Wizards, Gundams, and Host Clubs, Oh My!

By Ammie Hawk

Summary: Harry Potter finds out he has some relatives on his father's side and goes to live with them the summer after fifth year, after Voldemort was destroyed in the Department of Mysteries. Along the way he also discovers a wayward brother and many friends and adventures in his new school, Ouran Academy. Originally a challenge by TZAG

Warnings: Yaoi, mentions of Mpreg

AN: Okay, so this isn't exactly a new fic, it's an old one that I took down and recently picked back up. However, I do hope to be inspired for it in the near future. Anyway, enjoy the weekly update.

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Harry Potter, age fifteen, sat staring out the window of the airplane as it winged him away from the one place he had even considered his home. Not that he was complaining, mind, but he was rather nervous about what lay in store for him once he reached his destination. As he looked out the window, his mind drifted back to the events of the past month or so and the reason for his being on the plane in the first place.

It had started with the vision Voldemort, the most feared wizard of the age, had planted in his head about his godfather being held captive in the Department of Mysteries. He, along with several of his friends from school, had raced to the Ministry of Magic, determined to save the man Harry considered his family. However, they had been led into a trap. They had fought several Death Eaters before the members of the Order of the Phoenix had shown up to give them aid.

It had been during that fight that Bellatrix Lestrange had fired a curse at his best friend's little sister, Ginny, and sent her through the Veil. Harry had followed after the bitch as she ran from the room, attempting to avenge the girl he thought of like a sister. He even tried to use one of the Unforgivable curses on the Azkaban crazed witch, but hadn't managed to pull it off.

Not long after, the snake-faced bastard himself had made an appearance. Harry fought him for a little while, but as a fifth year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he really was no match for the master of the Dark Arts. If it hadn't been for Dumbledore's timely arrival he probably would've died that day.

As the two powerful wizards fought, Harry's best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, arrived on the scene. Together, the trio performed a very complex high-level spell that allowed Harry, who, though loathe to admit it, was the most powerful out of the three of them, to obliterate Voldemort's soul, thus killing the Dark Lord once and for all.

The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and several other high ranking Ministry officials showed up just as Voldemort fell to the ground. Harry and Dumbledore were both given full apologies for the taint their names had taken over the past year, and awarded several prestigious awards for what they had accomplished. Sirius Black, Harry's godfather and escaped convict, had shown up with the rest of the Order members and had caught Peter Pettigrew in the chaos that was the fight between the Death Eaters and Order, thus clearing his name once and for all, and allowing him to finally have custody of his godson.

It had been Sirius' decision to take Harry out of the country, and the subsequent limelight he was receiving from the Wizarding World, something the young wizard wanted no part of. The Black heir had several houses all over the world, but had decided on one in Japan, but wouldn't tell the younger wizard why he had chosen that specific location.

"Don't worry so much, Harry," the man seated next to him nudged his arm slightly a lopsided grin on his face. "You'll love Japan. Not that I've been there in the past fourteen years, but I'm sure it's still the same as it was the last time I was there."

"I'm sure I'll like it, Sirius," green eyes rolled in amused annoyance. "I'm just not sure if I'll fit in. And I'm going to miss Ron and Hermione, and the others."

"They said they'd come and visit you," Sirius shook his head slightly. "Don't doubt your friends, Harry, they do care about you."

"I know," a faint smile pulled at the youth's mouth.

"Besides," another nudge came from the dog Animagus, "I'm sure you'll make lots more once we get there."

"Just shut up, Sirius," Harry chuckled softly, alerting the elder he didn't actually mean anything by it.

"Oh, by the way, Harry," Sirius got a rather evil smirk on his handsome face, "while I do have a house in town, it's not quite ready for us, so I've arranged for us to stay with an old friend of mine. I'm sure you'll like him."

"Can't you just tell me?" green eyes bore into blue, a slight pout pulling at his full lips. Sirius had been dropping vague hints about who they were staying with since they'd started the journey. "I don't like not knowing where we're going."

"That's half the fun," the Black heir grinned devilishly. "But, as I said, don't worry about it."

"Fine," Harry sat back with a huff, clearly sulking, but he'd never admit that.


Haruhi Fujioka, age fifteen, stood at the entrance to the airport, waiting for her father to finish flirting with the nearest security guard so they could go inside and wait for the visitors they were expecting. One would think Ryoji Fujioka, more commonly known as Ranka, would show a bit more decorum when going to meet the one person in his life he'd ever cared about more than his daughter. But then again, nothing and no one, not even his husband, could control the irrepressible transvestite, though she'd heard rumors of his late brother being able to, but as her uncle had died not long after her first birthday, she found it hard to believe.

"Come on, Dad," she went over and grabbed the redhead's arm and began dragging him through the door, leaving a very shocked security guard staring after the pair.

"Oh, Haruhi," Ranka squealed once they were inside, pulling his daughter up into a tight hug. "You're always looking out for me, what would I do without you?"

"You'd manage," she shrugged, loosening the black and purple tie of her school uniform.

Haruhi attended one of the most prestigious high schools in all of Japan: Ouran Academy. She was there on a scholarship, but that didn't bother her at all, it just meant she was capable of fulfilling her dream one day. If only she could get rid of her debt to the club she'd been forced to join, because of said dept, she'd be set.

It had happened a couple months back that she'd wandered into the third floor music room and stumbled, literally and figuratively, upon the Host Club. While the president of the club had been flirting with her and making her exceedingly embarrassed, she'd managed to bump into a very expensive vase and broke it. She was then forced to be the dog of the Host Club, to repay them for breaking the vase, but that had quickly changed and she became an actual member. That's how she'd gotten the uniform in the first place.

Now, don't get me wrong, she liked being part of the Host Club, she just didn't like the fact that she owed them money. The twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, who were in her class and, having figured out she was a girl, were constantly trying to dress her up like some life-sized doll, were actually quite funny; Mori and Honey, the two seniors of the Club, were really nice to her; Tamaki, a second year and the president of the Club, was rather annoying, but she put up with her dad all the time so it wasn't overwhelming; and then there was Kyoya, another second year and the vice president of the Club, he was rather creepy in his own right, he didn't have the reputation of the Shadow King for nothing, but was still bearable. All in all, they were a great group of guys to hang out with.

She didn't really care if she was the only girl in the group, and that no one outside the Host Club realized this fact. It was just a part of repaying her debt. Though, maybe she'd be able to pay it off without playing Host any longer, if what her dad had told her about the man coming to see them was true. No, she wasn't going to accept his charity, even if he was technically her other father. While Sirius Black may share her DNA, she wasn't going to ask a man she didn't remember for money.

An announcement over the intercom system alerted them to the arrival of the flight they'd been waiting for. The father-daughter pair, who could've passed for a mother and son, made their way over to the appropriate turn style for the baggage of the flight, waiting for their lover and father, respectively.


Trowa Barton, age 16, stared blankly out the window of the Preventers office located in Tokyo, Japan. He had arrived the previous day at the insistence of the Head of the Preventers herself, Lady Anne Une. Well, that wasn't entirely true, she had given him a choice between there and the London branch. He sighed as he thought back to the reason for this whole predicament in the first place.

After the wars, the lanky European had gone back to the circus and continued to travel around with them. That was until he received an urgent message from the Preventers, saying he had to come to the main branch in the Sanq Kingdom for an official meeting with the Vice Foreign Minister and the Head of the Preventers. He knew he should've refused, but it wasn't as easy for him to slip away into the crowd any longer, not with so many people knowing his face. So without any ado, he packed his bags and made his way to Sanq.

Once he got there, Agent Wind, otherwise known as Zechs Merquise or Milliardo Peacecraft, showed him to an office on the twentieth floor. The long haired blond left him outside the room, not even bothering to announce his presence. Trowa silently braced himself and knocked sharply on the oak door in front of him. When he was bade entrance, he did so without hesitation.

Inside the room were two women, one was blonde and the other brunette. The blonde was none other than Relena Peacecraft Darlian, the Vice Foreign Minister, and the brunette was Lady Anne Une. Lady Une motioned for him to have a seat in the chair next to the Vice Foreign Minister, before folding her hands gently in front of her on the desk.

"Barton," she greeted, a faint smile pulling at the edges of her mouth. "I'm so glad you could make it."

Trowa just nodded, his face perfectly clear of any emotion. He still wasn't sure why these two ladies needed to see him, but knew better than to act too curious.

"Trowa," Relena nodded politely. "I know you probably have things you'd rather be doing, so we'll make this brief. You've no doubt heard of the Family Reconstruction Act?"

"Of course," he said quietly. "The others and I were instrumental in the movement of that act, though we refused to participate ourselves. I don't see what the problem is, Lady Une."

"Well, Barton," the bespectacled woman sighed, "apparently, what you wanted is no longer relevant. We didn't want to force you and the other pilots to give up a blood sample, without which we could not run a cross scan of our database to locate any family. However, it was recently discovered that you, Trowa Barton, were already in the system."

"How is that possible?" his brows pulled together slightly, the only indication he was unsettled by the news.

"During the war, you slipped up," the commander quickly bit back a smile, knowing that had to sting the pride a bit. "You remember when you infiltrated the Lunar Base?"

Trowa nodded imperceptibly, before his eyes widened slightly, "I forgot to get the blood sample out of the database."

"Exactly," the blonde teen beside him smiled triumphantly.

"Not that you are entirely to blame in that instance," the Lady offered cajolingly. "You did suffer from amnesia. But with you now in the system, we are hoping the other four will be more cooperative. However, according to the stipulations of the Family Reconstruction Act, I am obligated to inform you that you do have some living relatives. As a minor, I am required to place you with one of them."

"Excuse me?" the one visible brow rose in question.

"Now, as a former Gundam pilot," she continued as if he hadn't interrupted, "I am going to give you the choice of which family you live with."

She leaned over and handed a folder to the unibanged teen. Trowa took it without question and flipped it open, scanning the contents quickly.

"The first choice, as you can see," she indicated the folder, "is an aunt on your mother's side. She lives in Surrey, England with her husband and son. The second is an uncle on your father's side. He lives in Japan with his daughter."

Trowa frowned at the picture and portfolio of the first couple. The horse faced woman that was his aunt looked like a nosy busybody, and he knew he wouldn't be able to tolerate her, while the walrus looking man next to her looked unhealthily fat and violent. The second profile, however, caused his eyes to widen again. The picture attached to the file showed a rather lovely looking redheaded woman, though from what Lady Une had said and the cut of the jaw it was obvious the figure was male. He finally looked back up at the woman and made his decision, he really had no choice. Thus his being in Japan.

He sighed once again, as he pulled out of his memories. The door opened behind him, causing him to turn, and Lady Une walked in, followed by two uniformed officers, both sporting similar scowls.

"Alright, Barton," the Lady nodded, taking a seat at the desk in the room, "everything is in order. You will be escorted to your new evidence by Agents Wing and Shenlong. Your uncle has been informed of your arrival."

A brow rose in amused question as he looked at the two agents before him, "I find it amusing, Une," he said quietly, "that two of your agents refused to give a blood sample, and yet you continue to let them work here. Your standards are slipping."

"Oh, Agent Wing and Agent Shenlong have recently been added to the system," she smirked at the tall teen. "But I did not force the issue until your name popped up. However, as no matches were found for either of them, I allowed them to keep their emancipations and continue to work for me."

"I see," Trowa's brow furrowed slightly into his version of a frown. "Well, shall we?"

He motioned for his two fellow pilots to lead the way. Together, the three of them left the office and headed out of the building.

Ammie: So this is the beginning of the a new old fic, I do have a few chapters already written, and we'll see how it goes. Anyway, please let me know what you think.