I can't believe it guys, we're actually at the end, I just want to take a second to thank everyone has helped make these one-shots possible if it wasn't for all of you guys who left me kudos and comments, I don't know what I would have done with this story, you guys have made this the best for me and I thank you for all for giving me this chance so with that let's begin the last chapter.
Chapter 18 - A Tale As Old As Time
April 21st 2016
The current inhabitants of the house always liked to walk around the area, taking in all the sights and views around them, living an everyday normal life with no more than a few words in passing and mostly the teenagers taking their selfies with captions like "loving the weather" or "isn't he cute" but the one part that no-one could quite understand was how two gravestones had came to lie outside their back garden.
From the many years of dirt and rust, the words had become hard to read and harder to understand but they knew someone important must have lived here, something important must have happened here.
The local shopping mall contained a few odd shops, each one as unique and small as the other but there was always something that stuck out to every shopper.
The name of the shopping mall itself.
This name was unlike any that anyone had ever heard before, what sort of person would name a child Le Fou, it just wasn't the sort of name one would normally hear in conversation but a few months after the shopping mall had first been built and named, there come about a story about a young man named Le Fou who lived in a beautiful house on the outskirts of the village, a man who loved to dance and performing and had had a perfect life, he had met a man named Gaston and the two had been living together, enjoying each others company and living in the name of themselves.
Then the two young men had become intertwined together and fought through many hardships and high and lows ultimately ending in the death of the first man, Gaston at the young age of twenty-five after he plunged to his death from a high building though no-one could tell anyone else much else more to the story apart from this.
The other man, Le Fou had continued to live in the house, packing up Gaston's things slowly day by day and becoming more and more reserved, keeping to himself apart from the odd occasional time he would visit his other friend Stanley in prison - the other man it seemed had hired a rapist and gotten himself into a lot of trouble - asking him about his days and what good things he had learned this time.
In the October of 1828, Stanley was released from Prison, heading immediately to his friend's house and the two connected again, staying together and even being wed in a small ceremony with only close friends and family being present.
The couple raised a couple of kids from the orphanage together until Stanley suddenly died at the age of sixty-five from pneumonia, he had been unwell for quite some time before that and Le Fou helped with the grandkids, letting them play in the yard and even be there for the burial of his beloved a few weeks later, burying him in the graveyard beside his village whilst Gaston's grave was dug outside his house, a floral arrangement outside that Le Fou would change every week.
And so Le Fou lived watching his kids grow up and have grandkids and the grandkids starting to have grandkids of their own.
Le Fou lived to be a ripe old age.
He was eighty five when death finally caught up, gripping a hold of him and tugging painfully tight, he died suddenly in his sleep so unexpected but yet expected that the village stayed in mourning for weeks, erecting a statue of the great hero himself before lying him to rest peacefully beside Gaston in his own back garden, a symbol of the two loves being together forever.
And that had been the story as far back as anyone could remember, the story of Le Fou, Gaston and Stanley and yet through the quite of the air one could swear that they could still hear Le Fou singing in his back garden each morning, Gaston hunting in the forest with his bark of a laugh and even Stanley drinking in the tavern, all three men with their lives intertwined but yet pulled apart at the strangest of times.
But the one story that no-one would ever forget was the story of how a beautiful girl met a monstrous beast and fell in love with him, the beast turning out to be a prince and the two lived happily ever after until their deaths and their children took over, leading a life that most had only dreamed about.
It was strange for the current residents to think that there stories could be interlinked as such but it was true, life before their birth might have been different but they were all related to it somehow.
Especially one small factor.
And that was a beautiful young girl named Heather.
She looked so much like her parents and yet so much like her relatives before her that no-one might be able to tell who she really belonged to.
This young girl was the great-great-great granddaughter of one Le Fou (Julian) and Stanley.
She lived in her great-great-great grandfather's house with her mother and father, being told the stories of the three man every day from her young days to her old age and would even tell her own children the story once she was of perfect age to mother such brilliant children.
But until then, she would always have the stories and the memories.
It was a tale as old as time.
The End
Oh my god, I can't believe it. I'm actually at the end of this story. What did you guys think? Did you guys enjoy taking the journey with me? Did you agree or disagree with the ending and would you like to see me do any other beauty and the beast stories apart from my other one Too Much, Never.
I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this and will keep it in your hearts forever. I know I will.
Thanks again for this incredible journey.