The Reunion

by somekindofwildgirl

Chapter 4

Hermione had almost given up finding Draco until she heard his voice. She felt her spirits lift and followed the sound. He was further down the beach than she expected and she shivered at the cold. The bonfire was out of sight, the only noise was the crashing waves and Draco's voice. He was hidden behind a cluster of rocks and right before she made herself known, she heard Astoria's voice. Hermione felt like an idiot, of course, he wasn't alone if he was talking. The blonde girl was quickly becoming the bane of her existence. What happened to liking Harry? She walked around the cluster until she was properly hidden and from her spot, she could see what was happening through a crack where two rocks stood side by side.

Astoria's hand was on his chest and Hermione almost turned away when his next words stopped her.

"Stop trying to make something happen, Astoria."

"Why? We would be good together."

Draco pulled away. "Why? Because we're both blond? Or because our parents are friends?"

"Both. We understand each other, what it was like growing up the way we did. Is it because you're not attracted to me?"

Hermione felt uncomfortable eavesdropping but if she tried to leave, they would hear her. She could hear the hurt in Astoria's voice. It was raw and uncomfortable. Draco sighed but made no move to comfort her.

"Of course not, Stori. I think you're perfect."

"Just not for you." She sounded resigned.

"Just not for me."

"I saw Granger reject you back there. That was kind of brutal."

"I deserved it. Anyways, this isn't the first time that I've had to get over her."

Hermione didn't hear what Astoria said, her voice was too low. She watched them hug before the blonde made her way back to the party leaving Draco alone again.

She was torn on what to do. What was Draco talking about? When did he ever have to get over her? Whenever there was an opportunity, he always sabotaged it. He was the reason they had never tried their hand at dating. Her fists were clenched and she was prepared to storm around the rocks and give him a piece of her mind. Hermione had only improved at getting her point across since becoming a lawyer. She walked so that she could face him and then stopped. There was something in his expression that made her anger leave her.

"Look, I heard you. I won't bother you again," he said.

Hermione stepped closer to him. "You didn't hear me. I like our history. Was it ugly? Of course, it was, but it made me a stronger person. And weirdly enough because of it, you probably know me better than Harry or Ron. I know how you feel, I feel the same way about you."

"Then why do you reject me time and time again?"

"Because you rejected me first! I really liked you and you broke my heart. I'm terrified."

"Of what? You go toe to toe with criminals every day!"

She tried to blink her tears away, hating how he knew exactly how to bring her walls crashing down.

"Of getting hurt. Because what we have, I won't find that with anyone else and if you're not serious about this-"

Draco pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. His hand was entangled in her curls and he tilted her head up, forcing her to look up at him. Staring into his grey eyes made her feel more raw and vulnerable than she had ever felt before in her life. Hermione wanted to look away, wanted to disconnect, but forced herself to remain open.

"I am. Serious about this. I was scared too."

"What changed?"

"I went away. Traveled the world, saw that my family's beliefs were foolish. That was the only thing that kept me away from you back then."

"I'm scared to believe you." Hermione looked at the ocean, the moon was shining brightly.

Draco dropped his head to rest on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him awkwardly, unsure of what to do. She had never been in this situation before. Her past boyfriends disregarded her fears, avoided anything emotional. Hermione knew that this was uncomfortable for the both of them, but Draco was willing to try to figure it out with her.

She kissed his cheek, slowly, three times. Hermione was almost taken aback when Draco turned to face her. She wasn't used to being this close to him but before she could overthink it – boy, was she overthinking everything right now – he kissed her. His lips were slightly chapped, something that was endearing. He tasted of firewhiskey and beer, of regret and second chances and a childhood wish fulfilled. She didn't know how long they stood there under a blanket of stars but when they separated, they both wore shy smiles.

Draco looked down the beach and the glow of the bonfire had disappeared. "I guess everyone went home?"

"Looks like we missed the end of the party," Hermione said with a grin.

"Do you want to go home?"

"I'm not ready for the night to end. I don't mean," Hermione blushed at the potential implication. "I don't want to rush anything."

Draco wrapped an arm around her and they started walking down the beach. They spent the rest of the night catching each other up on the past few years.

The next morning, Hermione woke up to the sound of crashing waves. The sun was warm against her skin and she snuggled further into someone's chest, a soft sweater clenched in her hand. He shifted and pulled her closer.

"Morning," Draco said as he slowly opened his eyes.

Her lips quirked into a grin. "Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Surprisingly good. About last night…"

"I'm happy it happened. Don't overthink it." She put a finger to his lips and laughed when he playfully tried to bite it.

"Good. Do you want to grab breakfast?"

"There's a place a few minutes away that's amazing."

Hermione went to get up but he pulled her back down and kissed her. His arms wrapped around her and soon she didn't know where she ended and he began.

"We should go before someone finds us," she said.

They helped each other up, laughing at the state they were in. Instead of trying to fix her hair, Hermione pulled it into a messy bun. They tried to their best to shake the sand out of their clothes but she had a feeling she would be finding little grains for days. When they were ready, Draco took her hand and they made their way to the parking lot.

"You drive?" Hermione asked.

He shrugged. "I had the incentive to learn and it's a lot more fun than I originally thought it would be."

She was about to ask him more about it when she saw Harry and Pansy emerge from the other side of the beach. Pansy looked victorious while Harry stared and her and Draco's joined hands with a raised eyebrow. Hermione rolled her eyes and hopped into the passenger's seat. She knew that Pansy would call her later.

They both had some explaining to do.

Hermione glanced at Draco and blushed when he smiled. It was a look she wasn't used to receiving from him. They had given each other such a difficult time growing up, it was strange to be on the other side. She could feel her insecurity threatening to surface, to question his intentions and whether she deserved to find something good after all these years. But she was tired of that little voice in her head constantly questioning everything good that happened.

In retaliation, Hermione returned Draco's smile. She was going to enjoy the ride and live in the present. After she got through that stack of papers at the office. And got groceries. And fed Crookshanks.

Okay, maybe Hermione was a work-in-progress but she was okay with that and it looked like Draco was too.

The End

Thank you to everyone that reviewed, followed, and favorited the story! Your feedback and support mean the world :). For those of you who don't know (welcome new readers!), I am leaving for a trip in June and I won't be back until September. I'm going to spend the next month working on The Spy (two chapters left! I think...) and I am working on the first draft of The Return of Magic.

For those of who you read the Runaway Princess and are waiting on the sequel: If I don't finish the first draft in time for my trip, should I post it regardless? Or should I wait until it is finished? If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message or check out my profile page, which I update whenever there's news :).

Thank you again, you lovely readers xx.