Hey guys, I'm not dead! What a surprise.

I found a lot of issues writing this chapter and wanted it o be only the best, and so I decided to make the end one big long chapter.

It's 4,000 words on the dot. While that Is a coincidence, I'm pretty happy about it. (Now that I think of it, I'm gonna do some editing, so probably it'll be more than that, but the first draft is 4k

And yes, here is the end. End of days.

(Expect a new story out shortly, just gotta fine tune some stuff and boom, we good 2 go)

Annnnnnnd, without any further adieu, I provide to you, the final chapter.

Chapter 10


Bonnie sat in the warren's kitchen, eyes lost in space, thinking over her outing with Judy.

'It's wrong', she thought, Is that really all I said? Couldn't I have said anything better? She huffed, she had been thinking about this for awhile now. Now she ran off and I didn't even get a chance to talk to her more. I'd bet she ran off to her fox boyfriend, and told him all about 'how horrible I am' and 'I'm an awful person'. Bonnie stifled a laugh, Kits can be so dramatic, I only hope she gets a hold of herself before that fox really hurts her. Bonnie stood from her stool, frustrated. I'll go see what Stu thinks of this. And with that thought, Bonnie started for the back porch, where Stu spent most of his time relaxing after a hard day's work.

She found him there, resting his eyes, dirt on his overalls. Bonnie smiled, she loved her husband with all of her heart, from his emotional side to his hard working capabilities. He's a man's man. Bonnie thought, as she nudged him in the arm and sat at the edge of the lounge chair he had himself seated on. Stu opened his eyes and smiled.

"Well look who it his" He said softly.

"Hey hun, you got a sec?" Bonnie asked in a returned softness.

"'Course, darlin, what's the matter?"

"It's Judy, Stu, we were right"

Stu gave his wife a skeptical look, "Right about her and…" He trailed off.

"Mhmm" Bonnie confirmed. Stu got a look in his eye. A look of anger and disgust and fire. "Did you pack the pred's things?"

"I sent for some of the girls to take care of it"

"Did you grab my gun?"

"Stu!" Bonnie exclaimed in surprise, "We don't need to take such drastic measures, we just need to get that fox out of our home"

"And there's no better way of doing that than scaring his tail off. The gun's not loaded, hun, I haven't shot it in years."

"Just promise me it won't end up like last time." Bonnie pleaded.

"I promise, sweetie. Now, about that gun..."

Nick held Judy tightly in his arms. She shook softly as the memory slowly left. Nick ran his paw down her head, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Judy hadn't had an attack this bad for awhile, and that fact scared Nick. Luckily, he knew exactly how to handle it, she'd been having minor -and sometimes major- attacks for almost a year and a half.

"Nick?" Judy looked up at Nick, tears stained her fur and caught in her eyes.

"I'm here, I'm still here" Nick whispered, and kissed her on the forehead.

"Can we leave tomorrow?"

"We can leave whenever you'd like, Judy, I'll be right behind you." Nick smiled softly, and didn't stop holding her.

"I-I-" Judy started, but then stopped, and began crying again, digging her head into Nick's chest.

"Shhh," Nick soothed, "It's alright, I'm not going anywhere" Eventually Judy calmed, but she didn't let go.



"How did you find me here?"

"I already told you, Judy, I-"

"Nick." Judy looked up at Nick, violet met emerald, and Nick sighed.

"I followed you, I didn't trust that your mom just 'wanted to talk' to you" Nick said, "I'm sorry, I was just worried."

"It's okay, Nick, I don't trust her, either."

"So what do you want to do from here?" Nick asked.

"Can I spend the night at your apartment?"

"Fluff, you can spend the night wherever you want." Nick smiled, and Judy smiled back. "I'll call a cab"

The couple left silently through the night. Not a soul saw them leave.

But plenty smelled where they went.

Nick unlocked the door and carried Judy inside. She had fallen asleep clutched against his side during the cab ride to Nick's temporary apartment. He laid Judy down on his bed, and draped a cover over her. She snuggled down and huffed, finally a look of peace on her face as she slept dreamlessly. Nick smiled at her. Her ears flopped around every once in awhile, and her nose would twitch once in a blue moon. "I love you" he whispered, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Her phone rang, and Nick jumped. The loud noise startled him, and he raced to quell the intruding noise as quickly as possible. Muting the noise, he glanced at the caller I.D. Nick wished he could send daggers through the phone and into the person calling on the other side. The phone read

Call From: King Hopps

Usually the cute nickname Judy had given her father's contact would've brought a smile to the tod's muzzle, but after their hasty retreat from the burrow, not this time. He red buttoned it, and set it down on the coffee table. Nick stripped off his shirt and began unbuckling his belt when the phone rang again. Nick rushed to mute it, again. If I don't answer they'll keep calling, then they'll come looking for my Judy, and we can't have that happen, now can we?

Nick begrudgingly picked up the phone, and hit the green button. Luckily for him, it wasn't a muzzletime, if it had been, Nick wouldn't have been able to make it through the call without constantly scowling and probably throwing up.

"Judy, oh my gods! I was so worried!" Stu's voice yelled through the speaker, "Where are you? I'll send one of your brothers to come pick you up, and you just tell him if that fox is hurting you, we'll put an end to it real quick like, I have the gun."

Nick simply cleared his throat. Stu's voice froze. The recipient of his call obviously wasn't Judy, or female.

"May I ask who this is?" Stu said, a slow, determined, spiteful coldness to his voice.

"Nicholas Wilde." Nick stated in his 'no-nonsense business' voice.

"Listen here, fox if-"

"No no, you listen, Stewart" Nick cut Stu off "There's what I want to say, and then there's what needs to be said. If we sat here and I said everything I wanted to say, we'd be in this call for days on end, so I'll make it short and sweet. We're going home. Not just me, we. You people have done quite enough, we've all had our share of both emotional and psychological-" Nick stopped, he had been steadily raising his voice as he spoke. He took a deep breath, and continued. "We've had enough. Me and Judy are going to our home in Zootopia. She'll do her police work and I'll tend to our garden at the communal gardening area, living in peace with the hefty compensation fund the ZPD gave us, and we'll all forget that this ever happened. You have a lovely home, Mr. Hopps. Good-bye"

"No, that's not how this wor-"

And Nick hung up. He tossed his pants by his duffel bag, and crawled into bed next to Judy. He scooted towards her, and pulled her sleeping frame up to his chest, her head nestled beneath his. He wrapped his arms around her waist and his tail around her legs. Nick found sleep easily, snuggled next to the person he loved most in the world.

Two and a half hours later, there was a knock at the door. Then a louder one. Then a knock turned into an almost constant pounding. Nick woke up to the sounds of yelling and pounding on the door. Judy did not stir, her breathing set steady, and Nick rushed to open the door before Judy did wake up. That was pretty unlikely, however. Judy was more exhausted than she had been in a long time. Nothing short of the world ending was going to wake her up until she was good and ready. Nick approached the cheap fake wood door, and cursed the lack of peephole in it. Opening the door -disregarding the chain lock and just opting to open it all the way- revealed a very angry looking Sewart Hopps. Stu brandished a shotgun. Behind him were eight of Stu's oldest sons. It wouldn't have mattered if there were three or eighty-six, the only thing that registered in Nick's mind was the gun that Stu held in his hands. Nick's instinct kicked in, and a thousand thoughts ran in a second.

He has a gun

What is gonna do, shoot me?

Yes, he hates you.

It's a public place, he'd never get away with it.

His daughter is behind you, he wouldn't shoot you in front of his daughter

Then he'll drag you away and do it.

You won't let that happen, the gun is just to intimidate you.

I really hope you're right

Nick put up his mask of indifference, pretending he didn't care that Stu was waving around his shotgun like it was a new toy. It was obviously not new, however, and it looked liked that if Nick was shot with it, he wouldn't be the first.

Stu had a grin of almost pure malice on his face, and attempted to push his way past the fox.

'The fox,' however, wasn't letting that happen, and instead stiffened up, acting as an unmoving, unfeeling brick wall.

"Did you need something, Mr. Hopps?" Nick asked, you could practically see the sarcasm in his voice. Stu cast a glare at the fox, and tried his best to look menacing. Nick, however, was much better at giving the facade of menace to his victims, and when Stu tried to stare him down, he lost the battle as soon as it had started. "You aren't getting inside my house, Mr. Hopps." Nick talked to Stu as if he were just a kit, and this only worked to infuriate the Bunny further. Stu's eye twitched, and he looked up at the fox. Then he smiled, and cocked back the pump on his shotgun, and aimed it square at the chest. Nick may have not been an officer anymore, but he still had his training. And Nick's training had taught him how to listen for ammo, so to speak. Nick could hear the shifting of shells inside the weapon, he could smell the gunpowder and see the stick of destruction pointed at his chest. He decided that that was a very loaded weapon indeed. Nick's heart rate sped up, and he did his best to remain still.

"Nick, sweetie, who's at the door?" Called a very tired Judy, who had now awoke and sat up in bed.

"It's no one, honey, go ba-"

"Judith, it's Bret, we're here, you're safe, don't worry!" Called Judy's brother -presumably named Bret.-

"What? Nick what's going on?"

"Judy, there's nothing to worry about" Nick had a frantic tone in his voice, he turned over to Judy, and put his paw out "Just stay there, okay sweetie? I got this, everything's okay." While Nick wasn't looking, Stu decided that it would be a good time to push through, and shoved Nick out of the way. Being a working man, Stu was much stronger than he looked -as was not only most of the Hopps', but generally most bunnies as well.-

Judy looked on in horror as her dad shoved her mate to the ground, and stormed into her room wielding a shotgun. She began to yell at her dad, but it was quickly drowned out as the eight brothers trailing her dad rushed in with him. Yelling and screaming ensued, it sounded like a bar fight. Nick got up only to be pushed back down. Two of her brothers approached Judy, saying how 'everything's alright' and 'we're here now, no one's gonna hurt you.' But their words were also drowned out in the small chaos of shouts. Five of Judy's brothers began to kick her fox, and that's when everything got out of control -more so than it already was.-

Judy leapt up, she still had her clothes on, as Nick didn't want to wake her by undressing her before bed, and she reached for her weapon. No one knew she carried it with her, not even Nick, but lo and behold, there she stood, on top of the bed she once laid in, holding a small millimeter firearm, trained on her family no less. The yelling only got louder as more attention was brought towards Judy. Nick's attackers continued without mercy, yelling continued and didn't stop until Judy closed her eyes, lifted her gun, and fired three shots into the ceiling. It was only a two story apartment building, so no one was a bove her when she fired. The room grew silent. Nick quickly, albeit painfully, stood back up. All eyes were on Judy, patrons of the apartments scurried down the stairs and out of the building, the police were surely on their way, and would be there in a matter of minutes. The fur below Judy's eyes were stained with tears, her hands shaky. She dropped the gun, and dropped to her knees. Nick went to comfort her but at least six pairs of grey and beige hands stopped him. He could only look on in sheer helplessness as his mate, his Judy, the one who had loved him unconditionally at all times, through hells and high water, cried there on his bed. And her brothers tried in vein to calm her, mostly because it had been them in the first place that had inflicted such pain to her. The parking lot outside flashed blue and red, and Nick could hear sets of booted paws march up the stairs.

"Burrow Sheriff's Department!" Called an unknown voice, "Address yourselves!"

"We're in here" came a meek voice from one of the occupants of the now deathly silent room.

"Come out with your hands in the air!" Commanded the same voice. Slowly but surely, all occupants dropped whatever impromptu weapon they had been wielding and left the room. Most held Nick where he was, marching him out of the room, and the rest helped Judy, no matter how much she told them 'no,' the were determined to help, cause hey, determination runs in the Hopps family, right?

Chapter 11

Boys in Blue

Unsurprisingly, most of the Burrow's police force were bunnies, hares and rabbits. Lagomorphs, to be broad. The second unsurprising factor, most held a common distrust for their natural enemy, a disgust towards interspecies relationships, and an unspoken bias for the well known Hopps family.

Unsurprising facto number three, Nick spent the night in a cell. No matter how much he insisted that he and Judy led a healthy, consensual relationship with Judy.

"Why is she crying then?"

"Look man, I already told you, her family came and started messing with everything!"

"They wouldn't have had to come if she wasn't in danger"

"Is that what they told you? She's in danger with me? Look man, I was an officer back in Zootopia, it's all a misunderstanding!"

"We don't believe your cons, fox"

"Just take three seconds and Zoogle it! Nicholas P. Wilde, there's bound to be plenty of articles, one way or another"

"Why bother, you're just like the rest, we'll talk to you in the morning."

"What?! Hey! You can't do this! You have no right, I'm not in the wrong here!" Nick's voice echoed down the hall as they dragged him through the corridor towards his cell.

So Nick sat on his cot. Alone. They didn't even give him clothes, said they didn't have any jumpsuits in his size. So he sat alone. On an itchy cot. In his underwear. He didn't just sit. He paced, and did pushups, and paced faster. Anything to keep him busy. He just hoped that Judy was okay, wherever she may be. He walked back and forth, his paws ached, the small light attached to the back wall buzzed without end, casting a sickly blue glow on his room and his body. Across from his cell slept a clearly drunk doe, and to his left he could hear the snores of a much larger prey animal. Nick's head spun. Thoughts of everything ran through his mind, ranging from 'I'm going to die in here' to 'Someone will walk down that hallway any second and tell me my bail has been met. Any second now…' He paced some more, and eventually he sat down, back leaned against the metal box they called a toilet. He swayed back and forth a little bit. Then he swiftly turned around and gave up his lunch into the wretched box. After depositing the contents of his vastly empty stomach into the putrid smelling dish, he lay down on his back, and closed his eyes. The image of the most beautiful amethyst eyes were the only thing that helped him to bed.

The clock above the station's doorway read somewhere around six in the morning, and the doe receptionist sighed. The mornings were usually a bore until her favorite hare showed up. She'd always wait for him. They had a routine. He'd come in ten minutes early, they'd flirt a little, they'd decide where they wanted to eat out after work, and then he'd retreat to the briefing room. It was unarguably the best part of her day. Until her favorite hare didn't show up. As a matter of fact, almost no one did. A few. The janitor, some of the newbies, and a lieutenant, but that was all. The doe receptionist decided to see what the fuss was about, and got up from her swivel chair, and walked outside. In the station's parking lot sat a lot of large, black and white striped police SUVs, bigger, faster and newer than the cars the deputies drove.

Standing in the hot sun, stood a massive cape buffalo, accompanied by a large wolf and a very small rabbit doe. The buffalo and the Burrow's Sheriff where in a heated argument, that of which the Buffalo appeared to be winning. A large crowd of deputies and other staff watched in awe as the large prey tore a verbal and legal hole straight through the Sheriff's sternum, leaving him speechless and scared as the small ensemble brushed past him and approached the station and an alarming speed. They brushed past the receptionist without so much as a glance, and stormed right into the building. The receptionist's favorite hare -and maybe the only non speciest bunny around here- came up to her.

"What was that all about, Jim?" She asked

"Looks like the Sheriff's Department finally fucked up, and arrested some veteran blue on false pretenses."

"Who are those people?"

"That was Zootopia's Chief of Police, Irdis Bogo."

"Holy shit" She mumbled, "Who did we arrest to warner such a response?"

"I'm not sure, hun, but they didn't seem really happy about it…"

"No they did not" The receptionist stated matter o' factly.

Nick lay asleep on the cold floor. He heard the slow pounding of feet walking down the pass. Some larger animal,much larger than he had heard in awhile.

"Do we know which cell he's in?" Asked a voice that was so familiar to Nick, it almost pained him. It can't be, I must be going crazy he thought.

"No, I just know what I was told, and I was told he's down here somewhere" Came another voice that Nick did recognize. One that he was insurmountably happy to hear.

"J-Judy?" Nick called

"Nick? Where are you?"

"I'm down here, follow my voice" Nick's words were soon followed by a rapid pitter-patter of feet, and Judy zipped by his cell, racing down the hallway. Despite the situation he found himself in, he found a small laugh. "Err, Carrots, you missed me." This was immediately followed by the halting of said pitter-patter, and the noise coming closer again, until it stopped in front of his cell. She gasped.

"Nick!" She stuck her hands through the bars and Nick grabbed a hold of them.

"In the flesh" He smirked. Judy rolled her eyes, and their moment was interrupted a huff from a much larger animal. Judy jumped a bit, and stood back.

"I may have called the 'Boys in Blue' after what happened. Bogo wasn't happy to get a call at three in the morning, but once I explained everything, he came down as soon as he could." As soon as Bogo stepped in Nick's sight, he stood a little straighter, and resisted the urge to salute his previous suppierior. Bogo rolled his eyes at the 'Boys in Blue' comment. As much as he loved the nickname, he'd always pretend to hold disdain for it.

"Here to save my sorry ass yet again, eh Chief? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've gained some weight, chief." Nick said, quickly falling back into his old habits. Bogo rolled his eyes again.

"I could leave you in that cell if I pleased, Wilde. I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for Hopps, at least she respects me." All parties knew the comment wasn't true, it was just too nice to reminisce about old times with each other.

"Aww Chief," Nick cooed, "And here I thought you guys back at the Precinct missed me!"

"Yeah, but we don't miss yo smell though!" Called Wolford from where he stood out of sight. Nick's eyes widened, the quip was old, but Nick had no idea that Wolford had even come, so the outburst from out of sight left the Fox laughing harder than usual. It was just good to forget all the negativity of the past week and feel at home again, even though he sat in a cold cell in an unknown place in his boxers.

"I missed you too, Wolfy." Called Nick. "So uhh, you guys gonna leave me in here or?" Bogo mumbled something along the lines of 'I wish you could stay in a box forever.' and a previously unspeaking,unemotional rabbit guard that had accompanied the posse unlocked Nick's cell door, and it slid open with a rusty creak. Nick knelt down, and embraced Judy in a fluffy, emotional hug. "I missed you most, Fluff" Nick spoke softly into Judy's ear. Nick stood, brushed himself off, and looked down at his half naked body, looked up, and addressed the crowd. "Take some pictures, folks, you'll want to study, if you ever dream of achieving looks this good.

The car ride to Zootopia was anything but silent, music played, friends jeered and cheered and had a lot of fun at each others' expense. Just like old times.


After receiving a call from a very distressed bunny officer at three twenty-nine A.M, Chief of Police Irdis Bogo took one of his best officers, Detective Cecil Wolford, to Bunny Burrow on a sort of rescue mission. Nicholas P. Wilde had been falsely accused of many crimes ranging from assault to kidnapping. Of course, none of these accusations held any ground. All charges were dropped on a deal. The Sheriff's Department wouldn't hold any charges against Judith L. Hopps for unlawful discharge of a deadly firearm if she agreed not to 'sue the shit out of the Department' -as Wolford so kindly put it.-

Nick refused to press charges against Stu and his eight sons that came to harass him in the night, and bot Nick and Judy agreed not to visit the Burrows for a long, long time. After a night's rest in peace, we join our duo on their second night home in Zootopia.

Nick made the bed, eager to get an early rise for the morning, as he expected his blueberry plant to be "Juuuust right" for picking. Judy had the day off in the morning as well, as she was on paid leave from work for the week, just to drop the stress and trauma of the visit. Nick sprawled the comforter over their bed, and just as he was about to jump into his bed, he heard the noise he had so wanted to hear for the past two weeks. He heard the noise of their bedroom door locking. It was much less of a precaution and more of an announcement on what was next to come. Nick looked up. Judy stood across the room, eyes wide, seductive grin on full display, she was already half undressed, and began sauntering towards Nick. Nick began to undress as well, meandering towards Judy When they met with a kiss in the middle, Judy simply whispered to Nick

"I've been waiting for this all week, Slick"

It's 1 A.M, I have school tomorrow and my computer's about to die,

I only had the chance to edit half the story, be cautious of speeling errors.

Also, yeah, the end. End of story,

Thanks for your time, you guys, it really means a lot to me that so many people would take a look -and actually enjoy- my art.

I love you all,

Colorado Mountains