I do not own Ah my Goddess or its characters.

Family affair

Some three months after Keiichi and Belldandy had gotten married(after the drama of the events surrounding Hagal's failed coup in Niflheimr), the head of the Goddess Council, Supreme Proctor of the Judgement Gate, Wife of the Daitenkaicho, and mother of Bell-chan, skuld chan, and stepmother of Urd-chan, Ansuz, finally had time to sit down in her office and review all the cases that had been decided by the Judgement Gate over the last few months.

Indeed, running the Judgement Gate was a busy and thankless job, and one which was made all the more sad by the fact that most of the copules being tested failed. Indeed, as Ansuz herself noted, while running the diagnostics on the Gate, there had been over the last one year a total of some 1,385,489 failures across twenty universes, and one success….the success being her daughter and Keiichi. That her daughter and Keiichi had passed the test had been something of a miracle, and indeed had surprised the denizens of Heaven, and (she had recently heard from her friendly enemy the Daimakaicho Hild) Niflheimr too. There had been a lot of talk, but no one had questioned the integrity of the test….for now.

It was while she was reviewing the holo-data from that particular test involving her daughter and son-in law that Ansuz noticed something strange about the data itself. Unless her eyes were deceiving her, the data seemed to indicate that the Gate had been hacked….and in this case, there was only one culprit….even without noting the distinctive traces of his signature that still remained….her dear husband Tyr. Further review of the data indicated that while the integrity of the test as a whole had not been violated,….indeed, her husband may have even improved on it by his actions in making the test a bit harder for their new son-in law, his activities in doing so were…to say the least…..a bit…risky…and dangerous as far as their son in law was concerned.

Indeed, the more she looked at the data, and played back some video of the events, the more angrier she became. Her husband had been something of a trickster in his youth, and had played a lot of tricks on mortals and divines in the past…to the point that some even thought he had been following in the footsteps of his lamented uncle Loki., but over the years, he had settled down, and even become more kinder…or so she thought. Looking at the data from the test, not only had he not lost his trickster ways,but he had endangered the life of their son-in law in the process.

The more she looked at the data, the angrier she became…until she suddenly stood up , and left her office in a big huff, slamming the door violently and startling her secretary, a young goddess by the name Milan.

'Milan', Ansuz said quietly, 'I will be out of the office for the rest of the day. Cancel all my appointments, and reschedule them for the next available date. I am going to see my husband on very urgent business'.

The way she said the words 'my husband' sent a chill down goddess second class Milan's spine. Her usually kind and soft spoken boss was angry, and very much so.

'Yes mistress', Milan responded, and Ansuz left the office in..well….a hurry. Milan was quiet for a few seconds, then quickly and calmly began carrying out her boss' orders. When the boss was angry…everyone best be on their toes..she thought.

Lord Tyr was a very busy man, but despite being really very busy, he always had time for his dear wife anytime, and as such she did not need to come to his office with an appointment. Neither, for that matter did his daughters…well, most of the time.

But right now, he was seriously considering revising that policy, especially as his wife was in his office right now…and not only was she not in a good mood, she was in a very very bad mood….a very angry life threatening mood…or to put it simply she was not a happy goddess, and well beyond the point of mollification.

'Er, good morning dearest, what a surprise' Tyr offered weakly. 'Do sit down please.'

His wife said nothing, neither did she sit down, but instead she slapped down a data cube and said simply….'Watch'

Lord Tyr slid the tiny cube into one of the five terminals in his office…and once again relived his 'interference' in the Judgment Gate trial of his daughter and new son-in law. Everything was there..including the bike race, the two near death experiences, and the interference by the Goddess of Decisions in the test.

Tyr watched it all to the end (he had to, after all) and when the holovisual was finished, he was quiet for a few moments , then said, in a calm voice 'Well, dear, I did do it to..well…sort of improve the integrity of the test, and also because I wanted to see if that mortal was really ready to commit to our daughter for life.I don't see what the problem reall-'

But he was not allowed to finish that thought , as his wife interrupted, coldly…Except that you turned a simple test of interspecies love into a life and death battle….and in the process nearly risked our son-in law's life…and nearly broke our daughter's heart.'

Tyr was about to respond to that., when his wife continued…in a very pained voice…Tyr, how could you? What exactly were you trying to prove? That you could end our son-in law's life just like that….to prove the integrity of a test? A test that has numerous failsafes to prevent tampering from any quarter? Our son-in -law could have died…and I would have been spending eons consoling one of our dear daughters as she mourned the loss of her beloved? Tyr, how could you be so heartless and so …evil. How could you be so…

But whatever thought Ansuz had was not completed, as Tyr stood up , angered at being labeled a heartless god, and said, in an angry voice…Look , woman, it was all for our Verdandi and the mortal's good! That test of yours was not tough enough a test of their love. I had to see if he was a strong and worthy man for our daughter's love. And I must let you know that I find your second guessing of my wise decision in this matter annoying. Very annoying . If you had not been my wife…He stopped realizing from the look on his wife's face that he had gone far. Too far.

There was silence for a few moments, then Ansuz said, in a sweet and coy voice…'Tyrrrie , dearie, I find it rather surprising that you do not trust our middle daughter's judgement . That girl as you think she still is is actually a grown and wise woman, and she has proven herself capable of making wise decisions time and time again in the past.''

Still speaking in the same coy voice, Ansuz continued…'Now then dear, in the next one hour, I am going to Midgard to pay a brief and long delayed visit to our daughter and her husband…correction our son. And you are coming with me .No butts whatsoever. And if I do not hear an apology from you during this very important visit Tyrrie dear….and at this point her voice became as cold as Valkiyre steel….you will suffer the consequences'.

Tyr blanched visibly on hearing the words 'suffer the consequences'….which he knew could mean anything from getting the silent treatment for the next several months, to being served his least favourite foods at mealtimes for a while, and to moving into the guestroom at their residence at night….until he , as his wife would put it…had suffered the consequences enough.

Later that evening, at a certain temple in a certain town in Japan, in that temple's Tea Room, four people sat down around a certain table, facing each other. Two of them were a certain mortal and his lovely wife who happened to be a goddess, and the other two were the goddess' parents…..with the mother wearing a rather fixed smile, and the father looking like he would be rather somewhere else.

Verðandi and Keiichi, dears, Ansuz began, Your Father has something important to tell both of you. Tyr, dear?

And poor old Tyr, said, in a rather humble voice, 'erm, Mr Morisato….no, son, I would like to apologize for my antics regarding the Judgement Gate test you and Verthandi went through.I am especially sorry for putting your life at risk as a result of my….er….antics.., and I do hope you would find it in your heart to forgive me, and to start over from here'

It was a humble apology, and probably the most humble apology the Daitenkaicho had had to make in his long life, and inwardly he was seething. But seeing the kind of glare coming from his wife's eyes despite the fixed smile…he knew he had to go through with it, or ….consequences.

Keiichi Morisato smiled rather embarrassedly, and said 'Don't worry Tyr-sama. I know that you really meant no malice in interfering, and I also know you did it because you really love your daughter, he said, squeezing Belldandy's(Verðandi's) hand as he said so'

'Well, all right' Tyr said, embarrassedly, while his wife explained to the copule…'I just found out about my husband's little manipulation of the test, and we decidied to come and pay you this visit to apologize after we discussed it' she said, giving Tyr a meaningful look as she said that…and Tyr said.. Yes, that's er right.,laughing embarassedly as he said so. Everyone else laughed...and the ice was truly broken.

Lord Tyr and Lady Ansuz visited with their daughter and son in law for another hour, and with their other children Urd and Skuld (who both had been out at the time of their parents arrival..…and came back some thirty minutes after their parents arrived)..before both of them returned back to Asgard, with a promise to visit again…soon.

Another project started. This would just be a series of one-shots. Enjoy!