
Summary: Rumours surrounding the elusive warlock Emrys are circulating Camelot. Arthur makes it his mission to find him before such immense power can cause the destruction of his kingdom.

A/N: Thank u for all the love! Astounding honestly thank u. I will try to update sooner in the future x

Chapter 5: The Forest of Ascetir (Part One)

"Do you think, if Emrys really is following us –"

"-that he'll rescue us from falling to our deaths?"

The border between the kingdoms of Camelot and Essetir was marked by a deep gully in the landscape – too wide to cross on foot but for a treacherous bridge. Slats of wood were cracked and missing from the path and barriers made of long, thin braches precariously lined the sides. Merlin dismounted and looked down into the gully below. There was no surviving a fall from this height onto the rocks underneath.

"We will have to continue on foot", Arthur announced, dismounting his own horse and tethering him loosely to a tree some way from the edge. Merlin did the same, making sure to tie his mount in a way that would ensure she could tug free if necessary. "If we travel further south we can cross on horseback, but that would add an extra day to our journey". The king cast a scrutinising eye over the rickety bridge, placing a hand on the crude railing. "It was not deemed necessary to maintain these bridges with Camelot and Essetir's failing alliance".

Merlin retrieved his satchel and made his way over to the perilous structure. Gwaine was peering over the rocky edge of the chasm and Elyan had moved further on in the hopes of finding a place they could jump. There was no way that they would all make it to the other side, Merlin decided - the bridge looked like it might collapse if a rabbit hopped on it the wrong way, let alone a fully-grown man. Unless -

"Let me go first, sire".

Arthur turned to him incredulously. "Merlin-"

"I am the lightest – and I'm not wearing armour", the servant pointed out, indicating the chain-mailed knights. "Once I have crossed safely, you can all follow".

The knights were looking between each other uncertainly, knowing that he was right but unwilling to let him go all the same. Merlin took the opportunity to send Lancelot a significant look. The knight immediately understood.

"He is right, sire", he said. Merlin nodded along in agreement. "Merlin will be able to tell us if it is safe to cross once he reaches the other side".

Reluctantly, Merlin could tell, Arthur nodded. Merlin stepped forward, but the king caught his arm before he could move onto the bridge.

"Just-", Arthur looked uncertainly at the piece of shoddy craftsmanship, "if it doesn't feel safe, come back".

"Never knew you cared".

Arthur rolled his eyes, the corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk, and let go of his servant's arm. Merlin smiled reassuringly and stepped over to the bridge. Now all he had to do was cast reinforcement spells as he walked, and they could all cross the gully unscathed and none the wiser. He felt the knights' concern at his back as he cautiously stepped onto the bridge, his eyes shining gold unseen from the first step. The timber creaked ominously under him as it became infused with his magic, but by the time he stepped intact onto solid ground on the other side, the bridge was no longer as dangerous as it looked.

"It's fine!" he called, turning to smile encouragingly at his friends on the other side, and adding a thumbs-up for good measure. He watched as the well-built men looked between each other uncertainly, casting the bridge dubious glances, and Merlin tried to wordlessly tell Lancelot that he would be safe to cross. The knight gave him a look, but nodded determinedly and slowly made his way across the bridge. Lancelot never ceased to amaze Merlin by the amount of trust he had in him.

Seeing one of their own make it unscathed to the other side seemed to harden the knights' resolve, and one by one they steadily made their way across the bridge. Even Percival, who likely weighed much more than the rest, took slow and deliberate steps over the gully. It was tedious work, but at least Merlin knew for certain that none of them would be falling to their deaths. His magic had made sure of that.

Now, safely within Lot's kingdom, the party of seven wandered the forest of Ascetir in search of the druids. When he had decided to lead them all here on this pointless quest, Arthur seemed to have overlooked the fact that this forest was very large and very dense, and that he no longer recognised the route to the druid cave from several years ago. As a result, the king had them searching the forest tirelessly for the remainder of that day, camping in the forest overnight, and then continuing on their quest at dawn. It was not until sunset on the second day that they made any headway.

They had once again decided to make camp and continue their search on the morrow - the knights were setting up their bedrolls in a small clearing, Merlin was scrubbing dirt from his cooking pot and Arthur was resting against a nearby tree. The lack of success concerning his quest to find Emrys had the king's patience wearing thin. Merlin could only hope that he'd give up this useless search and lead them home.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps reached Merlin's ears. He froze, listening intently to the forest around him, but the footsteps had stopped. By the looks of it, Arthur had heard it too. The king's eyes had shot open and he stood ready, drawing his sword and facing the surrounding trees.

"Declare yourself!"

The knights stilled, drawing their swords soundlessly. There was silence in the forest until Merlin heard it again. Footsteps – more than one set - and the unmistakeable sound of a cloak trailing across the leaf-strewn forest floor.

In the dimming light, the silhouettes of three hooded figures emerged from between the trees. Merlin breathed a sigh of relief. Druids, he surmised, glad to have finally found them. The hoods of their cloaks were pulled up, obscuring their faces from view, but Merlin did not doubt that was what they were. Arthur was eyeing the strangers with suspicion.

For several long moments the knights and the newcomers watched one another, and no one said a word. Merlin glanced between them. It was strange for the druids to have sought them out - from what little Merlin knew of their kind, they preferred to keep to themselves, and remain out of sight where possible. They must have had good reason to willingly walk into a camp comprising the King of Camelot and five of his finest knights. Finally, the druid in the middle strode forwards and lowered his hood, revealing white hair and a kind face.

"King Arthur", he greeted, inclining his head towards Arthur politely.

Merlin looked over at the king, to find Arthur studying the man with a growing recognition. His tense shoulders seemed to relax and he nodded respectfully in return as he sheathed his sword. The knights followed his example.

"We have met before", Arthur declared, studying the man's face, "yet I do not know your name".

"My name is Iseldir, King Arthur", the druid replied, stepping further into the clearing. His wizened stare travelled between all those present in the clearing. Elyan seemed to shift under his lingering gaze.

"Please", Arthur said, extending a hand towards Iseldir, "call me Arthur".

Iseldir did not reach out immediately. Merlin thought it likely that he was remembering the last time he and Arthur had met - when the then prince's sword had been held threateningly against the throat of a druid child. After a beat, during which Merlin shuffled nervously from foot to foot, Iseldir too reached out and firmly grasped the extended forearm.

"I must ask you", Arthur queried, releasing the druid chieftains arm from his grasp. "How is it that you came by us? We have been wondering this forest near two days in search of you, yet found nothing".

Iseldir smiled. "My companions and I have the ability to sense the life within this forest. Every tree, every insect… every person. Your presence here has not gone unnoticed".

The knights shared wary glances, Merlin amoung them. If the druids knew they were here, who else might?

"Allow me to introduce my companions", Iseldir continued, drawing their attention once again. The druids who had arrived with Iseldir – largely unnoticed until now – stepped forward into the clearing and lowered their hoods.

"My nephew, Aeron", Iseldir introduced, indicating the man to his right. He appeared to be no older than Merlin, with sandy brown hair that reached his shoulders and a freckled face. "And Dilys, a trusted advisor". To Iseldir's left stood a young woman, with piercing blue eyes and wavy auburn hair. Both young druids bowed graciously towards Arthur, their faces kind.

"Pleasure to meet you", Arthur acknowledged, nodding to each of them in turn. "My knights", he introduced, extending an arm towards them, "and my servant, Merlin".

As one, the druids' stares found Merlin, standing motionless in the centre of the clearing with an empty cooking pot grasped in his hands. He smiled weakly, trying to stress with his eyes that they not make any indication they recognised him. Merlin hoped that their apparent interest in him would not raise any questions amoung the knights. Several seconds passed, then all three druids tilted their heads in greeting. Merlin breathed a sigh of relief and returned a greeting of his own.

"You search for Lord Emrys".

Merlin's breath caught. He and the knights all looked towards Dilys at the declaration. She appeared to be examining Arthur intently.

"Yes", the king confirmed, frowning. "Lord Emrys? Is he of the nobility?"

Dilys shook her head, seeming amused at Arthur's ignorance. "The coming of Lord Emrys has been prophesised since the dawn of magic itself", she explained. "He holds many titles amoung our people, bestowed upon him for his great wisdom and extraordinary power. I do not believe he is of the nobility as defined by your people, but he has earnt the title amoung ours".

"And to your people", Gwaine ventured, "he is your… king?" Merlin grimaced.

"He is the one whom we serve, and to whom we pledge our allegiance", answered Iseldir. His eyes met Arthurs. "And Lord Emrys is loyal only to you, Arthur Pendragon – the Once and Future King".

Merlin eyed Arthur nervously. The king was frowning deeply, clearly unsure what to make of this proclamation of Emrys' loyalty. Merlin could appreciate that until recently, the concept of a powerful sorcerer aiding the King of Camelot was a foreign concept, and remained difficult for the king to comprehend.

"I am grateful", Arthur said sincerely. Merlin wished he knew what the king was thinking. Then, unexpectedly, Arthur grinned and strolled over to his servant to slap a strong hand on his shoulder. Merlin's heart beat wildly in his chest.

"My servant was just about to cook us some dinner", the king announced. Merlin let out a breath in relief. "I hope you will be able to join us?"

Once again, the eyes of each druid came to rest on the servant. Merlin smiled, trying to communicate the deep sense of gratitude he felt at their proclamation of loyalty, but thought it may have come out as more of a nervous grimace. Aeron, Iseldir's newly introduced nephew, laughed loudly, his eyes glinting with humour.

"I would be glad to offer my assistance", he said, strolling easily into the camp. Merlin grinned in return and dropped his pot onto the forest floor, gesturing for Aeron to follow him out of the clearing in search of firewood.

It was not until they were completely out of earshot of their companions that the druid spoke again. Hearing his footsteps break, Merlin turned to find Aeron down on one knee, his head bowed before him. Merlin's eyebrow's rose in disbelief.

"It is an honour to meet you, Lord Emrys". The young man's voice seemed to quiver in excitement.

Merlin shifted uncertainly and almost reached out to lift the druid to his feet. He knew what he meant to these people, even if he did not fully understand it, but to see this genuine devotion before his eyes was a new experience entirely. One that he wasn't sure he was wholly comfortable with. He did not feel he deserved to be bowed to, as though he were a king.

"It's great to meet you too, Aeron", he started after some deliberation, "but please, don't bow. And none of this 'Lord' nonsense, either. Call me Merlin".

The druid looked up, and Merlin was surprised to see the wide smile that had spread across his face.

"It is far from 'nonsense', my lord", he said, climbing to his feet. "The power you possess is… is beyond our ability to even comprehend. I can feel it - it is as if it is radiating off of you even now. It is an honour to be in your presence".

Merlin opened his mouth to protest.

"But, if you wish it" Aeron continued before Merlin could speak, "I shall call you by your given name".

"Thank you", Merlin said, offering the man a genuine smile. "I have not encountered many druids in my past, nor had the opportunity to speak with many other magic users, living in Camelot". He bent to collect a bit of kindling from the forest floor.

"I can imagine that it is difficult", Aeron agreed, reaching over and taking the wood from the servant's hands. Merlin frowned. "Know that we are loyal to you, Merlin, and that we are prepared to serve you, should you ever call upon us".

"Thank you", Merlin said sincerely, completely dumbfounded once again. "I do not know what I have done to inspire such loyalty, but know that I am grateful for it nonetheless". He bent to collect more firewood, only to find it taken from his arms as soon as he stood.

"Why did you find us?" he asked, baffled.

Aeron stilled. His eyes met Merlin's, and the glint of humour in them was gone.

"We have come to warn you, Emrys. There is danger in this forest, and it is not to be taken lightly". Merlin nodded, gesturing for him to continue. "A vindictive sorcerer with little magic of his own has harnessed the power of a crystal stolen from the Crystal Cave. He is using it to drain the magic of sorcerers and wield it as his own. His intentions are misguided, Emrys, and he is dangerous. Several of our people have already been taken and their magic stolen, never to be reclaimed. Some, he allowed to return to us, alive but powerless. Others… weren't so lucky".

"Their magic…" Merlin whispered, "gone?"

"Entirely", Aeron confirmed. "You must be careful, Merlin. Leave this place".

Merlin agreed. He would not allow this man to steal his magic at any cost. The consequences would be catastrophic, and that was putting it lightly. He would make sure they left this forest by dawn tomorrow.

By now, the sun had almost disappeared past the horizon, and the air grew colder as darkness approached. Merlin gathered a final few pieces of kindling from the forest floor, only to throw his hands up in exasperation when Aeron reached over and once again stole the wood from his arms. "Why do you keep doing that?"

Aeron frowned, looking down at his arms laden with firewood as though he had not realised he was doing it. Then, to Merlin's bewilderment, he smiled.

"I realise that you are… unused to this, Merlin. But…", the druid gathered the wood more securely in his arms. "I will not allow Lord Emrys to prepare my meal".

Merlin, speechless, merely gaped at him. Then, shaking his head at the absurdity of druids, lead the way back through the trees towards their camp, Aeron chuckling in his wake.

10/07/18 - This chapter was very, very long (as in, double this length long) so I decided to break it up. Thank you again for all the love and reviews! x