waiting game.

"… implore of yo..."

For what seemed an eternity, Noctis suddenly heard a girl's faint voice.

"… divine, graceful, and powerful Familiar!"

"Where could that voice be coming from?" Noctis thought.

He began to take notice of a small emerald light not too far from him, growing larger with each passing moment.

"Here I desire, and plead from the very depths my heart!"

The voice grew louder as Noctis observed the light to be now slightly bigger than him and has stopped growing. It was big enough for him to pass through.

"By the power of the Pentagon of the Five Elements…"

He approached the light and tried touching it. It created a ripple, which only further made him fascinated. Wanting to sate his curiosity, he stuck his hand in, only to be sucked in by it.

"In Brimir's divine name, answer to my call, o great Familiar!"

With Noctis gone, the Draconian spoke with a foreboding tone.

"Brimir… for what purpose did you summon the True King? Mayhap, to right your wrongs…?"


That's it for now! Sorry if it was short, I wasn't sure what constitutes a good word count for an average FanFiction story chapter. This piece is intended to be an interlude from the end of the game to the beginning of the anime. As much as I wanted to make this longer, I had to settle for a measly ~1500 word chapter just so I could get the ball rolling. I tried to research the lore of FFXV and FoZ in addition from what I've already seen to make it feel more connected and genuine. I already have three chapters in the works, but if I get reviews for this story, I'll read them and try to adjust the flow of the story and other concerns with grammar, as well as make any minor spelling/grammar edits to this chapter. Thanks for reading my work! Until next time!