An English flower in the cherry blossoms.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this thing sorry
Hey Lovelies
I was given inspiration for this after seeing the yandere simulator April fools video, so I hope that yandere dev forgives me for this.
please read, review and enjoy, also if you have any plot related ideas let me know, it might end up getting used
Summary: Wisteria Potter leaves England after she stops receiving letters during the summer of 5th year, sick and tired of being manipulated and used as a scapegoat, little does she know that things will when she finally starts at her newschool. Reverse Harem, FemHarry, Major Weasley, Dumbledore and Granger bashing.
Chapter 1: leaving on a jet plane/Osano Najimi 1
No one's POV:
It was an ordinary afternoon for Wisteria, it had been 3 weeks since she came to Kyoto, after a few days of settling in and moving everything in to her new home, the house It's self was one of the many potter properties and unfortunately it was the only place that Dumbledore didn't know about.
Back then she felt truly alone, no one was writing to her, the papers where spewing rubbish and slandering her at every turn, probably due to Fudge not believing her, so he's trying to smear her and anyone who agreed with her, it stung but this was life sadly and fate had made her it's bitch for a long, long time.
To say she was shocked at the knowledge of the manipulations of Dumbledore infuriated her horribly, the goat fucker had paid Ron and Hermione to spy on her, sealed and ignored her mothers and fathers will! It disgusted her and the goblins, who where now working overtime to rectify the problem, it turned out that Dumbledore had stolen over 12 million galleons from her personal vault, removed artifacts and never returned them, items like the potter pensive, several books (which Wisteria suspects are either in the bastards office or given to Hermione as part of her payment) several antique instruments used to measure magic and track people along with several pieces of jewelry including both her parents and grandparents wedding bands as well as the Potter family ring, along with other head of house rings that where rightfully hers.
After a week the goblins managed to get everything back and Wisteria claimed her place as head of the Potter family, giving her access to the family vault which held a rather interesting letter from her mother and father.
Flashback: Three weeks ago
Wisteria sat in the office of the goblin called Gemfinder with a letter clenched in her hand.
"Well Lady Potter, I'm sorry for what's happened to you, we at Gringotts had no idea that you'd never received the statements we sent, as well as allowed those blatantly illegal transactions to happen, rest assured we are working to get everything back with interest and at loan shark rates" said the Goblin as he grinned, showing off razor sharp teeth that glinted in the light of the Chandelier.
"Gemfinder, is it possible to have a liniage test? Perhaps I might have some one who can take me in, or have somewhere I could go?" Wisteria asked worried about what would happen if Dumbledore and the others found out.
"it'll cost 5 galleons but yes you can have one, you should have had one when you came in when you were 11 years old" replied Gemfinder pulling out a stone basin and a knife. Wisteria placed 5 galleons on the desk.
"Hand please" demanded Gemfinder, Wisteria complied silently and held out her hand.
Quickly the Goblin sliced the palm of her outstretched hand and allowed the blood to drip into the basin, after that he handed Wisteria a bandage, then proceeded to pour a potion in to the basin with the blood, causing a bright purple flash of light and a parchment to form.
Lineage test results:
Subject: Wisteria Holly Potter
Blood status: Pure blood
Mother: Lilly Violetta Evans-Faye nee Potter
Blood: status: Pure blood
Life status: Deceased-1981:murdered
Father: James Potter
Blood status: Pure blood
Life status: Deceased-1981: murdered
Godmother: Alice Mary Longbottom nee Abbott
Blood status: Pure blood
Life status: Alive but incapacitated-confined to St Mungo's Hospital-1981
Godfather: Sirius Orion Black
Blood status: Pure blood
Life status: Alive- escaped Convict-1994
Adoptive Grandmother: Rosalia Ivy Evans
Blood status: Muggle
Life status: Deceased-1979: cause unknown
Adoptive Grandfather: Virgil Edward Evans
Blood status: Muggle
Life status: Deceased-1979: cause unknown
Grandmother: Laura Faye
Blood Status: Half blood creature/human: half fairy/sidhe
Life status: Deceased: 1992: heart failure
Grandfather: Fergus Faye
Blood status: Pure blood creature: Fairy/sidhe
Life Status: Alive-Recluse-1973
Grandfather: Charles Potter
Blood status: pure blood
Life status: Deceased- 1979 – murdered
Grandmother: Dorea Cassandra Black nee Potter
Blood status: Pure blood
Life status: Deceased-1979-murdered
20-25 loyalty spells – Albus Dumbledore-Molly Weasley-Hermione Granger-Ginny Weasley
15 Loyalty potions – Albus Dumbledore
15 Hate Spells- keyed against Slytherin and Severus Snape-Albus Dumbledore
20-25 love potions- 13 keyed to Ron Weasley- 12 Keyed to Cormac McClaggen
1 negative compulsion spell- keyed to the Dursley family-Albus Dumbledore
10 forget me charms- Albus Dumbledore
5 glamours- Lilly Violetta Evans-Faye nee Potter
1- Ron Weasley & Wisteria Potter
Signed by – Albus Dumbledore & Molly Weasley
Status: Void - illegal contract
Horcrux- Tom Marvolo Riddle- October 1981
Creature inheritance possibilities:
Ratsetsu (Japanese fighting fury)- from 7-8 times great grandfather Hijikata Toshizo-paternal side
Oni( Japanese demon)-from 7-8 times great grandmother Chizuru Yukimura nee Toshizo
Fairy/ Sidhe – from Maternal Grandfather
Wisteria looked up from the parchment in shock, she was a Pure blood! And no one even knew! While she knew that the grandfather was a no go area at the moment but it also meant that she wasn't even related to Petunia at all! She was free, and she loved it.
After a few hours that included several spell removal rituals and a ritual to remove the horcrux as well as acquiring a list of properties that she owned, she went back to no 4 private drive and told the Dursley's about what happened and what she found out, they were in shock at first but after 10 minutes Vernon tried to demand money out of her only to get laughed at and told that he should of thought of that before he started abusing her.
After an hour of talking and yelling on the Dursley's part they agreed to take her to the airport so she could move to Japan, once that was done she slipped into her room for the last time, and finally caught a glance of herself in the mirror, everything about her had changed about her, gone was the messy black haystack she called hair, in it's place was snow white hair that fell past her knee's, her face had also changed it was no longer soft and chubby like it was yesterday, now it was angular, slender and the features where now sharper and well defined, she had to admit that it was an improvement, she had gotten taller and slimmer as well as more curvy, her breasts had gotten bigger too! However the biggest change was her eyes, it broke her heart was that they were no longer green, they had become a celestial blue, a dark cold blue that held little love for anything or anyone in the house, a sad reflection of the truth, the only things the loved in that building where her magical possessions and Hedwig and that wasn't much by a long shot.
The next day Vernon took her and the rest of the Dursleys to London city airport and the bid each other a somber goodbye.
End of the flashback
When she arrived in Kyoto and to the house, it looked like it was on it's last legs, so she had to hire people to fix it up, this attracted a lot of attention from her new neighbors who where wondering who moved into the old Potter Place, no one had lived there for 70 years, causing many people came to introduce themselves as well as many concerned mothers came with plates and bowls full of food for her, as well as many teenagers coming around to see the new girl in the neighborhood.
While Wisteria was grateful for the food and company she found it frightfully suffocating, especially when the mothers tried to hug her or someone tried to touch her, she was still trying to get over what the Dursleys did to her, she still flinched when people came to close.
Wisteria's POV:
The first three weeks here where hectic for me especially with total strangers constantly in and out as well as buying new furniture, plants for the garden as well as the repair work going on along with arranging evening classes to continue my magical education. I was lucky to find the time to speak with one of the local mom's and found out about the schools of the area and put me in contact with the headmaster of Akademi high school, who was glad to take me as an emergency transfer student.
"well Miss Potter everything is in order and you can start in September" the headmaster said smiling gently, after their interview and the entry/transfer exam.
"thank you sir" was all I could say as I put my things back in my bag and began to leave for home.
As I left I looked up and saw a group of faces staring at me, I guessed that they may be there for the summer crash course and paid no mind to it, however it didn't stop me from shivering and allowing a cold sense of discomfort ricochet through me.
It wasn't long before the bus arrived and took me into town, where I went grocery shopping and had my uniform fitted. Once I got home I was bogged down with bags, clothes, groceries and other such items, as soon as I got in I heard a welcoming hoot from Hedwig as well as a rather indignant hoot coming from a Hogwarts Barn owl along with a whole procession of other owls on various picture rails in the hallway. My left eye twitched as I began relieving the owls of their burdens, allowing them to take off to find somewhere to rest before the journey home.
After a while of sorting through the swamp of letters and disposing of the violent howlers that Mrs Weasley had sent, she began to read the first few letters that were sent to her.
My dear girl where are you, I know that your probably confused and upset at what's happening. I'll tell you if you come back, I have many apologies for the mistakes I've made in trying to keep you safe.
Once you come back I'll send someone to collect you.
Prof. Dumbledore
I rolled my eye's at the bastards word then tossed the letter in the fire having no desire to read them anymore.
I don't believe how irresponsible you've been, I mean last year was bad but this is a new low even for you! Come back before you finally get someone else killed! And don't expect any sympathy if you get in trouble in the future.
Thanks to you I'm stuck alone in a dark damp house with Ron and a bunch of other people I don't even know! Sirius won't even allow me access to the black library, what else am I supposed to do!
You should just listen to Dumbledore after all he knows what's best for you
After that she read a rather unpleasant letter from Ron, who proceeded to call her a lying, cheating whore as well as accusing her of "spreading her legs to any man who crosses her path", after a while she just burned any of the letters that came from Dumbledore, Lupin, Black and the others until she came across a black envelope with the ministry of magic's crest on the seal, so she opened it and it began to speak.
"Dear Lady Potter
It's with my greatest regret to inform you that on the 16th of July your Aunt, Uncle and cousin were found at your former residence with their souls missing, it seems that 2 dementors where found on the loose in the area.
We at the ministry of magic apologize for any pain or distress this had caused, we have already alerted other family members and we are running an inquiry as to how this was allowed to happened.
My condolences
Madame Amelia Bones of the Department of magical law enforcement"
I was shocked at this new information, however I couldn't bring myself to be sad about it. After that shebang I chose to avoid dinner in favor for a bottle of brandy tucked away in the sideboard along with a hot foamy bath.
Time skip to September
I stood at the gates of the school in its imposing glory holding a map and an assigned class number, class 1-A, as I walked up the stairs keeping my eyes close to the map, until someone bumped into me.
"Hey watch it" said a male voice, causing me to look up and see a boy my age, he was taller than me and had ruby red hair along with eyes that looked like amber and garnets fusing into one, he also had a slightly muscly build, like a gymnast or a swimmer I had to admit he was quite handsome.
"I'm sorry, It's just that I'm new here and I need to find my home room so I was more focused on the map than what was in front of me" I said trying and failing not to blush.
"that's not my problem, clutz, but seeing as we're heading in the same direction, might as well take you there" he said exasperated as he grabbed by upper arm and started to drag me to homeroom.
"Ahh Mr Najimi I see you've met our new transfer Miss Potter, I was beginning to think that she wouldn't arrive" said the teacher in a relieved voice causing the boy to quickly let go of me. He looked at me going bright pink with embarrassment.
"y-you're the new transfer" he stuttered shocked and embarrassed at his actions towards me.
Osano's POV:
I can't believe it that girl is the transfer student, I heard we were getting one from England, but she certainly doesn't look English. I mean she looks like a girl straight out of the story books, with long white hair, big blue eyes and big boobs, she looked like a super model from somewhere cold like Norway or Canada but England.
I sat at my desk and watched her introduce herself as Wisteria Potter, causing a lot of the boys to drool over her and a lot of the girls to either go green with jealousy or giggle with excitement after a few minutes of Q&A on her part she was directed to a seat by the teacher. I really wasn't paying any attention until I hear the chair next to me scrape causing me to turn and see her sit at the desk next to mine.
She was sat next to me! Great now I won't be able to focus on my classes today, as the lesson progressed I found myself less interested in the history of the Shinsengumi and more focused on the girl next to me, perhaps I could invite her out after school maybe get her cell number.
as the day progressed I found myself more and more interested in her than my lessons and being with my friends to the point when one of them gave me a slap to the back of the head.
"Hey man what's with you today you seem distracted" said my friend Yusuke as my mind and my eyes began to wonder towards her during lunch.
"it's nothing, just the new transfer" I replied trying to play it cool.
"I know isn't she hot!" Said my other friend Masaomi who had a bit of drool on his chin as he began to oogle her, I couldn't help but let anger bubble inside me at Masaomi's perverse actions.
"I heard that she transferred here because a fellow student at her last school was murdered" said Yusuke sinisterly as I began to look at her again, and I noticed that she had no lunch with her and she had the same expression on her elegant face, like she had tried to swollow nail's when I began to see the cracks in her façade her eyes where the dead giveaway, they seemed to show her emotion the most, she was sad, in pain and frightened, but why? I needed to find out.
Perhaps I should just keep away from her for now at least until I've learned more about her.
No one's POV:
By the end of the day both Wisteria and Osano where tired and looking forward to going home for different reasons, for Wisteria it was so she could go to her night classes, and for Osano it was so he could forget about Wisteria, however his hopes were dashed when he found out that they lived in the same part of town so they had to catch the same bus to get home.
this left Osano frustrated and in a rather odd predicament, it remain like this until they got off of the bus together when it all boiled over.
"why are you following me?!" He demanded his eyes glowing like the embers of a fire.
"I live at the top of the road here and I could ask the same of you for staring at me all day" Wisteria countered her eye's hardening like ice throwing Osano off guard, causing her to push past him and hurry on up the hill home so she could get ready for her evening classes leaving a bewildered Osano stood on the sidewalk frozen with shock and aww at her confedence to treat him the way she did.
Hey Lovelies
got a new story up, hope you like it.
and I've got some news my interview for the navy is coming up wish me luck.
Love snow