Beca Mitchell sits outside in the quad during lunch, her best friend, Jesse Swanson, sitting next to her. Beca sits on top of the table, her camera up to her face with her elbows balancing on her knees as Jesse sits next to her feet, taking bites out of a sandwich.

Beca focuses her camera on the redhead girl sitting across the quad, snapping a picture. Beca tears the camera from her face and looks at the picture, smiling at the girl in the photo.

"Stop being creepy!" Jesse says with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Beca asks.

"You're taking pictures of Chloe Beale from far away," Jesse takes a bite of his sandwich, "That screams creepy," He says with his mouth full.

Beca scrunches her face up, "Gross."

"Do you not think that's creepy?" Jesse asks.

"Think what is creepy?"

Beca turns around, "Amy!"

"Hi shortstack," Amy says as she sits down next to Jesse, "And hello movie boy."

"Hi Amy," Jesse smiles.

"Anyways," Amy says, "What are we finding creepy?"

Beca looks over at Chloe and smiles as she watches the redhead laugh.

"Beca taking pictures of Chloe Beale from over here," Jesse says as he watches his best friend.

"Sure," Amy says, "That's creepy, but for all we know, those are for the school newspaper."

"Oh, I'm sure those pictures of Chloe are for the school newspaper, aren't they Beca?" Jesse asks.

"What," Beca looks at her best friend, "Yeah, sure."

"So, you guys want to come over after school?" Beca asks, turning back to her friends.

"Yeah," Jesse smiles, "I hope you're ready to have your ass kicked in FIFA!" Jesse challenges.

"Oh, you're so on!" Beca exclaims, "How about you Amy? You want to have your ass handed to you too?"

"I just want to warn you, I'm the greatest person FIFA player from Tasmania with teeth," Amy says.

The trio laughs, "Glad you two are ready to get destroyed!" Beca says.

"Oh, I'm ready to kick your a-"

"-Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!"

Beca jumps off the table and raises her eyebrows, "What the hell?"

Beca watches as students gather around in the quad.

Beca quickly makes her way over to the crowd of people who keep chanting. Beca shoves her way to the center of the crowd, seeing the scene play out.

Bumper holds a freshman's face in a tray of food, "Come on, eat your vegetables! They'll help you grow big and strong like me!"

The crowd around the scene laughs and points at the freshman, only spurring Bumper on. Bumper smiles and looks up, locking eyes with Beca, seeing her camera in her hands.

"Mitchell, snap a few pictures for the school newspaper!" Bumper laughs.

"I'm not going to do that, Bumper," Beca shakes her head, "Just put the kid down."

"That wasn't a request, Mitchell, so take the picture," Bumper demands.

"I'm not taking your damn picture!" Beca yells over the chants of the crowd, "I can't and I won't!"

"You can't save everyone, dweeb!" Bumper forces the freshman's face further into the food.

"Get your head out of your ass, Eugene!" Beca shouts, throwing her arms out to the side.

Beca hears whispers, people asking what's going on and turns to see Chloe and one of her friends. Making eye contact with Chloe, Beca quickly turns back to Bumper, just in time for his punch.

Bumper's punch causes Beca to fall to the ground, her camera flying out of her hand and onto the ground.

Beca hits the back of her head on the concrete and she winces, rubbing the back of her head.

Bumper hovers over Beca, ready to throw another punch, only to be stopped by someone speaking up.

"Walk away Bumper."

Beca slowly turns her head, trying to find who saved Beca from another hit.

"Just let the freshman go, and walk away," Beca's eyes widen as she looks at Chloe.

Bumper scoffs, "Whatever," and Bumper pushes past the crowd, the crowd slowly dispersing after he leaves.

Jesse and Amy kneel down next to Beca, "Oh god, are you okay?"

Beca sits up, rubbing the back of her head, "I think so." Beca stands up.

Beca spots her camera lying on the ground and picks it up, inspecting it for damage.

"Is it broken?" Amy asks.

Beca shows the broken lens to her friends and sighs, "Yeah, but I can just buy a new lens, it'll be fine."

"Let's head to class," Jesse says.

Beca nods, "Yeah."

"Beca?" Beca turns around, seeing Chloe.

"I'll catch up with you guys," Beca says turning back to her friends.

Jesse and Amy give a nod and head for class.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asks with a worried expression, "You hit your head pretty hard."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Beca gives a small smile.

"And how about your camera?" The redhead asks.

"Not the best, but all I need to do is buy a new lens," Beca says.

"Good!" Chloe smiles, "I'm glad you're okay, Bumper can be a real jerk sometimes."

Beca scoffs, "He's a jerk all the time."

"Let's head to class, yeah?" Chloe asks.

Beca nods, "Yeah."

Beca arrives at her house, her two best friends with her.

"You guys ready to get your asses kicked?" Beca asks, a smirk planted on her face.

"I think you're talking about you and Amy, right?" Jesse asks, the same smirk planted on his face.

"I'm just here for one thing," Amy says.

"My snacks?" Beca asks.

"Okay, maybe two things," Amy says.

"What's the second thing?" Jesse asks.

"To destroy the two of you!" Amy exclaims, pumping a fist in the air.

Beca rolls her eyes, "Why don't you two head up to my room while I grab snacks?"

"Sure," Jesse says, "Don't forget the-"

"Fruit Snacks for Amy and Goldfish for Jesse," Beca interrupts.

Amy laughs, "You got it shortstack," Amy and Jesse head upstairs.

Beca makes her way to the kitchen and sees her Aunt and Uncle.

"Hey Beca," Aunt May greets, "How was your day?"

"Good, thanks," Beca says grabbing the box of fruit snacks, "How about yours?"

"Not too bad," Aunt May replies.

"How about you, Uncle Ben?" Beca asks as she grabs the box Goldfish.

"It was unproductive," Uncle Ben says.

Beca grabs a box of Cheez-its, "That's good!"

"Where are you going with all that food?" Uncle Ben asks, "Aunt May and I are going to start making dinner soon."

"Jesse and Amy came over," Beca says.

"Ask them if they would like to stay for dinner," Aunt May says, "I haven't seen them in a while."

"Will do, I'll see ya later," Beca says before running out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room.

Beca walks into her room and shuts the door with her foot. She walks over to her bed, where Jesse and Amy are sitting and drops the snacks.

"Aunt May wants to know if you two want to stay over for dinner," Beca says as she sits in her computer chair and rolls next to her bed.

"Yeah, sure," Amy says grabbing a bag of fruit snacks from the box.

"For sure," Jesse smiles, "I love Aunt May's cooking!" Jesse shoves a handful of goldfish in his mouth.

Beca rolls her eyes and starts up her Xbox. "Here, you two can play the first game," Beca hands the two Xbox remotes to her best friends.

"Sweet, thanks!" Jesse says accepting the controller from Beca.

"Get prepared to lose!" Amy says taking the controller from Beca.

Beca laughs at her best friends, "As always, I'll play the winner."

"That'll be me!" Jesse says as he picks his team.

"That's what you think, pretty boy!" Amy exclaims as she starts the game.

Beca watches in amusement as her best friends battle head-to-head in FIFA.

Beca's computer makes a sound, making her aware that she got a notification. Beca furrows her eyebrows and rolls her chair over to her desk.

Beca sees that the notification is on Facebook and sees she has a friend request.

"What is it?" Jesse asks, not taking his eyes off of the television.

"A friend request on Facebook," Beca says clicking the friends tab.

"Oh, from who?" Amy asks.

"Chloe Beale," Beca says.

"What?" Amy pauses the game as she looks over at Beca.

"Yeah, it's from Chloe," Beca says clicking the 'accept' button.

"That's awesome!" Jesse exclaims, "Your crush wants to be your friend on Facebook!"

"That's a step out of the friend-zone!" Amy says.

"I'm not even in the friend-zone," Beca rolls her eyes, "How can I be when I'm not even friends with her?"

"Seems like you might be getting there," Jesse says, unpausing the game.

Beca sighs, "Possibly."

Beca is just about to roll her chair back over to her bed when her computer goes off again.

Beca looks at the screen, seeing she has a message from Chloe.

Chloe Beale: Heya stranger!

Beca smiles before responding.

Beca Mitchell: Hi

Chloe Beale: I wanted to check in on you, are you okay?

Beca's heart flutters at the thought of Chloe caring about her.

Beca Mitchell: I'm fine, at least I think so

"What are you typing over there?" Amy asks.

Beca turns around just in time to watch Amy score a goal.

"Yes! IN YOUR FACE!" Amy shouts.

Beca laughs as she watches Amy brag about the goal.

"Anyway," Amy says, "What are you typing over there?"

"Just talking to Chloe," Beca shrugs.

"Oh?" Jesse asks.

"She just wanted to make sure I'm okay," Beca says turning back to her computer.

Chloe Beale: Good! I was a little worried earlier. How about the camera?

Beca Mitchell: Still need to go buy a lens, but it will be fine.

Chloe Beale: Oh no :( How are you supposed to take pictures for the newspaper?

Beca Mitchell: I might just have to find my dad's camera and use that

Chloe Beale: Good! Because I'm not sure what I would do without my favorite photographer

Beca blushes at Chloe's comment.

Beca Mitchell: Yeah, well I guess we won't have to find out

"Come on Beca!" Jesse says, "You're playing me!"

"I can't believe you beat me," Amy complains.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game!" Jesse says with a smirk.

Chloe Beale: Good!

Beca Mitchell: Well I got to go, Jesse's going to kill me if I don't hurry up

Chloe Beale: Okay, bye Beca

Beca Mitchell: Bye Chloe

Beca exits out of Facebook and rolls her chair back over to her bed.

"Ready to get your ass handed to you?" Beca asks picking up the Xbox controller that Amy set on the bed.

"Oh you're on!

A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to the rewrite of "The Amazing Spider-Girl". I didn't really like how that turned out and how rushed it felt, so I'm rewriting it. Be patient about these uploads, I'm super busy and I have another story that I'm working on. But thanks for reading! Don't forget to review as it motivates me to get more out for you guys!

~Movies :)