Well, here it is! The final chapter! Thanks to all who reviewed and supported this story. LissaDream and I are thrilled to have this done and we hope you enjoy the ending.

Thanks to our amazing BETA, RaynePhoenix2!

Just an FYI, we are still in the process of re-working some of the old chapters. This is likely of little interest to most of you, but I'm letting you all know anyway ;)

Please leave a review if you are so inclined. It would mean a great deal to us!

Hermione couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. She sat in disbelief, not saying a word as the mirror showed a crying versus laughing Ezmirelda looking through the stack of photographs. Narcissa seemed to be consoling the evil witch, but even Hermione realized it was a game of social politics. Each witch now held something over the other. Ezmirelda held scandalous pictures of their grandchild's mother and the Malfoy's held scandalous pictures and letters of Ezmirelda herself.

Lucius entered the study and walked to the bar, pouring himself a glass of fire whisky as two house elves entered to remove the mirror.

"I don't…I don't know what to say." Hermione said in a soft, stunned voice. Draco seemed as much at a loss for words as she was. He simply squeezed her hand as he watched his father with a slightly slackened jaw.

Lucius turned back towards her and gave her an assessing look. "I hope you learned a couple things today, Hermione. One – we Malfoys will always protect our own; two – it never hurts to know another's secret…their weakness. That folder would have never seen the light of day if she hadn't threatened you; the future wife and mother of a Malfoy."

He sipped his drink and smirked as he settled into the mahogany leather wingback chair facing them. "I'm sure you have a typical Gryffindor rebuttal about how terrible blackmail is and how people are noble at heart and that having leverage over others is unnecessary." He tossed back the rest of his drink.

Hermione laughed without humor. "I think you have Gryffindor confused with Hufflepuff. I'm not so naïve as that, Mr. Malfoy. I'm thrilled you had that folder." Feeling confident, she called a spade a spade. "Of course, I'm also not naïve enough to think you aren't gathering leverage on me as well."

Lucius' head fell back as he laughed heartily. "We'll make a proper Slytherin of you yet, my dear."

Draco shook his head. "He's teasing, love. Malfoys don't threaten and hold leverage over each other." He looked at his father and added with a challenging tone, "Do we, Father?"

Lucius set the empty glass on the table next to him. "Of course not." He grinned somewhat devilishly at Hermione and she found herself squirming slightly under his gaze. "The Malfoy marriage bonds are powerful. They are very old magic and prevent any type of treachery or betrayal on either side once you make them to each other." He stood and approached the bar, pouring himself another drink. "As you'll see at the ceremony, Cissa and I will be making a vow as well; a vow to protect your union, as well as you and your happiness." He turned to face her. At her look of contemplation, he continued, "In other words, the bonds include more than simple vows of love, respect, and fidelity between the two of you. As his parents, we will be bound to protect you as if you were our very own daughter." He walked back to his chair and sighed, a look of disappointed resignation coming over his face. "It's one of the reasons we didn't fight Draco's divorce to Tory. Narcissa and I had to look out for her best interests as well as our son's. If it had not benefitted them both, there would never have been a divorce."

Hermione had never heard of such a thing. No wonder Malfoys were so incredibly protective of their own. Their vows required it.

Hermione turned to Draco and found his eyes were soft and on hers. She offered him a reassuring smile and looked back at her future father-in-law. Somehow, she knew Lucius would find a loophole if it were ever necessary. Not that he would find it so; Hermione intended to do her best to be a good wife to Draco and a wonderful mother to their children.

Draco stood and approached Lucius, offering his hand for his father to shake. "Thank you, Father."

Lucius looked from the hand to his son's face before standing and clasping it. He seemed to pause and then pulled Draco into a fierce hug. Hermione could see Draco tense at the contact, but after a second Draco relaxed and hugged his father just as fiercely in return. "You are welcome, my son. I will always protect you and those whom you love." Lucius pulled back from Draco and cleared his throat, as though shaking off the moment of intimacy. Hermione wondered how rare these types of embraces were between the Malfoy men.

"Well, I'm famished!" Narcissa announced as she entered the study with a flourish. Hermione watched as Lucius' expression softened as he looked at his beautiful wife.

"Yes, I imagine you are quite hungry, my flower. You were rather magnificent in there, you know," he crooned as he approached her and kissed her softly. There was great love between the two and Hermione felt like she was getting to know them…just a little bit.

"I can't thank you both enough," Hermione said softly. "This has been a very difficult and stressful time that has gone on for months. In less than sixteen hours of finding out, you took care of it. You…have saved me from such humiliation. I know you did it more for Draco and for your unborn granddaughter, but I am eternally grateful." She could feel her eyes watering as the relief started to really take hold.

Lucius didn't say anything, he simply looked at her as though at a loss for words.

Narcissa gracefully glided to Hermione's side and sat next to her. Taking Hermione's hand in her own, she smiled warmly. "Tish tosh. You're to be family. No thanks are necessary." A mischievous little smile crept over her mouth. "Besides, I thoroughly enjoyed myself in there. It was nice to see that vulture have her perfectly groomed feathers ruffled."

Hermione shook her head in dismay before smiling conspiratorially. "It was, wasn't it? That must have felt fabulous."

Hermione rubbed her eyes. The tension headache had only gotten worse when the owl post arrived. She looked down at Harry's handwriting. "How could you not tell us? Are you ok? We're bringing lunch. See you at noon." Sighing heavily, her eyes drifted to the cause of the discord. The headline of the Daily Prophet was still yelling at her from the corner of her desk;


By Rita Skeeter

This is big news my fellow witches and wizards!

Hermione Nott nee Granger, of the famous Golden Trio, has left behind a stunned and heart-broken husband of seven years for his best friend and best man, Draco Malfoy.

A picture of Hermione and Theo from Ezmirelda's gala showed them looking at each other with what appeared to be adoration. Hermione remembered that moment. She and Theo had known the photographer was coming around and they were trying to put on a show of being a happy couple. Looking at the picture, it was obvious they succeeded.

The picture next to it showed Hermione standing with Draco at the same event. They were near each other at an appetizer table and she was seen leaning in front of him to pick up a carrot stick. Her lips are moving slightly making it appear she was speaking covertly. Draco was checking out her cleavage in the process, which the photo implied was her intention.

She was a doting wife in one picture and a scheming seductress in the next. Of course, in truth, that was when Hermione had reminded Draco that she loved him and asked him to trust her. She had no idea at the time she was offering Draco such a view…or that he was indulging.

Damn that Skeeter woman to hell! Hermione had trusted the witch to print a non-sensationalized article. Hermione had done as promised and granted the garish reporter an exclusive interview with first rights to a story that would be big news. She foolishly hadn't anticipated Rita would revert to her old tricks. She thought they were past that. Obviously, this was just too juicy an angle not to pursue.

The news clipping had gone into detail about Theo's work with the illiterate and his dedication to the wizarding library. He came across as a saint who practically worked for peanuts for a good cause, while she was off cheating on him with his best friend – who also happened to be the wealthiest Wizard in the UK. She looked like a scheming gold digger. Never mind that she had her own fortune or that Theo worked for next to nothing because he had a trust fund that guaranteed he never had to work a day in his life if he should choose.

She looked up as Lizzy entered with another owl post. The older witch's gaze was full of caution as she handed it over. Hermione's name was written in a very elegant script and with what must have been a calligraphy quill. The seal bore the Malfoy crest. She opened it with dread.

Another lesson, my Dear. Never trust Rita Skeeter with any news that is of a personal nature. As a future Malfoy, this is imperative. Negative publicity must be avoided. Please seek my council should such a Gryffindor impulse cross your mind again.


PS: The east wing has been prepared for you and Draco as promised. The nursery is the same that generations of Malfoys have been raised in, including myself and Draco. It would be a shame if Daffodil were to miss out on such a tradition.

Gahhhh! Hermione balled up the note and threw it in the trash. The pressure for Draco and Hermione to move into the Manor had begun the first evening Draco brought her there. Hermione could tell Draco was slowly being persuaded. She, on the other hand, had no desire to live in the mansion. And if Lucius sodding Malfoy thought for one second she was going to name her daughter Daffodil? She shuddered and visions of her being called Daffy was almost enough to negate the effect of the anti-nausea potion she was still imbibing. While Hermione had not determined a name yet, Daffodil was certainly not it! It wasn't even in the top hundred.

She spotted Harry's note and felt a flush of guilt. She had planned to tell Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Susan that evening about leaving Theo for good and being pregnant with Draco's baby. It was a conversation she had been putting off and she regretted that they found out from the morning edition and not from her own lips. Rita had published the inflammatory article two days earlier than agreed. Lucius was right. She would never utilize Rita for anything again, personal or not. At least the article made no mention of the pregnancy.

Two weeks later, Hermione's divorce was final, and they were celebrating at the Manor. The Malfoy men had manipulated some significant strings to pull off the fastest divorce in UK Wizarding history. Hermione suspected some palms had been greased in the process, but she preferred not to know and therefore didn't ask.

Lucius had been reading the Evening Prophet when they arrived via floo. Upon their entry to his study, he tossed the paper dismissively aside. Hermione couldn't miss the large headline and picked it up to read.


Theo Nott Divorce Leaves None of the Elite Untouched

Traditionalists and historians will remember today, as will anyone with a longing for the lost values and old ways of the wizarding world. For over a year, the Nott's were the last family standing without a divorce to mar its history. That all came to an end this morning when Hermione Nott, nee Granger, divorced Theo Nott, her husband of over seven years. The Malfoys and the Notts held that proud standing together over the last ten years until just over a year ago when Draco Malfoy divorced Astoria Malfoy, nee Greengrass.

"It's really very sad," commented Florina Pexley of Plymouth. "I grew up idolizing the sacred twenty-eight as representatives of all that was good and decent in this world. They were the beacons of propriety. It was very disappointing when so many of them aligned themselves with the bigotry and hate of You-Know-Who. But this divorce just closes the lid on that last glimmer of what I revered as a child."

However, not all agree. "That's hogwash," replied Fortescue Barnicle of Devon. "It was all so false. That whole Sacred Twenty-Eight nonsense. Bunch of hoity-toitys who thought they were above everyone else if you ask me. My cousin Willoughby's neighbor had a friend who spent time with those elite poufs. He said they used to screw around on each other because they couldn't divorce. Better to divorce than to live a lie, I say. That Hermione Granger has the right of it in my book. She's a Muggle-born and clearly has a touch of sense between her ears. Good for her to move on and try to be happy."

Hermione couldn't read anymore. She wondered what Fortescue would have to say if he knew she had screwed around on her husband with his best friend and became impregnated by him. Bet he wouldn't think I have so much sense between my ears after all.

Her gaze was drawn to the photos underneath the article. The first showed Hermione with Draco's arm protectively around her as they left the Ministry just after signing the parchments. The picture next to it was of Theo, walking alone with a forlorn expression. The caption under the photos read, Hermione Nott on Draco Malfoy's arm before the ink dries on her divorce documents. Theo Nott pictured alone less than ten minutes after his divorce was finalized. It seemed the paper was still bent on portraying Theo as a victim.

Hermione tossed the paper aside, completely exhausted from the whole thing. She wished she could bury herself under her pillow and sleep for about three weeks. She had never realized how tiring pregnancy could be. Of course, it wasn't just that. The stress and depression of her divorce coupled with the excitement of marrying Draco and the constant pestering of Lucius-headache- Malfoy had just about done her in.

Ever since the Ezmirelda show down, Hermione and Draco had dined at the Manor no less than six times. It seemed Narcissa was determined to get to know her future daughter-in-law, and Hermione had to concede she enjoyed the witch's company very much. Hermione had always assumed Narcissa to be a typical trophy wife; beautiful and skilled in social settings, but not an intellectual or someone whom Hermione could hold a real conversation with. The Malfoy matriarch had proven Hermione quite wrong and she was thrilled to find they held the same passion for ancient runes and charms as well as history. Narcissa was even fluent in Muggle history and Hermione was shocked to learn there was a time the Malfoys and the Blacks were part of Queen Elizabeth's court in the fifteen-hundreds. This was before wizarding society began isolating itself from the Muggle one. The magic was always kept a secret, but everyone, magical or not, jostled for favor or perhaps a marriage to the Queen.

Hermione had just finished the last of her Beef Wellington when Draco started on her about taking the Malfoy surname after their wedding, which would be in two-week's time. She cut him a look with narrowed eyes, realizing he was calling in back-ups by broaching the topic in front of his parents.

"Draco, I don't see why it's such a big deal if I go back to my maiden name. It won't make me any less your wife or any less devoted to you." She was so very tired of this argument.

"Hermione, please. I want us to have the same name - your daughter will have a different name then you!" Draco argued.

"Who said I'm not going to insist she be a Granger, too?" Hermione snapped waspishly.

The sound of a fist on the table made Hermione jump. "Like bloody hell! My granddaughter will be a MALFOY, plain and simple!"

No one spoke for a solid two minutes before a soft voice of reason permeated the room. "I propose a compromise," Narcissa suggested calmly, shooting her husband a look of warning. "Hermione could hyphenate - but all children will be Malfoys."

Everyone was silent for a minute, mulling over the idea while eyeing each other suspiciously.

"I'll concede to that on one condition," Hermione mustered petulantly after a moment.

"What's that, Miss Granger?" Lucius asked with raised eyebrows.

"I get to keep my cat when I move in here."

"Well, that's hardly a significant thing," Lucius said. He completely ignored the fact that Draco shaking his head violently while miming someone slitting his throat.

"Dad, you really don't – " he began.

"It's a deal then?" Hermione interjected quickly. "Give me your word, Lucius."

"I swear you can keep your familiar." Lucius nodded firmly. "You must hyphenate your name and all children will be Malfoys."


Draco dropped his head into his hands.

Two Weeks Later

"Mm," Hermione sighed happily as she sank into a chair before a beautifully set breakfast table. "This looks wonderful! You should come join me – husband." She looked over appreciatively at the sleeping form of her brand-new husband, their vows only being hours old. "I'm sure we have a wonderful article to peruse in the Society Section this morning," she teased as he let out a little groan while rolling to sit at the edge of the bed.

He stretched and yawned, grinning when he caught his wife ogling him with raised eyebrows and a smirk over the rim of her coffee cup. "That little 'insider information' envelope we sent her last night probably made her whole year. I am curious to see if she blew it out of proportion, though."

He pulled on his boxers, which were discarded half-hazardly off one side of the bed in their eagerness to consummate their union the night before, over his hips and trudged over to her. Running his hand through his sex-and-sleep-tousled hair, he dropped into the seat next to hers after pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

Hermione shook out the paper and grinned at him when – as expected – the photo they had sent in was blazoned across the front of the Society pages. In it, Draco was being told he could kiss the bride which then led to him giving Hermione a dazzling smile and dipping her with a heady kiss. The headline read:

Exclusive Insider Leak by Rita Skeeter

My Dearest Readers,

I write to tell those witches who were hoping to snag one of the Magical World's Most Eligible Bachelors that they will be disappointed with today's news! At sunset yesterday in a very quiet ceremony, Draco Malfoy was bound to recently divorced Hermione (Granger) Nott. They were attended by Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy for the groom along with Harry and Ginny Potter and Ron and Susan Weasley for the bride.

An unnamed source tells us "The couple is so excited to start the next step in their lives together. Both divorcee's feel they've got it right this time!" Well, doesn't that just make the Cauldron melt? Seriously, gag me with a wand. This reporter is of the mind that Mrs. Granger-Malfoy is most likely expecting a little bundle. It would explain what appears to be a rushed matrimony. We'll have to see as time progresses. Anything earlier then a December birthday would mean the child was conceived before the proverbial knot was tied.

The scandal surrounding the old Mrs. Nott becoming the new Mrs. Granger-Malfoy will most likely feed the gossip rags for months to come. Merlin knows I'll be watching closely. Stay tuned for more!


Hermione's face was set in shocked surprised as Draco started guffawing and coughing a bit as some toast was sucked into his wind pipe.

"Ugh, that woman!" she ground out, obviously frustrated. "How the hell did she figure that out? There's no way she's that bright!" Hermione wrinkled her nose disgustedly even as Draco chuckled.

"Aw, wife," he teased, his eyes darkening at his new pet name for her. "You knew exactly what we would see when we opened the paper today. I told my father that pretending you conceived after we married wasn't going to work. Merlin knows the entire wizarding community will agree with her – and they're right!" He sighed, but his eyes were still lit with mirth. "There's no reason to be ashamed. Their opinions don't matter."

"Yes, I know," she agreed as she folded the page and tossed the paper to the floor, "but one can always hope the public would butt out."

"Not when the Wizarding World's Most eligible bachelor ties the knot," Draco teased as he leaned across the small gap separating them to cup the back of her neck while drawing her in for a kiss. It was meant to be comforting, if not placating, but quickly turned heated.

"Back to bed, I think," he muttered against her lips as he stood, abruptly pulling Hermione and her half-eaten slice of toast to her feet. Her giggles never sounded so sweet.

Just as they were about to crawl back into their marriage bed, there was a heavy knock at their door. "You have some explaining to do, Draco Malfoy!" Lucius' was in an obvious rage and Hermione looked at Draco wide-eyed.

"When did you ask Tinny to bring Cassiopeia?" he said, looking rather nervous.

"You didn't warn him?" Hermione hissed, pushing him off her so she could don her robe. Draco followed quickly, also pulling on his house coat.

His parents could be heard through the door. "Lucius, I told you to leave them alone. They just got married yesterday," Narcissa was saying. Her voice, however, was lovey-dovey and sing-songy. It didn't sound like she was addressing her husband.

Draco groaned inwardly as Hermione pulled open the door of their suite.

"I want it gone!" Lucius demanded, not even bothering to greet his son and daughter-in-law. "How in the world could this possibly be happening? It took me years to get that … that … familiar abomination out of this house! She killed Kenny!" He stomped his foot and his hands were balled into fists at his side.

Hermione shot a look at Draco and mouthed, "Kenny?"

Draco nonchalantly whispered, "His favorite peacock, Dickens. He called him Kenny."

Ahh, yes! Hermione remembered now. Draco had explained the story when he first spotted the familiar in her flat. Hermione smirked at her father-in-law's rage even as she met Narcissa's eyes over his shoulder. The blonde witch was on her knees in front of the gigantic cat, having the reunion of a lifetime. Beauty was butting her head into Narcissa's chest, rubbing against her, and purring so loud it sounded like a car was idling in the hallway.

"You're just upset because Hermione pulled one over on you, Lucius," Narcissa berated her husband before turning back to the cat, "She's brilliant, that girl, isn't she Cassie? She's going to be a hell of a match for our poor men, isn't she?"

"Narcissa!" Lucius' tone was as close to whining as Hermione had ever heard it. She exchanged a glance with Draco who was obviously holding back laughter. The look on Draco's face made Hermione snort – loudly – before completely breaking into hysterical giggles, doubling at the waist.

"This is not funny!" Lucius intoned, causing everyone but himself to join in with Hermione's laughter.

Lucius looked at his family, frustration marring his features, but after a minute or so, he smirked. "Fine, I concede," he swiped a hand down his face, trying to control the smile as everyone continued to laugh at his expense. "A Gryffindor got the best of me – but it will never happen again!" This only caused the titters to grow in intensity.

He let out a roar of good-humored annoyance before demanding, "That damn cat will wear a bell, so she can't sneak up on my birds!"

The laughter only continued.

Three weeks later, Hermione was in her office at the end of the day. It was getting dark and she could hear the low rumble of distant thunder and see the sky light with occasional flashes of lightening. Although it had not yet started to rain, clearly a storm was coming. She contemplated dashing to the market. Maybe she could be home before the impending downpour. A few minutes later she braved the threatening conditions and left her office.

She glanced up and down the street, noticing how barren it was. No one was out. The wind was gusting, and she could smell the rain even though it wasn't falling yet. She imagined the weather contributed to the empty streets. She pulled her robes more tightly around her frame as she dashed into the corner market. She was craving her favorite potato soup and planned to make it for a simple Sunday dinner. She didn't want to have to shop on Saturday, given that she had plans in Muggle-London with her mother. Grabbing and paying for what she needed, Hermione headed back out and walked toward the Apparition point.

A few small drops of rain smacked her face, coming sideways and hitting her where her scarf wasn't protecting. The wind was cold and the rain even colder. It was only October, but there was a winter feel to the air. She pulled the scarf up, over her head and tight around her neck to fight the chill. A loud clap of thunder startled her, and she scolded herself for being so jumpy.

Suddenly, someone gripped her arm roughly. She was being spun sideways, into an alley. Instantly her heart raced, and her instincts kicked in. Her wand was tucked in the sleeve of the arm carrying the groceries. As she made to grab the wand with her other hand, the towering, dark form hustled her against a brick wall and she felt her breath escape in a gasp from the sudden impact. A husky voice sounding desperate and choked, whispered in her ear. "Princess, pet." Incapacitating fear turned into white-hot desire, followed by her throat tightening with tears. Draco.

"Draco, what are you – ?" Her words were cut off when his mouth crashed onto hers. The bag in her hand fell to the wet ground and her arms desperately reached up and around his neck. How many times had she imagined this very scene? How many times had she wanted him to do this? To surprise her? To take her? To not take 'no' for an answer? But that was before their breakup. Before they both said too many regretful things. Before she decided that being Hermione Granger-Malfoy had been a terrible decision. She curved one hand protectively over the slight bulge of her ever-growing belly.

"Draco, no. It's is over between us! No more." The words tore at her heart; they were all wrong. He was supposed to be her forever. Her hands came down to his chest and shoved, but it was like pushing against a brick wall. He didn't budge even a millimeter.

His response was a feral growl. "Yes, you can. I want you, pet. I need you. I'm starving for you." His tone softened. "I miss you, Hermione. Come home."

Her eyes dashed frantically toward the street. Her words were an urgent whisper. "No, Draco, I don't want this anymore."

His hands slipped between the gap in the front of her robes. She panted as they moved across her torso, one hand slipped up to grasp her breast, over her dress, while the other grabbed her bottom. He pulled her into him, groaning over the changes in her body.

She swallowed heavily and looked up into his pleading eyes, desperate with his need for her, clouded with the love he held for her. She felt her scarf slip to the ground but was too pre-occupied to care.

Her heart was pounding, screaming its hunger for this man. No Hermione! She reprimanded herself. She may want him, but she knew it would lead to more frustration and pain. She was just reaching the point where she wasn't thinking about him constantly, though the pregnancy meant he was never far from her mind. This would set her back drastically.

Sensing her hesitation, he pressed himself harder against her. The rain had started to pound the ground around them. There was an awning over their heads protecting them from the brunt of the downpour, but they were still getting wet – and it was cold. He moved her slightly to stand in a shallow alcove marking the alley entrance of a closed bakery. More shielded from the rain, she forced her eyes up into his.

"Draco, stop. We can't do this."

Her breath hitched when his eyes glazed over; the look no longer desperate but dark, carnivorous, and Dominant. His voice was guttural, and Hermione shivered with her own desperate need for him when he all but growled, "You seem to think I'm giving you a choice, pet. You won't deny me. I won't allow it."

Her panties were instantly wet as her secret fantasy was continuing to become real. Despite what he was doing and what he said, Hermione knew she could safe word and this would all come to a stop. Draco was not a rapist. She knew she needed to end this before it went too far, but the word just wouldn't push past her lips. It was then that she made her decision.

"Draco. I said no!" She pushed against him hard and her foot smashed down on his.

"Fuck!" One of his hands grabbed her right wrist and then snaked around her left, before she pulled it away. Both wrists in his control, he whispered with an evil grin on his face, "Don't fight me. You can't win." His eyebrow was cocked, daring her to challenge him.

Her eyes softened and grew wide with their sincerity and vulnerability. Her voice was a whisper, yet came out choked with emotion. "Oh, Draco. I don't want to fight you. I love you." It wasn't a lie – she would always love him. They just couldn't be together. It just wasn't working. She couldn't be a Malfoy. He was the one who had made the ultimatum – marry or nothing. She had tried being married; she had tried living in that house. She just…couldn't.

His eyes immediately softened in return, all Dominance gone as he dropped her wrists and grabbed her face, kissing her with abandon.

As soon as he loosened his grip, she stamped down on his foot and shoved his unsuspecting form with all her might. He stumbled backwards, surprise on his beautiful face.

Hermione grinned without humor as she took off at an awkward run, further into the dark alley. The rain was hammering down, making her vision obscured. She could hear him coming up behind her, but there was nowhere to go. She grabbed her wand and pointed it straight ahead, "Reducto!" The locked, chain-link gate that was blocking her path blasted apart. She ran fast, sensing him right on her heels.

"Arresto Momentum," she heard him yell from behind her. Just as he started to shout, she dodged to her left and the jinx just missed her.

She kept her pace and pointed her wand back over her shoulder as she yelled, "Colloshoo!"

She laughed maniacally when she heard him fall to the ground behind her, cursing loudly. He must have slipped out of his glued-to-the-ground shoes quickly, because she could hear the splatter of his steps once again as he started to gain on her.

Shit! The rain was coming down so hard that she was completely drenched. Her hair was sticking to her face and the weight of the water that soaked her robes was slowing her down. The alley was completely dark and, coupled with the downpour, Hermione couldn't see more than a few feet in front of her. A bolt of lightning lit the alley with a bright flash and she noticed a door to the warehouse on her right. Desperate, she ran to it and turned the knob. Miraculously, it opened and she scurried in like the drowned rat she was before she slammed it behind her, just cutting him off. "Colloportus," she whispered and waved her wand, locking the door.

She turned and looked around the massive, dark space. It was essentially empty and looked abandoned. She ran to the other side of the large room where she spotted another door. The sound of rain on the metal roof was deafeningly loud. She could faintly hear him yell "Alohomora!" and the door behind her open just as she slipped out through the other.

"Bollocks," she whispered when she found herself outside in the rain again, only in a different alley. Thunder boomed, causing her to startle. Another flash of light and then another immediate crash told her the storm was right overhead.

The flashes of light guided her. There were several huge, wooden shipping crates scattered throughout the alley. She dashed behind one and hid, her heart positively racing with adrenaline from their little game. She placed her hand over her mouth as she heard him come out of the building. "Ah, pet. I know you're out here. You're being very naughty. Tricking me…running from me…jinxing me."

It was very hard to hear his footsteps for the rain pounding against the crates and the ground.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," he threatened eerily, in a sing-song voice. She had a sense he was coming around behind her, so she slowly crept forward, hoping she wasn't making a terrible mistake. Oh, but what a mistake it turned out to be. She squealed as she turned to run when he was standing nowhere near where she had thought. He had been right in front of her.

"Carpe retractum!" he yelled. Instantly, Hermione felt a rope wrap around her just above the swell of her pregnancy. Slowly, she was pulled back towards the caster.

He chuckled with his victory as he teased, "Ahh, see? It was only a matter of time." One arm came around her struggling form as his other hand grabbed her sopping-wet hair, forcefully pulling her head back.

"Draco, no. Let me go...please!" she begged, her voice desperate.

He merely looked down at her, his eyes moving from her brown pleading orbs, to her soft lips, and then down to her chest. He lifted her and pressed her back against the wet brick. "I don't want to let you go, Hermione," he whispered, sounding somewhat broken. "I've told you over and over again, I want you to come home. I love you."

The alley was pitch black, the rain relentless. Water was dripping down her face as he held her bound form against the wall. He let her body slide down, so her feet were on the ground and then his serious expression shifted and he grinned maliciously as he gave her a taste of her own medicine. "Colloshoo," he whispered. This caused her shoes to stick to the ground and left her unable to stomp on his feet or run away without removing them.

Casting another sticking charm on her hands, he pressed them into the wall and, just like that, she was completely at his mercy. He cocked his head as though studying her before he moved his gaze down her body and then back up. He pulled her robes open in the front, and Hermione saw his eyes darken once again as they traced the outline of her breasts.

Draco swallowed hard, he was so incredibly aroused. She truly had no idea how much their little game had upped the intensity of his desire for her. She was playing along so beautifully and had even managed to jinx him. It made his victory all the more delectable. Here she was, bound to the brick wall in front of him with her eyes full of anticipation, and it had been far too long since he had possessed her last.

Her robes were open, leaving her in a soaked, grey silk maternity dress. A dress that had become completely see through and glued to her body, outlining the swell of his virility. His predatory gaze slid all the way down to her kitten heels and back up again.

He smiled with a devious glint when she spat, "Don't touch me!"

"Oh, little Princess. I'm not just going to touch you," he teased. He stepped close and placed a gentle kiss where her neck met her collarbone and proceeded to lick, lasciviously up her neck to her ear, where he whispered, "I'm going to fuck you…hard."

Hermione was putty. At this point, he could do whatever he wanted. She was so aroused she couldn't even pretend to fight him anymore. Damned her willpower to hell, she wanted him, and she wanted him now.

"What's going on over there?! Miss?! Are you alright?!"

"Shit!" Draco whispered as he immediately stepped back and released the sticking charm on her wrists and the jinx on her shoes. The binding ropes vanished with another quick flick of his wand. She pulled her robes around herself and stepped into him with the intention of hiding her face.

"I'm calling the police!" the man yelled out.

Draco pulled Hermione close and started to walk fast. "Shit," he whispered again.

"How did we end up in Muggle London?" Hermione mused as she nestled into his side, breathing in his delicious scent.

"I have no idea," he responded in frustration. As soon as they were confident they were out of site, he spun and Apparated them away.

Hermione stumbled from the unexpected side-along Apparition, but Draco's firm hold on her kept her grounded. With her hand securely grasped in his, he pulled her through the Apparition Foyer door in Malfoy Manor before he pushed her against the nearest wall, his mouth once again claiming hers. His hands frantically pushed off her outer robe and fumbled with the zipper of her wet dress. Her hands were around his neck, desperately pulling him close. If she could crawl under his skin, she would have. Her need to consume him, and be consumed by him, was all encompassing. All her logic and well thought out reasons for staying away from him had abandoned her psyche. All she wanted was this wizard. This wizard who hadn't touched her in too long. This wizard whom she had been dreaming about, fantasizing about, and missing so much it physically hurt.

Down the hall, Lucius could hear the obvious sounds of Draco and Hermione going at it. Again. This would be the third time since their wedding just over three weeks ago that he had caught them in the actual act of fornication, or pre-fornication. Something had to be done.

He sighed and switched his trajectory of destination to include the Apparition Foyer. Lucius rounded the corner just in time to see Draco's lips trail down the bare skin of his daughter-in-law's neck as he pulled the dress down her arms. It pooled on top of her swollen belly. Just as he was about to slip her bra off, he subtly cleared his throat.

"Have you two seriously never heard of a bed? This is getting quite ridiculous, you know," he drawled in a bored sounding voice.

Hermione squealed in horrified protestation and Draco found himself pressed against his wife, hiding her from his father's view. "Father!" he exclaimed hotly, turning his head to glare at Lucius over his shoulder.

Lucius couldn't help it, he let out a snigger as he met Hermione's eyes. The poor thing was mortified. "Perhaps you should wait until you at least reach your wing, son. That way you won't be putting your wife on exposition to your father and the house elf staff," he gestured to the left of the couple, who's heads swiveled to find two house elves busily cleaning and obviously doing their best to not pay attention to what was happening.

"Hermione, maybe it is you that needs the bell? So we know which corridors to avoid when you are actively engaged?" Lucius continued mercilessly, thoroughly enjoying the shade of tomato red blossoming over her skin.

"Oh, Merlin," Hermione muttered. Knowing her cheeks had to be blazing red at this point, she buried her face in Draco's neck.

Draco, on the other hand, was exceedingly amused. "Sorry, father," he grinned still shielding Hermione's half naked body with his own. "Perhaps you would excuse us?"

"Of course," Lucius responded with mock gallantry and dipped his head, still grinning broadly. As much as he had disliked the idea of a Mudblood as a daughter-in-law, he had to admit he was growing fond of the girl. She was definitely adding to their lives.

Draco tightened his hold around her shoulders and, with a quick spin and a thunderous crack, he Apparated them to their suite.

"Oh my god," Hermione moaned as she pulled away from Draco and covered her face with her hands.

"Stop," Draco chided her as he started to laugh. "It's not that big of a deal. He honestly doesn't care. At least you still had your bra on this time – it's really no different than you swimming in a bikini in front of him."

"It wasn't what I was wearing Draco!" she hissed, pushing away from him as he guffawed louder. She turned her back on him before crossing her arms under her bust. Her shoulders started shaking and Draco's mirth left him immediately. She cried so easily these days.

"Don't be like that," he said softly, settling his hands on her upper arms. He brushed his cheek against hers as he molded his front to her back before he realized she was giggling as well. "Ha!" he choked out, breaking into chuckles once more as he pressed kisses to the sensitive spot beneath her ear.

"I think you're a bit of an exhibitionist, Mrs. Granger-Malfoy," he breathed into her ear, still chuckling. "I think you like it when my father catches us."

Hermione's giggles turned into a little moan as her head dropped to the side to give him better access to continue with his kisses and nips. "Perhaps," she murmured noncommittally, "He is awfully easy-going about it. I somehow imagined your father being wound a bit more tightly in the propriety department." She hummed in her throat when his hands moved to massage her breasts as his mouth met the skin between her neck and shoulder. "I'm sorry we got caught in the alley," she told him.

"Me, too," he answered before spinning her in his arms. He loved the feel of their child between them as he captured her lips, his ardor spiking once again. "We'll try again some other time."

"Yes," she agreed. "But I don't want to pretend we've broken up again. I didn't like that role play at all," she gasped as his hands brushed her nipples before encircling her torso, "it made my heart hurt."

"Mm," he agreed, deftly unclasping the back of her bra as she pushed her dress over her baby bump.

Her nipples were hardened peaks and he relished the feel and taste of them on his tongue. His hands tenderly rubbed up and down her arms and he could feel the goosebumps on her skin. He backed into the nearest flat surface and raised her to sit on its edge before he fell to his knees, slipping her dress down her legs and her heels off her feet. His strong hands slid her lacy thong down her trembling legs before returning to the apex of her thighs to spread her open as his mouth dived in, feasting on her delicious, sensitive folds and skin. Soft mewls escaped from her mouth as her hands moved behind her to balance on the side table he had deposited her on.

"Gods, yes," she panted with need as his skilled mouth began working her in that spot she craved the most. Her hips thrust forward of their own volition, desperate for the release of the coil that was quickly tightening within her.

Draco loved the soft sounds of desperation falling from her lips. His hands were wrapped around her thighs. He could feel her quivering with need but when her teeth started chattering, he realized her trembling might have nothing to do with desire. He caressed up her body with his mouth, making sure to kiss the swell that was his daughter, before guiding her into the bathroom.

With a flick of his wand, the shower came to life. "Get in," he demanded as he stripped wet clothing from his body. Seconds later, he stepped in behind her to once again press her up against the wall.

The steamy hot water felt marvelous as it slid down her cool, damp body, warming her to the tips of her toes. The length of Draco's body behind her made her feel alive and had every nerve ending standing to attention. Their actions had been so frantic out of the shower, that when he resumed at a lazy, seductive pace it left her feeling a bit barmy. It had simply been too long. They were foolish to abstain from sex for two weeks, agreeing that it would make their consensual non-con scene all the more intense.

He took her gently by the shoulders and turned her around to face him, dropping his lips to hers in a gentle, exploratory quest of nips and suckles. He tipped her head back to drench her hair. Still kissing her like he was making love to her mouth, he smoothly poured a handful of shampoo in her hair and started massaging it into her scalp. She groaned in appreciation of the tender massage and pressed her naked breasts and swollen belly into his torso while wrapping her arms around his neck. Draco grinned against Hermione's mouth and angled her head to rinse the soap out of the thick, tangled strands. He repeated the process with the conditioner before pouring body wash on a soft sponge.

"Draco!" Her breath hitched as her body convulsed under his ministrations. She gasped as he soaped up her breasts, teasing her over-sensitive nipples to a painful point. "Please!" She arched into him desperately, but his only response was another maddening chuckle as he spun her again. Pulling her back so her bottom was cradled against his thighs, Draco's slippery hands cupped and massaged her breasts before gliding across her baby bump and to her sex.

"Fuck!" she shouted when he parted her folds.

"Yeah, baby," he rumbled in her ear. "I love it when your language goes foul, it means you're no longer thinking." He teased her clit for too brief a moment before pushing her back into the spray to rinse her body. This time when he cupped her breast, he grasped each nipple a bit roughly between each thumb and pointer finger.

"Gah! Draco, please!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with obvious need as she thrust her bum back to rub against his reaction.

"Ah, ah, ah," he teased. "Put your hands flat on the wall," he ordered dominantly. She didn't think twice before she complied. She must have missed the whispered incantation, because next she knew he was setting his wand on the shelf in front of her and her hands were stuck. "Spread your legs and get up on your toes." The tone of his voice made Hermione shudder spectacularly. She complied as his hands slid down her sides, grazing the sides of her breasts before resting on each of her hips.

Draco reangled her hips to make sure they were out of the spray as not to wash away her natural lubrication and the next things she knew, he was slamming himself into her in one, brutal thrust.

"Oh, fucking Merlin!" she cried out as her eyes rolled back in her head. She strained against the spell holding her hands flat to the wall. "Oh, god. Oh, god," she muttered as he quickly pulled almost all the way out before thrusting in again, and again. In her position, she was unable to meet his thrusts, but wasn't even sure she'd want to. His cock was hitting every spot in utter perfection. Her pregnancy-sensitized pussy roared to life at his ministrations. His grip on her hips was keeping her pelvis rotated posteriorly, making sure her g-spot was receiving glorious friction. She was going to come – quickly, and hard.

"Draco, Draco, Draco!" she panted out, gasping and making mewling noises deep in her chest with each thrust.

"That's it, wife," Draco's voice was tight with control as he continued to pound into her with a primal, possessive rhythm. She was going to go mad, surely, from the sensation alone. "Come for me, Hermione, come on." He upped his pace, his sac hitting her clit with every hard thrust. She moaned loudly, her chin falling to her chest in between her raised and frozen arms as water trailed down her face and off the tip of her nose. Her hair was almost suffocating, but all she could concentrate on was the place they were joined and the delicious sensations he was eliciting.

She was so close, and he didn't falter in his movement. "Now, witch! You come now!" His next thrust made her scream her release.

"Unngh! Fuuuuck, Draco!" She babbled nonsensically as he rode her through her orgasm, not pausing for even a moment. She felt her whole body go limp, even as his pace kept on, and felt like she was hanging from her wrists. Eventually he slowed until he was still behind her.

"You didn't come?" she was confused but trembling and sated to the point that her mind was fuzzy from it.

"That's because I'm not finished with you," he growled. Just like that, Hermione was a ball of nerves all over again. She watched through heavy lidded eyes as he picked up his wand and released the sticking charm before gently pulling out of her and shutting off the water.

Draco used his wand to dry them both before scooping her up bridal style. He carried her to their bed before setting her down on her feet. He sat on the edge of the bed and met her eyes. His grey orbs were dark with lust and desire and it only made Hermione's body ache for more even though she had been thoroughly satisfied only moments before.

"On your knees, witch," he instructed heatedly. "I want your mouth on my cock."

Compliance was a non-issue. She had dreamed about pleasuring him this way for days. She loved having this control over him. Dropping to her knees, she took his length in one hand firmly and stroking him. She looked up at him with a coy smile when he let a heavy breath of pleasure whoosh through his nose. One hand pumped him while the other cupped and stroked his balls, making him grunt.

He let her carry on thus for a moment before he tangled a hand in her hair, pulling her head up to look him in the eye. "I said put your mouth on me, wife," he growled. "Stop teasing."

Her eyes sparkled mischievously up at him as she slowly opened her mouth and, never taking her eyes off his, enveloped the bulbous head of his cock between her pouty, pink lips. A groan rumbled in his chest as the hand in her hair tightened and guided her forward a bit more forcefully then what was normal for him. Hermione immediately relaxed her throat, knowing he was going to make her take it all. Her gag was slight, and he held her firmly in place, all the while keeping his fiery gaze locked to hers. Just as she was starting to think about panicking for her next breath, he let her go. By releasing her hair, he indicated she was now allowed to give him pleasure at her own pace.

And she did – with enthusiasm. She gripped the base of his throbbing cock with one hand, pumping it gently as she pulled back fully to suck in a deep breath. She kept her gaze locked to his while submitting herself to take him in fully again, making him swear verbosely. Draco's fingers sought her hair again, but this time it was just to caress and guide and not to control. She tightened her lips and sucked deeply as she slowly slid back up his length, swirling her tongue heavily through his frenulum and around the hole at the top. He cursed again and involuntarily jerked his hips.

Draco didn't allow Hermione to control the situation for too long. Reaching for her, he grabbed her by both wrists before standing and pulling her up with him, practically ripping himself from her mouth. He bodily lifted her and gently tossed her back on the bed, both were breathing raggedly as he climbed on top of her. The swell of her belly was not so much as to be a huge hinderance as of yet, she was only twenty-five weeks along. He rolled her to her left side and straddled her left leg while folding her right leg up to press against her chest. He was in her before she could take a second breath and she moaned loudly as he growled. His hands came down on each side of her and his chest held her leg in position as he pistoned into her again.

Hermione arched and wiggled, meeting his thrusts as best she could while both her hands came up to frame his face and drag his mouth to hers. They kissed deeply, tongues mating the same as their lower bodies. She jerked and cried against his lips when Draco found and pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger, rubbing it on each side until she sobbed against his mouth and came a second time.

This time, Draco joined her by pumping violently and letting her clenching muscles milk away his control. He buried his face in her neck and roared ferociously as he spilled his seed into her already crowded womb.

"Merlin, witch," he hissed as the last jets of come escaped violently from his body.

"So good," she agreed, "but, uh. You need to get off!" she let out a breathless chuckle and pushed at him. "I don't know if that position will work much longer."

"Oops!" Draco grinned at her devilishly and slowly slid out of her and rolled to his side. He reached for her just as Hermione rolled into his outstretched arms to settle on her side and rest her face against his chest.

"Waiting that long sucked," he told her while wrapping his arm around her shoulders and tangling his fingers into her wild curls. "But I cannot deny that that was one of the most intense orgasms I've had in a while."

"Yes," she agreed. "'Absence makes the heart' and all that nonsense."

They lay quiet after that for a moment before Hermione let out a low, surprised gasp.

"What's wrong?" Draco murmured, just on the brink of dozing off.

"I felt the baby!" Her voice was full of wonder. "Draco!" she paused, and her hand moved to settle low on her stomach.

"Can I feel?" Draco's voice was full of longing.

"It might be too soon for you…" she trailed off as the feeling of butterflies in her womb continued. Quickening is what the books called it. "Hand me your wand," she indicated to where his wand lay on the nightstand. When he gave it to her wordlessly, she took his hand and cast a spell over the palm. "It increases your sensitivity. It still might not work, but it's worth a try?"

"Yes," he agreed, eagerly setting his palm flat to her rounded abdomen. They were quiet for quite a while before more butterflies started dancing and Draco's eyes grew wide with wonder. "I feel it!" he exclaimed, looking down into her eyes. "That's incredible."

They grinned at each other for a moment before snuggling in again. Draco did not remove his palm from her bump. Just as he was about to fall asleep, Hermione let out a muffled oath and started to roll to her side. Draco held her tightly. "What's wrong, now?"

"I want to sleep," she muttered petulantly.

"So sleep."

"But the baby wants to eat, Draco," she whined. "I need you to feed me."

Draco snorted. "No…I think we should have dinner with my parents tonight."

He started laughing in earnest when she swatted him with a pillow.

Hermione perused the menu, trying to narrow down what she would order. Everything looked so good.

"You look beautiful as ever, kitten."

Hermione smiled up at her ex-husband as he bent forward and planted a kiss on her cheek before sliding into the booth across from her. Her forehead crinkled as her assessing gaze swept over him. "And you look tired."

Theo shrugged as he took a large swallow of water. "Late night."

"Uh huh," Hermione scolded knowingly. "Still haven't resorted to a beater bat, I see." She looked back at her menu as she added. "I do hope you are practicing safe sex."

Theo grinned. "Always."

Hermione had not been wrong when she had told him the witches would be all over him when news got out that he was single. The fact the paper had misconstrued everything and made it seem that he was a wronged and jilted husband had merely added to the number of witches seeking to console his breaking heart. He had been voted Witch Weekly's Bachelor of the Year twice since their divorce, which had been two years ago.

"Yes, well – you need to take better care of yourself," she insisted.

Theo rolled his eyes, knowing she needed to get the last word in on any topic and deciding to let her have it.

It had taken a while, more than a year to be precise, for Theo and Hermione to become friends. A mere six months after that, and they were close friends. Once Hermione had remarried, he had moved on with his life. A life he had been very happy with. He found that bachelorhood suited him very well. Now that he had Hermione's friendship, he was truly in a good place.

Hermione was still working on mending Theo and Draco's friendship. Progress was being made. The two wizards could hold a conversation and even laugh together at a social event, but they didn't confide in each other as they used to. Still, they had come a long way and Hermione hoped that in time they would be close again.

Their conversation moved on to work and Hermione filled him in on her latest case about a herd of centaurs who were being forced to leave a forest they had inhabited for thousands of years. Muggle urban sprawl had encroached on the land and Hermione was diligently trying to get the Ministry involved. They needed to put a stop to the Muggle expansion. There were numerous ways the Ministry could achieve this; Hermione simply needed to convince them it was necessary.

Theo wasn't currently working. The library modernization had been completed over a year ago and he just hadn't found anything that interested him. He was contemplating traveling and perhaps doing to some writing. He had some ideas for a novel or two. He was also intrigued by the thought of writing travel books. While there were thousands of Muggle travel books, the wizarding world selection was very scant.

"Where would you like to go first?" Hermione asked as the first taste of steak and kidney pie made its way into her mouth.

"I'm thinking South America. There are virtually no travel books what-so-ever on any territories south of Mexico."

Hermione sipped her sparkling water as she prodded not to subtly. "And would you travel alone?"

Theo took a swallow of his wine and looked up at her with a cocked brow. "Since when are you so interested in my sex life, kitten?"

Hermione rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. "I couldn't care less, other than that I would like to see you settled, Theo. It's been two years. Don't you think it's time to stop being a play-wizard and find yourself a nice girl to settle down with?"

His blue eyes met her chocolate and he smirked. "I found a nice girl once and it didn't work out so well."

"Don't give me that, Theo Nott. I might have fallen for that 'woe-is-me' line a year ago, but not now. We've both learned from our mistakes and are capable of being better spouses for it. You deserve a witch who loves you and who dotes on you."

Theo grinned roguishly. "I have witches who love me and dote on me every night, kitten." Instantly a napkin flew across the table and hit him square in the face.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it!" she scolded playfully as she held her hand out for him to give her napkin back.

Theo pretended he wasn't going to give it to her before relenting and tossing it back across the table.

Her tone became more serious as she told him words she knew he needed to hear in a soft and reassuring voice. "Theo, you won't make the mistakes you made with me. You'll be such a good husband and you'll make a wonderful father."

Theo stared into his lunch and moved a potato from one side of his plate to the other and back again. "Yeah, well. I haven't met the right woman."

"How would you know? You move through them so fast you probably don't even catch their last names."

Theo sighed heavily, knowing he wasn't going to win this battle. He rarely won them, but this time he knew she was right. He was averaging a new witch every couple of weeks. And in truth, it was getting old. It was part of the reason he wanted to travel; he was ready to make something of his life.

"Enough about me. How are things at the Manor? Lucius still driving you crazy?"

Hermione shook her head and smiled. "That man is a piece of work. His manipulation knows no limits," she sipped her water, "but yes, I actually like living at the Manor. Lucius and Narcissa dote on Soleil like she is the sun itself. They are quite wonderful, actually. Even Lucius. Though I'm still learning how to handle him, he and I have become quite close."

"And Draco? How is he?"

Hermione looked up, startled by his inquiry. Theo hadn't asked about Draco once in the past two years even though Draco had asked about Theo plenty times.

"He's…he's good, Theo. He misses your friendship."

Theo looked at her questioningly. "Hmm, I doubt that."

Hermione sighed. "You two were best friends most of your lives. Of course, he misses you!"

After a beat, Theo added, barely above a whisper, "Well, sometimes I miss him, too."

Hermione smiled warmly at Theo's confession. "Perhaps…we could have dinner. The three of us. Or you could bring a date. You know…someone really beautiful. You can make both of us jealous."

Theo grinned playfully. "Hmm, I must admit. That idea has some appeal."

Forty-five minutes later, Theo paid the check and they were saying their goodbyes with promises to get together in another month or so.

When Hermione stood, Theo's eyes immediately gravitated to her protruding belly. "Kitten? You're pregnant?'

Hermione shrugged, "So it seems. Six months along now."

A genuine smile crept across his face. "Good for you." He stepped towards her and pulled her into a hug. "You're where you're supposed to be, you know," he whispered. "Married to Draco, living in Malfoy Manor, and having little platinum blond babies with riotous curls."

When he pulled back from her, her eyes glistened. "You know I love you, Theo Nott."

"Yeah, I know," he teased with a smile, causing her to laugh. It had become their thing. Her saying she loved him and him not saying it back, even though they both knew he loved her to the ends of the earth and back. There was no question they would be friends forever.

As Hermione left the restaurant, she thought back on the conversation she had with Lucius after dinner the night before. He had been in his study, clearing away Soleil's toys and books with a wave of his wand.

"Since when do you allow your granddaughter entrance into your study, Lucius?" Hermione had teased.

"Well, you were gone, Narcissa was at her garden luncheon at the Parkinson's, Draco was at work…was I supposed to just leave her to the elves?"

Hermione bit back her smile. "Well, thank goodness you were here and generous with your private space and your time. The horrors of being stuck with Janky or Tinny, who absolutely spoil her rotten." She no longer held back her giggle as she teased.

"Yes, well. My point precisely. They will ruin her by spoiling her to no end. There must be limits." He added with a stern glare.

Hermione wasn't fooled, especially when she saw the nonchalant flick of his wand that caused his favorite atlas that he never let Draco play with when he was young – despite numerous temper tantrums – float back to its glass case. The atlas was truly spectacular. When a page was turned, the reader was pulled, as though into a pensieve, and fully immersed in the city or country or landscape – whatever was on the page. Soleil, despite only being a year and seven months old, was completely enthralled with the magical book and Lucius indulged her like no other.

Hermione sat on the leather sofa and watched her father-in-law as he sat down at his desk, going through some papers Draco had brought him to look over.

"I'm rather surprised, Lucius."

"Why is that?" He asked, without looking up at her.

"Well, another Malfoy granddaughter will arrive in about three and half months and you have not once demanded she be named Daffodil."

Lucius peeked up at her, over the rim of his readers before pulling them off completely. "And why, my dear, would I demand such a dreadful name for my granddaughter?"

Hermione's jaw fell. "What do you mean? You loved that name! You practically insisted on pain of endless nagging that Soleil be given that name instead."

"Oh, Hermione. Do keep up. That was a ploy. I wanted you and Draco to move into the Manor. I needed you to make that decision. So, I made two requests. I knew that you would never deny me both of them, not when Cissy and I had rescued you from a scandal of epic proportions. So, I merely needed to make the one I really wanted to be the lesser of two evils. Hence, the dreadful name Daffodil was promoted. As if I would ever want a granddaughter to be called such a thing. I'd sooner declare myself a Hufflepuff."

Hermione sat stunned. "You… sneaky… devil."

He looked up at her and pointed at his chest. "Slytherin." His lip quirked at the sight of her sudden outrage. "Besides, you love it here. It was the right decision and you know it."

Hermione worked at her office until just after six. Where had the time gone? When she arrived home ten minutes later, Draco greeted her with a soft kiss that promised much more when the opportunity presented itself. "Where is Soleil?" she asked as their lips parted.

"She's in the rose garden with Father and Mother. Belby is clearing out the garden gnomes and Soleil is trying to save them." Draco scratched his head. "Lord help us all when that child gets sorted into Gryffindor."

Hermione laughed, imagining Lucius' face.

As Hermione and Draco approached, Soleil raced towards them as fast as her wobbly little legs could move her. The child fell all the time, but every morning Janky placed a Cushioning Charm on her knees, elbows, hips, and head. She made it without falling and Hermione scooped her up into her arms, peppering her cheeks with kisses. As soon as she had her fill of Hermione, she reached out to Draco. "Da-da."

Hermione smirked as she handed the child over. "Such a daddy's girl. Honestly."

Draco held his daughter tight, kissing her forehead and then tickled her belly causing her to fall into peals of laughter. Hermione spotted the table that was set in the garden for them to dine outside. As they took their seats, Hermione glanced around the table. Warmth and happiness crept through her as she looked at her family.

It was hard to believe that she was a Malfoy.

It was even harder to believe she was happy as a Malfoy.

Lucius and Narcissa had welcomed her with open arms into their fold. They treated her with respect and kindness and Hermione could even say they loved her – she had certainly grown to love them.

The center of her universe sat next to her, however. While Soleil was the sun the entire family gravitated around – and Hermione loved her so much she could barely breathe – Draco was Hermione's very own gravity. He was her rock. Her lover. Her best friend. And yes, at least once or twice a week, he was her Dominant as well. She never knew such happiness could exist. Her life with Theo was so foreign to her now, and he had been right; she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

Married to Draco.

Living in Malfoy Manor.

Having little platinum blonde babies with riotous curls.

Carrying another Malfoy girl.

A smile crept over her mouth as it hit her. She looked at her father-in-law, finding her mind made up. It would serve him right. Tapping her glass to get everyone's attention, Hermione beamed as she looked them each in the eye and then at Lucius. "I've settled on a name."

Narcissa's eyebrows rose. "Finally! Tell us!" She implored with a radiating smile.

Draco looked at Hermione curiously, just the night before she had been nowhere near making a decision.

"I feel I was hasty before. After all, it really is such a sweet name, I shouldn't have been so dismissive of something her Grandfather felt so strongly about." She lifted her glass to Lucius. "Her name will be… Daffodil."

Draco simply shrugged. "Whatever you want, love," his focus on Soleil, his hands staying close to the toddler as she started to move away from him.

Narcissa seemed to take it in stride. "Well, it is a very pretty name. We'll plant a garden full of them," she added as Soleil crawled from Draco's lap to hers.

Lucius, on the other hand, was looking at Hermione in a whole new light. When she pointed at her chest and mouthed, "Gryffindor," his face turned a light pink. She gloated internally at her victory.

Lifting his glass, Lucius actually smiled at her for the first time; a big toothy grin, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "Ahh, let the games begin."

*** Mischief Managed***