A/N: Here you go, the final installment of this particular story. I hope you all have enjoyed this as much as I have, and I'm sad to be parting with this 'verse. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. Please leave a review if you feel so inclined, as they are most wonderful to read.

Three Months Later

Emma flopped down onto the hotel bed, not caring in the slightest that she was wrinkling her dress and messing up her hair. She felt grumpy and irritable, very much not wanting to be there, but Killian had practically begged her, so she had relented. But now she was stuck there in that fancy hotel, in her fancy dress, waiting while Killian primped and preened in front of the bathroom mirror until he was appropriately fancy. And it was all for something that was going to change her life, and not exactly in a way she wanted. She huffed loudly, her impatience and annoyance unable to stay contained within her.

"Swan, are you alright?" Killian's voice floated out from the bathroom.

"Fine," she sighed, trying to hide the discontent in her voice.

"Love," he said, his head appearing around the corner, followed soon after by the rest of his body, "I know when you're upset. Please tell me what's on your mind?"

"I said nothing, Killian," Emma snapped, and she new that only gave her away further.

"Emma, don't shut me out," he said, stepping out of the bathroom and walking over to the bed, sitting down next to her and rubbing his hand along her thigh soothingly.

She didn't answer, but Killian continued to gaze at her as though she were precious, like he wanted desperately to know her thoughts.

"Is it – are you worried about meeting Liam?" he asked, hesitant.

"No, I mean, a little, he's your brother and you look up to him, but not really," Emma began, and she kept her eyes locked on the ceiling as she spoke. "But there's not much pressure when you know it's not long term, so it doesn't really matter what he thinks of me. I just… I don't know why you want me to come to this thing. I mean I know we've only been dating for a couple months, but you didn't have to bring me all the way here just to break up with me."

"You think I –"

"Don't get me wrong, I understand it all, you have an amazing opportunity, and I don't expect you to give it up for me, it's just that this is a lot Killian, a lot of effort just to say that we're over, you could have done this on your own," Emma babbled, unable to stop talking now that she had started.

"Emma, love, slow down," Killian said, his hand moving to brush away a tear that had slipped out from her eyes. "What do you mean breaking up?"

"Well it's obvious, isn't it?" she replied, turning her head to look at him. "You're going to get drafted tonight to play in the NBA, and no matter which team you go to, I won't be able to go with you. I still have to finish medical school, I can't just pick up and leave now, I mean, I'm not just going to be some trophy wife or something, I want to actually have my own career and goals and life."

"You think I would stop you from doing any of that?" Killian asked, looking almost hurt.

"No, I don't, I think you want me to have those things too," Emma answered, smiling slightly. She knew Killian only wanted her to have everything she ever dreamed of. "I know you would never ask me to drop everything and follow you, but those are the two choices aren't they? Either we go our separate ways, or I follow you wherever you go."

"Emma, it doesn't have to be like that," he insisted, taking her hand and pressing it to his lips. "We can figure it out. Who knows, I may not be that far away, I could be in New York or Washington, or Charlotte. We would have time together, whenever I'm not traveling, we can work it out."

"Killian…" she said, her voice betraying her skepticism.

"No Emma, listen to me, we can make it work," he pleaded, close to tears. "We have to try, Swan, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I need you. I can't give you up."

"Killian, what happens if you get traded? You won't always have control over where you play, and I can't just pick up and move every year…" she argued.

"Two years, Emma, just give me two years. After that, I will follow you to the ends of the Earth," he said, squeezing her hands tightly. "I don't want to be in the NBA forever, I want to do more with my life, things that really matter. But I just want to know if I can do this."

"Two years?" She considered his words carefully.

"At most. If I get hurt, or if I get sent down, or if it doesn't work out for any reason, I'll stop, I swear it, Emma," Killian said, his blue eyes fixed on hers. "You mean more to me than basketball ever could."

"You mean a lot to me too, Killian," Emma answered, snuggling closer to him.

"So we're in agreement then?" he asked, his eyes searching hers.

"Yeah, we are," she smiled, and Killian pressed his lips to her forehead and pulling her tight against him.

"Come on then love, it's time to go meet Liam," he said, standing and tugging her up with him, though he pulled her right into a hug, as though he couldn't bear for her to be even an inch away from him.

They finally made their way out of the hotel room, and down to the lobby, where Emma immediately picked out Liam. There was no way this man could be anything but Killian's brother, they looked too similar. Of course, Liam's hair was lighter and curlier than Killian's, his eyes were a little more grey, but still vibrant. Otherwise, they looked so alike, Emma had spotted him in an instant. Killian practically ran to embrace his brother – Emma knew it had been over a year since they had last seen each other in person.

"You must be Emma," Liam said, holding out a hand to her. His voice was slightly deeper, almost imperceptibly so.

"It's great to meet you," Emma replied, shaking his hand with a smile. "Killian talks about you all the time."

"Nothing embarrassing I hope?" Liam raised an eyebrow in an expression that was very familiar from her time with Killian.

"Oh no, there were plenty of childhood stories, and maybe even a picture or two," Emma quipped, and Liam shook his head at his brother, who was anxiously scratching behind his ear.

"Well I suppose I'll just have to repay the favor," Liam answered, a wicked grin on his face.

"Oh look, I think our car is here," Killian said, his cheeks turning pink as he waved in the direction of the door, where a sleek black town car was idling, a driver standing outside, leaning on the door while he smoked a cigarette.

Killian placed his hand at the small of Emma's back as they walked toward the car, and that little touch was all she needed to reassure her as they left that things would be okay. He kept these small gestures going throughout the night – a hand on her knee, opening the door, offering his hand to guide her on the stairs. None of it was necessary, both of them knew, but the actions were appreciated all the same, making Emma feel more secure in their relationship. She shied away from the cameras somewhat, always wary of being in the public eye, but the way Killian's face lit up when he looked at her made her forget anyone else was even there more often than not.

They took their seats, with Killian between Emma and Liam, and the waiting game began. There was so much unnecessary ceremony and trivia, and Emma began to grow impatient and anxious for everything to start. Her anxiety only grew as the first few picks were announced, and players from other teams made their way across the stage. And then…

The commissioner walked out onto the stage once more, as the clock on the big screen ticked down. They still had two and half minutes to make the next pick, but it looks as though it had been locked in early. A hush fell over the crowd as they waited for the commissioner to speak.

"With the fifth pick in the NBA Draft," he announced, voice booming through the arena, "the Charlotte Hornets select Killian Jones, of Leicester, England and Duke University!"

The crowd erupted with noise, and Killian's face split into a smile wider than Emma had seen before. He immediately reached for her, pulling her into a tight hug and burying his face in her neck for just a moment, before he released her. He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips and then reached for Liam, who hugged him and thumped him sharply on the back. As Killian turned to walk toward the stage, a hat was thrust into his hands, and he placed it carefully on his head, the teal and purple bringing out the blue of his eyes. He flashed one more smile back at Emma and Killian before he walked across the stage, shaking hands with the commissioner and posing to have his picture taken.

It was a while before he made his way back to them, having been stopped for photo ops and interviews along the way. When he finally sat back down, he couldn't seem to keep his hands off Emma, either holding hers or resting his hand on her knee, or wrapping his arm around her shoulder to pull her closer. After a few moments, he leaned in closer to her, his nose tickling her cheek as he whispered in her ear.

"I love you," he said, and Emma smiled as her heart warmed.

"I love you too, Killian."