Earth. It's a beautiful planet full of life and beings that live there are amazing, from the flowers that grow and the animals that walk, to the creatures that swim from the bottom of the oceans and rivers, to the birds that fly in the skies above. Rose quartz, a gem warrior knew this and she knew that the homeworld gems wanted to destroy the beauty that was the planet earth, so she along with her trusted Pearl formed the crystal gems, a group of gems who rebelled against homeworld and fought them off to keep the earth safe. She didn't do it alone she had help, the person that helped her was a leader of homeworld that agreed with roses views and wanted to save the earth from the plans that homeworld was planing.

The gem that helped her was an upper tier gem but this gem wasn't normal, while gems are gender less but they take on female forms, this gem had taken a male form and was apart of the authority know know as the Order of the Diamond. He was the fifth member of the Diamonds, he was black diamond he was the second strongest of the diamonds with yellow diamond being stronger. When he and Pink Diamond were sent to earth he agreed with Rose's thoughts on the earth and knew that nothing would stop the home world so he and Rose both lead the rebels into what was know as the Gem War. It was a terrible and frightful time, countless gems were shattered and even humans who joined the cause were killed.

The homeworld gems retired back to their planet never to be seen again. With the war over Rose and the three remaining members of the crystal gems remained on Earth in what would become Beach City to protect it from harm. Black diamond on the other made his own decisions, he along with his own pearl stayed on the moon base to keep an eye out for anytime homeworld gems made a comeback.

Of course it wasn't just the two of them, Black had his own court of gems who stayed with the two of them, three gems who like black himself had also taken make forms, the first was a Star Sapphire gem, the second was an Aquamarine gem, and the last was a Black Fire Opal. They protected the earth from the shadows, while Rose and her group were the light for the earth and were the Crystal Gems, Black Diamond and his court were the darkness they weren't Crystal Gems they were.

The Shards.

Sitting upon the throne in the moon base holographic screens flashing different charts and calculations was a figure, in the place light of the screens you could make out the figure of massive size, his height making any common pearl's pale in comparison. He had a human like appearance his most prominent feature is his spiky black-colored hair. He has dark blue eyes, and his body is toned and muscular. He wore black-colored muscle shirt with a V-neck collar underneath his jacket with black and dark blue pants and black shoes. Standing up he stretch out his arms allowing his shirt to move up to show in the center of his back was a Black Diamond or as he like to be called Yami.

Looking over to his side he saw another figure sitting among a sphere of of holographic screens, this figure was male of average height he was slender, lean build, dark ivory blue skin, black-blue eyes, he like black diamond has black hair with a long fringe that seems to cover his right eye. He wore a short sleeve black vest with a dark blue long sleeve collard shirt and black pants and boots this was Yami very own Pearl who he had nicknamed Kuro. "Kuro" said Yami as the Pearl lowered one of the screens.

"Yes my diamond" answered the smaller gem as Yami smiled, at the loyalty, even though he had once tried to get Kuro to give up the phrase.

"Will you please fetch Aquarius and Pyrus if you please I have a mission that needs the be taken care of" the Pearl nodded and moved a screen and pressed a few keys on the board.

In a lower section of the moon base was an open room, unlike others this room appeared to be outdoors and under the crescent moon while half the room is also shinning with the light of the afternoon sun with that portion of the sky filled with red and orange light, there was a large forest on one side and a large lake. In the center of the lake stood a single figure, this figure was male and he stood at least 5' 2 he had bluish cerulean skin that was toned towards cyan.

He wore pair of loose black Chinese pants, with dark blue wave like markings going up the legs, a dark blue and black sleeveless majia over a mesh shirt the back of both the majia and the mesh shirt was open exposing his gem , and fingerless black leather gloves. His hair was just above his shoulders and then tied it self into a single pony tail with dark blue bandages.

This was third member of Yami's court this was Aquarius.

Aquarius sighed as he moved one foot on the water not sinking at all. He moved forward and kept walking until he was not to far from the land. He put his hands in front of him and moved them around and around, two small whirlpools soon started to form under his hands as the water of the lake started to spin.

Aquarius kept spinning the water more and more before he stopped and started to move his hands up more and more, the whirlpools started to move up but they were still spinning. He closed his eyes and heard the rushing water and the small droplets that hit the water as the water spun more and more.

He snapped his fingers and the water stopped spinning, it condense forming an orb of water he moved his hand over the ball of water, in a flash it broke into pieces of droplets of different sizes, he waved his hand again and they became ice crystals, he watched the ice crystals stay above in the air, when Aquarius raised his hand up the crystals shot up and they got into a strange line, when the sunlight hit them, they created something only see before on earth.

A line of different colors appeared all around him, it was like watching a wave of colors go around, the color's ranged from red to light violet and all the color's of the spectrum. Aquarius smiled at his own beautiful display, suddenly his song was stopped as the screen flashed red with the word 'Mission Alert' sighing he lowered his hands and the ice crystals turned into rain drops and fell back into the water 'finally some action' he thought as from his gem came a pair of bar shaped water wings he gave them a flap and flew into the air.

In a different room that looked almost like a inner sanctum of a library, at the center sat a single figure. Like all the other gems he was make in form he has intense blue skin and pale blue eyes, wavy hair with bangs hanging in front of his face. His outfit was similar to Aquarius with few differences, he wore pair of loose dark blue Chinese pants, with white star like markings going up the legs, a dark blue sleeveless majia over a mesh shirt instead of the back of both the majia and the mesh shirt being open it was the front near his navel, that is where his gem was located a sapphire gem with a six rayed star shinning in it.

This was the second gem in Yami's court, Pyrus a star sapphire.

He sighed as he flipped the page in his newest book, he loved reading it amazed him further when he read about human history. Just as he was about to start the next page the holo screen appeared flashing the words 'Mission Alert' sighing he closed his book and placed his pen down and he stood and moved towards his door.

The two gems appeared before there leader with Pyrus standing at attention and Aquarius standing with his hands on his hips "yes/yes my diamond" they said as Yami smiled at not only his most trusted warriors but who he come to call his friends.

"My gems" said Black "it seems that we have another gem monster on the rampage in the desert area" making a motion with his hand towards Kuro a holo screen popped up. Appearing across the screen was the image of a massive desert and there on the screen was the monster, it looked like a massive arachnid or as the humans called it a 'spider', it had dark purple 'skin' it's legs were covered with small dark pink gem shards with a massive dark pink gem in its thorax, it had eight eyes and and two long fangs dripping with a dark liquid substance. "This gem beast was spotted not two hours ago by the drones that Kuro had scrounging the earth" the two nodded.

"You wish for us to find poof and contain it Yami?" Asked Aquarius as he bounced at the meet mention of a fight.

Pyrus rolled his eyes "honestly Aquarius can't you contain yourself" he asked as the aquatic gem just smirked at him.

"Ah come on P u know you love a fight as much as I do" Pyrus said nothing as he simply avoided looking at the water gem. Yami chuckled at the two gems who despite their arguments were still friends.

"Yes" said Yami as the two refocused on their leader "we need you two to find it poof it and contain it" Yami's eyes then narrowed and his two Warriors were on guard seeing their diamond shift his personality "and make sure that THEY don't get their hands on it" instantly the two had reactions, the air around Aquarius rippled and cooled and steamed all at once, with Pyrus the air began to heat up as the floor under his feet started to grow red hot.

The 'They' that Yami was referring to is a group of humans who were simply known as the M.I.B or Men In Black who handled all extraterrestrial and supernatural problems in the world and if anyone knew thy would make you disappear, the men in black had been seen during and in the aftermath of the gem war at first they had just been watching the war, but afterwards they had began to harvest the shards of fallen gems for what reason neither Rose nor Yami had any idea of, but they Yami knew it wasn't a good reason.

Yami nodded "be on your guard and be quick" the two nodded and moved to the warp pad, they stood on it and in a flash of light they were gone