Nayru the Gardevoir (Friend Ball, shiny)
Zero the Type: Null (Luxury Ball)
Sakura the Milotic (Lure Ball)
Inigo the Blaziken (Permier Ball, shiny)
Blake the Umbreon (Moon Ball, shiny)
Poipole (Beast Ball)
Eva the Salamence (Great Ball)
Primarina (Poke Ball)
Opal the Lycanroc (Fast Ball, Dusk Form)
Maple the Raichu (Love Ball, Alolan Form)
Reiki the Lucario (Ultra Ball)
Salazzle (Luxury Ball)
The warmth of the Alolan sunlight beating down on the face of Wes was the only reason he could tell he was back, as all of his other senses did not seem to be working at the moment. Despite his open eyes, he did not see. Despite his ears ringing to signify they were still there, they did not hear. Only touch seemed to work for him, as he felt a pair of strong arms lift him up and attempt to put him onto his feet, but they did not want to stand as he sank to his knees.
"Pull yourself together, kid!" Guzma's voice shouted, finally bringing him out of his brain's tormented thoughts.
"Guzma!" Lusamine shouted at him, and Wes could see her glaring, his eyes finally wanting to process images again. "Enough! The kid looks like he's been through a meat grinder!"
"He's here, ain't he?" Guzma said with a smirk. "And he got our Solgaleo back! Why would anyone not be happy to be outta that hell hole?!"
Wes said nothing, couldn't say anything. They didn't realize it yet, as the voices of everyone blended together in cheers and whoops of celebration. He could faintly hear Lillie asking Nebby if he was ok, before finally, one of them finally noticed. The blonde in question looked around, before the smile that was drawn on her face was erased. "W-where is Jason?"
"He... stayed behind..." Rose managed to get out, a flood threatening to fall from her face. "We w-were being chased, and h-he..."
Nothing more needed to be said, and the weight of the situation finally was realized by all of them. Guzma's cheerful demeanor vanished instantly, the grey haired man brushing his hands through his hair in embarrassment and frustration. Lusmaine and Lillie both looked like they too were on the verge of crying, both of them looking at the ground in agony.
Finally, Wes made a noise, only it was anguish, a cry of fury and sorrow, as he punched the ground suddenly, blood shooting from his hands as his knuckles ruptured open. "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!"
"W-Wes!" Lillie shouted, dashing forward and attempting to grab his arm as he swung at the ground again.
"I was the one who stole the amulet!" Wes cried, his tears creating a puddle underneath him. "I was the idiot who decided I could take this problem on myself! Why did Jason have to sacrifice himself for my screw ups!? It's not fair!" Another punch, and this time the blood was flowing freer, mixing with the salt and water that his tears. Before he could lift his hand again, however, a warm hand stopped him from doing so. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Rose's hand holding onto his own, but he dare not look her directly in the eyes of his friend.
"Wes... thanks to you, Jason and Rose; the entire region... no, the entire world is saved from Necrozma", Lusamine muttered, looking guilty at him. "If anything... it's my fault he's trapped in there."
Guzma, letting out a loud growl, suddenly rounded on the only two that hadn't spoken yet. "Hey, Ultra Recon Suckers! You know that place better than any of us! Go and get our boy back!"
"We... would like nothing more than to do that", Dulse replied. "However..."
"The strain that was put on our Lunala will make it so that it will be some time before she can open another portal", Zossie explained. "Additionally, Nebby could also create a portal now that he is fully evolved, but his strain is also bad... it will be about a week before we can create a portal, and a month before Nebby could..."
"Even then..." Dulse muttered. "You stated that beasts were chasing you as you headed back here, correct? Well, that means he's caught within the fabric of space between dimensions... I would rate his survival... at best... zero percent."
"At best?" Wes growled, finally looking at them. "AT BEST ZERO PERCENT!? HOW IN MEW'S NAME IS THAT BEST!?"
"There is a slim chance, but I would rate it 0.0000001... so yes, at best", Dulse explained, for the first time looking a bit fearful.
"What is going on up here?" a new voice shouted. Rose and the others turned to see Kukui standing there, but Rose's heart suddenly sunk as a familiar green haired girl stood by the side of the shirtless professor. "We heard you two were heading up here, and Jason was on his way to stop you, but-" he stopped short, his eyes widening as he looked around, realizing the tension in the air, the blood flowing from Wes' fist, and the absence of said student teacher. "Where is Jason?"
"He sacrificed himself so that Wes and Rose could come back to this dimension", Lillie explained. "The three of them went into Ultra Space to deal with Necrozma, but were chased by beasts coming out, so Jason..." Lillie found herself unable to continue, the words lost on her.
"No", came the immediate denial from Em. The others turned to her, as she stared at Nebby. "No, you... you can't be serious! It's Jason! He'll... He'll be here in no time!" She walked forward, obviously distressed as she smiled. "H-He'll make one of those wormhole-thingies open up, and he'll be fine! Right?" She turned to Wes and Rose, trying to make them say what she wanted to hear. "You both fought alongside him, too! You kn-know how strong he is! Come on, w-why are you looking s-so torn up?"
"Unless Jason has access to an Ultra Beast that can create wormholes, then it cannot be done", Dulse explained, deciding to speak up on behalf of the others, who seemed very reluctant to give Em the bad news. "That means, those related to the Cosmog line, or Necrozma, so-"
"SHUT UP!" she suddenly snapped, turning to Dulse with a manic glare on her face. In a blink of an eye, she had an Ultra Ball in her hand, and the others realized that she hadn't been holding it a second before. "HE CAN'T BE GONE! HE'S THE STRONGEST TRAINER IN THE WORLD, SO YOU SHUT YOUR STUPID FACE UP BEFORE YOU LEARN WHAT DRAGON CLAW FEELS LIKE!"
"Em", Wes suddenly croaked out, standing up fully. His red eyes met with Em's, tears flowing freely. "Why would we lie to you like this?"
She stared at Wes, her grip on the Ultra Ball wavering. However, it looked like she still wouldn't believe it. "You... you're lying!" she cried out, though the tears looked about ready to fall. "H-he's too strong! H-he can't be-"
"I can transfer the memory to you if that would make you believe", Nayru stated, though the tone of her voice made it seem like she'd rather do anything else.
"He did have one message for you", Wes muttered. "To tell you... that no matter what happens to him, he loves you with all his heart... That is what he wanted us to say."
Finally, it seemed to click. The ultra ball in her hand fell harmlessly to the ground, not opening as the tears finally began to stream from her sapphire eyes. She fell to her knees, and after a couple light sniffles and sobs, she threw her head back, wailing just as loudly as Wes had been screaming only moments before. The sound of her heart breaking seemed to tear up everyone around them; even the stoic Dulse had to turn his head to keep the others from seeing his tears falling from his visor.
After what seemed like hours, new footsteps caught the attention of all of them. Those that dared to turn their heads were met with the sight of two unfamiliar faces, holding up what looked like cases with golden badges and ID cards in them. The man was wearing a brown, three piece suit, with a purple tie and black shoes. His black hair swayed a bit as his dark grey eyes surveyed the scene. Standing next to him was a tall woman, with purple hair and a black suit with a black tie, her amethyst eyes watching them all, Wes in particular.
"And who are you two?" Kukui asked with a somber tone.
"Agent Looker of the International Police", the man stated, catching the attention of Wes, who looked up again.
"Anabel, International Police", greeted the woman. "We are here investigating the Ultra Beasts that have been appearing around the region recently."
"You're a bit too late on that", Guzma retorted with a rough tone. "These two kids and their teacher already did your job for you! Not only is there no Ultra Beasts, but your incompetence of getting here on time cost us the student teacher of the school!" This caused Em to hiccup a bit, but Guzma ignored her, glaring at the International Police in fury. "So, back off!"
"I'm afraid we cannot do that", Anabel replied, glaring back at Guzma. "We were given strict orders, as well as knowledge that despite the Ultra Beast threat being quelled, for now, they will very likely attempt something else, especially Necrozma."
"H-how did you know about him!?" Lusamine said in shock.
"I told her", another voice said, this time one that Wes knew for sure. Nanu stepped forward, and to the surprise of them all, he too was holding up a badge and ID card, though they seemed ancient in comparison. "What? I used to be part of the International Police too, remember? Either way, I recommend you lot just clear out and let them do their thing..."
Despite his unwillingness, Guzma complied and stepped aside, letting Anabel and Looker pass. Lusamine and Lillie began to gather up as well, planning on taking Nebby back to Aether Paradise for some much-needed rest. Em, however, made no attempt to move, too broken up by Jason's disappearance to even acknowledge the officers, as she stared at the altar, almost as if she was praying that her beloved would suddenly appear in front of them. Kukui gave a sigh and looked to Rose and Wes. "Could... one of you help me move her? I don't think she'll leave without us dragging her out of here."
"Y-yeah, no problem", Rose stated, stepping forward with Maple following close behind. She noticed that Wes had yet to move, and Nayru only looked back at her with a look that told Rose to leave them behind for a while. With Kukui handing Em's right arm, Rose on the left, and Maple using her psychic powers to help ease the weight, the three of them walked off with Em in tow, following everyone else who had decided it would be best to leave the Altar for now. The International Police agents looked after them, before turning to Wes and Nayru, who were the only two left standing there.
"Did we not make ourselves clear?" Looker spat in frustration. "You need to leave."
"Hold on a moment", Nanu stated, looking at Wes with a knowing glance. "He's the one I told you about, remember?"
"The kid that convinced you to come out of retirement?" Anabel asked, looking Wes over with an analyzing eye. "He... doesn't look like much."
"Trust me, he's got heart, spirit... and very strong Pokemon", Nanu replied with a smirk in her direction.
Wes finally stepped forward, looking over at the officers, before taking off his glasses and drying his eyes. When he next spoke, it was with a seriousness in his voice that no one had ever heard before. "I need to talk to you. Now."
Jason gasped for air, running as fast as his legs would carry him. Over rocks and plants, a mashup of so many different environments around him, the night sky shining above him. He brushed aside many different plants, feeling his outer shirt tearing a bit as he tried to rush. He had to keep running; he had no choice now. Since he had managed to barely escape the Nihilego, he had been constantly on the run, never able to take a moment to rest.
He could hear his most recent predator behind him, the sound of heavy feet thudding behind him, wood and rocks splintering and cracking under its mighty weight. He didn't know how close it was to him, nor did he dare look behind him. He only focused on the path in front of him, his lungs and legs aching and begging for a break, but his heart and brain making the blood rush to his limbs, forcing him to run harder and faster than he had in his entire life.
If only he had paid better attention to the path in front of him. A wide river suddenly seemed to appear before him, and he stumbled as he stopped, unable to keep moving forward. He bit his lip, trying to find a way around or across the torrent of water, but the thuds behind him told him it was too late. He turned around, facing a massive black body, an open, blue maw with yellow teeth, and a loud, bloodcurdling scream that almost sounded human to his ears.
"Ha... so... you think you got me, huh?" the Kalos champion said with a glare. "I got news for you... you fat, ugly monster... I... am no one's snack." He reached to his belt, grabbing onto one of the master balls he had with him. "I have come too far... seen too much... to let my end being in some stupid Ultra Beast's belly!"
As the monster took another step closer, Jason gave a malicious grin. "Come and get me, you freak! I'll take you down... and every last Ultra Beast that comes after me! I will escape this hell... and I'll see my home one more time! Even if I have to give up everything else to escape!"
With another human-like scream, the Beast charged forward, ready to devour the human boy in a single gulp.
XxXxXxX - One Month Later - XxXxXxX
"And that concludes the graduation ceremony!" Kukui announced, to the round of applause that several kahunas, captains, and citizens that came to watch. With a heavy sigh, he gathered up his papers and stepped down from the stage, ruffling his hair and holding a single diploma in his hand. With a heavy sigh, he tucked it under his arm and walked off, meeting up with Rose, who was holding her own diploma and looking worried.
"He didn't come... I was hoping he would."
"Even though he skipped this entire last month, I still would've let him graduate", Kukui sighed, shaking his head. "The teacher in me wants to be mad, but I can't be..."
Rose sighed, shaking her head. "Still, at the very least, I will be seeing him today... we're going up to Mount Lanakila to battle the Alola League, after all... maybe I can convene him to take it from you."
Kukui gave a knowing nod at that, attempting to smile at the excited redhead. "Yes, but how you two will figure out which one of you takes on the Alola League is up to you. Only one of you can become Champion after all, and the Elite Four will only challenge one trainer at a time..."
"Professor", Rose stated. "Is there something you're not telling me?"
Figures she would know something is up, Kukui thought to himself before he cleared his throat. "Not in particular. Like I said, you and Wes will work it all out... now, if you excuse me, I need to head to Aether Paradise."
"A-alright then", Rose muttered, watching as the Professor turned and walked rapidly away.
"Knowing him that's just an excuse, and he's going to go be the Masked Royale again", Maple muttered, shaking her head in annoyance.
"No, I think he was being honest with us that time", Rose thought out loud, looking after him. "Still, why there of all places? Do you think that it has something to do with Nebby?"
"Well, yeah", Maple stated, as she began to hover forwar, leading the way to the base of the mountain side. "Those Ultra Recon members stated that Nebby should be back to normal by now. Maybe they're going to assist the International Police in something."
"I hope it's to find Jason, but I'm guessing there's no way we'll ever know", Rose sighed. "Top secret BS and all that... Wes, there you are!"
The silver haired teen in question looked up from his black PokeDex as Rose ran up to him, a scowl on the face of the top student. Nayru was by Wes' side, holding her hands up with a warm fire in-between them, keeping the surrounding area warm as the mountain side was showing signs of snow. "There you are... about time, I've been waiting her for an hour."
"You knew that graduation was today, you knob-head!" Rose spat, crossing her arms and glaring at him. "Why didn't you attend? You know that despite you skipping his last month, Kukui still intends to let you graduate!"
Wes said nothing to this, only turning and walking towards the lift that lead up the side of the mountain, ignoring the demands for answers that Rose was shouting as she chased him. Eventually, she gave up once the lift reached the top, and the two trainers traveled up the mountain side in silence, the only sound that was occasionally heard were the sparks that were coming from Nayru's fire.
"We might as well figure this out now..." Rose muttered.
"Figure what out?" Wes asked, finally breaking the silence that had plagued the two their entire journey.
"Who is going to challenge the Elite Four", Rose commented, seeing the Pokemon Center off in the distance. "I mean, we can't both go according to Kukui, so we need to decide how we are going to do this... I personally think you should go first, then when you're done you can send me a message, and I'll come in and try to take the position of champion from you. That way, we both get a turn, and can battle it out in the end."
Wes remained silent for a moment, before turning to her. "No, you go in."
"Why, so that we both get a turn becoming champion", Rose muttered sarcastically, thinking that Wes' ego was making him think that there was no way she would beat him in battle.
"No, I mean you go in... and I leave."
That was something that Rose was not expecting to hear, her head snapping to face Wes so fast that the snow that was piling up on her head went flying, covering Wes' shoulder in the white powder. "W-WHAT!? But Wes, why aren't you going to challenge the Pokemon League!? This has been your dream, hasn't it?"
"Remember what I said back on Exeggutor Island?" Wes asked her, bushing off the snow that landed on his shoulder, before being met with the blank stare from the redhead which told him she did not recall it at this particular moment, which Wes could not blame her for given everything they went through that day. "'I don't want to be the Pokemon League Champion anymore', and I still stand by that notion... now more then ever."
"But you also said you still wanted to beat me!" Rose countered, her mouth hanging open in shock a bit after she finished speaking.
"I do, and eventually one day I will come to you to make good on that", Wes stated. "But... I have a new goal, one that I have already met thanks to a certain fateful encounter with the International Police..."
"You didn't... you... actually are joining them?"
"Have joined them", Wes commented, and he reached into his pocket, pulling out the same leather-bound badge case that Looker and Anabel showed before. Inside, a shiny, silver badge sat there, along with an ID card that held Wes' information, and the title Agent Silver.
"Agent Silver..." Rose gasped. "S-so that's what you've been up to for the past month..."
"Kukui wanted to give me an exception for graduation because I passed the exam to get into the program", Wes explained, pocking his badge. "But I declined... I don't want to accept my diploma until I can get it from Jason himself."
"You... joined so you can go after him, didn't you?"
"I owe him one for saving us, and everything else he did for us..." at that, Wes pulled out the formally stolen amulet, and Rose looked at it in shock, realizing that at some point, Jason must've slipped it back into Wes' pocket. "Plus... I want to return this."
"You know you'll be going into Ultra Space, right? I can't imagine you going back into a place so horrible... You'll... you'll be ok, right?"
"It's me", Wes commented, pocketing the amulet once again. "I'll be fine." There was no smile to go along with this bold remark from Wes, who only stared at her in turn as they stood outside the Pokemon Center in silence. "So... uh, guess I'll let you go then so you-"
A sudden movement from the redhead happened, and before Wes could process it, Rose was crying into his shoulder, holding onto him so tight that he swore he was going to snap in two. Wes blinked a few times before returning the hug, wrapping his arms gently around her waist, as Nayru and Maple awkwardly looked away, pretending that they suddenly noticed something interesting in the sky. Finally, the hug parted, and Wes could've sworn that he felt Rose's lips gently touch his cheek before she pulled back, drying her eyes.
"Please be careful... and call me daily", Rose stated, before narrowing her eyes at him "Daily, you hear me?"
"Whenever I am not in a wormhole, you'll get a call", Wes confirmed, nodding at her, before turning and standing there for a few moments. "Bye Rose... I'll miss you."
"Bye Wes... I'll miss you too", Rose replied. She wanted nothing more then to chase after him at that moment as he walked away, to give up her own dreams just to be with him, to go with him and protect him in his dangerous mission. But at the same time, she knew the International Police wouldn't allow it, and the training and exams she would need to go through first would put her behind. He was going now, and she just had to accept that, so with a heavy heart, she entered the Pokemon Center, Maple floating behind her and wanting to say something to her mistress, but unable to find the words.
"You're just going to leave it at that?" Nayru asked, looking over at Wes with a curious expression on her face. "The girl kissed you on the cheek and you couldn't even return the favor?"
"She did what?" Wes asked, raising his eyebrow at the Pokemon. Nayru looked defeated and was about to retort again before something caught her eye. With a turn of her head, she suddenly gasped, and Wes almost fell over in shock from her sudden yelp before he too realized what he was looking at. Sitting in a crater was Necrozma, back in his prism form, and still incredibly weakened. The injuries that the three trainers had inflicted on it seemed to have not healed within the months' time, as the beast only sat there, not moving a single muscle.
"D-do you think he just got here?" Nayru asked, looking stunned.
"Perhaps he was caught in time and space… and was sent forward in time by the Ultra Wormhole..." Wes muttered, as he began to walk forward.
"Wes!" Nayru shouted after him, but the trainer did not stop. He was eyeing Necrozma with fury, his fists tightening with each step he took, and by the time he reached the legendary, his nails were threatening to draw blood form his hands. HIs prismatic eyes locked onto Wes, though no aggressive movements were made by the beast.
"You", Wes snarled, staring up at the creature with no fear. "It's all your fault, you know that? You're the one that had to capture Nebby and send us chasing after you. You're the reason Jason had to be left behind, because if you never showed up, we would've never entered your world and fought you... so, Necrozma... you owe me, and I intend to make you pay your dues."
There was no reaction from the beast as Wes pulled out a second Beast Ball, and touched the side of the legendary with it. The ball opened, absorbing Necrozma into it with a similar colored energy to that of Ultra Wormholes, before shutting as three stars came out of it, signifying a successful capture.
"...you just caught a Legendary Pokemon without even battling it", Nayru stated, looking stunned. "The heck!?"
"I think our battle a month ago more than makes up for the easy capture", Wes retorted. "Now... let's go. We got a job to do."
"Systems online", Lusamine stated.
"Monitoring systems fully functional", Lillie informed them.
"Agent Silver, are you sure you don't want the Ultra Recon Squad to give you one of their spare suits?" Anabel asked, looking him over once. "You're not really going to be protected in those clothes."
"I'll be fine", Wes replied, looking over at her and only nodding slightly. "I did it once before, I can do it again." Nebby roared in agreement with that, as Wes walked over to the Legendary and put his hand on its mane, petting him gently before turning to Lillie. "I still really don't think trading Faye for Nebby is fair to you... I mean, Nebby is a Legendary."
"He would be better off with you, Wes", Lillie stated, gently petting Faye, who was sat next to her. "Just please take care of him."
"I will, don't worry." Wes nodded, before jumping onto Nebby's back, and looking forward, with Nayru hovering onto Nebby's back just behind him. The Aether Foundation had been busy during the month, building a circular device that looked like it was going to hold the portal open until they returned, so that Nebby and Wes could quickly find their way back if needed. Additional devices seemed to also be attached, and Wes could only guess they were meant to make sure nothing else other than them could make it back through the portal. Gladion and his Silvally, however, were standing there as well, just in case something that the device could not hold back attempted to break through.
"I still can't believe it", Looker commented, shaking his head. "Perfect marks on the entrance exam, passed every single training regimen to a T... what kind of kid is he?"
"The type of kid that was trained by possibly one of the best champions this world has ever seen", Kukui replied, grinning in pride as he looked at Wes.
Wes closed his eyes, before opening them with determination, and staring at the portal device. Once he heard the sounds of typing stop from Lusamine, he knew he was good to go whenever he wished to, and he wasn't going to wait. "Commencing launch in five... four... three-"
"WES!" came a surprising shout, and everyone turned to see Em storming in, brushing past every Aether Foundation flunky that tried to stop her.
"W-What is she doing here?!" Lillie asked in shock. "I thought she was supposed to be in Kalos now?"
"Get down from that Legendary and look me in the eye when I talk to you, Wes!" Em demanded. When Nebby turned to try and intimidate her, she rounded on the steel-type lion, glaring. "And don't you dare try to stop me, you overgrown cat! I've seen way scarier things than you!"
Before Nebby could act, Wes patted his mane to tell him that it was ok, before sliding down from his back and walking up to Em. To his surprise, he was now eye-level with her, showing that he was indeed beginning a growth spirt, but he did not show this as he looked Em in her sapphire eyes. "Yes, Em?"
She stared at him, and he could see the faintest traces of tears forming once more. She soon placed both hands on his shoulders, holding him tightly. "I know you're gonna be careful... I know you're gonna be safe. But I need you to promise me two things. I don't care how close you think you will be to finding him. One, if you even have an inkling that you might be too in over your head, you come back here. Jason jumped in there to keep you and Rose safe, and I do not want you letting that sacrifice be in vain, you got it?"
"I'm pretty sure that is one my orders, but yeah, I promise you if I get too in over my head, I'll back out", Wes nodded to her.
"And I will make sure he's held to that promise!" Nayru quipped from the back of Nebby with a knowing smirk.
The green-haired girl smiled at that, nodding in thanks. "And second... if... if you do find him... you tell me immediately. I know he may not remember everything, but-"
"Now hold on one moment!" Looker shouted from above them. "It is policy 23 of the International Police handbook that outsiders are not to be informed about-"
"This is my BOYFRIEND we're talking about!" Em rounded on him, the tears vanishing as she glared at the agent. "I am the furthest thing from an outsider as I can get! And I swear, if you even try to hide anything about him from me, you won't work another day as a member of the international police ever again! I have Cynthia on speed dial, so just try me!"
Before Looker could even retort to her comments, Wes gave Em a quick hug, and a nod of understanding as he parted with her. Em gave a soft smile and a nod as Wes went back to Nebby's side, jumping onto his back and steering the Legendary to face the device that would hold the portal.
"Commencing launch in five... four... three... two... one!" Wes shouted. Nebby roared, opening a large portal into the world of Ultra Space, before charging forward and dashing into it, with speed so fast that it created a shock wave that almost blasted everyone back, save for Em who withstood it and stared after them with worry, though she couldn't help but smile as she heard Wes shouting as the containment field activated over the portal.
"Let's go, Nebby! Jason is waiting for us!"
It took me three years to finish this story... man let's hope it doesn't take another three to finish the sequel.
Once again, thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed up to this point! I am hoping to start the sequel sometime by the end of the month, so until then hope everyone stays safe and healthy!