The Girl Without A Past
Finale: "Sisters"
By: The Crystal Knight
Rated: PG-13 (T = Teens ages thirteen and up.)
Notes: The Finale! And it's long! Enjoy!
**** Finale ****
Usagi, Andrea Williamson, and John Ross were in Tokyo once again. They arrived late at night.
They returned to the secret apartment where they stayed before. It would be over a day before
Usagi would be reunited with her family and her friends.
The next day, John Ross was instructed by Andrea to take Usagi out for the day and see the
town. However, he was instructed to not let Usagi go home, her school, the Game Crown, Arcade,
the Hikawa Shrine, or other places like that. Andrea stated that it would ruin the big surprise.
So, while John Ross took Usagi out for the day, Andrea prepared for Usagi's big surprise that would
take place the next day. Andrea also told John Ross to wear Usagi out so she'd be tired by the time
they would return. "How hard is it to wear out a teenage girl?" He thought to himself.
Andrea went and spoke with the Tsukino's, Usagi's friends and as well Motoki and Unazuki and had
arranged for the next day a big celebration. Andrea let Usagi's friends decorate the cafe that connected
to the Game Crown Arcade. Andrea went out and bought several items and returned to the secret apartment
they were staying and hid the items until she was ready to reveal it to Usagi.
That night, John Ross returned with Usagi in his arms. On their return to the secret apartment, Usagi had finally
fell asleep and John Ross took Usagi inside and Andrea directed him to place Usagi in bed. Andrea covered her
up and spoke to John Ross quietly.
"Any trouble?"
Andrea asked him.
"No, she did try to wear me out. She had lots of energy for a teenage girl."
John Ross reported to Andrea and Andrea smiled.
"Well, that's good. All is ready for tomorrow."
Andrea reported that all was set up for the next day. The next morning, Andrea walked into the room where
Usagi was staying in and gently woke Usagi up.
"Lil Sis, time to wake up."
Andrea spoke to Usagi in a calm soothing voice and Usagi slowly woke up to Andrea speaking to her.
"What time is it?"
Usagi asked in a groggy voice.
"It's 6 a.m. and we got lots to do today. You need to take a shower and get ready and I will have something
special for you to wear."
Andrea explained to Usagi about the day that was before them and that Andrea had something nice for
Usagi to wear. Usagi took a shower and while Usagi took a shower, Andrea placed a long beautiful sparkling
expensive dress on a hook in the bathroom for Usagi to wear as well as underclothes for it. Andrea spoke
to Usagi.
"Lil Sis, there's something special on a hook for you to wear as well as clothes on a chair. Please make
sure you put them all on, ok?"
Andrea asked Usagi and she explained about the clothes.
Usagi explained and Andrea went back in the living room to wait for Usagi. Usagi came wearing the expensive
dress. The dress was a sparkling white. Usagi was in awe of the dress. Andrea zipped up the back of the dress
and looked at Usagi.
"You look like a princess!"
Andrea spoke in a warm tone. Usagi blushed.
"You think so?"
Usagi answered Andrea's comment saying that Usagi looked like a princess. Andrea brought a box and it
had knee high clear stockings that was white. Andrea present them to Usagi and Usagi carefully put them
on. Andrea then brought out another box and Andrea opened the box and there was a pair of white high
heeled shoes. Usagi put them on without question. Next, Andrea brought out another box and in it was
an expensive silver tiara with diamonds studded on the tiara. It sparkled with sheer elegance. This surprised
Usagi. She never seen anything like it. Andrea carefully put the tiara on Usagi's head. Next, Andrea brought
out the last box and she opened it and inside was a necklace that had a crescent moon pendant that sparkled
with beauty. Andrea brought it out and placed it on Usagi's neck. Andrea brought Usagi to a mirror and
she spoke to Usagi.
"You look like a real princess. What do you think Lil Sis, do you like it?"
Andrea asked Usagi. Usagi was still in awe of her appearance and she spoke.
"I don't like it, I love it!"
Usagi stated that she loved her outfit. It wasn't every day, that Usagi got to wear such clothes like this. Usagi's
dress went to her shoes and the dress sparkled when the light hit the dress. Andrea put Usagi's hair into Odangos
and Usagi helped adjusting her Odangos and Andrea braided Usagi's ponytails to give a more mature look for
"What do you think Lil Sis?"
Andrea asked Usagi and Usagi loved the Odangos and braids combination.
"I really love it. It's different than usual."
Usagi answered Andrea. The two left the secret apartment and a Limo awaited them. The chauffeur opened the
door and let Usagi and Andrea in. Then he drove them to the Game Crown Arcade and let them out. The place
was dark. By the time they got there, it was after 8 in the morning.
"It looks closed."
Usagi stated after seeing the place was dark.
"Please go inside anyway, okay?"
Andrea urged Usagi and Usagi entered the arcade and then into the cafe. The cafe was too.
"It's dark in here. It appears closed."
Usagi stated and Andrea urged Usagi to continue moving forward. And then the lights came on
and the people there all spoke in unison!
Everyone stated and Usagi was in awe and wonderment of what just happened. Both Unazuki and Motoki
were in the walkway of the cafe and Usagi spoke.
"Who was the person who set this all up?"
Usagi asked in a curious tone about what she had just seen. Both Unazuki and Motoki pointed towards
Andrea and Usagi carefully turned around and spoke.
"Why Big Sis?"
Usagi asked in a quiet tone that only Andrea heard.
"After what you had been through and your return here to Tokyo, I thought it best to reward you and
give you a good send off as you return to normal life here. Plus, your family and friends said your
dream was to be a bride, but I can't fulfill that, but I could make you a princess. I just wanted to make
your day really special."
Andrea explained to Usagi and Usagi was moved to tears. Andrea brought out a handkerchief and
wiped away Usagi's tears. By that time, ChibiUsa came into the walkway and Andrea spoke.
"Please, there are people who wish too speak to you. Go ahead and talk with them ok?"
Andrea explained to Usagi and Usagi turned around and saw the pink haired girl and she knew
who this girl was. ChibiUsa didn't see Usagi the last time Usagi was in Tokyo, because the others
thought if Usagi had seen ChibiUsa, Usagi would ask a lot of questions about ChibiUsa so
Mamoru took ChibiUsa out for the day. However, on this day, ChibiUsa and Usagi looked at each
other and Usagi walked forward to the pink haired girl and picked up ChibiUsa in an embrace and twirled
ChibiUsa around in sheer happiness. ChibiUsa wasn't bother by this. ChibiUsa had bottled her feelings
about Usagi while Usagi was gone and both girls were in tears due to this blessed event. They both
spoke in very low tones where no one else could hear.
"Momma, I thought I lost you?"
ChibiUsa spoke in a very quiet tone that only Usagi could hear.
"I am sorry I have been gone Small Lady, but I am always with you. You have done
well in my absence. Please don't hold all your fears in. Let them out. I am here with
you and I will always be with you."
Usagi answered ChibiUsa and said that she would always be by ChibiUsa's side.
"Momma, you look beautiful."
ChibiUsa stated to Usagi and Usagi answered her again.
"Do you love it?"
Usagi asked and ChibiUsa stated that she loved it. Usagi set down ChibiUsa down again
and next was Usagi's family. Kenji and Ikuko urged Shingo to go first and Shingo moved
forward and Usagi embraced Shingo and it was a heartwarming experience.
"Welcome back Big Sis! I missed you so much!"
Shingo told Usagi and Usagi spoke to Shingo that she was back and he could spend time
with her if he wanted and he loved the thought of that. Next, Usagi embraced her mother
and then her father. Next was Mamoru which greeted her back and Usagi had tears in
her eyes when she was back in Mamoru's arms once again. Then Usagi met all of her'
closet friends: Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako, Setsuna, Haruka, Michiru, and even Hotaru.
Then a celebration was underway and it lasted until about noon. Then in the afternoon
Usagi and her friends met at the Hikawa Shrine. Andrea escorted Usagi there and
Andrea spoke to Usagi.
"There's one last thing I would love to do before I leave Tokyo."
Andrea spoke to Usagi.
"What is that?"
Usagi asked Andrea.
"I would love to meet Sailor Moon. I am a fan of Sailor Moon. Do you know
how to meet her?"
Andrea asked Usagi and Rei spoke up.
"We will let the Senshi know and you will receive a message from the Senshi of
when and where to meet them."
Rei spoke to Andrea.
"Very well. Lil Sis, I have one last gift for you."
Andrea spoke as she presented a small box. And Usagi opened the box and inside
was a pink and white cellphone.
"A cellphone?"
Usagi asked Andrea about the cellphone.
"This is to stay in contact with me so I can continue to encourage you in the future."
Andrea explained to Usagi and Andrea and Usagi turned on the cellphone and then
Usagi and Andrea embraced.
"Thank you for all you have done. You have made a difference in my life."
Usagi thanked Andrea for all that she did. Then Andrea and Usagi parted ways for the
moment. Rei then presented to Usagi, Usagi's broach.
"I think you will be needing this. When you were kidnapped, it fell off your blouse that'
you wore on that day."
Rei explained to Usagi as she handed back Usagi's broach.
"Thank you Rei-Chan!"
Usagi squealed with glee. Later, Andrea received a message from the Senshi that read:
'Dear Miss Andrea-Sama,
Please meet Sailor Moon and the Senshi at Tokyo Tower tonight at Midnight and come
alone. This will be the only time you can see Sailor Moon. We will be waiting for you.
The Sailor Senshi.'
Later at midnight, all the Senshi transformed and jumped to the top of the Tokyo Tower.
Usagi had revealed to the Senshi that she was going to reveal herself as Sailor Moon
to Andrea because Usagi stated that Usagi trusted Andrea completely and she had
something special to give to Andrea. Sailor Moon had caused her tiara to appear in
her hands and she waited for Andrea to appear. Andrea appeared at the time appointed
and Sailor Moon did a somersault and landed on the ground and approached Andrea.
"Greetings Miss Andrea-Sama, there is something important I wish to give to you. However,
before that, I would like to to show something to you first."
Sailor Moon spoke to Andrea and Andrea that she nodded that she understood.
"Power down!"
Sailor Moon spoke as she re-transformed back into Usagi and Andrea was stunned to who
was before her.
"Surprise Big Sis!"
Usagi told Andrea and Andrea was stunned beyond belief.
"You are Sailor Moon?"
Andrea asked Usagi and Usagi smiled sweetly.
"Yes and if it were not for you, I wouldn't be Sailor Moon. I owe lots to you for what
you did for me and all the Senshi are grateful for your service to me. I wish like for
you to have something. It will come useful later on if you ever need the Senshi."
Usagi explained that if it were not for Andrea, that Usagi would not be Sailor Moon.
Usagi presented a Moon Tiara to Andrea and Andrea accepted it.
"That will reach the Senshi, if and when you need our help. I am sure you can keep
my identity as Sailor Moon a secret."
Usagi explained to Andrea again as she re-transformed into Sailor Moon.
"I do."
Andrea answered Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon Jumped again to the top of Tokyo
Tower and Andrea looked at the tiara she was given and looked back up at the
top of the tower and the Senshi were gone.
The next day, Usagi and her family met with Andrea and John Ross one last time.
"This is goodbye for now Lil Sis. I hope your dreams come true. I will be helping you
whenever you need it."
Andrea explained as she hugged Usagi goodbye and turned to get in the plane
and Usagi spoke.
Usagi spoke with a loud voice and Andrea turned around and Usagi ran up to Andrea
and spoke.
"Big Sis, I love you and thank you for everything!"
Usagi thanked Andrea once again and Andrea smiled and answered.
"You are very much welcome. I will keep in touch with you. Okay?"
Andrea spoke once again and Usagi nodded her head. Both Andrea and John
Ross boarded the plane and it took off.
Usagi had urged the school to give her past school work that she missed and over
the next month after her return, she caught up with her school work and with her
new dedication and determination, Usagi's grades improve. And this day, Mamoru
and Usagi met to go on a date. Usagi wore the dress that had the red roses on it that
Andrea gave her.
"Usako, you look beautiful."
Mamoru told her.
"Thanks Mamo-Chan."
Usagi thanked him. Usagi's renewed life in Tokyo hadn't been easy but with her friends
and her family, her grades improved and everyone looked up to Usagi. But some of the
old Usagi was still there. And she still loved the same chocolate milkshake, muffin, and
an apple that she always ordered and she still loved video games. The Senshi were
glad that somethings with Usagi didn't change, but Usagi was determined to fulfill her
dream to follow in the footsteps of Andrea whom Usagi considered her Big Sister.
Author's After thought:
I enjoyed writing this story. If you know anyone who has become a victim of a crime
like what Usagi had experienced please seek help. You may save someone's life.
Until next time, Crystal Knight signing off!
This chapter was completed on: 03/20/2019
The Girl Without A Past is owned by the Crystal Knight. Sailor
Moon is owned by their proper copyrights. Any names in this story
is made up and if they do exist, it's merely coincidental.