Hi guys! I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter series, and Jily is literally my OTP of all time. This is my first fanfiction so make sure to leave a review if there's anything you'd like to share. Thank you and I promise it gets better as the chapter goes by so keep reading!

You've Changed


When Lily realizes her fellow Head was her greatest rival during her first years at Hogwarts, she also comes to notice something else, something she'd thought she would never have lived to see- James Potter has changed. No longer the arrogant prat James gradually matured from, Lily is alarmed at the fact that she is beginning to take an unusual liking to this change. What now?


Just to let you know, I do not own Harry Potter or any characters, etc.. All I came up with was the plot… unfortunately. Anyway, hope you enjoy a lot!

Chapter 1: The Surprising News

Her hands shaking, Lily slowly opened the letter the shady grey owl delivered. Careful not to tear the Hogwarts seal, she pulled out the crisp letter enclosed.

Dear Ms. Evans,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen as the Head Girl…

Lily squealed with delight as she tore down the stairs, conditioned red hair bouncing in rhythm, "Mum! Dad!" The Evans couple stood up from the sofa as their younger daughter squeezed the air out of them both.

"Lily honey, what's going on?!" her mother gasped for air.

"IgottheheadgirlletterfromHogwarts!" she screeched as if her life depended on it.

"What'd you say darling?" her father asked, straining to understand.

Lily sat down slowly exhaling, preparing to repeat the exuberant news, "I got the Head Girl letter from Hogwarts!"

Her parents glanced at eachother, faces glowing with pride as they hugged the air out of her again.

"Oh Lily! We're soooo proud of you! Getting Head Girl! That's our daughter!" they cooed, congratulating her with kisses and even more hugs, leaving her breathless.

"Let's tell Petunia! And we can celebrate this honor with any dinner you choose," her father suggested warmly. "PET-" he started to call before his mouth was clamped over by a small but firm hand.

"NO! Dad we all know it's no use telling Petunia about this," Lily insisted.

"She's right, honey. We don't want any more fights between them right now," her mother stated calmly, looking worriedly at her husband.

"Alright, but who wants some cake?!" he shouted out of the blue.

They all giggled at his humourous shout out and ran to the kitchen to make some cake from scratch.

He tried breaking the news to his parents, but obviously they were too busy with stupid Auror business. He knew they would be so proud of him, but their jobs got in the way. James honestly thought Remus would get Head Boy. Being confused, but also excited, James decided to write Remus a letter to break the news to him.


Hey mate, I honestly thought you were gonna make it for the Head Boy deal. I dunno why mate, but I somehow got the letter instead. Hopefully there are no hard feelings. See ya later maybe.


Not even an hour later, a reply came from Remus's speckled hazel owl.


Obviously no hard feelings mate! I'm actually offended that you think I would be mad for YOU getting Head Boy. Yes, I was a bit surprised that you were chosen, but Dumbledore mentioned it would be quite a hassle for me because of my… you know, condition. I'm really happy for you! I think we all know who Head Girl will be. You should write to Padfoot and Wormtail. They would be really surprised. Hopefully Padfoot won't take things the wrong way, with you and Lily sharing dormitories and all.


James was so grateful he had friends like Remus. Wiping off the sweat on his forehead, he realized he was holding his breath until he got to the very end. He wanted to write back to Remus, but couldn't think of anything to elaborate on, so he just wrote a quick, Thanks mate, I really appreciate it. He decided against writing to Sirius and Peter to keep it a surprise. He smirked, imagining their expressions when he tells them. James hadn't thought about Head Girl until Moony mentioned it, and his face brightened at the thought of sharing a dormitory with Lily. Unfortunately, he wouldn't get the opportunity to share a room with her, but he should savor what he had. It was his last year at Hogwarts, and he was going to make it worth it.

Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

Her, Lily Evans, was Head Girl! She just couldn't get it in her mind. Her fingers continuously traced the edges of her Head Girl pin in her coat pocket. She was shopping in Diagon Alley with two of her best friends- Marlene McKinnon and Alice "Longbottom" they call her, since she's currently dating Frank Longbottom. They already purchased a couple sets of new robes each, and some extra Gryffindor attire. Walking to Flourish and Blotts, the three of them passed the one boy they never wanted to see in their whole lives, along with his "posse", consisting of Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

Lily pretended not to notice as James threw her a wink, and she gave him a disgusted look, but blushed furiously and looked down to cover it up. She couldn't blame herself, boys never wink at her, except for James, but he had a major crush on her so… that didn't count. Anyway, she hated him.

"Hey, Sirius!" Marlene slurred, doing the rapid blinky thing flirting girls usually do.

"Sup, McKinnon," he replied, bored.

Marlene looked down like Lily, and the three girls continued walking, until another voice called out, "Lily! How's your summer been?"

She gazed up at Remus, who was genuinely smiling at her, expecting an answer. Lily glanced at Potter, who had lifted one eyebrow, had his arms crossed, and was staring contently at the two. A plan quickly formed in her mind. Lily subtly glanced back to Alice and Marlene, whispering two quick sentences to them and turned back around as if nothing happened. She then smirked a smirk that would have made any Slytherin proud.

Lily threw her arms around Remus's neck and leaped up, causing a situation where he had to catch her, or they both would have fell. Knowing the kind heart Remus has, he automatically grasps Lily so they don't topple over. She gives him a quick peck on the cheek, but long enough for James to know what happened. Alice hesitantly pulled out her wand and muttered a curse towards James to express his emotions without control, and Marlene stood casually in front, blocking any cheesy movements from Alice.

Lily then let go of the shocked and frozen Remus and replied loudly, "It was fine. Thanks for asking, Remus. I knew you were the only one who truly cared." She pivoted on her left foot and swished her wavy red hair with her hand. This action, of course, was definitely unlike Lily Evans, however, the charm Alice had casted required her to act unusually dramatic. "Let's go girls!"

The three of them giggled and opened the door to Flourish and Blotts to walk inside, but not before Lily turned back to see James's expression. She knew it was gonna be good, but for the first time in probably her whole life- she was wrong. His reaction was not expected.

Lily saw Remus on the concrete floor with a trickle of blood from a bruised nose bridge, and James's eyes glinting fiercely. She let out a yelp and ran to Remus, Alice and Marlene close behind. Recalling what she remembered from Charms class she quickly cast a healing spell. Thankfully the injury wasn't major. Marlene ran to help Sirius hold James back from throwing another punch, while Alice stood there gaping at the unexpected scene, rubbing her face as though indicating James's reaction wasn't supposed to be this major.

Peter stumbled forward to help Remus up and take him home. Everyone stood there silently staring at James. He had tears welling up in his eyes as he looked from his monstrous hands to the floor where a few speckles of Remus's injury remain. He then stared into Lily's eyes with hurt and disappointment as he searched for a reason for why she did this to him. He'd figured they had cursed him with one of the over-emotional charms from fifth year. When he gave up, his face went blank and not one single expression could be read.

Alice spoke lowly under her breath directed at Lily, "You know he really cares that much for you to do that to one of his best friends. I never saw how immature and selfish you could be. I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable with hanging around someone who is capable of creating such damage," she stared down to the floor, eyes watering, "Goodbye, Lily." Alice finished and rushed out of the scene and Lily felt horrid inside. She always knew Alice was becoming more distant by the day when Frank entered her life but never expected them to break apart; Marlene, however, wasn't expected to give up their friendship like this either. Sirius gently shoved a dramatically sobbing Marlene off his arm and she bored her distressed look into Lily while slowly shaking her head, and fled after Alice. Sirius was left to awkwardly waddle away from the apparent tension in his view, not wanting to interact with his best friend or Lily at this point.

James stood there gazing straight in front of him at nothing in particular, then silently walked away, leaving Lily feeling more alone in the world than she had ever felt before.

Well that was that! The intro is now set and the next updates will have some interesting scenes in them so make sure to come back and check on it. Until next weekend!