Title: Inner Chaos Of A Chakra Soul V3.0

Author: MikeX713

Disclaimer: I don't own any of anything Warhammer 40k or Naruto related.

This was inspired by a similar fanfiction that I felt was good but ended too soon, this is not copying the story but my own take on the idea. Give it a chance and keep your minds open. This story also takes sevreal cues from the story Uchiha Heiress Remix, I highly recommend you go read that but know that I never straight up copy anything.

[WARNING] This story will get into some sensitive topics and themes. If you understand anything about 40k and the shit Slaanesh gets into... you have a idea of what I'm talking about. For others, there will be themes of rape, torture, psychological abuse and breaking, gore, and at times a general lack of a safe word. So be warned, this can get real and it will get dark. This is a crossover with the Sci-Fi universe that gave birth to grimdark after all.

I need to tell everyone that will be reading this that I will be using terminology from the Dubbed Naruto and not the original as that's the one I'm used to, sorry to the purists.

As of chapter 38 there are full lemons, to warn those that for some reason have a problem with that.

And lastly, there will be no God level Naruto until late story, I believe in progression in a character like Naruto. So… in the start… he will be a little dumb and weak but will grow stronger and smarter.

List of Pairings I currently am doing.

(Naruto/Hinata/FemSasuke/Ino/FemGaara/FemKurama/Shion/Koyuki Kazahana/Yakumo Kurama) Possibly more.



Those are the current pairings, anything else will be canon or I haven't thought about yet.

"Is it working yet, brother?" Alpharius asked his working brother as he continued to watch the stars.

"You know it's not brother," Omegon said back to his brother, not particularly in the mood for his brother's jokes. They were very rare but when the more serious of the two started joking it irritated the other to no end.

"Is it working yet brother?" Alpharius said smiling, knowing just what he was doing. It had been a long ride since the last time they landed, planeside or otherwise. And Alpharius was getting rather bored.

"This is the seven hundred and thirteenth time we played this game! Soon we'll be as insane as a warp spawn. Vector!" A green and blue holographic image of a finely dressed man appeared behind the Primarch.

"Sir." The image said in its normal dry and direct tone. Vector was the Hydra Brothers' neural AI created from the subconscious of its former host. The Twin Primarchs found the AI in an abandoned space station. The station had acted as a massive data storage center, and Vector was created to assist its director. The AI worked within the Primarchs' own neural implants- a situation preferred by both parties. The Brothers gained their own AI, and a vast amount of information and Vector continued to remain in service. For an AI, to lose purpose meant that madness was not far behind.

"Just where are we in the galaxy?!" Omegon growled as he continued to labor on fixing the workings of the small ship the two Primarchs had been on for many centuries. They had bought the ship when their last vessel was eaten. The sight of the massive void worm eating their ship, which was at the very least two-thirds of a kilometer long, was disheartening, to say the least. Their current ship was a tiny salvage ship that had been modified many times before the Brothers bought it.

"We have drifted farther to the northern edge of the galaxy. We are now in the upper shelf of the Segmentum Obscurus. We are making an approach to a nearby planet." Vector said as it held in its hand a map of the galaxy, their ship marked by a glowing blue dot in the far northern reaches of the Imperial Segmentum Obscurus. The Segmentum was known for housing the Warp Storm known as the Eye of Terror, but that was not where the Brother's had currently drifted. They were now in the area of the Galaxy known as the Koronus Expanse- an area of the galaxy mostly unexplored by the Imperium.

"What?!" Both Alpharius and Omegon shouted simultaneously.

"Initial scans show signs of life, including a second-millennium level human population." The image stated as the observation window opened to reveal a planet coming closer. It was fairly decent sized, just a small fraction under Terra's mass. The terrain was very reminiscent of Terra-also following this theme was the single moon that they could see.

"Why are you just telling us now!" Omegon as punched the wall. He didn't really see the point in trying to fix something that was about to be trashed and wanted to take his anger out on something.

"There was no way to change our course, so there was no reason to tell you." The AI said flatly, but the sass was there.

"This is all your fault!" Omegon said as he threw a wrench at his brother.

"Damn, how is this my fault?" Alpharius rubbed the back of his bald head where the wrench had hit him.

"You were the one had us put in the new propulsion system and what happened?"

"It failed." Alpharius slightly winced at the mention of said failure. While both brothers knew that it would be detrimental to their mission to use the normal means of space travel via the blasted nightmarish realm of the Warp. However, it still did not mean that Omegon couldn't keep blaming Alpharius for trying new and often shoddy means of interstellar travel.

"It fucking failed!" The Primarch brother yelled as he began going to the crash systems.

"There's that mouth again," Alpharius mumbled to himself. For as long as he could remember Omegon loved his vulgarity. It was something that he shared with their father. He often wondered how many worlds would burn overnight if it got out that the God-Emperor of Mankind also had the filthiest mouth in history... or at least when not in public.

"This is just fucking great! We are just two dipshits hurdling through the vastness of fucking space…" Omegon continued to rant.

"Vector? How much longer until we crash into the planet?" Alpharius asked quietly as Omegon continued to scream profanity.

"In about ten minutes we will be hitting the surface of the world, sir."

"Oh that's just perfect, we have about ten fucking minutes before we fucking crash…"

"I never get tired of that mouth… how's the human population?" Alpharius said through clenched teeth, trying to keep a cool head.

"The scans coming off the human population are still coming in but what has come in is confusing."

"Confusing how…" Several alarms began going off followed by the ship jerking forward. "Never mind. We'll find out when we crash." Alpharius said as he got out of his chair. "Vector, how is the ship's vault? Is the artifact secure for the crash?"


"No... What do you mean no?" Alpharius said as he strapped himself into the crash landing pod.

"It fucking means that the vault will most likely open when we crash," Omegon said as he slightly calmed down. "How far will the piece of warp shit be thrown from us?" Omegon questioned as he put on his crash suit and got into his pod.

"No more than a few kilometers."

"Vector, make sure that you begin analyzing speech patterns of the locals if we encounter any, we need to understand them as soon as possible," Alpharius ordered as he did as his brother did.

"Understood, prepare for temporary suspension," Vector stated before the pods closed and sealed. The ship soon got caught in the planet's gravity, flames began to lick from the bow of the ship and spread across the entirety of the vessel. Pieces began breaking off the ship as it hit the upper atmosphere, bits of hull flew through the sky burning up before reaching the ground. The warp drives had long since become inert, so they had not been dislodged, but they too had begun to break off from the rest of the ship. The fall from the atmosphere was quick, like being shot from a cannon. The crash itself was a great thud into the tough dirt. The surrounding forest had stood against the force of the crash; the trees had stood firm.

"Brother? You alive?" Alpharius said as he pulled himself out of the wrecked ruins of his pod. His whole body ached and felt sore but nothing he hadn't felt before. This was not the first crash he had been in, and it was by far not the worst. Alpharius pulled his still broken leg out of the pod, his crash suit was currently helping his body compensate for the trauma he had sustained despite wearing said suit. He looked out onto the crash site and sighed, it would take weeks to salvage everything. The Primarch moved over to the nearby edge and slid down the piece of the hull to try and find his brother. As he did so, he began feeling a slight numbing in his mind. He felt as if something was constricting around his veins and piercing his bones.

"Yes brother, but I can't move," Omegon said already out of his pod but not from his own action. He was laying back on another piece of the hull with a few pipes sticking out of his shoulder. Alpharius limped over and began pulling the pipes out.

"Are you feeling this pain too?" Alpharius said as the first pipe dropped making a loud clang sound. "It feels like that time on Rohao, remember... that Ork with the lightning eyes zapped me." Omegon laughed at the memory through a bit of blood came with it.

"You fucking know I do, that was... an amazing battle. I held a Heavy Bolter and was spraying the green filth with round after round... Argh!" Omegon screamed as Alpharius took the last pipe out. "Damn! That one hurt a bit. If you're talking about that buzzing under my skin yeah. Vector! Are you still working?"

"Always sir," Vector said as his image glitched into view. Its image was barely full and deteriorating in various places.

"Scan us and fucking figure out what's causing this pain," Omegon yelled out as the pain began to worsen.

"Scanning… you are reacting to the planet's warp field."

"Warp field? What do you mean by warp field, this planet is clearly not touched by Chaos." Alpharius said as he motioned around to the landscape before slowly moving to sit down unable to be able to cope with the pain, he could tell that a normal human would require to fully focus on the pain to survive it but as Primarchs they could still function fairly well.

"No, this warp field is not of Chaos. The warp field surrounding the planet is made of the energy of the Immaterium and at the same time not of Chaos. This seems to be affecting you as your bodies seem to be adjusting to the warp field's presence."

"Adjusting how?" Alpharius asked, unsettled with the thought of mutation. Vector began performing a thorough scan of the Brothers' bodies via their own implants. All implants within the Brothers held another role as they held the function to monitor the surrounding tissue and organs.

"Your very souls appear to be condensing and forming a vein-like network throughout your bodies."

"That's all… well, it could have been much worse." Alpharius said relieved that the two did in fact still had their souls. That was something that gave him a good bit of confidence.

"Well, whoop de fucking do, that still doesn't explain why we can't move," Omegon said wanting to get back to the issue.

"The network is still forming; this network intertwines throughout your body. This is causing your body to be weaker. Thus you are too weak to move under the weight of your crash suits."

"Damn, that's just embarrassing," Omegon grunted.

"Vector, how is the speech pattern coming along?"

"There is a nearby settlement, I already sent my microdrones to collect data. The language is a registered pre-imperial dialect. I have already changed your speech patterns to speak it and changed your hearing to receive it as gothic."

"Good, where is the artifact?"

"The artifact was dislodged from the ship's vault upon impact. It landed on tree two kilometers north-west, but much of the vault remains intact." The image said as it pointed in the direction of the artifact.

"Is anyone near the artifact?" Alpharius asked as he slouched over to his brother.

"I am unable to detect anyone near the artifact."


"No not good." Omegon interrupted. "Vector is unable to detect, that's not the same as no one is near the artifact, piece of warp shit messing with us at the worst of times."

"I can detect five life signs coming here from the nearby settlement. Notification, required they are moving at speeds possible if using jump packs though I do not detect any other signs of such equipment being used."

"How long until they get here." As Alpharius finished his words the two brothers were surrounded by five masked figures all dressed in the same uniform, half black body suits with arms open and gray armor vests, elbow length black gloves covered by gray bracers, and lastly they all had stylized animal masks covering their faces. "Oh… hello." Alpharius said a little surprised and put off guard. A very difficult thing to do to a Primarch.

"Let's start this off with the most obvious question…" One of the masked soldiers said. "Just who are you?" His voice was completely serious. The brothers turned to each other, wondering how they might be able to talk their way out of this.

"I'm Alpharius, and this is my brother Omegon, if you don't mind, we could use some help. We seem to unable to move, and we could use your help in removing our suits." Alpharius was only given silence by the masked figures. "No?"

"Next question, how did you get here?" Another voice asked, this time from a different figure.

"From the fucking sky!" Omegon said impatiently. He really wanted to get free from his suit, it was embarrassing to him that he- as a Primarch- wasn't strong enough to move from the weight of something not even half the weight of power armor.

"Next question: where are you from?"

"Wow, you had no problem with the whole sky thing did you," Omegon said genuinely shocked.

"We are from far away from here," Alpharius said trying to keep the soldiers interested.

"How far?"

"Very far."

"How far is very far?"

"Now they're fucking with us!" Omegon said getting increasingly upset with the turn of events.

" What have we here?" A strange masked man said as he picked up the iron star necklace. "It seems to be pulsating with a strange energy, it's almost like chakra but wilder." The speaker was a masked man by the codename of Tobi. He was covered in a dark hooded cloak, his face masked by a white and red streaked mask.

"I think it's scary." White Zetsu said quietly from behind Tobi.

"No one cares if you think it's scary." Black Zetsu said wanting to get back to their current task.

"That's mean."

"Zetsu, I called you here because you need to make sure that no help comes to the Leaf from the outside. I can handle anything on the inside." Tobi said as he tucked the star away. "Remember to do your task with the utmost focus," Tobi said before leaving Zetsu. Tobi rush toward his mission and soon found the barrier outside the cave of his target. "Did they think they could keep me out with such a pathetic barrier," Tobi said before teleporting on to the other side of the barrier. "Then again, I doubt they expected me." Tobi looked toward to cave's entrance and began walking towards it. Within the first five steps, Tobi was attacked by Anbu, who were killed within the next five steps. Tobi calmly walked down the stone stairs at the entrance. As cries filled the chamber, Tobi entered.

"Who are you…" The midwives didn't have the chance to respond to the stranger's presence before being quickly killed.

"As for you…" Tobi said as Minato ran to strike him but was quickly teleported away. "So much for the Yellow Flash." Tobi walked over to the newborn baby and gently picked him up. "Such an innocent face, but I guess we all look that way at this age," Tobi said as he slowly put the baby back down then walked over to the enraged new mother.

"Just… who do... you think you are?" Kushina demanded though still exhausted from the ordeal of childbirth.

"That isn't important, but I think you can guess what is."

"The Nine-Tails."

"Correct, and you will not see…" But when Tobi looked back at the baby, he was not there. "Ah… Minato, it would seem that the father has taken the child away. Hopefully, he found the gift I left on the boy."

"What did you do?!" Kushina said with the full rage of a mother.

"Nothing yet," Tobi said before teleporting himself and Kushina away to a more preferable location. "That's better," Tobi said as he pulled out the iron star he found earlier.

"What's that?"

"I don't know exactly to tell you the truth, but the Chakra-like energy coming off it is sure to weaken the seal farther." The star whispered this into Tobi's ear, and Tobi could only hear this as his own thoughts. "Let's start." Tobi held the star above the seal on Kushina's body and the chaotic energies pulsed into her. The energy sent waves of madness, rage, suffering, and pleasure were sent across her body. It was seconds before the seal was at the point of breaking. Tobi used his Sharingan to quickly enter Kushina's subconscious and found the Nine-Tails Fox. Tobi placed the being under his control and then extracted it. "I must admit that went better than planned," Tobi said as he stared at the iron star. The star continued to whisper into Tobi's ear as it had been doing since he picked it up, but this time placing Tobi in a trance and puppeted him into placing the necklace on to the Nine-Tailed Fox. The moment the necklace was placed on the Fox its body writhed with chaotic energies, it roared a blood-curdling scream that could be heard far and wide. "Good, and now to finish off the former jinchūriki… oh damn." Tobi said as he looked back to see that Kushina was now gone.

"What was that?" Alpharius said as an Anbu finished prying off his helmet. "Thank you." Alpharius had been able to convince the soldiers to at the very least help them remove their crash suits but he could tell that they were going to be very demanding once that task was finished. Right now the only thing Alpharius was really worried about was the artifact, they needed to find it quickly. After that was done he would be happy to answer most of these soldiers' questions.

"Brother, that sounds like a daemon." Omegon said as he stood back up with the help of one of the soldiers, his suit had been far more damaged than his brother's and so it was easier for the soldiers to help him out of it.

"No, if it was a daemon then we could tell what kind, that sounds close to a Bloodthirster but not quite, there's rage to it but it sounds to animal-like." Alpharius said as the soldier began on the locks to the torso.

"What are you two talking about?" The masked soldier next to Omegon asked.

"You didn't just hear that?" Alpharius said as he pulled himself out of the armor.

"Of course we heard that, but if you two don't know what that was then you're definitely not of the Leaf."

"Of the what, never mind that." Alpharius said as he shook his head. "If you all know just what that was could you tell the two of us." Alpharius said as his brother limped over to him.

"That was the Nine-Tails." One of the soldiers said with dread despite trying to hide it.

"What the warp is a Nine-Tails?" Omegon asked bluntly, all the soldiers turned in shock at the question.

"You've never heard of the tailed beasts?" One of the soldiers asked trying to regain composure.

"Listen soldier boy, we've faced things that would drive you insane with a simple description." Alpharius said as he looked in the direction of the roar. "But this feels strange, the power is of Chaos but I feel mostly the pure Immaterium energy of this planet." Alpharius said the soldier finally cracked open the crash suit allowing Alpharius to fall out of it.

"Yes... brother… it's gone." Omegon said as he helped his brother back up.

"Agreed, it's as if the presence has vanished."

"Enough of this Nine thing. Vector! Where is the artifact?" Vector appeared beside Omegon once again shocking the soldiers who all moved to arm themselves. Though the Primarchs were wounded, they could still defend themselves as only demigods like themselves could.

"I'm afraid to report this sir that the last source of the correct energy to match with the artifact came from the same location as the roar you had just heard."

"What?!" Both brothers said upset at this news.

"You!" Omegon pointed to one of the masked men. "What is the Nine-Tails."

"It is a demon, the embodiment of hate." The two brothers looked at each other and laughed. They both knew the being that rightfully held that title.

"Sure, you keep thinking that. Let's go brother, we need to retrieve the artifact." Omegon said before the two brothers began walking away from the soldiers.

"Wait." One of the masked soldiers said. "You two are coming with us, if you are somehow responsible for the unleashing of the Nine-Tails, then the Hokage will want to speak with you."

"What? I can't hear you over the sound of us not giving a shit." Omegon said as he pushed his brother forward.

"Very well, Earth style: Ground Snake Jutsu." The masked man said after he made a few hand signs. The ground below Alpharius and Omegon reshaped and coiled around them.

"What is this?" Alpharius said as the ground hardened around him. "What did you just do?"

"You talk like you've never seen Ninjutsu before." The soldier who performed the feat said as he walked up to the trapped brothers.

"Well that's because we haven't dumbass." Omegon growled out.

"Brother be quiet!" Alpharius barked at his brother before sighing. "It would seem that you hold us at a profound disadvantage, if you release us then we will come with you without further complication." Alpharius said to the soldier, he wanted to find this Nine-Tails thing but as the situation worsened he began to feel that maybe it would be best to follow these soldiers, they seemed to know about the being and he was certainly interested in the power the man held. From what Alpharius could feel he wasn't a Psyker and if that was the case then it might mean that he and his brother might be able to learn it.

"This did not go as planned after all," Tobi said as he sat watching over the Leaf village while tending to his wounds.

"It seems you failed." Black Zetsu said as it moved out of the ground.

"It would seem so. But even without my control, the Nine-Tails seems to be doing an adequate job of destroying the village. It must be the influence of the iron star we found."

"You mean you put that scary thing on the Nine-Tails?" White Zetsu said as Tobi began to stand up.

"Yes, that star was one of the few things of today that was of note, we need to get moving." Tobi began walking away from the village.

"We're leaving already? Aw…" White Zetsu said as it watched the Leaf village burn. "Where'd the Nine-Tails go?"

"What?!" Tobi said as he turned back and saw that the Nine-Tails had completely disappeared from view. "Minato, that bastard. Just what has he done?"

"Is this really necessary?!" Omegon said as he was pushed up the stairs to the Hokage's office. The brothers had been taken from their crash site to the nearby settlement. The settlement looked as if an ork raid had taken place. The brothers could feel the shock and sadness come off the soldiers, but they impressively didn't show it. As they walked through the village, they saw that many were too busy in administering relief aid and the very start of repairs. When they had reached the circular building at the very back of the settlement, they had been handed over to some less Black Ops looking soldiers.

"Yes, you guys gave the Anbu some trouble, so you need to be under restraint." The Jōnin said, unhappy having to escort the two massive prisoners.

"So that's what you call those masked men, Anbu… is that an acronym or something?" Alpharius asked trying to learn as much as he could.

"It's better than Alpha Legion brother."

"Hey! It's a simple name that also conveys the meaning of…"

"Both of you shut up!" The second Jōnin snapped, still recovering from the day.

"We're here." The first Jōnin said as he opened the doors to the Hokage's office. "Lord Hokage we have brought you the prisoners found by the Anbu." The two brothers ducked under the doorway and entered the office.

"Ah yes, bring them… in. My you two are big." The Hokage said as he saw the two giants that just came into his office. The room remained silent for more than a few minutes. "You two have names?" the Hokage said in trying to break the tension. He was not happy to be dealing with this so soon after the Nine-tails attack. He had just finished coming back from a meeting in which he was brought out of retirement and already the bane that was paperwork was coming in. He was needed now more than ever, and he couldn't be bothered by two strangers.

"I'm Alpharius, and this is my brother Omegon, are you the leader of this settlement?" Alpharius scanned the man, he reminded him of some of the older Administratum heads, but at the same time, he could tell the man could hold his own in battle.

"I am the Hokage, yes, but I would not use the word leader as I think you do."

"Is that so, well what do you intend with us if I may ask?" Alpharius asked, inside he was quite relieved that the leader of the first settlement they encountered seemed to be competent, it would have been so easy for them to find themselves in the clutches of some power hungry warlord.

"That depends, from the reports I have read it would seem that you two were able to infiltrate our lands perfectly, and yet you two seem to know very little of the ways of the world." The Hokage had enough on his plate, he didn't need spies. But he knew that was unlikely, the attack was unexpected and random, the likelihood of one of the other villages knowing of this perfect opportunity for infiltration was small.

"Let's just say we're strangers in a strange land. We have no knowledge of this land's ways or rules. For example, the powers your men seem to have, it is completely foreign to us."

"Powers… you're talking about Ninjutsu?" The Hokage was surprised at this, he was under the impression that even the far off lands at the very least knew of Ninjutsu in some form. Even nations like the Land of Iron with no shinobi knew about Ninjutsu even if they didn't use it.

"Yes that, we have never seen anything like it."

"Psykers, brother," Omegon interjected.

"Oh yes, the only thing close to it are psykers, beings that can change reality but are hunted by very unsavory being from the nonmaterial world that can possess said psykers," Alpharius said returning to the conversion.

"How interesting, no knowledge of jutsu. Just how did you come to this land without anyone noticing you or you learning of jutsu before meeting my men?"

"We arrived in a… vessel that can fly through the sky but we lost control over the vessel, and we drifted through the skies for many months. The vessel finally lost power and fell, crashing where you found us." The Hokage didn't like this answer very much, he thought about bringing in a Yamanaka to probe their mind but could instantly tell that it would be a fruitless endeavor, it was clear that these men held strong minds.

"And the reports say you spoke of an artifact?"

"Yes, the Iron star of Horus. It has very… chaotic properties. It is essential that we find it." Alpharius had the hope that they might be able to find the Star, and leave before anyone might ever be tainted by Chaos.


"If anyone so much as touches the thing they'll… well, let's just say it's not pretty." Omegon cryptically enough to convey a meaning of danger.

"You're not giving me much." The Hokage understood the message, but he needed more to trust complete strangers from the sky.

"Think of the most forbidden and taboo thing you can think, multiply it by about ten, and then put that into a person's soul. Then you might just start to get an idea." Omegon said with a bit more sass than his brother thought necessary.

"That is a scary thought, and do you know where this Iron Star is?" They still had yet to give hard facts, but the way they spoke was one of conviction and urgency. So the aged Hokage would trust them for now.

"That's a good question. Vector?" Alpharius asked before turning to the side.

"Sir?" Vector said as he appeared next to Alpharius shocking the Hokage and his men.

"Where is the artifact?" Alpharius asked ignoring the looks of shock and confusion on the surrounding men's faces.


"And who is this new stranger?" The Hokage said as he regained his composure.

"This is Vector, a computer AI link to me and my brother's consciousness, it works as many tools in one," Alpharius answered, the Primarch knew that this world's tech level would only have the base theory of a AI but he wasn't in the mood to fully explain Vector to the man. He would have to leave that to another discussion.

"Fascinating, it would seem that you have powers beyond our understanding." The Hokage slightly joked as he observed the scene in front of him.

"Scanning complete… artifact is not found on the planet."

"What?!" The brother said tougher.

"Rescan, broaden scan parameters to anything with similar energy," Alpharius said not happy with this news and worried about what it could mean.

"Scanning… two sources found, one source is moving away from our current location at speeds only possible with a vehicle with equal power to a jet bike."

"And the second?"

"The second source is a newborn human within the current settlement." The room grew silent for several different reasons.

"Which one has the strongest energy?" Alpharius said grimly.

"The newborn human." Alpharius' eyes turned to the elderly Hokage and knew that he understood just who Vector was speaking of. Alpharius didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but this was looking worse every second that went by. Omegon was the first to voice the brothers' thoughts.

"From the look on your face Hokage, you seem to have an idea of just who Vector is talking about," Omegon said also noticing just how the Hokage was reacting to the news.

"It would seem I do." The Hokage said as he leaned back in his chair not sure what to do with the information.

"We will need to see the child," Alpharius said more severe than ever before. The nearby guards could feel the change in the air, that something had dramatically changed in the tone of the meeting. In that moment, the native humans could tell that before they had been subject to the whims of beings far above them… but now… those beings were done playing. The Hokage stood firm, keeping to his years of experience to hold him against the instinctual fear building inside of him.

"I'm not sure if I can grant that request, you two are…" Alpharius interrupted with breaking free from his restraints with little effort. Moving his arms apart like he had been giving a courtesy

"Things have changed drastically…" Alpharius said as he placed his fists on the desk while Omegon pinned the two guards in one move. "… We are on the verge of a new Avatar of Chaos, we will not mess around anymore. You will take us to the child, or we will destroy this speck of a village to find it." The respectful tone of Alpharius had completely disappeared.

"I would not underestimate the…"

"No, this is not about you or this village. We are beings far above you created by a man beyond you. You do not argue with your betters on things they know far more about. This is about things you can't possibly understand. Or to more accurate things that you should never understand. Now. Take. Us. To. The. Child." The Hokage could feel the weight behind the words spoken to him and could understand where they were coming from… well, the last half anyway. He knew that there were things in this world that could never be understood by mortal men and even worse than that there were secrets that should be forever buried never to be seen again.

"Very well, but first just what do you plan to do with the child?" The brothers could hear the closeness the man shared with the subject at hand. They quickly theorized a possible family connection, either direct blood relation or emotional one. Both situations had problems and uses.

"That all depends on the state of the child." Alpharius pulled back and relaxed while Omegon released the guards. "Now take us." The Hokage nodded and then looked at guards giving a sign to stand down. He then began to escort the brothers to the Uchiha compound. The brothers were too focused on their current task to even notice the current state of the village.

"We left the boy with a friend of the parents until we found a more permanent solution."

"We might end up being that brother." Omegon grimly said in High Gothic to his brother.

"Quiet!" Alpharius barked back in High Gothic. The Hokage looked back at the arguing brothers somewhat concerned with the fact that they were talking to each other in a different language. Likely to avoid him understanding what they were speaking about.

"Here we are." The Hokage said as he opened the door to the home the child was at. The three waited until the door finally opened.

"Lord Hokage what are you doing here? We are still handling the damage that… the…." Fugaku Uchiha said as the Hokage came in and was unable to finish his thought as he saw the size of two others with the Hokage. "And who have you brought with you?" Fugaku said as was surprised at the size of the brothers.

"We've come to see Naruto, I apologize for the sudden intrusion and for the strangers they have some concerns about the boy."

"I think the whole village has concerns… very well." The Hokage led the brothers to the child resting in a crib beside the Uchiha's own child.

"The boy correct?" Alpharius said as he looked over the babies.


"This is good, the boy is still human. Absolutely no mutation." Omegon said relaxing at the sight of a healthy baby boy. Small tuff of blond hair, pink flesh devoid of abnormal coloration, face lacking any extra features beyond small whisker like marks. Alpharius wouldn't call that a mutation but more of a birthmark.

"Mutation?" The Hokage said eyes widened at the idea of what Omegon implied.

"Mutation follows Chaos wherever it is, considering that the energy of the star came so strongly from this boy we should see something but we're not. Vector, scan the boy.'

"Yes sir, scanning…"

"You said on the way here that this boy has the Nail-Tails thing sealed within him," Alpharius said as Omegon picked the boy up.

"Yes, the boy's parents sacrificed themselves to seal away the Nine-Tails inside their son, does that have to do with this Chaos?" Chaos, that was something this village needed less. The Hokage could tell that they were using that word in a sense that it was a type of force in of itself rather than simple anarchy. But anything that would be named as such couldn't be good for the Leaf Village, particularly now after such a devastating attack.

"The last known location of the artifact was at the same location the Nine-Tails first appeared."

"That might explain a few things." The Hokage said as he remembered the strange behavior of the Fox. It didn't attack as the stories about it said it did, it was too random and when during the fight between it and the Fourth Hokage it fought with a crazed fury unheard of.

"But not everything. When we first crashed, the artifact was nearby, that means someone found it." Omegon said as he put the boy back. "But I doubt the star would make someone unleash this Nine-Tails, whoever found it was already planning to do just that and the star just used that as an opportunity."

"Does this star have a mind of its own?" It wouldn't be the first time an object had a malicious effect on people. But very few of those that the Hokage had knowledge of had intelligence on the level of a human.

"No, it has something of a will but not an active one. It tries to attach itself to anything that would be compatible as a host, it seems the massive power of the Nine-Tails tricked it into thinking that it would be a good host. But this pure Immaterium energy or chakra as you call it seems to repel the power of Chaos without destroying it. And if the Nine-Tails is made of this chakra, then the star was… overpowered is not the right word but the best I can do." Alpharius said, knowing just how important this was to the wider galaxy.

"I agree brother, Vector have you finished scanning?"

"Yes, the sealing spell placed on the boy is holding the power of the Iron Star of Horus. The boy's soul has no corruption of Chaos and is not showing any sign of doing so."

"Just what sort of power are we talking about?" Omegon said worried about just what that could mean.

"Currently sealed within the boy is about a third of the estimated power of the Chaos gods." The room grew silent save the small sounds from the children in the cribs.

"What did you say Vector?" Alpharius slowly asked, genuinely shocked. Shadows of the past flew over Alpharius' eyes. This had only happened in any capacity once before. That the power of Chaos Undivided was held in a single body. Sure, there were champions of Chaos Undivided, but only once had they been given a pure vessel, Horus Lupercal.

"You heard him, brother, the boy has the Chaos Gods in him."

"What does this mean?" The Hokage questioned understanding the terror in the brothers. They were now speaking of gods, this was certainly different than before.

"I don't know, taking everything we've seen here, my brother and I will need to discuss this." Alpharius looked down at the small boy, his hand slowly going to the crib. Before it moved past the bars of the crib, he threw the thoughts that were in his head away and grabbed the bar instead. "This is a child… and I am not my brothers."