The Testing of a Hero
How to Train Your Dragon two-shot by: M.J. Joyce-Crowling
A/N: Well, look who just got back into writing fan fiction! It's practically inevitable that I'm going to fall into the garbage can and be trash to a certain fandom once again. Fandom equals black hole, that's what I've always said.
Anyway, this is the first time I have a hand in writing a fanfic about the HTTYD series. I've been, like, a fan ever since I've seen the first movie and read the first book, but I never had the guts to write something about it (it may be due to a certain sleepy town in Oregon where they fear the beast with just one eye, but that's another story.) I also just finished book 12, and it's a train wreck of feels. So, basically this two-shot is a "What-if"; wherein the movie people (Hiccup, Astrid, the whole gang) are in the shoes of the book people. It's basically a retelling of chapters 10-11 of How to Betray a Dragon's Hero to the point-of-view of the movie selves. Also, this is set after the second installment of the series, so Stoick is dead (T-T). Okay, now that's out of the way, let's get into the story!
"Are you sure about this?"
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III peered through the seemingly crushing darkness, his heart hammering furiously. He shivered as the numbing cold of their previous dip in the ice-cold ocean began to seep into his ragged armor, chilling him to the bone. He clutched the Inferno tighter, his senses sharp and heightened, every sound magnified, alarming. What was he thinking? He shouldn't do this... this... this was madness. Utter madness.
He almost laughed bitterly. Then again, the whole world had caved in to madness.
It had been a year since Drago Bludvist took over the whole Barbaric Archipelago, and had taken charge of the war against the Dragons. Ruthless, brutal and cruel, he led the defense with precision and slaughter, enslaving both men and beasts that had ever gone against him. His men were merciless, unmoved by pity, doing more harm than good with their cleverly disguised dragon traps, enraging the beasts even further. Hiccup had been undoing these traps to best of his ability, hiding as both humans and dragons hunted him like prey. He had thus far eluded capture for nearly a year, but the utter loneliness and despair of being an Outcast, let alone the Traitor of the Whole Wilderwest, was starting to get to him. And he was vaguely sure it was only a matter of time before he would crack under the whole strain and burden of it. They were right; wars could change anybody.
But to play right into the hands of the enemy itself? An enemy, who, above everything else, wanted him-
He grimly shook the thoughts away. What choice did he have?
A snort had suddenly shattered his reverie. "Oh, come on, Princess Outpost! You're not actually going to chicken out on this one, are you? I know Drago's war bunker like I know my own face! Aren't you supposed to be the Boy-of-Destiny, or whatever?"
Hiccup glared at Snotlout, who was sitting proudly at the back of Hookfang, and was looking smugly back at him. They were hovering under the wooden platforms of Drago's underground city, which was built on stilts, right above the churning waters of Wrecker's Bay. Hiccup was on the back of Toothless, who was quickly cocking his head left to right. Once or twice he would let out a low whine, clearly uncomfortable. And if Hiccup was honest with himself, he too could sense it. There was something waiting for them around the bend, a specter that seemed to loom and cast its shadow, though he couldn't realize what it might be.
"Are you sure there isn't any other way around?" he asked, as the rickety hatch loomed just above them. "No any other entrances? Any weak spots?"
"I told you, Hiccup," Snotlout said impatiently, fishing a dagger out of his pocket. "The only way is through that hatch. No one would even notice us. We'd slip right in like a Whispering Death!" He flashed a confident smile at his cousin. "What's the matter? Don't you trust me?"
"This isn't even a well-thought plan," Hiccup said through gritted teeth, anxiously gazing at the hatch. He couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had gripped him… that something was bound to go wrong….
"Well, suit yourself," he shrugged. "I would have thought you'd like to see Astrid again. Wasn't it your fault she was captured in the first place?"
Hiccup bit his lip. The emphasis on "your fault" had hit him hard. Guilt suddenly welled up from his insides, so overwhelming it made him feel a little nauseous. It was true… it was his entire fault… If only he had listened to her in the first place…
He turned to the Night Fury. "Toothless… could you open the hatch for me, bud?"
The dragon was looking at him uncertainly. He quickly scratched his ears in comfort. Toothless purred, snuggling in closer. He smiled despite of himself. "It's okay," he murmured. "We'll be okay, bud. I promise."
A single breath from Toothless incinerated the locks, and the hatch fell open. Hiccup took a deep breath, before cautiously looking through.
Darkness. It was pitch-black darkness.
Snotlout cleared his throat. "Well, since I know this place better than anyone else, I'd better go in first." His eyes were overly bright. And then, putting the dagger between his teeth, he clambered over and vanished from view.
Hiccup swallowed. He started as Toothless nudged him at his sides. His scales were drooping, and his eyes were pleading him not to go. Hiccup blinked, and looked away, for a dragon's gaze was hypnotic and surreal.
"Stay here, you get me, bud?" he said softly. "Whatever happens, you have to stay here. I swear I'll get back to you."
With one last pat on the dragon's neck, Hiccup hauled himself onto the ledge of the hatch, and with some difficulty, scrambled up after Snotlout.
It was like stepping inside an endless void. Cold blackness seemed to reign over the place and stretch on forever. Hiccup squinted, trying to see where Snotlout was.
"Lout?" he whispered nervously, glancing about. "Lout, where are you?"
The muffled darkness was absolute. Hiccup's eyes tried to see desperately in the gloom, but there was nothing in sight.
He suddenly whipped around, heart banging loudly on his chest, sensing some unknown presence that had just passed through. Mouth dry, he began to edge back to the opening, fumbling with Inferno… Where was Snotlout? What had happened to him?
A faint rustle… heavy shuffling… and… and breathing?
His stomach dropped. It only meant one thing.
Betrayal. Treachery and betrayal.
It was too late.
Rough hands suddenly seized him, as the loud cries of the Dragon Trappers filled the room, wrestling the Inferno from his grasp. He kicked and fought with all his might, till a fist punched him hard in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. It wasn't long till they tackled him to the ground, pinning him there. "Got him!" a voice, low and gruff, declared as the unknown hands painfully gripped and twisted his arms at his back.
"Find the Night Fury! A voice roared, as the floor thundered with hundreds of footsteps scuffling and shuffling around. "Make sure it won't escape!"
"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" he screamed, squirming against his captors' grip. "GET AWAY FROM HIM! No… get OFF me, TOOTHLESS, GO!"
He pleaded with the Night Fury to leave in his mind as they roughly dragged him to his feet and pushed him into a dazzling light, into a room full of people. Hiccup tripped over his prosthetic foot and fell face-first to the floor, to the jeers and mocking laughter of an unseen crowd. He was shaking all over, as fear gripped him. It would be his fault if Toothless would be caught and enslaved... his life would be the price of Hiccup's very own stupidity….
The room suddenly subsided into silence. Hiccup heard deliberate, heavy footsteps coming closer as he struggled to sit up. But he kept his head down, the unkempt auburn hair shielding his green eyes, his posture in strong, rigid defiance. They may have captured him, but he won't give in to their stupid whims. He won't give him that satisfaction….
That is, until a hand grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled it upward, so that he was staring right into the eyes of the devil himself…. The devil who killed his father… ruined his whole world and brought it to ashes….
Hiccup clenched his fists, hatred flaring up inside him, as the demon smiled nastily, leaning even closer.
"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III," drawled Drago Bludvist, "nice of you to join us, Dragon Master."
A/N: If y'all read the books, I believe you know where this is going. I guess. I think?