Hello ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls my name is The Azure Reaper the translator of A New Beginning. You see, this isn't my story, the true author is DARK-ZERO-0000 I ask his permission if I can translate his story in English, fixing the grammar as well keeping the story true to the original context.
If you want to read the original story go to Un Nuevo Comienzo by: DARK-ZERO-0000. Fair warning it's in Spanish as I said before this is an English translation.
DBZ and High School DXD is owned by their respected creators and the Fanfiction belongs to DARK-ZERO-0000.
Chapter 1
This wasn't supposed to happen.
Pressed into a corner, Gohan breath heavily his body decorated, of scorch marks from the various Ki blast. His orange gi was in ruins, his orange pants and blue shirt was filled had burnt out holes, under normal situation he would have received some sort of help from his friends and family, but that's no longer an option. Everyone he had ever known were dead, killed by this very monster responsible for his injuries. This abomination had annihilated almost all of humanity, leaving only three survivors, Dende, Mr. Satan and his dog.
'Damn!' Gohan clench his teeth, tighten his fits, 'if only I killed him when I had the chance.'
"What happened to that power you showed before?" Came a small chuckle of the pink monster. Wearing loose white pants along with a black belt and a yellow buckle with the letter [M] with it, and a blue king vest with yellow lumps on its shoulders as well the nape, along with wrists of the same blue of the vest.
'Damn it!' Thought the Demi Saiyan looking upwards to at the pink monster, 'Not even the power of Old Kai released within me would be enough to defeat Buu.'
"Why aren't you attacking me?" said the new Buu with a cheeky grin.
"..." Gohan could only look down, as beads of sweat began to pour.
"Well..." Buu lingered as taking each step towards Gohan, "it seems that you have already noticed the differences between our powers." Buu continues as he stares down at the Demi Saiyan.
'I can't beat him... He's too strong.' Gohan shut his eyes leaving a scowl, 'What can I do'
"What's wrong?" Buu tease, getting a better view of the Demi Saiyan face, "Cat got your tongue?"
"..." Once again, there was no response.
"You don't want to answer, huh?" Buu stated, "Well... I think it's time to finish you off as I did with your friends," the monster continued with a sadistic smile as Gohan shudder at his last comment.
'Damn!' The black-haired boy thought in rage remembering how his friends and family were slaughtered by the monster floating above him.
Without thinking twice Gohan tried to surprise Buu with a burst of Ki energy to Buu face, trying to wipe that cocky grin. But Buu prepared himself, he crouched backwards so the blast would pass over him. Stretching his arm like taffy, grabs Gohan by the face, dragging him against several deserted mountains not before reaching an abrupt stop with a mountain much bigger than the others.
"So that's the best you can do?" Asked the pink monster as his left arm shrank to its normal length.
"Shut up!" Shouted the black-eyed boy as he shoves off the mountain's debris, while shooting multiple Ki blasts at Buu.
Gohan shot upwards Buu, he retracted his right fist for a fatal blow at Buu face, taking a single step aside he avoids Gohan blow with ease, grabbing his wrist in the process. Taking notice of what just happen Gohan did a round house kick at Buu hip, unfortunately Buu his upper and lower torso separate themselves like putty.
'What the hell?' the Demi-Saiyan saw Buu split himself into two halves, then his stretch out body regenerate itself.
Seeing the opportunity Buu lower torso kick Gohan with such force that he crashes landed a new mountain, as the debris covered Gohan body.
"Kaa..."Came a voice of the mountain, "Meeee..." Continue the voice taking more force with each second, "Ha..." A light began coming out as the mountain rubble, "Meeee..." The small rocks were lifted by an incredible blue light radiated, "Haaaaaa!" Out of nowhere a giant beam of blue light shot out of the rubble toward Buu.
The beam continued its trajectory toward the monster while destroying everything in its path. Buu remained calm as he saw the beam approaching him.
Twenty-seven feet, ten meters, three meters and at the last moment Buu retracted his hand and then directed it forward while releasing his own pink beam. The two beams energies collided abruptly, creating a shock wave of their surroundings, as the pink beam began to consume Gohan attack.
Gohan watched in horror as the beam of energy starting to swallow his own and continuing its path towards himself.
"Idiot... Nobody, nobody can beat Super Buu!" he laughed manically as the pink monster, put more energy into his attack.
'Damn,' the giant pink energy began to reach at Gohan direction, causing him to slide back by the sheer force, 'I can't let him destroy the Earth!'
'I got to beat him...' using all of Gohan energy he deflects the pink energy to the Earth's atmosphere.
"Ha!" Gohan shouted as he expelled all his power deflecting the beam as far away as possible.
The energy beam flew out of the atmosphere and then exploded to an unknown planet far from the Earth, followed by a flash of a blinding pink light.
"T-that was everything I had," the Demi Saiyan gasped as he fell on all fours.
"You see better days?" Came a voice in front of him, a voice he knew too well, the voice of one who admired so much, "Son?" the voice continues as Gohan look up hoping this fight didn't lose his sanity.
When Gohan lifted himself up he saw an orange gi just like his own, only that his newcomer was a better condition. He has onyx eyes just like his own the same color hair just like him, but the huge difference that his hair was pointing in Several directions. While Gohan hair was pointing straight ahead, this man was none other than Son Goku the world greatest hero.
"Dad?" Gohan blink rapidly, making sure that he wasn't delusional.
"Of course, It's me." Goku tilted his head, "Who do you think I was?" Goku asks as he scratches the back of his head scalp.
"B-but... What are you doing here?" Gohan gasped, "I thought you can't come back to life?" he kept asking trying to regain his composure.
"Will you see…"
"This can't be happening!" Goku shouted as his sight was glued at the glass ball, showing an image of a battered Gohan failing to land a hit on Buu.
"Gohan lost the only chance to defeat Buu." exclaim an elderly voice.
The owner of this voice was a very short old man. His skin was purple he had white hair that stood up in a line leaving the sides of his scalp bald. He wore a sleeveless suit of dark blue spandex that came down to his knees, joining that suit was a colored red scarf and a button in a corner of the chest. Underneath he wears a loose tunic that covered his whole body, along with yellow earrings hanging on his pointy ears. This man is the guardian of the universe known as Supreme Old Kai.
"The universe is lost, " said another voice, with distress in his tone.
This man wore the same clothes as his elderly counterpart the only difference was the color scheme, that variant of his clothing. His spandex was red instead of blue and wear an orange handkerchief. He had long white hair, that reach to lower back and pink skin, this man was known as Kibito Kai.
"His power is much greater than before," Goku pointed out, "At this rate Gohan, going to die!"
"I see that there is no other choice."
"What are you talking about ancestor?" Kibito Kai question.
"Goku must go and help Gohan," the Old Kai stated sees no other solution.
"What!?" Goku exclaim, not sure what the old man was saying, "But I'm already dead, I can't go back."
"Don't worry I'll give you my life." said the old man stunning everyone.
"What?!" Kibito shouted shock of what the elder was suggesting, "This is unheard of, Old Kai you shouldn't give your life for a simple mortal."
"Kibito!" Said the Supreme Kai putting more force in his tone getting his assistant's attention, "Remember that they are the only ones who can stop Majin Buu." continue the Old Kai, while staring at his descendent with determination in his eyes that once were weary.
"But you don't have to do it ancestor, take my life instead" Kibito pleaded.
"Don't be a fool boy!" the old man snaps at the young Kai, who flinch of his elder words, "You are too young and you have so much to live for."
"Seriously?" Goku gawked at Old Kai in disbelief, "Thank you, Old Kai, you won't regret this." he gives a small bow in gratitude.
Without saying a word, the Old Kai sat down, legs cross and closed his as if he was meditating, after a few seconds nothing happened.
"Is he..." Goku wonder as he saw no movement from the Old Kai.
Not a word was said as both Goku and Kibito Kai as they stare at the elder Kai body in disbelief.
"He gave his life for me, " Goku clench his fists with tears threatening to leave, as his halo vanishes from his head as he was once living again, "I swear, your life will not be in vain." he swore with determination as he stares down at the elder Kai body.
"Just how stupid are you!?" shouted the old man as he jumped up, frightening both Goku and Kibito Kai "Where do you think I would end up!?" he kept ranting while the two were gawk struck.
"But anyway, it's time for you to get going." Old Kai clarified after finish his tantrum.
"R-right," was the only words Goku can spout, still processing of what just happen, he turned around and was about to use his Instant Transmission.
"Wait! Take this." Old Kai stopped Goku in his tracks, he took off his earrings giving to the baffle Saiyan, "They're called Potara earrings, you can fuse with anyone if said person also wear the other pair."
"Like the fusion technique?" Goku asked while gawking at Old Kai earrings.
"Something similar, only more powerful, with no time limit." Old Kai finish explaining, shocking every once more.
"Really?" Goku wonder, tightly squeezing the earrings with more determination than ever.
"Yes, but now it's time for you to go."
"Got it..." Goku placed two fingers on his forehead, "Good-bye" was the last thing he said before you disappeared from the Supreme planet.
Back with Gohan and Goku
"And that's what happened."
"Wow." Was the only thing Gohan can say as he picks himself up from the rubble hearing every detail of the events that transpire and to say it astonish the Demi-Saiyan would be an understatement.
"Interesting..." came a malevolent voice gaining the attention of two heroes. It was Buu, who was sitting on a nearby rock, "When I'm done with you two, I'll go pay a visit." Buu continued as he rose from his rock.
"How much did you hear?" Goku panic.
"Enough to not let you two, fuse." was all Buu said as he skyrockets towards Goku and Gohan direction.
"Damn!" Goku shouted as he turned into SSJ3, "Gohan catch!" He shouted again as he threw the earring towards Gohan.
"Huh?" Gohan responds being taken back by the sudden outburst of his father, which caused the earring to pass by him and to be lost in the rubble that was once part of a mountain, "Damn!" He cursed as he dug up the rubble where the earring failed.
"I won't allow it!" Buu shouted atop of his lungs, as he left out a burst of pink energy from his mouth heading in Gohan direction, which caused the rocks to flutter on all sides along with the earring, luckily the blast wasn't destructive enough to physically hurt or killed Gohan.
"Gohan there they are!" Goku shouted to his son, pointing to the earring location, "Go get it! I'll take care of Buu!" Goku continue as he flew towards the pink monster.
Goku kicked Buu in the stomach, with such a great force that sent pink monster headfirst towards a small mountain causing yet again a small explosion. This only anger Buu as he let a snarl, play time was over.
With that Buu disappeared and reappeared behind Goku kicking behind the Saiyan back, sending the SSj3 crashing down to the rocky field.
"Haaa!" Goku shouted from his position as he shot towards Buu.
The two godlike beings exchange blows with each punch and kicks can destroy the planet with ease, unfortunately Buu was landing more hit's forcing Goku to take the defense position.
Using Instant Transmission Goku was able to teleport behind Buu, blasting him with a sphere of energy, sending the pink monster crashing down a once grassy field, but now a barren wasteland by the chaos Buu brought. Quickly Buu raises up firing multiple energy sphere towards Goku direction, whom begins dodges the barrage of energy as fast he could. Buu fires a last wave of pink energy, as he uses all of his strength to increase his speed to sneak a top on Goku, giving him a fearsome ax kick causing Goku crashing down to the rocky field.
'Where is it?' Gohan thought desperately as he heard the shock waves from the battle to his direction, 'Dad can't keep this up, I have to hurry up!' he kept thinking as he searched through all the rubble until he saw a small glimmer of light, it was the Potara earrings. "Here it is!" Gohan shouted, calling the attention of the two fighters.
"Did you find it?" Goku asked as he rose from the rubble, "Wear it before-" he was cut off as Buu shot right pass by Goku.
"I won't let you!" shouted the pink monster.
"Damn it!" Gohan murmured as he tried to put the earring in his right ear, in a panic.
"You think I'll let you fu-" Buu didn't get to finish as he halted in midair; his eyes widen when hears stomach growling like a wild animal that haven't eaten for weeks. Buu then felt a sharp pain in his stomach, he clutches stomach in pure agony, feeling like someone was tearing him apart from the inside out.
Both Gohan and Goku stop what they were doing as they were left in a daze of what's going on.
Booom! There was a small explosion leading to a blinding light, as the light faded the Saiyan and the Demi-Saiyan notice Buu the new set of clothes. Still wearing the same white baggy pants with the buckle of it with the letter M, but his vest was replaced by a white turban cape covering up the extremely long shoulder pads.
"It's Piccolo clothes!" Goku pointed out the obvious.
"And his power decreases considerably." Gohan added with a wolfish grin as the tables turn.
"What-what!?" Buu stated horrify by the change of events, feeling his once high-power level decrease indescribably.
"You should know that the fusion only lasts for thirty minutes," Goku added, "and it look like your time ran out."
"This can't be..." Buu stated in disbelieve.
"You are no longer a threat anymore," Goku stated, making the Buu angrier than he was before, "I don't even need to Gohan help to beat you." he continued making his way towards the pink monster.
'I wasn't expecting this!' Buu thought in frustration forgetting the time limit merge from the two brats, 'Damn it, now what?' he kept thinking, figuring out a way out of this mess, until his vision caught his tail was covered by the rumble, "Perfect. " He couldn't believe his luck, his tail is at walking distance towards Gohan.
"Ready to lose Buu." Goku declared.
"HaHaHaHaHa!" Buu cackle uncontrollably confusing both Goku and Gohan.
"What is he laughing about? " Gohan asks his father as the pink goo was inching closer to the Demi-Saiyan.
"What's so funny!?" Goku demand.
"You fool..." Buu stated as he looked up towards Goku, "Do you really think you'd beat me?" Buu continues while secretly giving orders to his tail.
"Well, yeah..." a confuse Goku answer preparing what tricks the pink monster was planning, "Your energy level decreased drastically. You have no chance!"
"For now." Buu finish as a large piece of pink goo, jump towards Gohan, covering the Demi-Saiyan the pink goo.
"Gohan!" Goku shouted in pure terror.
"What the hell!?" was the last thing Gohan last word as the pink substance finished devouring him, in a last act of deviance Gohan throw the Potro earrings to Goku, blindly hoping that his father can fuse with someone else.
Gohan Mind
There was nothing but a black void, surrounding the Demi-Saiyan. Everything around Gohan from left, right, back and forth wherever you looked there was only darkness, there was nothing.
'I'm I dead?' Gohan wonder in his thoughts after looking around his surroundings, 'Maybe I'm not dead.' Gohan doubted. 'Dad said that when he died, he went to purgatory.'
Speaking of his father. What happened? How did he get here? What happened to Buu? Was Buu defeated? Was the Earth safe?
"Kakarot!" came the voice of a certain arrogant prince whom Gohan knew all too well, "I found the Namekian and the brats!" shouted the voice making Gohan frantic, as he looks around his surroundings knowing who the voice belongs to.
"Vegeta!" Gohan shouted, trying to get the Prince of all Saiyan's attention, "Where are you?"
"Vegeta, we got to find a way out!" Gohan eyes widen, knowing the last voice belong to his father.
"Dad!" Gohan screamed, trying to get his father's attention, "Where are you?!" He shouted again, but no one answer.
"Now he's a kid?" Came the voice of a confuse Goku.
"Damn it! He destroys the Earth with that!" said the frustrated voice of Vegeta, making Gohan eyes widen.
"No!" Gohan shouted in determination as he was thinking, a way out of this realm, "I won't let the Earth be destroyed!"
"AHAAAA!" he screams releasing every single ounce of his energy trying to escape this dimension, "I won't give up!" Gohan kept shouting as he begins to reach the peak of his power as a blue energy sphere surround the young Demi-Saiyan
A breaking sound was heard, followed by a bright light that appeared out of nowhere and covering the black void.
"What?!" was all that Gohan said before feeling that his body was being torn from the inside out, then everything went black.